“Wokeness” is part of the equation. Look around the big stores at the fat mannequins. They want to normalize obesity. Just add that to all the other deranged identities we are supposed to accept.

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1970, Just the beginning of fast food.

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At my very active and quite tall son's annual physical, his (overweight) pediatrician suggested my son was underweight. When I mentioned I had noticed his weight was right in the middle of the desired range for BMI (body mass index), he looked it up and agreed with me.

A board-certified doctor should have been able to recognize that my son's weight was normal and healthy. I'm afraid he doesn't see very many slim patients (or people in general) causing him to have an unrealistic sense of "underweight."

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Dr Paul, I don’t actually believe that age and obesity were truly involved in causing mortality from Covid. It was that hospitals and care homes were encouraged to kill the elderly and overweight. No one cares if they die, is the excuse that these homicidal doctors used!!

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It’s not just fast food- take a look at who sponsors you national heart foundation or finances dietary advice and research 🧐

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‘......soon all our fire men and women and police will look like the 2021 photo.’ It’s already happening. I’m a former paramedic in Australia serving 1989 to 2000. I receive every month my former employers magazine. To say I’m shocked would be an understatement for the last two years every graduating class has more and more severely overweight or obese paramedics graduating. When I joined we had to be physically fit, this included climbing 3 flights of stairs with resuscitation equipment and performing 10 minutes of continuous CPR, otherwise you were put on notice to prove why you should not be removed from training. Now, who knows! There is no way some of these paramedics could ever perform under these conditions in simulation let alone out in the real world. Whats to become of patients trapped in vehicles or difficult access or extraction. Will the rescuer become the patient?

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All by design. They've been slow-killing us for decades. Now they're fast-killing folks with their Death Jab 💀 They got impatient, I guess the slow-killing was taking too long 😂😬

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Every single thing that was mandated to fight covid was the exact opposite of what was known we should do. Perhaps without even knowing the how or why, those fighting the Spanish flu 100 years ago observed that those given plenty of fresh air and sunshine fair better. So what do our esteemed experts of today mandate?, Stay inside! Obesity was known to be a factor in poor outcomes with covid. Maintaining physical activity is key in keeping the weight off but once again, the experts demanded we stay in our residences. Parents in the US were even arrested for allowing their young children to play outside in their own yards. They have forced us into a lifestyle that put us at greater risk not only for covid but other health problems. Given what was known about sedentary lifestyles prior to the panic, the vast majority of medical professionals and public health officials either suddenly got stupid or they want us fat and unhealthy. As hard as the latter is to believe, the former is harder still to believe.

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I just turned 74. My grandmother was a nurse during the Spanish flu and she told me to get lots of fresh air and exercise. She taught me how to cook with fresh ingredients and told me almost every cold or flu or fever is better in the morning and to STAY AWAY from pills and doctors. I’ve taken her advice all my life no prescriptions no quackcene and at 5’9” I weigh 150 pounds and my average blood pressure is 135 over 68. Last spring I fractured my ankle and HAD to have surgery. My surgeon is the head of orthopedic surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. He came in on Sunday to operate on me. I healed quickly and no one asked me if I was “vaccinated”. The ONLY reason to go to the doctor is if you break a bone or two because orthopedic surgeons ACTUALLY want you to get well and NOT come back like mine 😉👌🏽

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from the second photo I think I've discovered the reason for rising sea levels!

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The obesity epidemic isn't entirely self-inflicted on the part of those who are obese. Much blame goes to what is probably a combination of things like childhood vaccines, environmental factors like herbicides, pesticides, and EMF exposure, and degraded soils from farming practices that render it impossible for many people who can't afford organic foods to get necessary nutrients even if they know to avoid processed foods and are otherwise trying to eat the right things. These things work together to destroy the gut microbiome, upset the endocrine system, dysregulate the immune system, and no doubt cause a plethora of other problems that prevent proper metabolization, cause chronic fatigue, and more generally zap people's energy so that even people who want to "move" simply can't. Sure, for many people it's self-inflicted by bad dietary choices and simple laziness, but many others are victims. We're all being poisoned, and the obesity epidemic is the evidence.

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The obesity is so obviously out of control unless your too young to have the photographic evidence and memory.

Medical people are hesitant to speak if it!

Thank you .

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That photo is a wake-up call.

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Stay on the periphery of the grocery store. As you head down the aisles tell yourself that nothing is worth your health in the aisles. When necessary grab the few healthy items located there and get the hell out of there. Nothing tastes as good as good health feels and thin looks.

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The body weight of Americans has long been a problem. One that manifests in many ways. Many years ago, on one of those servers that recreates/reenacts accidents there was a situation in which a lake excursion boat capsized and sank and several drowned. The investigation found that while it was only partially occupied, it was overloaded. It was rated by numbers of persons based upon regulations that were in turn based upon the average body weight of Americans from the 40s or 50s. By the time of the accident, in the 80s or 90s, the average American weighed far more. Yet another reason, I believe, for the smaller number of deaths in Japan than the US these past 3 years. While we have more overweight people here than when I returned 20 years ago, we still have far fewer than the US.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

Hey at least those guys in the 2nd picture are out doing something. It's not just what we do, but what we consume as well. It requires a lifestyle change, and I'm currently undergoing one. It's not easy to change habits that are formed over time, and when the doctors don't actually diagnose to solve what's causing a persons problem and just prescribes medicines it doesn't help either.

I've been watching a docuseries this week being shown by Zonia concerning being Toxin Free of which Episode 4 is free and on for about another 17+ hours with 3 more to follow beginning at 7 PM each night.

Endocrine System: Conquer The Hormonal Imbalance


In the first episode Michael Bauerschmidt, MD states "he tries to ignore patients that come in and say I have this or that disease, and tells them No you have a reason for this or that disease and we need to find", It's hard to find Doctors that take this approach as most follow the Rockefeller protocol of Big Pharma ie "Ask your Doctor" as seen over and over for those who watch ad based media.

We have to be want to change and hopefully more will start to understand the need, and be willing to research the necessary steps and get proper guidance and support.

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