
You cannot have a bioweapons program unless you have a simultaneous vaccine program. Together and thus are all vaccine programs linked to bioweapons research? In some manner? Did we invent or develop vaccine programs to support CIA and DoD etc. bioweapons programs?

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In other words, are vaccine programs really bioweapon programs and are vaccines really bioweapons?

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Thanks for this valuable history Doc. Important foundational pre-requisites for understanding the state the country is in at the moment. Pharma et al is out of control.

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yes, Operation Paper Clip is foundational to understand how we got here, how Nixon shut down bioweapons 'offensive weapons' research...in 1969...CIA, DoD, Pentagon etc. turned to DARPA, USAID etc. to handle it DARK, under the table...Fauci at NIAID and Francis Collins at NIH but mainly the little one, thats why he got double salary from the CIA military, in 2014 Obama said to Fauci shut it down but Fauci gave Obama the bird and shipped it to Ukraine etc. and yes, Nazis comprised our main research core etc. atom bomb, all of it.

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these three entities are tied together...Operation Paperclip brought the scientists to USA in 1945 etc., they worked out of Fort Detrick and Nixon ended the biological weapons etc. program in 1969...Biological weapons convention in 1975 banned you possessing, creating bioweapons. did not mean everyone stopped when Nixon said no...Fauci et al. was charged with carrying it on dark...out of NIAID etc. with CIA etc. it was CIA's program. also, the vaccine industry is critical, maybe a 4th aspect for you cannot do any research on bioweapons unless you first develop a vaccine for your weapon can kill you before killing the enemy...this is the purpose of the vaccine industry really.

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Yes, indeed. From NaziS to NASA!

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kaboom, we could smell the stench

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My former wife Annette was an OR nurse in Camden-- and somehow the staff members at that hospital knew something about this bio-weapons lab-i lost her some years back

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yes, and Fauci had his hands deep in HIV coming on tap

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also in denying Bactrim for infected gay men who died...blood on his hands as he pushed

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AZT instead, deadly

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I am going to sleep with a very heavy heart tonight-i will be meeting with what should have been two good friends and neighbors tomorrow --and one will be missing......i am enraged!----

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In my 1st grade class, Westfield Ma, 1956, was a boy named (phonetically spelled as I understood it at the time) Yurgen Eagle. Did not see him again after 1st grade; generally, all of one's class moved on to the next class level. Then. At that time. But Westfield was about 6 miles from Westover AFB--where supersonic flights were being tested. I grew up with great familiarity with sonic booms. Have long wondered about .....Jurgen's father?

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yes, I understand, we understand. I shared this to try myself to understand how all these are linked and the timeline

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I suppose, one BIG issue is - at what point does research for DEFENSIVE purposes, become research for OFFENSIVE purposes ?

That's one fine line to walk - and as you say, a Fauci flips a sitting president the bird......so, who the hell is actually in control at any given moment ?

Sure as hell is not/never was "we the people".

Same for Brandon - is not/never was Biden.

Big changes needed. Obstacles perhaps too large to overcome.....

Harris sure as HELL not the answer....

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A further thought Doc, on this pharmaceutical warfare being done against us. (I'm sure you know this, but for the sake of the folks who might not, I'll take the risk...) The word "sorcery" in Greek, means "pharmakeia", or in English, "pharmaceutical". Read Revelation 18: 23, 24 (KJV)...."And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. {18:24} And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."

(The "great men" mentioned above, were the merchants...of pharmaceuticals....selling them for WHO?)

Note the word sorceries...(pharmakiea)...this Biblical prophecy means that all nations were to be DECEIVED by the PHARMACEUTICAL arm of someone, mentioned earlier in the text...i.e. 'for by thy pharmaceuticals were all nations deceived'.....Did they not deceive us with Covid...the weaponized "vaccine", and kill millions? WHO OWNS OR GOVERNS THE PHARMA's?

Who is this? ....?....Rev.17:5... And upon her (The guilty whore riding the BEAST) forehead [was] a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. {17:6} And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: ...." (These are Christians, who maintain their truthful testimony, in spite of censorship and threats of being 'cancelled'.)

It is someone who is a great whore, hates Jesus and his saints, and has blood on her hands. Who is she associated with? Rev. 17:18... "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." WHO could this be? WHO reigns over the kings of the earth, telling them what they must do? WHO could that be...WHO could dictate and mandate the use of dangerous drugs to the entire world? WHO?

Earlier, yet in the same text, THE BEAST, carries the whore. WHO is the BEAST? according to Daniel, the BEAST is the fourth kingdom on Earth. Just three or four years ago, Klaus Schwabb bragged that the WEF is ushering in the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", through the policies of DEI and ESG, forcing onto us transgenics, 15 minute cities, green everything, happiness with nothing, and, recently, informing us that the world is "on the cusp of a fundamental transformation"....hmmm, those words sound so familiar. Any one not connected the dots yet?

Daniel 7:22... "Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. {7:23} Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the

whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." N.B. the 'Ancient of Days' is Jesus Christ, and He is coming back soon to fix this Satanic mess. Jesus is coming to incinerate the world...judgement by fire. All that believe on Him will be spared.

The WHO, U.N., WEF, GAVI, are all in with killing and sickening us with their drugs, the "global governance", transgenics, (forced) universal vaccinations, digital currency, child trafficking, legalizing pedophilia, massive population reduction using drugs, vaccines, adulterated food and suicide, etc. ad nauseum....and they are enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek to kill us, as He warned. PRE-WRITTEN HISTORY. There for everyone to see...but God did NOT give THEM eyes to see or ears to hear. (Revelation 3: ....letters to the seven churches.) To us, the overcomers, the promises are there for us that see and hear what the Spirit has said to the churches.

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excellent sharing David, excellent, comprehensive...I want to repost your words as so on point

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The WHO, U.N., WEF, GAVI, are all in with killing and sickening us with their drugs, the "global governance", transgenics, (forced) universal vaccinations, digital currency, child trafficking, legalizing pedophilia, massive population reduction using drugs, vaccines, adulterated food and suicide, etc. ad nauseum....and they are enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek to kill us, as He warned. PRE-WRITTEN HISTORY. There for everyone to see...but God did NOT give THEM eyes to see or ears to hear. (Revelation 3: ....letters to the seven churches.) To us, the overcomers, the promises are there for us that see and hear what the Spirit has said to the churches.

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Thanks Doc. You're the best.

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Thank you for posting this!

I knew about only some of it. Some of the experimentation could be okay, I guess, but absolutely not when it's aimed at the citizen.

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kaboom...Nixon took a brave step in 1969 and even obama in 2014 told Fauci he was crazy and to stop all bioweapons research as 300 of so scientist wrote Obama and told him Fauci will destroy America and the world with the madness he was doing at NIAID...Obama told him shut it down...Fauci took it to Ukraine...see the links...??? Wuhan I think has no role, misdirection...wet market, lab leak, all a lie IMO. check Ukraine. this is why its so valuable to USA...its the secrets it holds....

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