Duke has dirtied its name by their shallow and corrupted behavior. Violating the Hippocratic oath as an institution is also criminal. This is a stain that will show for a VERY LONG time.
The U of Utah in Salt Lake and Swedish hospital in Seattle also denied a kidney transplant to an unvaccinated patient even though he had recovered from Covid and a blood test showed that he had antibodies to Covid. Truly Evil/satanic behavior by these hospitals...
Giving these injections without "informed consent" is in violation of The Nuremberg Code, The Geneva Conventions, The Helsinki Accords. In Canada in addition it's in violation of articles 2,3,5,7 and 15 of our gossamer constitution, and 6 separate Federal Acts including"The war Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act." Thus a similar situation pertains in America: the laws are very similar in all English speaking countries. Not to mention "mandating" these so-called "vaccines" is coercive medication and thus grossly unethical.
The Board of Directors are obliged to know this. But they're doing it anyway.
It is beyond vile that she was ever denied a transplant for not having a jab that has been linked to organ rejection. The fact that she is now getting a transplant just shows how wrong it was to deny her one in the first place. This young girl and her family have been put through stress and worry for no good reason. Thank goodness the right thing is now being done. Better late than never I suppose.
Duke has relented for its own sake as their administrators see the tide is turning against this senseless policy and they wish to avoid a lawsuit and/or very bad publicity in the event the child dies having been denied a kidney transplant.
Have you seen this report Kathleen? No wonder the Dems are so desperate to get De Santis installed as the GOP nominee. The "vote for someone RINOs approve of" campaign need to be sure stuff like this goes nowhere.
Smoking Gun: Hunter Biden's "Pay for Play" Contract/Emails Revealed From Days Before the Infamous "Son of a Bitch Was Fired" Trip to Ukraine | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo
Thanks for the link. I'd seen that video and one other later video of smug Biden boasting about the financial pressure he personally put on Ukraine to fire that prosecutor. I also knew about Hunter's suspicious connections underlying the scandal.
But the additional detailed evidence revealing Hunter's role provided in the text of that Gateway Pundit link are new to me.
This is an influence-peddling scandal of major proportions, still ignored by the mainstream media.
A dear friend in Saskatchewan was recently denied a hip transplant by her surgeon unless she got jabbed.
The insanity has not gone away.
Here in NS they have finally dropped most of the draconian BS but still carry it on in many medical settings. The insanity is now embedded and will not be removed.
Three times I have been part of these “town hall meetings” over the phone. Houston takes about his plans and people can call in to ask questions. Twice I got through to the operator with my question. “When will you hire back the unvaxed nurses?” Even though I’m waiting on the quew they never get to me so I can ask the question to Houston.
I believe you are right. UK just bought a billion doses of new mRNA influenza jabs? Why? There are only 67 million ppl? How many jabs will they force on citizens.
All of the ‘refugees’ pouring into UK & Ireland..none have to take the shots? Same in America & Canada? Now why is that??
Keeping in mind that the current FDA commissioner is a former Duke Med Center doc (and Duke Univ. undergrad), it is not the least bit surprising that Duke would genuflect to the official doctrine and toe the line vis a vis the jab as prerequisite for the procedure. Also follow the money, they are in lockstep with the entire corrupt med/pharma establishment system and would never think of biting the hand that feeds them.
The reason these scum do their damndest to demonize comparisons of pandemic malfeasance to the reign of Hitler and the Final Solution is because it fits perfectly. Those who didn’t tow the government line were punished in a myriad of ways up to and including death. The greatest social evils bestowed upon citizens by corrupt leaders are always justified as for the greater good. If you don’t follow along you are not a good person because you’re hurting the majority. You care about your loved ones, friend and neighbors don’t you? If someone chooses to be unvaxxed and dies because they’re denied medical care it’s their fault, right?
The medical community has once again shown just how corrupt they are. Historically they have experimented on people with hocus pocus ideas and just outright murdering. C19 is a combo of both.
I had scheduled angioplasty in November 2022. I asked my cardiologist if I could arrange for blood from unvaccinated people, just in case, as I had not taken the shot. (I had actually had the virus, a case so mild I had only one day of feeling “off”.)He laughed at me! I must have had a premonition, as a few hours after that surgery, while still in recovery, the staff realized I had uncontrolled bleeding, a pseudo aneurysm. On the one hand I was fortunate that a top vascular surgeon was available. On the other, during several hours of surgery, I had four transfusions. And I’m certain it was all from unvaxxed people so now I am contaminated! I’m still angry and upset. And to try to force this child to get a useless injection, which has been proven to have so many possible adverse reactions, is criminal!!
To clarify, you stated you "had four transfusions. And I’m certain it was all from unvaxxed people so now I am contaminated."
Did you mean you believe they were vaxed?
And even if so, keep a very positive outlook and take very good care of yourself. There are resources to counteract spike protein damage if you develop symptoms.
Yes. Unfortunately it appears that at least some things to help I cannot, because I’m on blood thinners, of course! But I walk every day and try to think positive. But I’m still upset at being laughed at. So tired of drs saying “these shots saved lives!”
Right..and the govts & their masters just experimented on 2/3 of the world population! I just read that number today..I was surprised that many ppl got the jab. However..not all jabs are equal..as Russia..China..East Asia. .India used a different vax..Also I had read only a small per cent of Africans took any med at all..
Duke has dirtied its name by their shallow and corrupted behavior. Violating the Hippocratic oath as an institution is also criminal. This is a stain that will show for a VERY LONG time.
The U of Utah in Salt Lake and Swedish hospital in Seattle also denied a kidney transplant to an unvaccinated patient even though he had recovered from Covid and a blood test showed that he had antibodies to Covid. Truly Evil/satanic behavior by these hospitals...
Absolutely. They are grotesque!
Can the unvaccinated counter this by not donating their organs to those who Are Vaccinated?
My entire family removed themselves from the donor pool in 2021 just for this reason.
Well done.
Giving these injections without "informed consent" is in violation of The Nuremberg Code, The Geneva Conventions, The Helsinki Accords. In Canada in addition it's in violation of articles 2,3,5,7 and 15 of our gossamer constitution, and 6 separate Federal Acts including"The war Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act." Thus a similar situation pertains in America: the laws are very similar in all English speaking countries. Not to mention "mandating" these so-called "vaccines" is coercive medication and thus grossly unethical.
The Board of Directors are obliged to know this. But they're doing it anyway.
When are the arrests going to start?
The short answer....Never.
The entire system is too corrupted...from education to security and politics to medical...and unfortunately equally so in most of the faith community.
But I know I am preaching to the chior. I just had to get it out of my system...again.
You have the same perspective I do: Western Civilization is corrupt and rotten to the core, "and there is no health in us." 😥
In any case, carefully record their names and vile deeds. The day of reckoning may unexpectedly come.
I seriously doubt many doctors even know what informed consent is. They just poke and prod away since it's money in their pockets.
Is it a spike protein free kidney? 🙏
Good question...maybe a injection free family member donated a kidney to her...lets hope it is free.
and odds are the system would accomodate that?
They probably fitted a mask on it during the operation.
Answered prayers.
It is beyond vile that she was ever denied a transplant for not having a jab that has been linked to organ rejection. The fact that she is now getting a transplant just shows how wrong it was to deny her one in the first place. This young girl and her family have been put through stress and worry for no good reason. Thank goodness the right thing is now being done. Better late than never I suppose.
Duke has relented for its own sake as their administrators see the tide is turning against this senseless policy and they wish to avoid a lawsuit and/or very bad publicity in the event the child dies having been denied a kidney transplant.
Have you seen this report Kathleen? No wonder the Dems are so desperate to get De Santis installed as the GOP nominee. The "vote for someone RINOs approve of" campaign need to be sure stuff like this goes nowhere.
Smoking Gun: Hunter Biden's "Pay for Play" Contract/Emails Revealed From Days Before the Infamous "Son of a Bitch Was Fired" Trip to Ukraine | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo
Thanks for the link. I'd seen that video and one other later video of smug Biden boasting about the financial pressure he personally put on Ukraine to fire that prosecutor. I also knew about Hunter's suspicious connections underlying the scandal.
But the additional detailed evidence revealing Hunter's role provided in the text of that Gateway Pundit link are new to me.
This is an influence-peddling scandal of major proportions, still ignored by the mainstream media.
MTG should be impeaching him over this as well as on other grounds.
So no concern for the child! It's just all about them. What a disgusting institution.
But will she get an unjabbed donor?🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
We don't yet have a vaxx free blood supply yet either.
A dear friend in Saskatchewan was recently denied a hip transplant by her surgeon unless she got jabbed.
The insanity has not gone away.
Here in NS they have finally dropped most of the draconian BS but still carry it on in many medical settings. The insanity is now embedded and will not be removed.
Hey Guy, I’ma fellow Bluenoser.
Three times I have been part of these “town hall meetings” over the phone. Houston takes about his plans and people can call in to ask questions. Twice I got through to the operator with my question. “When will you hire back the unvaxed nurses?” Even though I’m waiting on the quew they never get to me so I can ask the question to Houston.
I believe you are right. UK just bought a billion doses of new mRNA influenza jabs? Why? There are only 67 million ppl? How many jabs will they force on citizens.
All of the ‘refugees’ pouring into UK & Ireland..none have to take the shots? Same in America & Canada? Now why is that??
Refusing this transplant for that reason? You call this medicine? I call it MURDER! Or, at least attempted murder. Glad she has a chance at life.
Keeping in mind that the current FDA commissioner is a former Duke Med Center doc (and Duke Univ. undergrad), it is not the least bit surprising that Duke would genuflect to the official doctrine and toe the line vis a vis the jab as prerequisite for the procedure. Also follow the money, they are in lockstep with the entire corrupt med/pharma establishment system and would never think of biting the hand that feeds them.
But if she has surgery and they use the vaccinated blood,she will be vaccinated.
The reason these scum do their damndest to demonize comparisons of pandemic malfeasance to the reign of Hitler and the Final Solution is because it fits perfectly. Those who didn’t tow the government line were punished in a myriad of ways up to and including death. The greatest social evils bestowed upon citizens by corrupt leaders are always justified as for the greater good. If you don’t follow along you are not a good person because you’re hurting the majority. You care about your loved ones, friend and neighbors don’t you? If someone chooses to be unvaxxed and dies because they’re denied medical care it’s their fault, right?
Attorney Mike Yoder helped this family. Please pray for him as he's been working so hard on many angles and kicking butt. Instagram @Yoder_esq
The medical community has once again shown just how corrupt they are. Historically they have experimented on people with hocus pocus ideas and just outright murdering. C19 is a combo of both.
The history of "experimentation" in the medical industry over the last 125+ years is appalling. Too bad everyone doesn't know about it.
Even when presented with the facts people don't believe it. Obviously they'll take that to their grave.
I had scheduled angioplasty in November 2022. I asked my cardiologist if I could arrange for blood from unvaccinated people, just in case, as I had not taken the shot. (I had actually had the virus, a case so mild I had only one day of feeling “off”.)He laughed at me! I must have had a premonition, as a few hours after that surgery, while still in recovery, the staff realized I had uncontrolled bleeding, a pseudo aneurysm. On the one hand I was fortunate that a top vascular surgeon was available. On the other, during several hours of surgery, I had four transfusions. And I’m certain it was all from unvaxxed people so now I am contaminated! I’m still angry and upset. And to try to force this child to get a useless injection, which has been proven to have so many possible adverse reactions, is criminal!!
Very distressing experience, Ruth.
To clarify, you stated you "had four transfusions. And I’m certain it was all from unvaxxed people so now I am contaminated."
Did you mean you believe they were vaxed?
And even if so, keep a very positive outlook and take very good care of yourself. There are resources to counteract spike protein damage if you develop symptoms.
Yes. Unfortunately it appears that at least some things to help I cannot, because I’m on blood thinners, of course! But I walk every day and try to think positive. But I’m still upset at being laughed at. So tired of drs saying “these shots saved lives!”
Yes -- blood thinners. I understand. (My husband is on Eliquis.)
So, fortunately, you already have a certain protection against blood clots the spike protein cancause.
Right..and the govts & their masters just experimented on 2/3 of the world population! I just read that number today..I was surprised that many ppl got the jab. However..not all jabs are equal..as Russia..China..East Asia. .India used a different vax..Also I had read only a small per cent of Africans took any med at all..