Admin Establishes Permanent ‘Office of Pandemic Preparedness’; the 3 stories are 'the good, the bad, the ugly'; the former is critical to any civilization nation to survive, the latter begs 'if real'?
Most Americans believe in God but what do most Americans mean by the "God" they believe in? The proportion who believe in the God of the Bible appears to be in decline. A US Republican Secretary of State mentored Klaus Schwab who set up the WEF. According to an epidemiological study published in The Lancet back when it was still a reputable journal, the US butchered up to nearly a million civilians in Iraq. The US invaded based on bullshit and Bush got record approval ratings for doing so. This seems to meet criteria for the concept of "evil." The US also used Weapons of Mass Destruction on civilian cities in Japan. The US had biolabs full of potential bioweapons on the border with Russia. Given the track record of the US in creating globalism, invading other countries and butchering women and children, promoting child transgenderism, making sodomy a constitutionally protected "right" and so on combined with the proliferation of Satanic Temples and statues of baphomet across the US, suspect that the God of many Americans is Lucifer or themselves. Many Americans worship the Devil and many others worship themselves.
I am hopeful that the next leader of your country will abolish the Office of Pandemic Preparedness.
- Luc
This sounds dangerous. Implement WHAT? What pandemics are they talking about?
Most Americans believe in God but what do most Americans mean by the "God" they believe in? The proportion who believe in the God of the Bible appears to be in decline. A US Republican Secretary of State mentored Klaus Schwab who set up the WEF. According to an epidemiological study published in The Lancet back when it was still a reputable journal, the US butchered up to nearly a million civilians in Iraq. The US invaded based on bullshit and Bush got record approval ratings for doing so. This seems to meet criteria for the concept of "evil." The US also used Weapons of Mass Destruction on civilian cities in Japan. The US had biolabs full of potential bioweapons on the border with Russia. Given the track record of the US in creating globalism, invading other countries and butchering women and children, promoting child transgenderism, making sodomy a constitutionally protected "right" and so on combined with the proliferation of Satanic Temples and statues of baphomet across the US, suspect that the God of many Americans is Lucifer or themselves. Many Americans worship the Devil and many others worship themselves.
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All countries in the west are doing the same 😏
"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that–and shudder."
There is a difference in believing and knowing God. What god do the majority believe in? The god they have created to suit them?