If you are worried about donors and money, you are already off the track.

The real whistleblowers are never interested in money, they know how the money corrupted absolutely everything. Look at the amount of money Dr. Alexander turned down. Only people who have access to the Money Printers get this kind of $$$. 97% take the bribes....so there is that.

In fact, the good ones usually end up broke and/or dead. We are saying a prayer right now for Dr. Alexander and the rest of the good ones who turned away from money and towards TRUTH!

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False flags or slander?

Some fighters are even accused of being controlled opposition to numb us down and sink scarce resources. Most assume that they are doing the people’s job and therefore, so “we the people” can relax and do nothing: a classic false flag operation.

In order to have controlled opposition, the person must appear to provide the correct anti-narrative, at least in certain issues, like Berenson (masks, lockdowns, COVID lab-origin, vaccine injuries). The actor has to make his followers believe he is fighting for them, so they can relax.

Under such definition, anyone not suing government and Big Pharma could be a suspect of false flag. For example, some accuse Berenson of suing for himself to recover damages, not the common good.

Moreover, anyone not pointing to the true problem and solutions could also be accused.

The following examples are accusations that should be given the benefit of the doubt: anyone can make mistakes, anyone can commit sins of pride (the higher the easier). Everyone is needed in this war. No-one is expendable!

The slanderers are denying basic humane rights:

• to private fraternal correction

• to be presumed innocent until proven guilty

• to have a good name free of slander

• to defend themselves in direct confrontation

Some of the accused are:

Alex Berenson: attacked HCQ, IVM and vaccine injured.1

Dr. Ryan Cole, says the nano-routers are stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals.2

Dr. Robert Malone, had a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-20173) and was promoting haccinating the elderly before his conversion. He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each. 4

By not giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Some ask: does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? If he could, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide. By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Others say that it’s strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE?

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the high risk and working for a Bio-defence contract.6

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 7

9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 8, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections, 3 years late. Also, by Jan 2020, Malone had shown that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 9 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023!

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The next threats and the solution:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge !

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SPOT ON! Thank you for this. Red flags galore. And I will say, anyone that is concerned about being slandered (by honest and good people who are asking good questions) in the middle of genocide should be highly suspect. I think the questions asked of Robert are completely justified and anyone on the right side of history should not have a problem with an honest discussion or debate given the level of evil involved in these crimes. Tying up attorney's time with lawsuits like this when we should all be putting our time, energy and money in to fighting the machine is unimaginable. I remember he stated he could no longer get work. Like what, in particular...government contracts? Well that could be if his job was to gain the trust of the public and he failed. I always supported Robert but right now we cannot risk blindly following anyone. Earn my trust and keep it. I trust nothing but my deep intuition at this point. So many good points in what you've posted. 🙏🏻

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Yes, absolutely.

We who are whistleblowers risk everything. We have risked our lives, our family's finances then and into the future, our reputation, and why do we do it? Because we are dedicated to the integrity of society, to the lives who we hope to save or protect from harm, to our patients who are victimized and neglected and abused due to violations of the standards of care that are well-known.

Those who created these bio-weapons as well as the lockdown policies, the ridiculous masking that prevents nothing, the "social distancing" that isolates and dis-empowers the people, they intend death and harm only and in doing what they did, they violated every standard of care that applied, consistently without fail! That is evil.

And yes, Dr Malone, for remaining silent and I do remember him recommending, saying that for the elderly, the "vaccines" could be used. What is that? They are poisons without any doubt and the proof is their poisonous fruit, i.e., horrific harms to the people who prior are healthy or stable, and become devastated, disabled, or dead.

I have seen the "vaccine" injured and have had to nurse them, bandage or dress their wounds trying to heal the effects of these terrible terrible poisons, and the people don't know what has been done to them. The doctors still require them and are still pushing them and the people think they are being protected when they are being poisoned. It is the most egregious evil to convince people to take poison in order to supposedly protect their lives, to save the lives of their loved ones, and then watch them be harmed, in so many, many ways.

There are no words for this evil! And yes, we whistleblowers, risk everything and money is never what it is about, because some lose their job, their career, their reputation, and some lose their lives. Either we are for life and care, or we are part of the evil.

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The truth seekers must be united, since the opposition is formidable, well-funded, and is controlling too much of the narrative to the American public. We are going down the wrong path in medicine that is interfering with the very essence of life which is our DNA.!

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Malone's lawsuit against the Breggins is reprehensible. It casts significant doubt on his character. He is either thin skinned and petty, or, there is a more sinister, as yet unknown, explanation.

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There is no doubt in my mind Malone is a government asset. I was very disappointed that Dr. Nass took a side and didn’t even think critically enough to realize that if Malone was so against this technology in the vaccine, there would be absolutely no reason for him to get it. Not once but twice. He created it. He knew the probable outcome. She claims he was fooled. By whom? Himself??

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He says here that Peter Marks talked him into taking it.



In my case, I had a teleconference because of who I am and my background. I had a teleconference specifically with Peter Marks at the FDA early on where I said, "Peter, I'm concerned about these things that are in this non-clinical package. You guys have been hoodwinked." And he told me, basically, "Robert, give me some time to get this out. I have the new data package from Pfizer. I have no concerns now. Please don't make a big issue out of this." And I stayed silent for a few months based on that, and I took the jab. And I got the toxicity. My point is I was fooled. We were all fooled. And we were all prevented from having informed consent. So forgive each other, please. Forgive me.

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"I took the jab". Despite his unparalleled inside knowledge, and the fact he had already been infected. He sure is easy to fool.

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Malone has always been a big vaccine person. It was core to his training and belief system. Very hard for someone to abandon something that has guided his professional life and reputation. Often it takes a catastrophic event to break thru the Cognitive Dissonance of their beliefs for change to occur. So he trusted someone that he must have respected professionally despite his misgivings. Lessons for all to learn in this example: it is a very common occurrence and it a big problem in dealing with people in and out of science.

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The fundamental purpose of a vaccine is to introduce a pathogen in order to initiate an immune response. The purpose being to prime the immune system for any future encounter with the pathogen.

An actual prior infection completely obliterates any added benefit of vaccination. He had naturally acquired immunity.

Malone 'has always been a big vaccine person'. So, he knew this beyond any doubt. But, he still got the jabs. As I said, he sure is easy to fool.

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Of course, you, too, could be accused of not thinking critically if we were to learn that Malone DID NOT get jabbed but only claims he did...which in the end bolsters your opinion of him but...

I say this because we shouldn't be too quick to judge others' use of critical thinking skills. Meryl is entitled to share her opinions as are you. I read and reread her piece. She thought things through, imo. I'm still a "No enemies on (in?) the Right" kinda guy. Don't take what I say too pejoratively.

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Well, he claims he was vaccine injured, but you may be correct, he may be lying. As far as Dr. Nass goes, I just wish she hadn’t gotten involved. Dr. Malone brought this largely on himself once he decided to go forward with that lawsuit. It was absolutely unnecessary. As Dr. Alexander claims, he should have attempted to work this out privately with Dr. Breggin.

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I met him in TN at a dinner after a summit he participated in before he went on Rogan. He was exhausted. In his conversation with someone he matter of factly said he was having some health issues post vaccination. He didn’t elaborate but I was surprised because on stage he didn’t mention that and stuck with his message that these vaccines were not for children and he came forward because he needed to for their sake. Personally I believed him then and even with all this doubt being brought forward I still believe him now. There might be more going on behind the scenes and there’s no way I could know because he is very connected on high levels and I’m not.

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Ness made a big mistake.

She wasn't logical. She was emotional.

Clearly Malone gave Ness a call and begged for cover from his facade breaking down.

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You know I admire you, from several previous comments I’ve posted. I’ve re-posted dozens of your articles all over social media. You’re a hero in my book.

But this growing obsession with Malone is counterproductive. Malone has been a leading figure the past 2 years against the false covid narrative, censorship, medical tyranny and deadly “vaccines.” If he didn’t start out that way, then had an epiphany at some point, and then switched to “our side,” so what? All that matters is that he’s doing his part NOW to get the truth out and enlighten people - just as you’re doing.

I’ll wager money that someone has been in your ear about Malone, poisoning him to you.

In any case, these attacks on Malone produce nothing of value; in fact, they accomplish the opposite.

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His CYA covers for the DoD, DARPA, and other agencies. As a whistleblower he could spare the world of more gain of function and vaccine murders, but as a narcissistic sociopath, he chose to focus on himself and set out to destroy anyone who questioned.

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Certainly looks that way

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Yes thank you. You are right about Malone. Not sure why this is happening. Could be to stir the pot to get people listening. But certainly opening the doors to make people question what they hear

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Nup... just keep smelling the rat that IS there. The rat that keeps refusing to answer fair question of his involvement collectively. The rat that steers and directs any discourse to his favour only - is not to be trusted. Not back when and not now.

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Your dead wrong on Malone.

Quit making excuses.

Malone could stop all of this by coming clean and answering the questions straight up.

He was positioned to do just what he is doing. Divide and Destroy people and groups.

I watch him closely. Just too smooth and prepared to the point of hiding something.

That something is




Malone is playing his paid role.

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"That does not mean we sue each other. We engage in healthy debate. That Malone, was meant for you. This debate is scientist to scientist."

Thank you Dr. I inadvertently kicked a hornets nest by commenting several times on Meryl's article the other day. But I said what I thought, as is my right (I hope).

I agree with you and your assessment is the same as mine.

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I have collaborated with you 3 times

Stories podcast episode

Connection video

Masculinity Crisis video

I am proud to be in this Fight for Freedom with you

I would choose my freedom over being a paid serf. Just because someone has money, doesn't mean they can wave it in my face, and I'll clap like the happiest seal at the zoo

You must always stand on your conviction

You must always stand by your friends

You must always think for yourself

I stand with you, Dr. Paul Alexander, you are a good man. You are a Patriot. You stand on your convictions. I admire you and your work!

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Dear Dr. Robert Malone, I urge you to drop your lawsuit against Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin

We’re seeing a budding trend. Defamation suits...

Jon Rappoport

Dec 14, 2022

This piece isn’t about who said what. I’m ignoring that. So readers can put away the popcorn.

We’re seeing a budding trend. Defamation suits. They tend to put a chill on writers, who will ask themselves, “Am I going to get sued for writing THIS?”

Here’s something to keep in mind. The reputation of the plaintiff is ultimately going to be determined by those who, OVER MANY YEARS, read what he writes and listen to what he says. Not by the outcome of his suit.

And what his readers think of him depends on what he writes and says. Every day, month after month, year after year.

If someone calls me an egregious jackass and bunch of other names, and also claims I’m trying to undermine the rule of law and climate change and Joe Biden and highway safety, and also claims I’m an agent of Putin and Satan…and I sue for defamation…

How does that really help me? What does that do for me?

Again, my reputation as a writer depends on what I write every day and what readers think of it.

Newsflash: I’m not overly concerned about my reputation.

I may decide to write something about the person who is attacking me—and he may respond—and we may go back and forth—but so what?

I think Dr. Malone should step back, take a deep breath, and drop his suit. It’s not going to do anything for him.

I understand he is asking for $25 million in damages. I don’t recommend that, either. Putting a dollar figure on what he claims is the injury he’s suffered? And now he’s spending a great deal of time with lawyers and the court justifying that claim? I don’t think so. That will be exhausting.

Suppose Malone wakes up one morning and for no particular reason feels great. He doesn’t care about Peter Breggin. It’s a beautiful day and he just wants to take a walk and look at the trees. But he’s still suing for damages, and for injury. So he has to be injured. I don’t think that’s a good situation. Just saying.

I was once in that perplexing box. I was suing Moses. He had led my (presumed) ancestors around the desert for 40 years looking for the Promised Land. I claimed that was indicative of some sort of hostile intent, because anyone should have been able to find the Promised Land in, at most, five years.

My lawyers were serving papers on Moses. And then, poof, I won a few bucks on the Jets. And a few more on the Dolphins. I took my winnings and laid them down on the Bengals. And I won again. Hot streak.

So there I was, on my back porch, smoking a cigar and sipping sherry and watching my pet alligators thrash around in my moat, and life was good.

I thought about Moses and said what the hell. I called my lawyers and dropped the suit. A week later, Moses called and told me he was probably wrong for telling people I was a traitorous Jew. And we went on with our lives.

Back to the money. My thought is this. If you’re suing someone and you’re asking for a dollar figure you know is going to bankrupt the person you’re suing if you win, you really need to be sure you’re doing the right thing. You really need to think.

For instance, I would be asking myself, “Why don’t I just sue for one dollar?” Because, after all, I just want to prove I’m right. That’s all. Or, “Why don’t I just sue for my lawyers’ fees?” Why am I going for the throat? Because I’ve really lost $25 million, somehow; or because I want revenge and I want to put my accuser out of his house and on the street? And if it’s the latter, did he really do something to me that justifies the amount of pain I’m trying to visit on him? Or am I going off the deep end here and playing with fire?

A writer can always defend himself on the page and stand on his words. And leave things there.

And move on. Because, in the long run, a writer’s work and his effects on readers amounts to much more than what he sees as someone’s attacks against him. I’m talking about the long view, the reality of a writer’s career and life.

Losing perspective isn’t healthy.

Litigiousness can be an itch that comes on suddenly, and you feel you must scratch it. If I were on the verge of suing someone for defamation, I’d think about that, too. For instance, is it possible I’m rolling up all the insults people have leveled against me over the years and I’m trying to kick all their asses at once with this one claim I’m about to file?

Not long ago, I experienced a great itch. Nobody I consulted could cure it. Then I had an idea. I called my lawyer, Gloria Torquemada, and told her to prepare papers against God.

We were going sue Him for standing by and doing nothing while untold numbers people were suffering. For thousands of years.

God’s lawyer, Marty Klein, dropped by my office and talked to me. He said, “Do you really believe winning this suit is going to change anything? Get back to your work. You’re a writer, so write. You can attack God on the page every day if you want to. Trust me, He doesn’t mind. He’s a big boy. He can handle it.”

That was another suit I dropped before it came to trial.

I’m sure there are people who believe Malone’s suit against Breggin is going to bring important issues to the surface and allow us to see them and gain vital insights. I doubt that. I strongly doubt that. I think it’s going to be a mess.

And of course, the mainstream press will delight in covering the mess. They’ll use it to defame and ridicule all sorts of people who stand against official narratives of all kinds. The press owns Popcorn Inc. They manufacture tons of the stuff and sell it to an audience who just wants entertainment. If the press didn’t own that popcorn company, THEY’D be bankrupt and out on the street without a pot to piss in.

If I were about to file a defamation claim, I’d keep that in mind, too.

Can a writer’s career be destroyed by someone’s verbal attacks against him? Hmm. I don’t think so. Sometimes those attacks actually increase the writer’s audience.

And if his audience is so fragile and deserts him because of those attacks, it wasn’t such a valuable audience to begin with. It was following him for superficial reasons.

A writer keeps writing REGARDLESS of what other people think and say, DESPITE what other people think and say. It’s one of the convictions that makes him a writer. He endures. He outlasts criticism.

CODA: I did once file a defamation claim. I went through with it. Gloria, my lawyer, and I leveled a suit against the New York Times for being the New York Times. The judge was ready to dismiss it, on the grounds that it was a nuisance and I also had no standing, but in chambers we convinced him that the depositions were going to be interesting, because we were going to force the Times to define itself.

During those depositions, which lasted some 200 hours, we wound up Times employees in an alarming series of contradictions and admissions. We turned them upside down and inside out. Finally, realizing their plight, they offered to settle.

We won the damages we sought. A nickel.

In the aftermath, I glued that nickel to my right butt cheek. It’s there, every day, as I write. It CLINKS, whenever I sit down. It’s a comfort in times of trouble.

Now that was a good defamation suit. It was righteous. It went after actual bad people.

Dear Dr. Malone, take a deep breath, step back, and relax. Lighten up a little. Think it over. Is this really the right path you’re treading?

I don’t think so. I think it’s the wrong path.

Again, a lawsuit doesn’t make your case. And by case, I mean your position on an issue which, from what I understand, Dr. Breggin criticized. It doesn’t matter what the issue is. Whatever it is, you should stand on your work and your description of that work. That’s the core. That’s you saying, “These things are true, and I’ll explain why.”

Then come hell or high water, you assert and defend your position.

And if you feel someone, anyone is attacking you unfairly, say so.

And keep standing in the stream. With your work.

That’s how it really goes.

Always has, always will.

-- Jon Rappoport

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Speaking as one of the laypeople..... I just want the truth. If people are (hopelessly) compromised in some way, then I'd like to know. If people have been compromised in the past but saw the error of their ways and are trying to do the right thing -- I like seeing that. Above all, I appreciate open scientific debate and disagreement is healthy. It shouldn't be about the ego (except that I value true, earned expertise and those good people should feel good about their accomplishments) -- it's about getting to the truth, which belongs to everyone.

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"Freedom Movement" is not so free after all. And most scientists are choosing to not look deep enough.

In the times when personal values and ethics are becoming as cheap as the cheapest commodity its becoming easier and easier to “influence” and “modify” the behaviour of even the best of us.

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Excellent Dr Alexander. Truth is crucial at a time like this. Light is the disinfectant necessary for ALL to be exposed so that this may NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.

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I seem to recall many of our good and trusted docs in the summer of 2021 would say that perhaps this "vaccination" might be helpful for the elderly frail only. Stop this fighting people. It's a distraction.

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The point is this - the content is limited; the repetition is immense; the mainstream media and the establishment is laughing its collective cocks off over the alternative media's infighting.

They're pinching their malformed microplastic and chicken hormone laden nipples very hard. Close to orgasm.

So what always happens - this is dull human behaviour 101 - infighting, bickering, he-said-she-said juvenile rubbish.

Who loses out - the victims, the very people whom the movement was intending to benefit.

I see this all the time.

It's the oldest gig in the world and it's called "whoring".

Whoring to the punters; whoring to the money, to the followers, the hangers-on, the weak, the gullible, the easily manipulated.

That's why it's all really a crock of shit - mainstream and alternative - because you have the very same types of personalities just wearing different coloured clothing.

It makes me laugh - there's even a lexicon for both sides and you guess which of the following belongs to which:

• misinformation

• gaslighting

• weaponise

• cognitive dissonance

• safe and effective

• the cabal

• no side effects

• double blinded human trials.

• peer reviewed

• Nuremberg 2.0

• narrative

So, at the end of the day, it's all about money, prestige and power. And EVERYONE wants it.

Human life means nothing.

Never did.

They're all frauds.

Don't disappoint me Paul.

I still believe in you but you're pushing me close to the edge now.

You can tell me to piss off if you feel that way. I'll go.

Be good to yourself and don't undo all your top draw work.

Remember you can lead a camel to water, but you cannot make liars confess.

Best to you.


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I love it how they basically incriminate themselves by trying to support their narrative

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This is really getting out of hand!! Mistakes were made by all who have chimed in on the covid debacle and there is absolutely no reason for finger pointing. Those who are willing to risk their reputation and livelihood have followed the wrong path sometimes. Let's continue on toward the goal of conquering this virus and keep focus on who the real enemy is--pharma and the lying pols who benefited from them!! I follow your substack, but I find myself reading fewer and fewer of them because of the infighting. Please don't tell me I don't know all the details. You are right and I don't want to know them!

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I'm with you Carol.

The point is this - the content is limited; the repetition is immense; the mainstream media and the establishment is laughing its collective cocks off over the alternative media's infighting.

They're pinching their malformed microplastic and chicken hormone laden nipples very hard. Close to orgasm.

So what always happens - this is dull human behaviour 101 - infighting, bickering, he-said-she-said juvenile rubbish.

Who loses out - the victims, the very people whom the movement was intending to benefit.

I see this all the time.

It's the oldest gig in the world and it's called "whoring".

Whoring to the punters; whoring to the money, to the followers, the hangers-on, the weak, the gullible, the easily manipulated.

That's why it's all really a crock of shit - mainstream and alternative - because you have the very same types of personalities just wearing different coloured clothing.

It makes me laugh - there's even a lexicon for both sides and you guess which of the following belongs to which:

• misinformation

• gaslighting

• weaponise

• cognitive dissonance

• safe and effective

• the cabal

• no side effects

• double blinded human trials.

• peer reviewed

• Nuremberg 2.0

• narrative

So, at the end of the day, it's all about money, prestige and power. And EVERYONE wants it.

Human life means nothing.

Never did.

They're all frauds.

Don't disappoint me Paul.

I still believe in you but you're pushing me close to the edge now.

You can tell me to piss off if you feel that way. I'll go.

Be good to yourself and don't undo all your top draw work.

Remember you can lead a camel to water, but you cannot make liars confess.

Best to you.


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Well said! Now is not the time for vindication and or infighting “you said I said” Exactly what the proponents of this “fiasco” will be looking for.

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Everyone is doing the same line dance - money comes first, donors come first. Money is the carrier of the contagion, it's what gets everyone to lie and pretend, it's what entices people to do bad things like kidnap children for child sacrifice and adrenochrome. Yet everyone is doing this line dance. Everyone is in lockstep with it. Nobody goes out of it and everyone points fingers it's somebody else or someone else does it because donors are more important, etc. Kudos to you for leaving the group and yeah, truth tellers are not truthin' they're carrying the contagion ever further. That is the issue in all of this. If it weren't for this money system, none of this would be happening, we'd be living in peace and abundance, stimulation and health.

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