I notice that in all the pictures these desperate people all appear to be well dressed in the latest styles of skinny jeans and expensive athletic shoes and ware. The one you included shows them taking selfies on a phone that I wonder is that a freebie from our government too? If I had traveled for days by walking and wading the rio grande I would think I would be a little less presentable than they appear to be. Seems like Dick Tracey or Columbo would have noticed that too!

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It’s all by design and fully arranged. We are being invaded by foreign entities and our federal government is all part of it. I don’t understand why the states who have Republican leadership can’t stop it! It’s an invasion of their state and it puts all citizens of the U.S. in harms way! The Martha Vineyard example is perfect!!! They have no intention of living like the rest of us or enduring what they have done to our country!!! Don’t think for a minute all those billions of dollars funneled to Ukraine, Iran and everywhere else isn’t going into off shore accounts for Obama, Biden, and all the other monsters doing this! Does people really think all that cash given to Iran by Obama really went to Iran......think again. How did Obama afford all these million dollar mansions so quickly!!!

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And Columbo noticed clean shaven and nice hair styling, how many days does it take to have a day old beard? Maybe they have relatives there, I remember BO saying if he had a son he would have looked like Travon so he noticed appearances. Biden said BO was clean and well dressed, and smelled good when they were a team so he notices these things too.

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BO's young daughter's hair smelled nice too.

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They probably got the latest styles from the illicit color revolution of Juan Guaidó.

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New legals are more legal than old legals .

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Sep 17, 2022·edited Sep 17, 2022

It's BS. I live in Southeastern MA. I know people on the Island. I have been there may times. They have been crying for years that they can not get enough immigrant workers on the Island to wait on them. In the past, they have had over 5000 visa workers per year, as that many were needed. They have been crying this year that they can not get enough visa workers. Businesses have had to close because they could not get the visa workers. They could certainly intergrate 50 people. But, that is part of the larger issue in that they want the visa workes there to wait on them (as a servent class), but do not want them to live there. How ironic. These past 60's hippies who made their fortunes and are now wealthy yuppies living on the island (or summering on the island) and want to now keep out the less fortunate. They have became the type of people that they used to rail against in their younger hippie days. Ideally, I'm sure they want them there to cater to them when needed but want them to take the daily ferry to a run down poverty stricken city on the coast, like New Bedford MA, to live. Pathetic self absorbed class of wealthy spoiled Democrats who are trying hard to make themselves look like they care.

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agreed. Help wanted signs everywhere. But no place to live unless you have lots of money. Housing prices inflated. Rentals not available. Where are the serfs/working class to live? I know! Government housing on the joint base! Grand idea! (sarcasm)

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I remember back in 2004 that I went to my cousins wedding out near Jackson Hole. She told me then that is how it was around there. She was a teacher of some sort and didn't live close but commuted. She said affordable housing for working class was a big problem.

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My child keeps pestering me to watch the Netflix series "Maid".

"You'd totally relate mum..."

(I live in Canada's version of Martha's Vineyard.)

If it weren't for migrant and sponsored foreign contract workers, this town's luxury summer property owners, BnB's and restaurants would have even more labour shortages than they currently have, every "season".

Why? Because our college kids don't need to work (wealthy parents) and the kids of working class parents who are in Trade Schools, but have summer breaks, earn twice the min wage, working for employers who hire kids from Trade Schools, for their specific "Trades".

Who's gonna clean the Air BnB's & luxury homes? (Not the kids who grew up with housekeepers...)

Who's going to wash dishes, take out garbage & clean those restaurant floors & bathrooms? (Not the Trades kids.)

Who's going to pick the fruit in the orchards & vegetables in the field? (No Canadian kid has ever lasted longer than 2 days. Ask me how I know...)

That's where we're at, here in Canada, and still under entry "mandates", except if you're a Ukrainian refugee or temporary migrant worker.

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And everyone guaranteed a vote for a democrat in some election. Even if they do not personally cast a vote, a vote will be made in their name. Likely there will be 6-8 million "new" democrat voters in 2024...all illegal of course but that doesn't matter to the leftist democrats.

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And they all have their personal cell phones with a direct line to the DNC for their marching orders.

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I wonder...Has anyone been able to see what apps and information is preloaded on the phones provided for free by Biden's gov't?

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"It sparked a widespread cry of outrage from the liberal leaders of the small island in Massachusetts who branded the move 'inhumane' " - their hometown is so bad . . . that it is inhumane to send people to live there?

I cannot believe what I just read. Couldn't they find some lawnwork for these people? Dishes to wash? Is there not enough service jobs on their little island to allow for 50 more workers?

Or is it the workers aren't allowed to live there? Commute service workers, we know you don't need 2-4 hours each day for personal time do you?

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The workers and even doctors who service them can’t afford to live there.

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The arctic islands in norther Canada have a shortage of Migrants and an over population of polar bears . Thought I give you a hint ,

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They want them there to serve, just not to live amongst them. Just like slavery. I'm sure BO hss plenty of lawn space for a tent city at his new mansion.

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All they need do is turn up at the polling booth and remember which one you vote for.

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Here’s another part to the story: 50 Venezuelan migrants are being housed at the coast Guard joint base on Cape Cod (which is an inconvenient drive plus a ferry ride to get to martha’s vineyard). This is being managed by the Massachusetts National Guard and emergency management. With about 100 members including 30 military police for logistical and operation support. State police are supposedly doing background checks. Migrants are supposed to be staying in the old army barracks. military Families living in base housing are encouraged to lock doors. although the joint base is on Cape Cod it feels rather remote. It’s a closed base so you have to go through security to get on. so when the MSM Theatre says ‘look here - look here!’ you can be sure something is happening somewhere else. 

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One of the laws of thermodynamics is that entropy (disorder) increases with time, this law is on steroids with the Biden administration.

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So now they’ll be trained at the military base to become mercenary operatives within the Continental USA.

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They need no extra training ,they are fully trained in crime .All they need is new weapons provided at the border ,than they can through the rusty revolvers away

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up until this week one of the perks of living in government housing was a safe environment for kids. they could ride their bikes, play outside, climb trees, go to the park....like we did when we were kids. The housing is very basic, no luxury, but it is well maintained. Military members are serfs too - they cannot afford to live on the economy when stationed on Cape Cod, even with the additional stipend provided. 

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NYC isn't objecting because they are solving its growing vacancy rate.

If Martha's Vineyard doesn't want them, send them to NYC.

NYC's airports can take larger planes.

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The Biden apparatus is deliberately inviting them in with free tickets, expenses paid, better deal and nicer accomodation. This appears a recipe for social unrest combined with the existing lack of essentials, exacerbated by the approaching recession. Add the geopolitical instability which did not need to happen. Looks designed to fail like the vaccine.

I’m sure the perpetrators are on borrowed time.

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