clearly causing DEATH; Let our tribunals examine their actions & decide if they caused harms & we punish harshly if declared; (please add to my list with suggested names for consideration)
I believe a strong case can be made that President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Biden Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh belong on the list for too many reasons to enumerate but primarily for the covid jab employer mandate announced by Biden in the linked video.
It's replete with known lies in an attempt to justify coerced covid "vaccination" to avoid losing one's job and financial security -- an outright threat to the same middle class which Biden and Harris pretend to care about.
Yes, Biden et al should be tried and hanged for mandating the vaccine to US government employees and the military.
Mandated injections are always a crime against humanity. There are no exceptions whatsoever. All medical treatment must be made 100% voluntary with no coercion of any sort. I thought the world learned this in WWII, but apparently not.
I've asked this before: exactly **WHO** is going to be manning these military tribunals?
Will it be the same filthy crooked, corrupt judges and/or 'officials' that have brought us here?
If so, then we're back at square one. They'll release the likes of Fauci, Obama, Biden, Clinton, etc. and incarcerate John Q. Public for merely *speaking* against the narrative.
ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING: Where on this "Horsemen" list is the Federal Reserve and their top executives? Who else do you think FUNDED this entire criminal operation? In fact, given that this was a *global* operation, EVERY Central Bank - the entire Central Bank Cabal - has to be on the list. The "pandemic" and everything else was a CABAL operation, not just any single country.
People need to get caught up with reality. The Number One beneficiary of the "pandemic" was the Cabal and its members. Too-Big-To-Fail banks and their executives harvested $$TRILLIONS thanks to this crime - the largest financial crime in world history. Get with it, people!!
I agree about the Federal Reserve, but the most urgent business is for as many people as possible to publicly demand the hanging of everyone who mandated the mRNA injections which killed millions.
Our power lies in making this demand for justice publicly. It is more effective than any law can be. The power lies in its ability to startle and get attention. Once the people on top start to get nervous, the injections will stop. That's step one.
Step two is actually trying and hanging the worst of them, like Pfauci. I believe there are still enough judges and military men with integrity to get it done.
Step three is a Constitutional ban on any mandated medical treatments.
I agree that the hanging of those that mandated *death by jabs* MUST happen. But the "pandemic" and all that followed (masks, social distancing, lockdowns, business closures, and jabs) is merely a small part of the bigger picture - it's an effect, not the cause.
The 'bigger picture' are the psycho-monsters of the system that made it all possible - the Central Bank fiat debt system. That is the ROOT of the problem, without which we never would have had a "pandemic", jabs, and all else. Eliminate the *roots* and the tree dies.
One thing we can do is to simply start using silver _by weight_ with each other. Weight, not "dollars" so that the dollar cannot be redefined to cause inflation.
Silver and not gold because silver is far more abundant and practical for everyday purchases. Silver was literally money for millennia. Argent in French, airgead in Irish, a British pound was literally a pound of silver, and a peso was a weight of silver.
So we all have the ability to simply disobey the central banks, and that would be a good start toward eliminating them.
I agree but here's the rub. The psycho-criminals in charge would most likely OUTLAW the use of gold/silver, punishable by hefty fines and prison, AND/OR they could confiscate all precious metals (Platinum included). Hey, they did it in 1934 today, with technology, it would be much easier.
I maintain that the solution is to get rid of the psychos that are causing the harm, not to try to get around them.
We can 'try', but my point is that it's VERY easy for them to shut down that path.
As for Congress, it's not "pretty much", it's TOTAL, COMPLETE ownership of Congress. Those that aren't bought and paid for (I don't know any - do you?), are completely ineffective since they'll lose every important vote, and they can scream 'til they're blue in the face without effect.
How to get rid of the Fed? It's actually very easy. All it takes is to begin at the top - with the POTUS - and throw them out of the country by Executive Order backed by the military.
The Fed is a PRIVATE enterprise and, as such, can be kicked out. They are NOT government and are not essential. Quite the opposite - the Fed is the largest drain, curse, and enemy of these United States.
The problem is that there is no will and no courage (including Trump!). No President - NOT ONE - has even tried to shut down the US Central Bank (today The Fed) since Andrew Jackson did it in 1835 (almost 200 years ago).
Yes, Dr Paul very good list. Can we seek redress with tribunal regarding fraud spoken and written words this is "safe and effective", abuse of "the emergency use" monoclonal antibodies dangerous use to continue harming and killing more people, can't use single molecule. Lie to us; to use about cancer treatment not effective with no short or longer safety. The fraud of print and words "safe and effective", if it was true no one would have died. To make an informed consent to receive any medical treatment one needs to know safety data sheet what body systems are impacted to what degree, also what are the ingredients. Some people may not be able to receive without many side effects that are greater than any benefit. Having flashing light so if not logical, indicate where at will correct. These issues are major contributing factors that led to people death. The corporations that made these deadly drugs all should be stripped of money and property adjuvated by law. Note stalking people and emotional distress having loved ones murdered without anyone to stop it. Hospitals over medicated children and adults then put them on vent and gave more drugs like morphine and crashed cardiac arrest to respiratory failure. People with no food or water for weeks at a time even begging for it. The last push to kill right in front of them not allowed into the room to stop it. Torture of loved ones. The division of families regarding vaxed vs non vaxed. Many people isolated alone even children ended up in severe depression and suicide. All propaganda to further dictate through the fear and manipulation of the unknown. I never want to step foot in a hospital ever again. This was before covid time saw a patient be murdered overloaded with morphine to kill and over vented top it all off gave the patient medication allergic to airway shut down. The woman was gone less than 5 minutes. Her son had my personal belongings and asked him for it. Please open my bag my id is in there and will confirm who I am. Who ever was put into that bed was killed quickly. I was grateful have been moved to a different bed, or that could of been myself.
hi Janet, everything you stated here is on point. its an excellent guide. We need to finish the election and see if we can get these but I think we can. I think we can. COVID has done tremendous damage and it is why we are here. today. we must not forget that.
he supported the lockdowns and vaccine and it killed...even if he changed as he follows the money, he has to explain under oath what he know that the truckers did not...given we know the truckers and simple folk knew the truth while he lied. and shilled.
I think most today are controlled op and grifters. they have turned to money....they have made money off pain...and do it shrewdly. have been on both sides and some on three sides. some for the shots, then against when that for money dried up and they were part of the deaths, and now oddly for it again...its quite remarkable but we will not let them off free...they will need to stand trials...many are in this list. for a reason. the entire COVID was an Op
Yes entirely staged and the devastating harm from the jabs was obvious in the orginal trial data. Naomi Wolf did a good interview with del Bigtree on the Highwire which I watched last night. I have ordered her book the Pfizer Papers.
I have 3 very important names to add to that list, the 3 women below are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Australians, (1) Dr Jeannette Young Queenslands health minister she went out of her way to ban ivermectin during the Covid 19 pandemic threatening to put doctors in prison if they prescribed it to anyone, a truly evil woman, (2) Yvette D’Arh Queensland health minister who too over Dr Jeannette Young after she stepped down because of death threats, (3) Anastasia Palaszczuk Queensland premier, locked down her state border with police for over a year not allowing family members to visit and say their goodbyes to their loved ones,
The Biden Regime Has Just Issued a Very Suspicious Directive Permitting Military Intervention in US Domestic Affairs
The Department of Homeland Security has flagged individuals questioning COVID-19 origins, vaccine efficacy, and election integrity as potential domestic terrorism threats. Is a coup being set in place?
I think plenty of people are aware, and ever fewer people watch TV, so it is going to happen if you can get others to see the necessity of it. But you need to help and not hinder.
Love the updated list. I think I'll make a hard copy to carry with me in case someone I talk to wants to know.
Thanks much Dave, huge praise, support. Praise to all.
I believe a strong case can be made that President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Biden Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh belong on the list for too many reasons to enumerate but primarily for the covid jab employer mandate announced by Biden in the linked video.
It's replete with known lies in an attempt to justify coerced covid "vaccination" to avoid losing one's job and financial security -- an outright threat to the same middle class which Biden and Harris pretend to care about.
Yes, Biden et al should be tried and hanged for mandating the vaccine to US government employees and the military.
Mandated injections are always a crime against humanity. There are no exceptions whatsoever. All medical treatment must be made 100% voluntary with no coercion of any sort. I thought the world learned this in WWII, but apparently not.
I've asked this before: exactly **WHO** is going to be manning these military tribunals?
Will it be the same filthy crooked, corrupt judges and/or 'officials' that have brought us here?
If so, then we're back at square one. They'll release the likes of Fauci, Obama, Biden, Clinton, etc. and incarcerate John Q. Public for merely *speaking* against the narrative.
ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING: Where on this "Horsemen" list is the Federal Reserve and their top executives? Who else do you think FUNDED this entire criminal operation? In fact, given that this was a *global* operation, EVERY Central Bank - the entire Central Bank Cabal - has to be on the list. The "pandemic" and everything else was a CABAL operation, not just any single country.
People need to get caught up with reality. The Number One beneficiary of the "pandemic" was the Cabal and its members. Too-Big-To-Fail banks and their executives harvested $$TRILLIONS thanks to this crime - the largest financial crime in world history. Get with it, people!!
I agree about the Federal Reserve, but the most urgent business is for as many people as possible to publicly demand the hanging of everyone who mandated the mRNA injections which killed millions.
Our power lies in making this demand for justice publicly. It is more effective than any law can be. The power lies in its ability to startle and get attention. Once the people on top start to get nervous, the injections will stop. That's step one.
Step two is actually trying and hanging the worst of them, like Pfauci. I believe there are still enough judges and military men with integrity to get it done.
Step three is a Constitutional ban on any mandated medical treatments.
I agree that the hanging of those that mandated *death by jabs* MUST happen. But the "pandemic" and all that followed (masks, social distancing, lockdowns, business closures, and jabs) is merely a small part of the bigger picture - it's an effect, not the cause.
The 'bigger picture' are the psycho-monsters of the system that made it all possible - the Central Bank fiat debt system. That is the ROOT of the problem, without which we never would have had a "pandemic", jabs, and all else. Eliminate the *roots* and the tree dies.
One thing we can do is to simply start using silver _by weight_ with each other. Weight, not "dollars" so that the dollar cannot be redefined to cause inflation.
Silver and not gold because silver is far more abundant and practical for everyday purchases. Silver was literally money for millennia. Argent in French, airgead in Irish, a British pound was literally a pound of silver, and a peso was a weight of silver.
So we all have the ability to simply disobey the central banks, and that would be a good start toward eliminating them.
I agree but here's the rub. The psycho-criminals in charge would most likely OUTLAW the use of gold/silver, punishable by hefty fines and prison, AND/OR they could confiscate all precious metals (Platinum included). Hey, they did it in 1934 today, with technology, it would be much easier.
I maintain that the solution is to get rid of the psychos that are causing the harm, not to try to get around them.
It's worth trying anyway. I don't see how technology helps them, because you can't track physical payments in silver.
We should definitely get rid of the entire Fed, but how? They pretty much own Congress.
We can 'try', but my point is that it's VERY easy for them to shut down that path.
As for Congress, it's not "pretty much", it's TOTAL, COMPLETE ownership of Congress. Those that aren't bought and paid for (I don't know any - do you?), are completely ineffective since they'll lose every important vote, and they can scream 'til they're blue in the face without effect.
How to get rid of the Fed? It's actually very easy. All it takes is to begin at the top - with the POTUS - and throw them out of the country by Executive Order backed by the military.
The Fed is a PRIVATE enterprise and, as such, can be kicked out. They are NOT government and are not essential. Quite the opposite - the Fed is the largest drain, curse, and enemy of these United States.
The problem is that there is no will and no courage (including Trump!). No President - NOT ONE - has even tried to shut down the US Central Bank (today The Fed) since Andrew Jackson did it in 1835 (almost 200 years ago).
Every doctor and pharmacist that stuck needles into arms.
yes, each
We're at the point where the only option is a military tribunal
And a Grand Jury won't work nowadays
To do so we'd have to purge the military command of all the traitors, first.
Not sure if there's a easy path to get there.
kaboom, I love it.
You’ve got Daniel Andrews listed twice but he deserves it.
ok, will fix.
Yes, Dr Paul very good list. Can we seek redress with tribunal regarding fraud spoken and written words this is "safe and effective", abuse of "the emergency use" monoclonal antibodies dangerous use to continue harming and killing more people, can't use single molecule. Lie to us; to use about cancer treatment not effective with no short or longer safety. The fraud of print and words "safe and effective", if it was true no one would have died. To make an informed consent to receive any medical treatment one needs to know safety data sheet what body systems are impacted to what degree, also what are the ingredients. Some people may not be able to receive without many side effects that are greater than any benefit. Having flashing light so if not logical, indicate where at will correct. These issues are major contributing factors that led to people death. The corporations that made these deadly drugs all should be stripped of money and property adjuvated by law. Note stalking people and emotional distress having loved ones murdered without anyone to stop it. Hospitals over medicated children and adults then put them on vent and gave more drugs like morphine and crashed cardiac arrest to respiratory failure. People with no food or water for weeks at a time even begging for it. The last push to kill right in front of them not allowed into the room to stop it. Torture of loved ones. The division of families regarding vaxed vs non vaxed. Many people isolated alone even children ended up in severe depression and suicide. All propaganda to further dictate through the fear and manipulation of the unknown. I never want to step foot in a hospital ever again. This was before covid time saw a patient be murdered overloaded with morphine to kill and over vented top it all off gave the patient medication allergic to airway shut down. The woman was gone less than 5 minutes. Her son had my personal belongings and asked him for it. Please open my bag my id is in there and will confirm who I am. Who ever was put into that bed was killed quickly. I was grateful have been moved to a different bed, or that could of been myself.
hi Janet, everything you stated here is on point. its an excellent guide. We need to finish the election and see if we can get these but I think we can. I think we can. COVID has done tremendous damage and it is why we are here. today. we must not forget that.
Can someone remind me why Bret Weinstein is on the list please?
he supported the lockdowns and vaccine and it killed...even if he changed as he follows the money, he has to explain under oath what he know that the truckers did not...given we know the truckers and simple folk knew the truth while he lied. and shilled.
So did Dr John Campbell, Dr Aseem Malhotra and many more who now speak out vocally. Do you think his Rescue the Republic is just a grift?
I think most today are controlled op and grifters. they have turned to money....they have made money off pain...and do it shrewdly. have been on both sides and some on three sides. some for the shots, then against when that for money dried up and they were part of the deaths, and now oddly for it again...its quite remarkable but we will not let them off free...they will need to stand trials...many are in this list. for a reason. the entire COVID was an Op
I agree with Patricia. John Campbell (isn't he a nurse?) promoted the shots at the beginning and he gets away with it with his avuncular demeanor.
But, maybe I'm being a bit harsh as some people genuinely come around, but, yes, perhaps Campbell is just as you said--controlled opposition.
all pharma whores $$$$$$$$
Yes entirely staged and the devastating harm from the jabs was obvious in the orginal trial data. Naomi Wolf did a good interview with del Bigtree on the Highwire which I watched last night. I have ordered her book the Pfizer Papers.
yes, she is good. I like and support Naomi, I know her as a friend. many are not her. we are living in a game.
Yes very true - as I have heard others say we are in a war and it is a war for our minds.
hehas comeoutand said 1milion deadnot sure where he gets it from world in data?
who said that Bret? I thought it was 17m and counting according to Denis Rancourt. Bret said 17m killed by the vax on the Tucker interview
#117- all the celebrities pushing these poison gene therapy shots and making $$$ off the advertising.
Prime examples: Travis Kelce, John Legend.
#117- ALL the celebrities pushing the
I have 3 very important names to add to that list, the 3 women below are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Australians, (1) Dr Jeannette Young Queenslands health minister she went out of her way to ban ivermectin during the Covid 19 pandemic threatening to put doctors in prison if they prescribed it to anyone, a truly evil woman, (2) Yvette D’Arh Queensland health minister who too over Dr Jeannette Young after she stepped down because of death threats, (3) Anastasia Palaszczuk Queensland premier, locked down her state border with police for over a year not allowing family members to visit and say their goodbyes to their loved ones,
Did you see this yet?
The Biden Regime Has Just Issued a Very Suspicious Directive Permitting Military Intervention in US Domestic Affairs
The Department of Homeland Security has flagged individuals questioning COVID-19 origins, vaccine efficacy, and election integrity as potential domestic terrorism threats. Is a coup being set in place?
here's a weekly report with deaths from young people and people up to age 75 who've died with cancer or strokes or heart attacks or suicides. It's usually organized by country for your convenience -
will not happen made too much money for the investorslikesunac
Trials and hangings will happen if enough people stand up publicly and demand justice.
most unaware and ok so igorethe deaths and injuries not on the tv so not hapening
I think plenty of people are aware, and ever fewer people watch TV, so it is going to happen if you can get others to see the necessity of it. But you need to help and not hinder.
If only we can get there soon enough!
I'm surprised those 116 scum bags don't crash your computer system they are so vile and evil.