I am entirely in agreement with the addition of Neil Ferguson and Leana Wen to the list of monsters deserving of being outcast, tried, and convicted for their dishonor, shame, and malfeasance.

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You're going to need a bigger boat.

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Hey media, look. We can make naughty lists too.

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Ian exactly, I was thinking I wish there was a way to get this LYING List of Criminals and Murderers out in the hands of the general public, so they know that the people they have had faith in are Psychopathic Genocidists and Habitual LIARS meaning these no good POS have LIED plenty of times in the past, their whole lives have been nothing but LYING to the public, but speaking TRUTH to their family and friends and co criminals. The people these LIARS call MISINFORMATION people are the actual TRUTH TELLERS.

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Coming from the U.K., I would like to include someone far worse than that dolt Ferguson.

Ex Health Secretary murdered thousands in care homes.

While we stayed at home to “protect the NHS, and (allegedly) save lives”, Matt Hancock orchestrated the mass murder of the elderly and vulnerable in care homes using a drug known as Midazolam and then told you that they had all died of Covid-19.


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Matt Hancock most assuredly deserves a place on this list, considering the international scope of the covid fraud.

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Thanks Kathleen. He’s currently enjoying himself on Celebrity SAS. A Daily Mail reader commented: (Liverpool Oath Gateway was a horrendous process were I’ll patients were not given food or water in assisted dying. There was an inquiry and safeguards put in place, which Hancock relaxed )

Media still giving Midazolam Matt any airtime is disgusting. His care home cull and relaxation of Liverpool Path Gateway guidelinesnsaw many lose elderly relatives dressed up 'COVID' deaths. Never forget their crimes.

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I'm American, but I absolutely vote for him being on the list. That WhatsApp text about "deploying the new variant" to terrorize everyone and get better compliance. And he seems like a power psychotic, spineless sadist, dark tetrad, Cluster B level of evil, who thinks he is a god and is totally entranced with himself and his fame. I bet he has portraits painted of himself that he hangs around his house, like Fauci. On the list!

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And yet, he released all his WhatsApps to the public?!?!

Unlike every other mass homicidal criminal in the cabal, or their collaborators, he did that. Why? Is it just possible he is so moronic he has been manipulated into thinking he's doing nothing wrong?

Don't get me wrong, he should and must swing (if found guilty), but maybe should be spared being hung drawn and quartered like the rest of 'em.

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Oh, dear, Hancock's not only a hypocritical tyrant. He's also unattractive, awkward, and cannot dance. His very rich colleague whom he left his wife for must have blinders on. Is power really that strong an aphrodisiac?

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Dark tetrad, Cluster B?, yes, but fortunately low IQ. Worse than Boris Johnson except in IQ.

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Hear hear !

Matt Hancock, the ‘Good Death’ administrator.

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Better than that. Anagram of his full name, Matthew John David Hancock, is 'DJ China death havoc monk wt'.

So is 'am covid deathwatch honk nj'

I think he was programmed for the role.


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You took the words out of my mouth Ro - I was just about to say, please can we add Midazolam Matt the monster 😉 Good call 🙏

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Thanks Puffin.

I’m Rog, got cut off!

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Neil definitely needs to join this cavalry... He has so much time in the saddle... h1n1, avian flu... sars(?), hoid/mouth disease(?) I tried to go back and read some of the British newspaper pieces on him but paywalls were in the way. When I first recognized the parallels w H1n1; it seemed like a cartoonist could make a graphic novel to show all the parallels quite powerfully. Esp if you include Christian Drosten. I have to look if you have included him... he def belongs here too.

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Please add Drosten, brother Paul.

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'antichrists drone' is but one anagram of 'Christian Drosten'. This is one good reason for him to be on the list.

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Neil should be near the top of the list, but then there are so many. My WordPress site.


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Ferguson was another one having romantic trysts whilst the whole rest of the population was locked down. These people are just despicable. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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They are all deserving of capital punishment but so are all of the members of congress who never pushed back against the medical tyranny- never lifted a finger to question the narrative nevermind question the constitutionality of mandated death jabs; therefore being entirely complicit with the horsemen. The exceptions being Rand Paul and Ron Johnson; the rest should all be hung, drawn and quartered.

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There are too many to count now. What about the new CDC director?

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You can add the entire federal and provincial governments of Canada to your list. And now that I reflect on this further you can add Australia and New Zealand as well.

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A regiment of Satan's own cavalry...

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Indeed, the whorsemen and women of the apocalypse.

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This is going to end as the 25,000,000 horsemen.

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Where are Randi Weingarten, Cuomo and hair gel Newsom's names? They directly contributed to the death and destruction too.

This list is going to get very long when all the perps names are added.

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Loving the list.. never forget!!

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If Dorsey and Zuck are on, why is the Youtube leadership off?

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Wen advocated locking people up. They all belong on the list.

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Oh, yeah - Dr. Wen definitely belongs on that list.

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How does Schwab stay off this list?

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