Finally it's out in the open....thankyou both🙏

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thank you for being here...supporting and spreading truth...we in battle of a life time

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Great article. I have been a subscriber to 2nd guy since last year and get ivermectin for my animals from his emails.

My 30 yo daughter now has dysautonomia and I suspect it's related to the Vax. She works in a hospital so I don't know how many Vax she was required to take. Pisses me off to no end. These scum that pushed this poison onto citizens need to be held responsible.

I barely lived my bout with the man made virus. Was given redemsiver. Have had longcovid issues for 2 years, immediately developed high BP in hospital, nerve damage, spots on liver, big cyst on kidney, tachycardia, shortness of breath, chronic fatigue, etc. Wish we lawsuits to file against vermin responsible for virus.

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Thanks Dr. Paul--I was given propofol Monday when plate and screws inserted into wrist. Had asked anesthetist what drug he planned to use, how long it had been on market--cuz, if new (e.g. a nano delivery product), it wasn't going into my arm.

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we have to check it all now...all, these are criminals...check what they input for now we know some doctors and hospitals vaccinate without your permission

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Didn't you think something would happen? Take an unknown substance and put into the body. It damages many body systems anywhere in the body from brain lungs heart kidneys liver lymphatic hormones ovaries testes bones blood white and red all have been damaged. Some people have had to have transplants of lungs but the vents blew the lungs and needed a double set. Many people whom have had blood or organs or tissues from contaminated bodies of vaccines or may of had the disease have killed the recipients. The clotting or hemorrhaging long fibrous tissues coming out of the dead bodies. The myocarditis conditions need to know what damage especially airline pilots. Many pilots were having pressure depth changes more stress level on heart with the condition take a clot shots 2 days prior flight having strokes and heart attack while in mid air. Would if pilot and co pilot have them both the same day both die while in flight risking all on board the flight while computer issues and parts such as the Boeing airplanes that nose dive into the ocean taking every on board all died. Many lacked the time training on that specific airplane may have been rated on other plane category. Even the strobe lights have changed over time while communicating with other planes are on different frequencies or language sometimes unable to communicate even the tower. The original people would know how to heal rainforest and other areas with special medicine. Grandma would be healers only if allowed to do their medicine. Many military pilots were confused lost horizon direction many were crashing loss of balance and direction similar to flying in white out conditions. Adverse events happens in all people might be more susceptible silence people permanently disabled. Unvaccinated people were not even in the hospital, while those with the more vaccinated the higher the rate of being in the hospital. The professional athletes more males were dropping dead from heart attack which was not previously ever seen, doctors were given the injection and died within 5 minutes or less, the people that lacked the needed vitamins, minerals, zinc, copper with other medical conditions were more prone. The women had triple monthly cycles bleeding too much bells palsy. Any other dormant disease such as chicken pox vaccine may give younger people shingles around 12 year olds. After the various virus that has been dormant for many years may reactivate it or other diseases. Lyme Connecticut Spirochete infection from tick engineered from Army WWI to attack German soldiers mouth issues oral cavity cavitations, root canals, tacky cardia blood pressure lyme line blot 5 or more bands positive abnormal oral DNA test look at signature. Oxy rinse mouth treatment water pick iodine providing see dentist root canal breast cancer. Terraine and germ therapy 1916 how take disease from bad tooth material put into rabbit has same disease founder Mayo clinic localized not like flu or cold 1 compartment hippocampus retina single joint arthritis neuro degenerative disease. H Pylori living in gut lining in blood quest dropped blood test heal insurance does not reimburse.

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Dr Phelps is swinging with the wind - still advocating masks but still had the second shot despite being injured with the first one. etc etc

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SAD: they are still under the impression that hepa filters and n-95 respirators will protect them....

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