I'm pretty sure that SIDS is just an early form of SADS.

Many many infants have been killed for the profits of Pfizer et al.

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And none of them are needed, they are all harmful.

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I wouldn't say NONE of them are needed. The polio vaccine was ONCE useful. 50 years ago. So was smallpox but that's eradicated.

Polio seems to be mostly eradicated in the wild, every time I hear of an outbreak it's because they are using a live attenuated vaccine.

It's claimed that it's all a result of "improved sanitation", well, there's plenty parts of the world which have sanitation as poor as we had 100 years ago.

It also may just be a result in the surge of the human population. There's 8 billion people alive now, and so a disease has more hosts, but diseases attenuate (become less deadly) because a disease that kills its host doesn't replicate as efficiently as one that doesn't.

Maybe everybody that could get smallpox, basically did, 70 years ago and we finally got to herd immunity, instead of having islands and pockets where it was active, that was then contacted after the disease had run its course only to be carried along to a new pocket of people. With more people, it may have just traveled so fast that it burned itself out.

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Is you read Suzanne Humpries's book, Dissolving Illusions, you might change your mind about Polio and Smallpox.

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It depends. I've heard some crazy stuff though in my lifetime. Two "doctors" have been claiming for years that all these diseases are really reactions to radio frequency for example.

I know this isn't true, because I am an electrical engineer, and I've been exposed at 100x the rate a typical person has been.

You know why I have smallpox immunity BTW? When I was a small child, 50 years ago, my parents purposely exposed to me to other children that were sick with chickenpox, to get me purposely sick. The were called "chickenpox parties", all the parents did it.

Chickenpox is a serious disease if you get it as an adult, it's not so serious when you get it at 4, which is when I got it. It wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't deadly. Smallpox and chickenpox are.

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I agree on some things but read the book - it's full of references/stats. It helped me pull it all together - after years of researching I've come to the conclusion that NO vaccines are needed...but that's no personal preference and it took me a while to get there.

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It doesn't matter to me honestly, as the only vaccine I'm likely to ever get is one for shingles and I may not ever get that.

There's no point in any of the others at my age.

I was born in 1971, I think I've had between 5 and 7 vaccinations in my life.

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Yes. Now parents who are awake should monitor infants/children if they go w vaccines. Mark down dates/times, behaviours, alertness, etc.

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NO !!! SAY NO !! do not take any more vaccines !! I wish I knew back then what I know now.

I would never allow ANYONE to give my kids another shot. I am fighting now to stop the shots. It is a hard fight, and we don't need people "on our side" still supporting these bioweapons.

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Keep track of brand, batch and vial numbers.

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keep track of your ass... still don't get it huh ? They are KILLING us, and/or harming us for hospital profit.. MURDER in plain sight. The hospitals and doctor unions ALL KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON.

RElliott, Go back to sleep, if that's the best you got.

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WHY? So you know which poison maimed or killed them?

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In America, the Mom gives birth and BEFORE she leaves the hospital with her new born baby someone comes with a shot for the baby. A Hep B shot. THEY COULD TEST THE MOM TO SEE IF SHE HAS HEP B BUT THEY DON'T. They wait till after Mom is exhausted from giving birth and then they walk in with a needle and say we need to inject this toxic mess in your new born baby. Then when the new Mom protest they say it is government mandated.

This scenario plays out again and again in our hospitals. A lot of time hospital staff will wake SICK people up in the middle of the night and say they need to be vented because they have covid. They were just sleeping and are sick already. They aren't expecting this. It is meant to be a shock. They don't have time to think and they aren't in their right mind to think. It is SURPISE!!!!!!! It is meant so they don't have the time to process the repercussions of this. They are standing there in a white coat, looking like the "authority". Kind of like the milgram experiment.

The new Mom, before she realizes what is happening has now agreed to inject their new precious baby with heavy metals for something their baby probably doesn't have. This starts in the new Mom's eyes that it is okay and normal to give toxic shots, probably with heavy metals, to their child as they grow. The New Mom never knows what their kid personality would have been like without toxic metals in them.

Surprisely, for some reason autism rates have gone up. BUT PLEASE DON'T QUESTION THE FACT THAT WE ARE INJECTING NEUROTOXINS, HEAVY METALS, IN OUR BABIES SINCE BIRTH BECAUSE NEUROTOXINS IN SHOTS DON'T SEEM TO AFFECT A CHILD NEUROLOGICALLY IF GIVEN IN A SHOT. ............WTH?????????????????? Really??????? Please don't ever question why the heck they just didn't test the Mom for Hep B if they were so concerned the baby was going to get Hep B from the Mom because I just don't see a lot of new born babies playing with dirty needles.

I agree mark down dates etc of shots etc., however you got to understand most new born babies in the hospital in the U.S. already been injected with heavy metals BEFORE they ever left the hospital. This like the covid plandemic is planned out.


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how would a parent be defined as "awake' AND still allow their healthy infants to be assaulted with needles AND injected with toxins?

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Yes. I retract my comment. They shouldn’t get any but what of those that would like to keep kids in public schools. I would hope everyone says no altogether but will that happen? My daughter is not having future kids vaxxed here in Canada. There’s no need to be rude to others & their thoughts on this thread though. Let’s be kind. I don’t know about others but I’m just holding on by a thread here.

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Japan proved back in the 90's that MMR caused SIDS but of course the US totally ignores this. Japan today has the lowest infant mortality rate of any other country while the US doesn't even make the top 20 list. Japan stopped using MMR and suggest delaying childhood vaccination until 2 years of age. Since they stopped using MMR their SIDS rate has plummeted. A healthy baby does not die in their crib for no reason. Because parents refuse to challenge this legally the problem continues.

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Thanks Karen, super interesting. I posted your quote to my own site, with a link back here:


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You are most welcome. I have done a lot of research in the work done in Japan and anyone can look up the infant mortality rate by country. Japan had a very high SIDS death rate and there was a suspicion that it was the MMR vaccine. And they were right.

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The author of Substack "A Midwestern Doctor" has researched medical procedure adverse affects for 20+ yrs. He has several articles that provide compelling arguments to back this conclusion.

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I've read that Japan has fewer incidences of SIDS because they have fewer infant vaccines.

But then, Japan is a homogenous society and so they care about each other, mostly.

We are divided by diversity. Diversity is NOT a good thing. Diversity should never be praised or encouraged. The solution is unity as Americans, the melting pot. Our grandparents knew this very well. They never praised diversity.

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Pediatricians are still instructing new mothers to lay the new baby on their back to ward off SIDS. Damnedest lie ever. But the worst was being instructed not to kiss the baby. I came to visit my granddaughter of 2 months old and was told NOT to kiss the baby. Harder than you think. I can't believe pediatricians believe this mumbo jumbo.

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The interesting thing is that they even came out with SADS. I understand it is an excuse, but it’s a very weak argument.

”We’ve just injected millions of people with an experimental substance, and now many people are dying, or coming down with rare genetic disorders -- all at an alarming rate. Let’s just make up a new ‘syndrome’ to cover it, and hope nobody notices. Yeah, let’s stick with that...”

All of this has been made possible through fear. The “experts” work to convince enough people that the situation is inexplicably complex, therefore, you should just follow their advice. This is the case with any “science” that’s really nonsense. Virology is full of holes, all of the “experts” argue of how exactly these viruses work.

You run into the same issue when discussing quantum physics. The people who supposedly understand it -- also can’t explain it. Quantum physics is shrouded in very complex math, but nobody can explain how that math correlates with the real world -- because you probably wouldn’t understand anyway… right? I wonder why that is? I have a simple answer, because a lot of it is nonsense. It’s circular logic. Play around on ChatGPT and this becomes immediately obvious. The further you go down the quantum physics rabbit hole, the more it’s based on nothing. Where are all those quantum computers at anyway. Didn’t multiple companies claim to have made them a few years ago? Now you don’t hear anything about them.

Virology falls in with this same cycle of non-science. Scientists aren’t looking for answers, just like nobody in quantum physics is looking for answers – because if they find any, they’re worried that their funding will dry up!

One example of this was with embryonic stem cell research. Stem cells from one person won’t work in another person. This is known, and has been known for a long time. However taking stem cells from someone and injecting them back into that same person does work. Embryonic stem cell research was important only in finding out how those cells reproduce and function. But the big fight was over embryonic stem cell research for cures. The private sector had long since abandoned the need for further embryonic stem cell research, because it was found to be a dead end. But many scientists were busy trying to convince politicians and those in government, that embryonic stem cell research is a gold mine. It’s fraud. However; those scientists knew that they could get paid for life -- studying something that they already knew would lead to nothing, it’s job security.

Pharma is just echoing the same old lines. Trust us, because we know better than you do. We can make your immune system better than what God intended, if you just let us. Think about that for a minute, because that’s the absolute root of all of this!

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Good Doctor you are so right. CV-19 peeled back the onion on a history of LIES... They have LIED to us about everything from the beginning, and have incrementally over the hundreds of years through LIES, manufactured crises and wars taken our freedoms and brought us to the precipice of this supposed reset NWO.. But it is far from over... They will not win...

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So now 1 out of 36 children have autism. Could it be from all of the vaccines and bio-weapon shots they are giving to them?

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Yes most definitely it is. I believe that 99% of the ailments today are from the so-called vaccines .

Just think about it A vaccine company makes vaccines that cause other problems only to make a new drug for that problem but in return it makes more problems for more drugs ?? MMMMM MONEY 🤑💰 MONEY

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I would suggest that 99% of ailments today are result of medical treatments, but not just vaccines. The percentage of deaths that occur in a hospital related to something gone wrong while under their care is much, much higher than I ever could have imagined. I don't know the exact number, but my mind is suggesting 25% of all hospital deaths... number is likely 10%, but it's huge. I'm talking about mistakes, not you have 5 comorbidities and die of one of those during the failing of your body at the end of a long battle...

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Obviously autism is the result of childhood vaccine poisoning. It is/has been obvious for decades, which means it will continue to be ignored by most everyone. Can't solve a problem (autism) if you continually ignore the possible cause of the problem (childhood vaccines) .

I got my last vaccine in 1988 (age 22). It was a measles vaccine which was required for college. I remember my arm was hot and swollen for 3 weeks and I had a low grade fever and nausea.

I can't imagine the toxicity in the 72 "vaccines" required for children today. Especially infants who are helpless and cannot tell anyone they are hurting from the vaccine poison.

The medical industrial complex is full of criminals, torturers and murderers.

I do not give my pets vaccines, I would never give a human child any vaccines. My heart breaks.

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That number is still 2-3 years behind the times. The true number may be 1-25 or more.

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Kill all vaxx mfgs. put on trial first. Nuremberg 2.0,


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No shots, no money for pharma. No shots, no school, no funding for schools. Let's bring them all down. The schools are also so corrupt now, they need to be shut down.

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COVID Certainly opened my eyes All of the way. I've known the VAQs were Bad for years, but my 3 kids were fully vaxxed when small. What I DID NOT KNOW ,was the multi valent jabs had No SAFETY STUDIES EVER. OMG since 1983-or 86. I'm really pissed .I know how hi the fevers got, the screaming and arched back. Horrific. I have refused any shots since 1998. I recommend my kids not to get their kids shots. ESPECIALLY the COVID I would love to give bancel and Bourla 76 jabs plus 3 of their latest. See if they survive the poison. POS DEMONS

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Keep spreading the truth!!!

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And look how much healthier everyone is now than we were a half-century ago! /sarc/

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I believe I heard RFK Jr mention this recently. I think it should probably be reduced to around 5 or less. I suspect that if legit safety/efficacy studies were conducted on these 72 vaccines, most of them would be found to cause more harm than good. I wouldn't be surprised if all of them caused more harm than good to be honest.

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I wasn't comfortable with 18 in 1968 . So my answer will be a definite NO NOT NOW OR EVER AGAIN.

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In 1962 there were 3.

In 1986 there were 12.

In 2020 there were 72.

Now there are 72 plus Covid…

I’m trying to figure out how to put photo of Children’s Health Defense chart.

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Yes I might have gotten it wrong with the numbers but still it's not getting better by any means.

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It’s still about 30 times more than I got as a child.

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Remember all those autistic kids in school in the 1970’s? Ya me either

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The first time I heard of Autism was the Dustin Hoffman movie. Can't remember the name. When was that? Hollywood promoting Autism!

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Rain Man - 1988

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This is criminal!

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Every parent has to make a stand and say No More Vaccines.. Then the school system will say your child cannot go to school.. Then you say I would rather have my child alive then dead.. A dead child cannot go to any school.. When enough parents do that, its over... It will be over in about 2 weeks or sooner.. Once they see no parent relenting and taking their kids out of school, which means the teachers lose their jobs, all the educational administrators lose their jobs, no teachers, no teachers union, so the teachers union president, she is no good.. Now she has no job, so its a ripple effect.. No vaccines, no pHARMA, No CDC, no FDA.. Parents hold the key.. They want to protest CRT in k-12 and it does not exist in K-12 grade.. So now these same parents and organizations can now protest something that is real, and truly life and death.. So they can protest against truth, that is not being taught anyway, so its a fake issue to get politicians and other people publicity and elected to different offices, or they can protest and save their children from death and LIES.. Your choice.. United We Stand Or Divided We Fall.

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Start looking for homeschooling options, then vaccines are not mandatory, and you can educate as you wish - with no bullying, no indoctrination, start class with a prayer of gratitude, and teach useful skills. Supplement with tutors, art classes, library visits, field trips to farms, etc. I am just learning what the options are in my state.

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Home school is needed, now more than ever. Public schools should have been dismantled years ago. Give the school taxes back to the homeowners so they can properly use their money to school their children as they see fit.

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R. Elliot I agree with you 100%.. Parents need to work two jobs, so its hard but your choice is going to be whether your child lives or dies... I have looked into home schooling for my granddaughter, when it comes to it, it is going to be a hard discussion.. Sacrifices will have to be made, maybe some laid off teachers could start local home schools and parents pay something affordable and as a group we all come together to trade and barter and connect with farmers locally and grow your own food and work it out like a commune.. It needs to be done and it has to be done..

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Time to dismantle Big Pharma crime and death pushing criminals. No one wants your poisons! Take your shots and shove them!t

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Big Pharma keeps germ theory alive.

For big bucks.

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All vaccines cause harm. Check out Dr. Paul's vaxxed vs non-vaxxed study.

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YES! My son is proof. He NEVER had ANY vaccinations and is completely healthy. Only vitamins minerals herbs and homeopathic remedies when sick. NO big pharma EVER. The key has always been to support your GOD given immune system.

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Also, check out Joy Garner's website: https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/

This is the best I have found for a survey of unvaccinated people.

The contrast between the vaxxed and unvaxxed is irrefutable.

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I wouldn’t give my kids any shots at this point.

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