They will be coming from the north one day.

Trudeau gave the northern Territories autonomy.

Now leaders can make corrupt side deals to give China access to resources they shouldn’t have!!! Northern leaders can lease land to China for telecommunications? Military personnel? Who knows? The sky is the limit now. Look out!!!

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Same note applies; see above! GUN UP.

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Why is Biden not under arrest for Treason?

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Well thats a 64,000$ question ?

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You had better GUN UP because you can bet your ass that those Chinese asshole invaders surely have. There is NO WAY the police can protect you. They will Always be TOO LATE. Defend yourself and your family and train family members. https://impissedoff.org/gun-up-america.html

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Paul and all,

Why? Seriously you do not get it YET?

Because YOU and everyone else is NOT focused on SOLUTIONS???

Sorry all I am way past focusing on the evil in every direction because there is more than enough evidence to convict!

I am ONLY focused on SOLUTIONS because you can NEVER win anything if this is not your focus NOW!

Are you part of the SOLUTIONS or part of America’s problems?

Nothing else matters in America unless SOLUTIONS start here…

1. STOPPING THE VACCINES…WHY have the American doctors and scientists NOT done this YET…after 17 million continuing vaccine murders??? Do WE THE PEOPLE need to push them in the right directions like our politicians???


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



No 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY = No More America!

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that's bad tks for post

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They may leave due to job losses or think that the neighbour’s grass is greener. China is very competitive, still.

I think that this is more of a concern…if it is so.


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I heard most of these guys are working as slaves on illegal pot farms in places like Oklahoma.

Everyone likes to talk about the evils of US slavery, and it was a thoroughly evil institution, albeit a common one throughout human history. How many slaves doing manual labor or "sex work" do we have in the US today? Do the powers that be care? And if so, are they for it or against it?

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That's a scary thought because everything else has come true. So rumors of why they are here could happen for real!

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Why you ask Dr Alexander? IMO and it has to do with the “Chinese Spy Balloon” traversing America unimpeded for 9, YES NINE DAYS! Think about the amount of data which can be “extracted from and pushed out to”, say a military base or an high tech company? If I can sit in my living room and push out / update software for my customers equipment remotely, what in God’s name do you think China was doing? At worse case and I am in no way saying this is what they did, nor am I suggesting anything of sort, but it seems very logical that if someone on the inside of a military base has been compromised and I’m sure there’s many people who have been, all they need to do is open a secure port and allow China to “extract from and push out to” whatever systems they want compromised! It’s certainly isn’t rocket science and we have learned, certainly over the past 4 years there been and continues to be, many, many people hellbent on taking America down! I know of any easier way than to, from the inside, allow China to “Lockdown” Americas military bases remotely! Add to that around 24K or more illegal Chinese Military Age Men, who have literally walked across Americas Southern Borders unimpeded! It doesn’t take an entire Army to takeover America at this point! This illegitimate administration is “aiding and abetting” the complete destruction of America! $0.0- very little monies are being spent to secure America and the majority is going to “FUND UKRAINE PENSIONS, Etc and SECURE UKRAINES BORDER! Why? Why is that?

Well IMO, it simple, collapse America by allowing China to walk right through our doors and take over! Yes it’s a little more complicated than that but you get my point! Quite honestly, after the past few years I can’t see it being much harder than what I just depicted! I do pray I’m wrong, I do hope it’s completely incorrect, but something tells me when BHO said he wanted to, “Fundamentally Transform America”, this is what I believe he meant! Actually, this is exactly what he meant and yes folks that’s exactly what’s happening! Patriotic Americans are under and have been under attack since the “GIANT COVID LIES” and so many people “fell in line”! Now only time will tell how quickly the “EVIL MONSTERS”, take to do exactly what they have told us they will do? May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Where does this number come from? Who is doing the counting at the border? How do we know if these people are Chinese and not from another Asian country? You can't blame any human being for wanting to escape communist China, but it should be done legally. How many Americans would want to escape to go live in communist China?

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15-20 years ago, China was a great place to live as an expat. Times change.

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It is still ok. But you do not get so many favors like before. And introduced taxation for laowais as well.. There are still so many expats from all western countries.

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