This is the reality no one wants to talk about, least of all the nauseating urban progressives who are too stupid to know that this is what happens when you supercharge human/child trafficking, nor the Biden Administration who does know, but cares little so long as they profit politically and financially. Trump did more to address pedophelia and human trafficking than any prior President - foreign or domestic - or election official, period.

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I just want to yell in the streets Efuckinenough already. I am sickened

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What in God's name!? Are these people, the males involved, animals!? What kind of a sick world do these people inhabit!? There is a special place in Hell reserved for all those who facilitated these actions and for those who participated in them. But an earthly punishment would be to most morally functioning people a much better retribution for this depravity. Disgusting to think on this.

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So many horrific things happening at once all over the world. And here is this young helpless child - She, God help us - is a symbol of the degradation of humanity occurring and assaulting our psyche. Eyes wide open and as helpless as this child. In many ways, we, those with body, soul and spirit intact are being made Witness to daily atrocities that are nameless and faceless. Nonetheless, we can feel the pain and imagine the suffering. My God help us, we are living on a mass scale of horror. At our Border. The wolves are at our doors.

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Ryan was & is a traitor to US national interests. He’s at his core a NWO shill. The term RINO needs to be retired as it is far to kind in its tone. These are elitist Globalist who would dismantle borders between states and nations alike, establish guaranteed income for all, neutralize gender, on and on ...

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

“ But let us face it, Trump had WH, senate, and congress and could not get the wall…”

A bit puzzled by this, Alexander. Trump had senate and Congress, both of which, with exception of judges, actively worked against him.

Given all the headwinds he faced, It’s absolutely incredible what he accomplished.

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I hope they're running the DNA samples thru all their data bases to catch these beasts. Is that too much to hope for?

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maybe . . . this is an example of why all this is happening. It has to be shown in order to be properly dealt with.

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Everywhere chaos is being deliberately generated. Chaos... war... social upheaval... creates a fog of chaos that is very convenient to bad actors and evil people. Just imagine what is happening to the children in the regions of Ukraine. There is no doubt that there, too... as I imagine also was/is the case in Afghanistan... children and women are being trafficked... and even harvested for their organs. We must push back with the muscle of law (laws which already exist) and restore order. There is currently a force afoot attempting to foster civil war. Imagine what would come of that! Push back with the sobriety and humanity of law. Purge any and all politicians who have proven they do not work for the interests of this country.

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I threw up my coffee.

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This is so evil and disgusting. How can Brandon and all the others let this continue with the innocent abused and killed.

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Although , I’m in favor of a border wall , it will not prevent these atrocities to occur , the perpetrators must be punished and if found guilty , they need to be killed swiftly . Our children naturally trust us to protect them , not to destroy them .

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This.is.demonic. 👺😈👿No wonder we are under judgment. If it’s sickening and horrific to us, how do you think a holy God views the horror show that is our culture.

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Why is this not a bigger issue with the media? This is the administrations fault, they are to blame for this. That poor child, she will never be the same. FJB

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Meanwhile back at FBI they are hunting down any AMERICAN that says pedo Joe stole the election.

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This is the scum that controls our border. No wonder kiddie showers Joe loves them

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