Talk about all-in: Wayne State University mandates all students have at least three Covid jabs and their flu vaccine. Who would go to such a college? Every person teaching students and setting policy is a dumb ass.

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yeah, why even bother with the whole expensive plandemic psy-op when they could have just f*cked us all proper, like Hitler, Stalin or Mao?

MAID in Canada by nazi communist Turdhole & Co. #Genocide #BioWeapon

Yes and it's "legal" here to assist the mentally ill to top themselves. Apparently Trudeau has modelled it on the Aktion T4 euthanasia program developed for Hitler by Nazi ethicists. There's reportedly a bill being developed to declare the unvaccinated "mentally ill."


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Turd hole ! Like it , a lot

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A dumb ass or paid criminal more like.

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Not A nor B, Dennis, but C...'Rumour circulates online suggesting Justin Trudeau is making money from COVID vaccines

...But is he really profiteering from Canadian pharma-technology?

The claim ties back to a private biotechnology company called Acuitas Therapeutics.

Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Acuitas specializes in the development of lipid nanoparticles, a crucial component of the mRNA COVID injection delivery system. Lipid nanoparticles encase and “protect” the mRNA to ensure it is delivered inside human cells.

The National Research Council of Canada notes that Acuitas

has over five years of research and development from their subset, the Industrial Research Assistance Program.

Pfizer has a licensing agreement with Acuitas Pharmaceuticals to use their lipid nanoparticle technology for vaccine development. Moderna’s licensing agreements are more muddied.

The claims seem to stem from a patent kerfuffle with the same technology, dating back as early as 2016 with some terminated agreements between Acuitas and Arbutus BioPharma. There could be royalties involved depending on the licensing agreements mentioned above and the existing patents.

These patents are, as far as I can tell, where the rumour that has been circulated widely online comes into play, suggesting that Trudeau is running an illegal monopoly through the Canadian lipid nanoparticle innovation.

The claim asserts that the prime minister, through the Trudeau Foundation, owns up to 40% of either company. Despite being strongly suggested, this assertion remains uncorroborated.'[sic]

rebelnews.com /rumour_circulates_online_suggesting_justin_trudeau_is_making_money

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Yet at the same time I have to wonder. I'm not a scientist, doctor, or even have any degree. I'm just a retired car mechanic. But early on, shortly after the vaccines were introduced, I could clearly see data on the internet of the toxicity of the Covid vaccines. I went to the CDC VAERS data, and at that time there were 10,000 fatalities reported. One of the early reports was from Dr. McCullough. So if an average guy like me knew, it boggles the mind that an intelligent doctor would risk their life to attend this school. What about all the other Canadian doctors who died? Were all of them ignorant, or did they know the danger and decided to risk their lives anyway? Wish there was a way to interview all of them and understand their faulty reasoning.

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Duane, what most people lack is good old common sense and critical thinking skills. They are so easily swayed into group think without questioning. So many doctors pushed this injection without even questioning authority or doing their homework. IMO they are just useful idiots.

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This I kind of already know, college educated idiots. Yet one has to wonder, didn't they see the easily available information that I ran across with minimal effort? Then did they dismiss it out of hand, (even though the sources were all highly credible)? Or were they so dedicated to their school or practice that they said it wouldn't happen to them?? It's a conundrum. Can't interview the dead ones, but there are still some alive who could maybe provide some insight. Of all people, Dr. Malone took the jab and was vaccine injured, he's said he just took their word that it was all safe. No critical thinking there. They lie about the flu vaccine, but we've known that maybe at most only 1% might have some protection from the flu. .

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And he supposedly was one of the inventors!

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Yes, he tells all about it in his book, "Lies my government told me" The problem is that technology was always experimental and the proper trials and testing never performed, they ended up with a toxic product that have now killed and injured tens of thousands.

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Me too. I'm an average person that figured out something was wrong with the shots the summer of 2021. I've talked to one doctor that said they knew right away something was wrong with the response to this disease. What happened to the others? Were they shocked by the fear tactics so they lost their ability to think for themselves and then bow to the "almighty" CDC, FDA and Fauci - without checking things out for themselves?? Probably runs the whole gamut of possibilities.

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I became completely opposed to the idea of those death jabs and for curiosity sake asked my doctor, and she immediately said no way, don't even think about it. She's a DO. She was in the loop very early on as well.

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Thank God you had one of the smart ones unafraid to speak truth.

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Well said and your point is dead on. My wife and I never considered the jab either and we're senior citizens. Even with no knowledge of these jabs' specific toxicity, you still know: they are promoted by pharma, the medical industry, msm, and the government. If you didn't already know these are known serial liars there is no hope for you. The lack of danger from COVID for all but the very unhealthy was known months before the rollout. New, unproven technology, never been an MRNA product used. Until now nobody had been able to cure or prevent the common cold or any coronavirus. Vaccines in general had been insanely off the table for any discussion for decades, which is a huge red flag for belief in ANY vaccine. So - with no specific research it was already a no-brainer unless you were old and fat, or similarly at risk. You didn't need to know all the ferrets died! I agree, I don't get it. Malhotra is another example, most all of them are morons, is all I can figure. I only take seriously those who had sense from the beginning, like Igor, Mercola, et al. Although many with jab remorse are doing good work.

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You didn't attend the brainwashing institution.

Being ignorant on any subject is far better than the state of having been misled on it.

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Its the individual, not the training. The intelligent see the brainwashing for what it is. After all, it's completely obvious what's going on in such institutions. I went through the same military training as everybody around me. While it had some effects on me like tuning up my discipline to hop out of bed early and adhere to a schedule, it made no dent in my distrust of authority. All the other trainees emerged as gung-ho authoritarian followers, ready to follow their corrupt leaders to their death, if it came to that. And happy about being such a drone. Those who have the desired response to the training were stupid followers before the training began.

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What I want to see is these administrators mandating these shots, even though they are EUA only, and there is no complete info given so there can be no informed consent, I want to see every damned one of them indicted, and if convicted, executed and all their assets seized and distributed to the families they harmed. #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter #resist #DoNotComply

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Me, too.

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Sounds good to me.

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Wouldn't that be great?

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Well, if he drank the koolaid, he won his prize. If he did it (multiple jabs) just so he could stay in school (not waste his schooling) I do not know that I can be harsh with his decision. Just, maybe he saw the others around him were not being impacted and thought things would be 'okay'. Or he actually did think 'safe and effective'? I dunno know. Just know that if ENOUGH students say NO the schools might be up a creek no paddle .. and allow for the exemptions at least.

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I know a lot of doctors, from many countries. Most are well-motivated. They intend no harm. However, theey swallow the Kool-Aid. They're rushed off their feet. They don't read, except what health bureaucrats distribute and the journals or newsletters of their own professional associations.

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Yes, I think you nailed it there. One of the main - if not THE main - reason, is that doctors and med students are in their own 'professional cocoon' and don't read anything but the journals/newsletters of their professional associations. And if they do read other sources, they dismiss the message as it is not packed in the medical lingo they are accustomed to.

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You believe most doctors are well-motivated? Some are, sure. Most, no way. We just saw them fail to follow the most basic tenets they're supposed to adhere to over the last three years because it was the path of least resistance - for them, but caused great harm to patients. The last three years didn't change them, it just made it obvious what they have always been.

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They’re doing this on purpose as the deadly actions of these bioweapons knew this. They’re murderers!

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Beyond tragic

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That ‘medical’ school should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to enforce the ‘killer’ shot!!! Disgusting!!!

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They might have had a weak justification to begin with. They have none at all now. My own general practitioner has had, last I heard, 4 shots and 3 bouts of Covid. He was in shock that the shots didn't protect him. He called the cops to remove a guy from his waiting room who was pleading with his girlfriend who was waiting to get a shot to not do it.

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A wild game they play with people’s lives😬

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Yes there is no excuse for what that medical school is doing but it is the principal role and function of institutions of higher learning to churn out brainwashed sheep who believe whatever bullshit is fed to them and who do not question so-called "authority."

The role of the sheep is not to wonder why.

Theirs is but to do and die.

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Unbelievable. Although my primary has been trying to talk me into getting the shot since they came out. But calling the cops is really extreme.

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He was trying to talk his girlfriend OUT of getting the shot. He was coming from a place of care and concern. However, some people who try to talk people into getting the shots are also coming from the same place. The doc was trying to talk me into the shots too. He doesn't any more. He now catches every respiratory virus that's going around and his healing from his recent eye surgery is not going as smoothly as he had anticipated.

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I will never understand how doctors could be so stupid.

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They're fallible, imperfect, fucked up human beings like all of us Leslie, like every human being I have ever met.

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Apparently so ANW.

Best to you.

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Ashamed of themselves? You must think the leaders of our corrupt institutions have minds that work like the minds of substack readers. They don't, they are much, much different. Study psychopathy, extensively, and you will understand how the world works and why things suck like they do and always have. They are not all full-blown psychopaths, and it doesn't explain everything, but nothing will ever make sense so long as you think most leaders feel shame, remorse, or give a damn about us, as a normal person would.

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Yes but don't study psychopathy alone. Study also OCPD, Hitler, Fauci and Walensky's personality disorder. Psychopathy is often comorbid with it. Mental health literacy for OCPD is very low. You need to study it extensively. Study not just the core features but also the associated features. In the ICD-10 it's called "anankastic personality disorder." Go to the works of Theodore Millon and find "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." It's the disorder behind the mass vaccinations and mass deaths. It's why it's so hard to change the bureaucrats' minds with evidence.. OCPD is the main personality disorder of high functioning professionals and also of serial killers as well as public health bureaucrats and academic scientists.

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Ashamed? Shut down. In a sane world.

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I can’t trust those in medicine anymore. They obviously shouldn’t trust themselves, either.

If you can’t properly access risk, stay away from a profession where human life’s at stake. Aim lower.

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They're not trained to doubt. They're trained to believe.

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Bridget, you’re right. Your physician is in the mirror. Be healthy; thankfully, its not rocket science!❤️🙏🏽

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You've pointed out the silver lining of this disaster. Those in medicine, as well as other institutions, should NEVER have been trusted. Thankfully, more see this now. I don't understand how citizens of democracies can be so foolish as to trust anybody, particularly here in the U.S. The overriding theme of our founding documents was to put every safeguard in place to prevent those in charge from hurting us for their own benefit, because it's guaranteed they will try to do exactly that.

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You'd think his medical school classmates would stop and do some research to determine exactly HOW HE DIED/WHAT KILLED HIM rather than accept the nonsensical excuse he 'died suddenly -- without explanation or autopsy.'

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I wish somebody would do some investigating at Wayne State and places where similar things have happened to see what the students'/employees' private discussions are like. When Damar dropped I'm sure some NFL players were thinking - uh-oh, I could be next. I'd love to know how many.

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I admire your faith in sheep even though my faith in them is much weaker than yours. But I do admire it.

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I think a sizeable percentage have an inkling they could be at risk from the jab. I could be wrong. That doesn't mean I think they wouldn't fall for the next scam. They assuredly would, they are sheep. Mindless drones is another apt term. I don't have faith in them either.

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This is like having a one way window to the death camp showers and not being able to do a damn thing to stop it. Every leader who hid and ignored this genocide must pay.

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Schools of higher learning? ...NOPE, NADA, NILCH

Higher deaths - tragic & sooo unnecesssary

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Ideology über alles, even the lives of their peers, their professionally legacy.

Cruel, sick, and inexcusably negligent, and wholly evil, no less.

Mass formation of the public health/ministerial class.

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This has become awfully routine. That Does Not mean i fail to value each and every human life, as a vessel of God that it is meant to be. Despite Obidenite ideas to the contrary.

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When will they learn?

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Apparently never.

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Of course this is just a Conspiracy Theory?! 🥲

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everyone stop going to college. save your money, learn a useful trade. bleed them dry

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Good idea. Trouble is, most people don't want to do real work. And strangely, although there is nothing more honorable than real work, many fools believe it's "beneath them". I hope all those people are jabbed, they're disgusting!

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