Do you think they knew this would happen and it was the plan all along? It seems like if you even know the basics about immunology and vaccinology it's pretty obvious this would be the case, and enhance infectivity. I've also read the FDA asked the manufactures to rule out ADE during the EUA process but they did not and the FDA said ok!
Do you think they knew this would happen and it was the plan all along? It seems like if you even know the basics about immunology and vaccinology it's pretty obvious this would be the case, and enhance infectivity. I've also read the FDA asked the manufactures to rule out ADE during the EUA process but they did not and the FDA said ok!
Ruining all of the immune systems A. delivers big recurring money to the medical-pharmaceutical complex and B. big dependency/big crisis for utilization by increasingly aggressive bureaucrats and central planners.
It is about CONTROL of YOU. No more individuals, no more independence of thought or being. THEY will dictate what YOU can do, THINK, and ultimately BE. Prison and slavery in a word.
Israel is running the DOD. 50% of all generals in the US armed forces self-identify as practicing Jews, and every single principal politican surrounding senile puppet Biden and his mask-wearing double, at least the top 11 or so, are all Jewish.
While officially of course, nobody is supposed to actually own the Federal Reserve, it being officially regarded as the national reserve of American wealth, it is easy to see that whoever controls that essentially owns it, and that would be Israel, as they can literally demand anything from the US and get it due to Israeli agents planted by them in all relevant departments, with even the US military merely being Israeli attack dogs essentially building toward a one world government intended to be run from Jerusalem.
I saw this the other day and Malone said the same thing. So what does that mean exactly? US unleashed a bioweapon on China? Or to complete the Great Reset? Wish I could understand why our government wants to do this but we probably will never know the answers to these things.
Exactly. It's awful for us unvaccinated too because even though our innate immune systems are intact it seems there are so many more viruses running rampant than usual. A vaccinated friend joked with me the other day that there are like 200 viruses out there now infecting everyone constantly sick.
I was around a friend who was sneezing last week... he is 2x Rat Juiced... he has been off work with a very high fever (still sick) ... I picked up a bit of a sniffle... I never skipped a beat and within 2 days it was done and dusted
yes! we had the same situation here over Christmas. my in-laws brought a nasty cold to us or so we thought. They are 5x Rat Juiced and were sick for weeks. My kids and I didn't get it and my husband only got a sniffle for a couple days too. We talk about VAIDS all the time!
2. Not only did they deploy by the billions they continue to deploy despite knowing that vaccine is causing the endless mutations
3. They continue to deploy despite knowing the vaccines do not stop transmission nor do they prevent severe illness and and death - in fact they increase your risk the more you inject
They are exterminating us. That can be the only conclusion
Yes, but that still begs the question of WHY they want to exterminate so many so quickly, so BADLY. It is as if some outside malign force is manipulating them, controlling their thoughts and persuading them of a delusion. I mean pop. is dropping EVERYWHERE in the world including China (suffering from that one child policy they enforced so long) and India and even Pakistan! The only place not dropping but increasing is Africa. Yet, we have no vaccines there, no drugs, no poisons to slow their fertility or control their growth (and many times starvation and suffering in life). So I ask aside from starvation how will you control THEIR breeding? Hum... if it isn't through vaccines, additives to the water/food supply.. how ARE you going to stop the overgrowth there? Seems to me if this was REALLY about population overgrowth... Africa would be the place to concentrate. Given as the other continents are all on flat line or declines.
Depends on who "they" are. Anyone with basic understanding of evolutionary biology knew this would happen. Shizer et al probably knew it as well, but in all their hubris maybe they truly believed they could somehow "stay ahead of the virus". The politicians and so-called "public health experts" pushing this crap are stupid morons who don't know anything about anything.
It's wild. I'm no doctor or scientist but just listening to Alexander, Vanden Bossche, Bret Weinstein, Michael Yeadon, Robert Malone, Dr. Richard Fleming it all made perfect sense to me. However, I could not even convince my father who is a retired cardiologist to understand these basic biology principles and to this day he will only admit that more boosting might not be a good idea!
The various WEF-infiltrated governments collaborating were all made fully aware of all the intended 'side-effects' of the COVID 'vaccines' without the public being allowed to know before the 'vaccines' were all given out. They knew everything even before the court order was made that forced Pfizer to reveal publicly what they had intended to have kept secret for 75 years. It was all planned by the governments themselves in the first place, they are one with the Big Pharma, Big Israel NWO one world government power.
Do you think they knew this would happen and it was the plan all along? It seems like if you even know the basics about immunology and vaccinology it's pretty obvious this would be the case, and enhance infectivity. I've also read the FDA asked the manufactures to rule out ADE during the EUA process but they did not and the FDA said ok!
Ruining all of the immune systems A. delivers big recurring money to the medical-pharmaceutical complex and B. big dependency/big crisis for utilization by increasingly aggressive bureaucrats and central planners.
The DOD is running this. Pharma is nothing more than a front
This is NOT about money. They are trying to make you think it is about money to keep you off the scent.
It is about CONTROL of YOU. No more individuals, no more independence of thought or being. THEY will dictate what YOU can do, THINK, and ultimately BE. Prison and slavery in a word.
Oh? I thought they already did that
Israel is running the DOD. 50% of all generals in the US armed forces self-identify as practicing Jews, and every single principal politican surrounding senile puppet Biden and his mask-wearing double, at least the top 11 or so, are all Jewish.
I'm thinking the Board comprises the owners of the Fed...
While officially of course, nobody is supposed to actually own the Federal Reserve, it being officially regarded as the national reserve of American wealth, it is easy to see that whoever controls that essentially owns it, and that would be Israel, as they can literally demand anything from the US and get it due to Israeli agents planted by them in all relevant departments, with even the US military merely being Israeli attack dogs essentially building toward a one world government intended to be run from Jerusalem.
I saw this the other day and Malone said the same thing. So what does that mean exactly? US unleashed a bioweapon on China? Or to complete the Great Reset? Wish I could understand why our government wants to do this but we probably will never know the answers to these things.
Exactly. It's awful for us unvaccinated too because even though our innate immune systems are intact it seems there are so many more viruses running rampant than usual. A vaccinated friend joked with me the other day that there are like 200 viruses out there now infecting everyone constantly sick.
I was around a friend who was sneezing last week... he is 2x Rat Juiced... he has been off work with a very high fever (still sick) ... I picked up a bit of a sniffle... I never skipped a beat and within 2 days it was done and dusted
That is the difference between VAIDS and no VAIDS
yes! we had the same situation here over Christmas. my in-laws brought a nasty cold to us or so we thought. They are 5x Rat Juiced and were sick for weeks. My kids and I didn't get it and my husband only got a sniffle for a couple days too. We talk about VAIDS all the time!
1. They knew this before they deployed the leaky vaccines during the pandemic
2. Not only did they deploy by the billions they continue to deploy despite knowing that vaccine is causing the endless mutations
3. They continue to deploy despite knowing the vaccines do not stop transmission nor do they prevent severe illness and and death - in fact they increase your risk the more you inject
They are exterminating us. That can be the only conclusion
Yes, but that still begs the question of WHY they want to exterminate so many so quickly, so BADLY. It is as if some outside malign force is manipulating them, controlling their thoughts and persuading them of a delusion. I mean pop. is dropping EVERYWHERE in the world including China (suffering from that one child policy they enforced so long) and India and even Pakistan! The only place not dropping but increasing is Africa. Yet, we have no vaccines there, no drugs, no poisons to slow their fertility or control their growth (and many times starvation and suffering in life). So I ask aside from starvation how will you control THEIR breeding? Hum... if it isn't through vaccines, additives to the water/food supply.. how ARE you going to stop the overgrowth there? Seems to me if this was REALLY about population overgrowth... Africa would be the place to concentrate. Given as the other continents are all on flat line or declines.
Dennis Meadows might think mass sudden death is kindly
That is explained here
Depends on who "they" are. Anyone with basic understanding of evolutionary biology knew this would happen. Shizer et al probably knew it as well, but in all their hubris maybe they truly believed they could somehow "stay ahead of the virus". The politicians and so-called "public health experts" pushing this crap are stupid morons who don't know anything about anything.
It's wild. I'm no doctor or scientist but just listening to Alexander, Vanden Bossche, Bret Weinstein, Michael Yeadon, Robert Malone, Dr. Richard Fleming it all made perfect sense to me. However, I could not even convince my father who is a retired cardiologist to understand these basic biology principles and to this day he will only admit that more boosting might not be a good idea!
The various WEF-infiltrated governments collaborating were all made fully aware of all the intended 'side-effects' of the COVID 'vaccines' without the public being allowed to know before the 'vaccines' were all given out. They knew everything even before the court order was made that forced Pfizer to reveal publicly what they had intended to have kept secret for 75 years. It was all planned by the governments themselves in the first place, they are one with the Big Pharma, Big Israel NWO one world government power.