What about Jaime Fox, ( who didn’t want the shot-but was forced into it by the director of a movie he was doing withCameron Jones-? --How quiet hollyweird is keeping it?--Makes you kinda wonder?

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No different than the NFL keeping mum on Hamlin. They are ALL complicit. This guy thinks he is going to play, again? The next time he won't get up.

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He recently made 3 tackle in a Bill's preseason game. So he is playing again. Question: will he make the team as a starter? Has he decided that risking his life is worth it? or is he living a "charmed" life?

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I'm going to die someday, anyway. If I think of all of the possible ways that they are trying to kill me I'd die thinking about it.

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OSHA said last year, if the shot is a condition of employment and you get injured or worse postvax, your employer can be held liable.

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So many Nurses and other hospital and healthcare workers were given a choice of being fired or get the shots. 3 I know, 1 died of a stroke , 1 MI & 1 brain aneurysm.

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A Autopsy by a Pathologist can determine if the shot was cause of death.

Millions will die this year.

Time to put Malone in front of Congress under oath and ask him why he said "the mRNA vax wasn't meant to be used in humans".

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If an autopsy is done will the truth be revealed?

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Absolutely. Its already been done. Fact check.

Follow Peter McCullough.

There are many more.

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I do follow him. I’m a little behind at the moment. I was wondering out loud because when I heard the news the 1st thing that came to mind was the clot shots. The denial by those who know has to stop.

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I saw a experiment where Mercury and Aluminum were combined and at that moment they were, a growth started to protrude in length. It looked just a clot. Stringy.

Both elements are in the vaccines.

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Follow Dr Ana Mihalcea and see what she’s finding in blood samples of the post vaxxed people. It’s a lot more than mercury and aluminum.

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Did you see this experiment live?

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2 runners in The Gold Coast Marathon had medical episodes this past weekend. One a French National has passed away and the other is in Gold Coast University Hospital in intensive care.


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The Vaccine murders continues!

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And the beat goes on…

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Thanks for reporting. This is ghastly.

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Is damar really alive?

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Then there’s the high school athletes and college athletes

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Raven OLB Jaylon Ferguson died suddenly in the spring of 2022. They blamed it on an overdose. He was in his mid twenties and in the best shape of NFL career.

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While I have no doubts as to the case of Hamlin in the instance of some of the guys who were retired they would not have been in a situation in which this was imposed on them such would be the case with current players but at the same time; if they followed along with what was said, like everyone else, that is another matter.

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To this list you can add Damarius Thomas (Denver Broncos) who passed at his home while taking a shower. He was 31 I believe. Cause of death was officially labeled Tramatic Brain Injury as his brain was examined by a pathologist so that diagnosis is real, but football players don't die at age 31 from mild to moderateTBI. Truth is, he had to have been jabbed as per NFL requirements because he was training to try and make the team of the New England Patriots and was scheduled to show up at the Patriots' pre-season camp.

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And now you may present the more important info about the millions who have been murdered by mRNA substances apart from the unimportant celebs. I don't give a crap about the celebs...these are NOT real everyday people struggling to survive.

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No one's safe from climate change. For example, when it gets warm, you might drive to the beach. And on the way -- bam! -- medical emergency. The next thing you know you've wrecked your car in the living room of your neighbor's house, setting both of them on fire and almost dying in the process.

I'm thinking solar panels.

The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 40

Watch out for that house! Confused cops, a delayed Queen Mary, a firefighter has a heart attack in an ER, more confused cops, an 8 year-old hero, a man, a woman, and a music festival. It's TROME. https://thechadrabbit.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-the-medical-emergency-d2a

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Leading cause of death in 2023; COINCIDENCE 🤔

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Dr Alexander you seem to have repeat posts/bots stating: 'The globalists in the new world order are putting the MRNA vax in your food you need to do this ASAP' - with a link to a book. I tried responding to one of these same posts on one of your previous articles to see what happened - no response as expected.

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Disgusting that the cause of deaths are being hidden.

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