BREAKING: New COVID-19 Vaccines Coming, “We Will FORCE Them on You” | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)


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Yeah, FAAFO.

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Fauci is a multi-documented liar. At this point, why would anyone sane and honest believe anything coming out of his flapper?

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A million children could be murdered by big pharma and still the carnage would continue. There is NO ONE to stop them and the parents are the last chance to save their children from the vaccine and mRNA poisons.

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On a good note, those parents likely to take little Timmy and Susie to multiple drag queen story hours, are also the ones who will take them for jabs 5,6 and 7. Leftists. Fools. Since the proclivity to be a Leftist is partially genetic, their sacrificing their kids to their Gods Moloch & Satan, saves us some clean up later. When, the mass psychosis of the past 50 years wears off, and rivers of blood flow through all the cities Soros used to own.

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Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Causes VAIDS in Children, Study Proves. Vaccinated Children Become Susceptible to Bacterial and Fungal Infections


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Its unfortunate that you used the term blunder or mistaken. Unfortunately I have the original Tweet from AOC pointed off the buffer before she deleted it. It states, "Should we continue the lockdowns just in case Trump wins the election. That's all I wanted to say. Great piece of work. Unfortunately, Biden has already sold the US to WHO and the WEF. Getting ready to shut down again to steal the 2024 election and lock up his political opposition and anyone else who votes wrong for 700 years.

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Well, it's not going to stop..... ever, it seems like...... worth re-posting..... Dr. Mike Yeadon Comments on President Joe Biden’s Bold Plan for Mandatory Immunization

"This is the first thing I’ve read in years that has really shaken me." https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-mike-yeadon-comments-on-president?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=581065&post_id=136523230&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Because kids are developing. Future cell identity and organ function depend on populations of precursor cells. The off-label use of 40 year old cell transfection reagents results in indiscriminate compromise of any cell they bump into and the hijacking of its protein synthesis machinery. Screw up those early cells, screw up everything whose development depends on them.

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Get ready to be vaccinated with the new aerosolised mRNA jabs. You may not even know you're getting them.

AEROSOLISED mRNA 'Vaccines' Will Radicalize the Way People Are Vaccinated in the Near Future


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The PoC (proof of concept) has already been rolled out in 3rd and 4th world locations. Like, Chitcongo. It works. All I can say is, after I am genetically modified, I have advised my wife and daughter to lock me in an airtight box if I start spouting my "pronouns are they, them and Hail Brandon."

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One of my friends is a doctor responsible for Covid policy in a large NY hospital. I copy her criticism of your substack post and my rebuttal. How do you think I did?


> Well, the Pfizer docs should have just said what we already know: that we don't really know why a small (very small) number of young males in particular develop myocarditis. There are a flock of theories out there. But that is NO REASON not to use a vaccine that is effective for millions of people.


ME: But that's the point which is now revealed with FOIA material being reluctantly released. They're ineffective--and Pfizer knew it! They unblinded the trial, claiming they already knew the results so it would be unethical to continue. It would be unethical to withhold informed consent! The unblinding (after 3 months when vaccines lose efficacy) was to conceal their failure.

Furthermore, evidence of how spike protein affects children is not a pet theory. Alexander refers to medical papers showing that children have fewer ACE2 receptors in their nasal passages and Loske shows that antiviral innate immunity helps prevent infection in children.

The elevated rates of myocarditis in young people were reported early by Israel in their use of Pfizer vaccine. Myocarditis is a known result of vaccine and raises the risk of mRNA vaccination for this population.


> Next what Dr. Alexander does is develop his own personal pet theory of why this happens. Believe me, there are many other theories. He doesn't know if he's right. And neither does anyone else at this point.


ME: Furthermore, evidence of how spike protein affects children is not a pet theory. Alexander refers to medical papers showing that children have fewer ACE2 receptors in their nasal passages and Loske shows that antiviral innate immunity helps prevent infection in children.

The elevated rates of myocarditis in young people were reported early by Israel in their use of Pfizer vaccine. Myocarditis is a known result of vaccine and raises the risk of mRNA vaccination for this population.


> So next, I would ask Dr. Alexander the same trick question he expected the Pfizer officials to answer. I would ask him to take up pencil and paper and explain why most people do NOT have this reaction to the lipoids and cytotoxins that he blames for the myocarditis. What is the difference between these two patients that makes one sick and the other remain healthy? He doesn't know that either.


> You should be skilled enough in statistical theory to know that it's unscientific to dismiss a threat simply because everyone doesn't die from it. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler urges us to discriminate people at risk from dying from vaccine adverse reactions. Known allergy to PEG is DEFINITELY a risk, and known autoimmune conditions should equally enable people to get a medical exemption. Are you arguing that because a minority die from cytotoxic storm and we don't know who will die we should dismiss this risk? Medicine already has documented genetic diseases that infect or occur only in a minority. You yourself are a minority (over 80) at risk of dying from Covid. If you take your Covid risk seriously--then you should also take vaccine risk seriously for a minority and not impose vaccines on everybody.


> It is important to stand far enough back from these arguments to see what they are really asking. The Pfizer people are defending their vaccine and were too stupid to 'fess up that they -- nor anyone else --- knows why it causes myocarditis in a small number of people. But that's the fault of these two representatives and of the text that Pfizer sent on the subject.


I reply at length detailing why PEG makes mRNA more lethal and how 60% of vaccinated people have markers (traponin) of heart inflammation. And I describe the way spike attaches to ACE2 receptors throughout the body to damage organs. I have 3 paragraphs but will spare you.


The bigger fault lies in people like Dr. Alexander who blow up this failure of Pfizer reps respond the way he wanted them to into an argument against the whole vaccine. He even said that if the answer was unknown, the vaccine shouldn't be used!!!! That's crazy thinking. And would have resulted in the deaths of vastly more people.


Actually I agree with you. Explaining mayocarditis isn't necessary to know vaccines pose a threat. However, IF we can't explain why myocarditis occurs--still, it's enough to know that it does occur and leads to increased rates of deaths in vaccinated people. So it's not because the cause of myocarditis is unknown--it's because myocarditis is a credible threat!

If you know deaths are inflated 800% after vaccination even though they "only" account for a small number (several thousand?) of deaths that should be enough to halt vaccines for children. After all, there is no benefit because the risk of Covid is practically non existent for this population.

There is no evidence that childhood mRNA vaccines prevent deaths. First of all vaccines don't stop transmission and children do not transmit. Second, there were fewer than a thousand childhood deaths from Covid before mRNA vaccines were approved. Now we have over a thousand dying suddenly from heart problems--far more than before vaccines were approved. And that only counts deaths from heart problems--plenty of children died from other vaccine injuries. This evidence contradicts your speculation that vaccines prevent deaths (at least in children).

NOTE: All cause mortality was not elevated in 2020--but is now much higher after vaccines were rolled out. How can we argue that they are decreasing deaths?

PS: I had two heart operations because BEFORE VACCINES my heart was damaged by covid. That is a far more common scenario.

NOTE: She developed atrial fibrillation recently that had to be ablated. She is 88. She and her husband spent over a month in the hospital. He is 96 and barely recovered. She wants to impose masks and lock downs and probably mandate vaccines to address the existential threat of Covid that will kill her and her beloved husband. I'm 80. I'm very sympathetic, but I don't consider Covid a credible threat. Far more deadly and threatening (to me as MTHFR homozygous) are the vaccines.

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Fish rots from the head down. The head of the fish must be cut off and liquidated.

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What if, the original goal, was to maim, damage and kill our children? What if the people behind every element of this scam, are eugenicists, Saturnalists, and they get off on the ritualized pain they inflict?

I say "what if," but we all know these are MONSTERS. In the past, it was only possible to conquer fiefdoms, nations and perhaps regions. World bodies and tech have finally given these people the power to own it ALL.

We will not win by "exposing" them. They don't care, and the system agents (police and military) will do what they want, no matter how right we are. Praying seems to lack something, as the entity that put all of us in to spin, seems to be taking a few billion year nap. We do a lot of typing, all of which goes in to an NSA database in Bluffdale, Utah, with EMC storage servers the nation could not afford in 2013, but Obama bought them anyway.

The truth is, all of us here, are impotent slaves. We may have 5000 sq ft prisons, and velvet lined handcuffs, but we ain't free. And, guess what? The people running this dog and pony show are annoyed with us. It is going to get A LOT worse.

This is the price to be paid for chemically and spiritually destroying the testosterone and reputation of the great men who built The West, and handing it to dogs.

What Emma Lazurus (her Father's name was Moses Lazurus, a very wealthy jewish merchant) really meant in her poem, glued on the side of the Masonic Statue of Liberty, was, "Goodbye Goys, we are going to flood your nation with the refuse of the world."

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

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