I really think you're dreaming if you believe anything is ever going to happen to those 25 people, they are all protected by globalist murderers and they will never answer any questions nor will they ever be held accountable for what they've done.

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They will escape Earthly judgement but they will not escape the final judgement. DNA is God's code. I do not think that altering God's code and altering 60 to 70 percent of the human race will be looked at as a good deed.

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Amen. That is my only peace I have in all of this, is that they will ALL stand before God at the end of their time here on earth. They will not escape Judgment forever.

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It is a rules based order and they are the ones who write the rules...the laws and constitution be damned.

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We already know the ANSWERS to the questions we would ask these MONSTERS. And this is the only reason we were able to formulate the questions.

The evidence ALREADY demonstrates their guilt. It's long past time these demons were formally charged. But those with the power to do so are COWARDS, and most of them work for George Soros these days.

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The pitchfork crowd will not stop at 25.

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The medical establishment is as corrupt as the political establishment. In essence, you guys are running an anti-corruption campaign without a whistleblower. (Critics, a few.) But no one has flipped. No one has gutted it from the inside.

It only takes one.


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The six "virus-origin" questions are Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. In my latest article, I expound on each of these questions and ask how many of these questions have been definitively answered almost four years into the “official” pandemic.

Maybe one or two - maybe or “partially.” The “When” question has definitely not been answered and is still off limits to official investigators and the MSM truth-seekers.


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I do not think you should invoke Revelations here, unless you are a serious believer...It seems a bit blasphemous. As well you are misquoting revelations.The four horsemen of the apocalypse are four biblical figures who appear in the Book of Revelation. They are revealed by the unsealing of the first four of the seven seals. Each of the horsemen represents a different facet of the apocalypse: conquest, war, famine, and death

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Nope, and if they do talk, they will have a heart failure or something.

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