Where is Joe? Is he alive or dead?

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hhhmmmm can answer both ways

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Do you mean like "where's waldo?" lol

I've been hearing this question raised a few times today. And, why was personal stationery used instead of the official POTUS one, signature not looking to match, etc ....??

These bastards sure know how to keep us

on our toes!

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could be bad

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Just found this. Biden calls into Kamala press conference.


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Thanks! So it's just audio ....

"Some" say sleepy creepy Joe's been dead awhile and we've been watching actors sitting in his stead. Idk. Crazy world!!

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Harris is of less sound mind than Biden and both need to resign simultaneously and immediately and Biden then needs to be replaced as president by the Speaker.

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boom boom

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We should hope Joe gets replaced.

No matter whom Kamala picks as veep.

Right now those in charge can Zombie sign anything into law via Excutive Order.

Think about it folks.

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someone has been running the USA and signing everything

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That's the trouble , who is it?

Some people honestly think there is an intelligence somewhere that want to see the earth in flames,and all forms of life destroyed ..

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Leave him in there, don't give her the title now as it won't play well for us.

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That's OK, Kelleigh,

I can understand time constraints.


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Thank you...own my own business and write and keep a big house and cook a lot, so just couldn't do it. Can't figure out how to opt out of it.

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I believe they been able to do that for a while but ur right it's much easier as he deteriorates.

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Well there is no one worth having in the House either. Speaker Mike Johnson was paid 95K last Nov. by a lobbying group and it appears that he did their bidding. He hasn't let the J6 videos our other than .04%, he didn't fight to close the border, he gave more money to Ukraine and he's given tons to the rotten weaponized FBI for a new building. Marjorie Taylor Greene spelled it out perfectly, he's a totally owned rotten neo-con shyster, better yet, a weasel...like Pence with a Bible out front and a knife behind his back. So, it is Cackles or Johnson, not much of a choice...slightly better with the little man, but not much.

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he is IMO a duplicitous person

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we did wrong with this speaker...especially he gave Ukraine etc. 95 billion and not one dollar for our border security

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I think so too, wrote two articles on the man that were in depth...He's a fraud...money is what talks to him. Remember what he said to Hannity when first interviewed? If people want to know me, just look in the Bible. I did and Judas came to mind.

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I would want to be 110% sure that no foreign born could be placed in VP position. I've heard no foreigner can be president not sure about VP or house speaker.

Would hate for that rep born in Somalia to become VP or Tlaib from Michigan. No telling who Harris wants? A woman or trans probably.

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we are watching that closely

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Whitmer from Michigan to get the swing state votes?

She's extreme! Banned sale of seeds, paint, etc during covid putting up barriers, no motorboat fishing in the middle of 60000 Sq mile lake, she would be an extreme authoritarian.

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I vote "No Confidence" in ANYONE in the traitor joe administration. They are ALL responsible for where we are today. Hell no.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

my money is mainly on Jill Biden... 50%

then maybe 25% on Hunter Biden...

and the rest on someone that doesn't want Harris to be President, at least NOT right now.

ever see weekend at Bernie's?

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The best thing for them to do would be to put old Joe out of his misery because many states have already passed their ability to change the ballot and death of the candidate is the only way it can be changed but of course most government don't follow the law or rules so I guess they will end up doing whatever they want. Kamala Harris is NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and was never eligible to be VP or President. And REAL Americans better start screaming this from the roof tops. Vivek Ramaswamy, Dr. Shiva, Ted Cruz, Bobbie Jindal, Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio are also not NBCs. THAT IS A FACT FOLKS.

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Kamala is being used as a “pinyatta”-Until OBAMA the papal head of this fucking crime colony

gives his consent-- she is not a definite choice- I.M.O The will wait for the Delegates Vote at the convention and in doing so try not to have a backlash from black voters-(the illegal payments to illegals has been a stunning move where the black community is going to vote against them in huge numbers--the damage the DNC has done to itself in black communities is simply stupidly stunning-The DNC WAS SIMPLY FISHING FOR A NEW BREED OF VOTERS, AND COULD NOT GET THEM LOCALLY--IT WAS ULTIMATELY THE SINGLE MOST SELF DESTRUCTIVE MOVE OF A PARTY RETROGRADING INTO SLIME

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I do not think the 25th Amendment honestly implimented needs to be changed. If his posse fails to do something that is clearly called for Congress can impeach them or the president and compel medical information on the President. Assuming failure to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed" part of Article II of the Constitution, is actionable that might be an impeachment route, however clumsy.

When the Poresident is non compos mmentis he isn't "taking care . . ." So can impeachment be brought on that basis?? Why can't a case be made that turning all ones duties over to another permanently is a derilection of duty and must be remedied by resignation?

Misfeasance malfeasance and nonfeasance are more tort than criminal (unless there is an underlying crime exhibited) and the implications are too problematic to pursue.

Maybe a writ of mandamus -- an order to do ones duty and failure to do so could be criminal (misdemeanor or "higher crime") but then separation of powers comes into play.

If there are valid laws requiring the President to do something or not to do something and he violates that law, then as Black's law defines it : A misdemeanor is an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law either forbidding or commanding it." Is such a law in existence validly applyinbg to the President? Is failure to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed" at least a misdemeanor and actionable?

Is violation of an oath of office a high crime and mmisdemeanor?

Anyway I do not think it is a a good idea to pursue any of it in this time frame. The country is no more in danger with Biden still the titular president than 3 or 4 years ago. Our enemies know Joe is not all there and have had to deal with Joe's people all along. Biden's policies will continue until DEMOCRATS are ousted. Biden was the weakest to run against until Trump et al felt it necessary to run him out of the nomination. Brilliant, just brilliant.

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There is a tweet as long as Joe can stay in office I think we are better off. That forces the Dem candidate off WI and NV ballots. Also think it’s a problem in other states as well.

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I think he's dead.

They need him dead to fix the ballot issues they now have. There are carveouts for death and 25th amendment reasons. 25th amendment has a big issue if he is mentally incompetent, depending on when this happened, many of the things he signed into law would not be legally valid.

That's why he will die.

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Clearly , there is a group of har liners that dont want Kamala there-- i would not eat any mushrooms if i were her!

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