I know you’re excited by this, but as I’ve said before, he can’t/won’t disavow the jabs because:

1. Ego/narcissism will not allow him to admit he was wrong.

2. Taking of big pharma money for his election.

3. Purposeful bad advice from those around him.

Oh, and there’s this.


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Capt Roy Harkness posted this earlier. Demonstrations in Canada have begun. They're calling for mask mandates and more boosters. The US can't be far behind. I can see BLM type riots if Americans don't get more boosters. No wonder the RINOS and Dems want Trump to denounce the jabs.

"Watch: Canadian Activists Demanding Return Of Mask Mandates Attack Counter Protester"


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Thank you for this comment and for dropping the link. I'm watching the video now and all I can do is shake my head.

A part of me is saying that these must be crisis actors because there's no way that people are really calling for mandates back.


If you want to wear your mask... then wear it lol

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Leftist teachers and professors have identified useful idiots in their classrooms for years, and these lists are eventually compiled and ported to organizations like the Soros Open Society, and bribes/payments are made so that these already mentally maligned morons can become professional agitators. Unable to compete in a fair society, they become the ANTIFA/BLM/Pussy Riot "crisis actors" across the world, carrying oput the rituals of the elites (well above Soros' paygrade). These "Elites" typically own Central Banks or massive multi-nationals, and they smile, laugh and cackle as we suffer. They LOVE it.

What can we do? Find a brave 10M accomplished warriors, and send them to Rothschild Castles, and very hardened bunkers in Antarctica and elsewhere, that these vermin rule the world from.

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Compounding this issue, are the otherwise well-meaning sorts who think Presidents and Premieres matter. It is hard enough to help them understand guys like Soros, Kissinger, Brezinski, Klaus Schwab, while outranking a Trump or a Biden, are only Knights, Bishops or Rooks on the chessboard. National leadership no longer much matters. We have about 250,000 Elites to eliminate. Dynastic, Monarchic, Financial. Industrial, magnates who worship deities as sick as the Mayans who ripped out millions of hearts to appease their "Gods." We are in deep shit.

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Crisis actors sounds about right, because they have to use psychology and the brainwashing tool...TV...hoping for monkey see monkey do intellect to kick in.

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Useful idiots. Also smh...

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Yes this has is being reported....wtf?.....i saw people in Florida wearing masks yesterday.....i was so surprised as i did not think it would happen so soon but then again i don’t watch any news....i looked at her and said something not rude just said something.

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They're in fear because repeat covid infections are potentially associated with turbocancers and AIDS. There are more than 200 symptoms that mainly don't begin until after the acute infection has resolved.

Patients experience difficulties in at least 17 domains. These include difficulties with: Breathing; Pain; Circulation; Fatigue; Memory, Thinking and communication; Movement; Sleep; Ear, nose and throat; Stomach and digestion; Muscles and joints; Mental health and wellbeing; Skin and hair; Eyes; Reproductive health (male/female); Other symptoms;

Quality of life is severely affected and the problems get worse with repeated infections.

SARS-CoV-2 is airborne AIDS on steroids.

They are in fear and imagine that masks will make risk go away.

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You are terrific …. I could not just list all of that so easily….i know the dangers well of vaccines and pesticides since the 80s (Thank you Mercola, Kennedy, Adams) but this is terrific….i never believed in masks either and I was taking care for 25 years a parent who had been run over by a truck so I was concerned not to being in germs….but i never wore a mask….within days of the Covid here there were articles on that the masks were ineffective….i just wish that more people were into research and finding truth….but because of those who are not our rights are affected…..yes fear….and the WEF etc know the tactics well…..and the brilliance of having a poisonous substance not effect us until we can not make the connection between the two is evil…..thanks for this….Peace…

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Trump was right from the beginning. He was against the lockdowns. He had Fauci, the establishment, the media and the unpredictability of new pandemic on his back. There is no way he could have known better. He did a sterling job, and was fearless.

I never saw him wear a mask.

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Credit where credit is due.

I voted for him.

But daddy warp speed needs to get ahead of this.

"Do not comply" is a distraction.

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Warp Speed since i was in NY and watched it had more to do with making respirators really fast which we though would help but did not......and the ships and hospital spaces which we also did not need....how do you know the information given to T was even honest and correct......they wanted him out....he tried to tell us about alternative things but was stopped at every turn....he never mandated.....i don’t take vaccines....anyone who does is sadly uneducated....and uneducated extends to those who believe politicians and our agencies......when we get the full picture based on everything which we don’t have right now probably due to security then perhaps a wise and credible decision could be make.....God Bless President Trump.....and the entire world who is not WEF brainwashed is seeing this....

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Yes, I know all that. It's what he's NOT saying now that's important.

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I understand too….it is just that watching everything in the now, i can’t stay in the past….i think that of all the people out there he is the one that gives us the best chance of moving into a better world with individual rights…..and many people around the globe are saying that though i am not using that to support my views…..i never depend upon people……Mystically speaking there are numbers that come out with T’s name that indicate he is the one for peace and rights….but we all have to go with what is right for us….i don’t try to convince anyone of anything…..people have very strong feelings….in the end i just pray that good wins…..peace….

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You are stuck in the past.....move into the now.....things change.....and he uses his ego on purpose....but in order to see that one must have a heart to connect to his heart...........every rally he says it is we the people who will be the government.....since the 80s he has been saying the same things.....and against Big Pharma....there is a time to drop things and reassess....... but again that is ok.....everyone can have an opinion.....but we must move forward and this does make a difference....oh well....so be it.....Amen...

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Every single candidate gets donations from Big Pharma. However, The bulk of Trump's donations are made by Jo and Jane Average, small donations. He's not financial married to a reliance on Big Pharma for support. Wall St, nope. Main St, you and me, yes.

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Oops - Green Hornet my comment below was intended to be 'Reply'.

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They all take big-kill Pharma shekels -- we are all so apprehensive re/lawful election process whether lockdowns or not.

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Okay, Mr. Trump, let's see a video in which you name names and crimes, and call out for swift, brutal justice against the criminals that harmed and killed us over the past 3 1/2 years ... let's hear a mea culpa - publicly admit your grave error regarding the "vaccines" ... let's hear an iron-clad promise like this: "If I do not lock up these criminals within my first year as POTUS in 2025, then I will immediately resign!" Let's see and hear all of that, and THEN we'll believe you. Otherwise, the only thing we remember are the thousands of times that you chanted "Lock her up!!" only to watch you give the Clintons and all other criminals a free pass - you did not take out a SINGLE Fat Rat criminal, they ALL walked. Okay, Mr. Trump, we're waiting .........

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Well said. His entire gaggle of kids (I am sure Baron will too), is married to jews. Biden too. Kamala's husband is jewish. Drumpf is so indebted to the Bank of Rothschild for bailouts in the 1980's, he hired that bank's ex-President, Wilbur Ross to run Commerce.

Every nation on this planet predicated upon the freedoms imagined by exclusively white philosophers, and finally implemented in the late 1700's, is being demolished.

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Correct! 😑

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Yep! 😑

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When he's back in, I hope he also uses the provisions outlined in the USMCA agreement to take down crooked Justin Trudeau and his band of goons. Canada is in trouble!

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I have a good friend that lives in the Kitchener area, and he is depressed, deeply depressed by the quick devolution into near-tyranny there. It seems the Five Eyes countries all used the same autocratic template during covid, starting with Australia and New Zealand, most perniciously, soon showing up in Canada. And Canada is the template for the USA... more difficult because of our population and some barely still-standing Constitutional firewalls against outright autocracy, but we're getting there. Fast.

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The steady and immense importation of people who do not appreciate, nor have experienced freedom, will ultimately sink the ship. Add in their vastly lower than Caucasian IQs, and much higher propensity for violence, and we can imagine by 2030 they will look much like the ANC in South Africa, dancing, and chanting "death to whites." it is coming, and WE are the last defense.

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Yeah ... did anyone pay attention to what Darth Brandon said just recently about new vaccines that work ? kind of implies that the old ones developed under...O operation Warp Speed didn't Work Cause well they didn't. Cue the pivot to Orange Vaxxman Bad strategy by the Dems cause the more they indict Donald, the higher his Poll numbers go.

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He's vulnerable on the vaxx folks... I know a lot of you refuse to see it but he is.

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In terms of public relations, for some people, yes. But most of the people demanding *denunciation* are hiding behind using that as a moral issue with which to bludgeon him. And were he to *denounce*, they'd say 'A-HA, gotcha and still not voting for you'. It's just a political weapon for some, hoping to chip away at his support via the cowardice of framing their opposition as a moral issue. The one-issue voters are going to work as hard as always to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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The problem is, Brandon's Army gets to burn cities down, with the jewish media praising them, and Trump's Army gets put in jail for even mentioning an obviously stolen election was stolen.

They, The Left, own Central Banks and tight control over nearly all media. If we do not break them free of that power, we are all soon to be in black ops detention centers.

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Trump only talks about mandates. He still should not be forgiven for his past crimes on issue.

He will not admit the Jab no longer works (mutated virus faster that Vaccine) and that it is dangerous.

He still will not say that the spike protein is a Toxin

Here is another study showing that it can stay in body for 6 months or more:


Trump has been booed for past 8 months because he is weak on Covid.

Trump is trying to copy DeSantis, but he is too late.

Thankfully Trump has peaked with his SYMPATHY polling against the convictions.

He just paid out 101 M in legal expenses off the backs off MAGA people donating.

DeSantis beat Trump in the Young Republicans poll.

Tucker just said that Trump is too old to POTUS.

Clay Travis just said that Trump has no path to victory because he cannot win GA.

Its OVER guys. Embrace DeSantis now. You don't have to keep making excuses for the heavily flawed Trump.

Everything I wrote above is the Gospel Truth.

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If he disavows the jab and does a Mea Culpa on that, I'm there...

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Akshally....2nd blocked me, for having the audacity to push back on the demands that *Trump must denounce!*....sooooo, maybe the high-fiving him is bit premature.

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36 months too late in my view. Still too many die hard masktards, lockdowners and vacci-nazis.

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Trump is just following DeSantis on this issue. It was a pure political statement.

He still won't disavow the Vaccine and admit it hasn't worked for almost 2 yrs and is dangerous. He won't talk against Big Pharma, because the people around him told him if he stops talking about Early Treatment and promotes the Jab, they will get him re-elected.

They all tricked the gullible Trump.

It was always for a personal WIN for Trump. He is a RINO, not a Republican.

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I refuse to follow this 2nd Smartest Guy & his substacks

Find a reputable source!

He is NOT reputable

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This is the best response to Trumps position on COVID.


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This is coming through on YouTube feeds too.....glad to see it....people even T gets wiser.....he never expected DC to be as corrupt as it is and he did his best to fight it.....maybe in some areas he was at that time unable....let’s get an entire picture with military intel etc from people who know before we who do not get all the info make judgements .....it is God’s world too....everyone plays the part they have contracted for....but that is another topic.....

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After hundreds of years of candidates on either side of the "aisle" saying whatever they need to so they can gain power, people still fall for it. Damndest thing I have ever seen, and the same "obliviots" who wore two masks over their four jabs, will fuck it up for rational people again.

The problem is, the authoritarian Leftists who have now commandeered the entire world, have subsidized the breeding of the dumbest on the planet for 100 years, and made life miserable for the best.

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Trump has been a bungling bugger many times . But that aside if he follows through with his do not comply speech the Nation and the World can get back on track

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When I try to see this vid, it says "This page has been blocked by an extension". I cannot see anything that is on Donald Trumps TS page. Does anyone know what is going on here?

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