My mail is that both Pfizer and Moderna cannot escape liability as they are/were aware of the danger and adverse events and deaths from these experimental genetic drugs.

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correct, we want them all held to account

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To hold them accountable sounds good ,but when will that happen ?Soon it will be 3 years of medical terror taking many lives and countless injuries .Every one of the monsters is free and enjoying the piles of money they got for operating a world wide war against us .I can't see that such a gigantic demonic operation can be resolved in a court.It would take a real war ,us ,versus them to the death .That will never happen ,they have all the real weapons and the police and army is on their side ,as we have seen .A six shooter in the closet will not do it .

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Unless elections is the US and Canada change the leadership, nothing will ever happen to BigPharma. Even if sweeping change do occur, it will be extremely difficult to make them pay. Big Pharma has its claws in deep. They are still able to push vax commercials for the bivalent garbage. That tells me they feel no threat from any groups that want to make them pay.

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If I’m not mistaken, I think the pharma industry is the biggest lobby group in US politics. And they donate to the politicians. And they control the media, who gets to shape the elections. I’m not feeling very confident that politicians are going to stop this.

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And in Canada. Think about Barry Sherman and his wife found dead in their pool a few years ago. Their murders are still under investigation

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I was not aware of this. Can your give a brief overview? I looked it up but I don’t really trust most media outlets to give a very accurate portrayal of events and their meaning.

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Good to know that members of the medical profession are taking up the fight against this medical tryanny. These regulatory bodies are overturning informed consent and the doctor-patient relationship.

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Where were they 2 years ago? Cowering under big pharma's demands.

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Agree, Gorgo. Too late for many, many souls.

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#holdtheline Dr. Alexander. 🇨🇦 + 🇺🇸

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When Mengele shoots up with his own Dog Shit and dies... should we not rejoice

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I’m sure he never took it.

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Mengele KNEW.

These poor overworked, misinformed, uninformed schlubs in scrubs didn't...

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Hang on here...

When I heard Operation Warp Speed --- I immediately thought - WTF? - it takes many years to develop and test a vaccine ... I did a quick search and came up with this https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/

I have zero medical training.

These doctors are pathetic. There should be a Nuremberg 2.0 and they should all hang

They are murdering babies

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Yes, the name alone of Operation Warp Speed should have been the tip off that this was a very bad idea. And why didn’t the president create an “Operation Warp Speed” for early treatments? There was no critical thinking through this whole thing. This is what happens when people live in a state of fear. Its ridiculous.

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If you think that mRNA gene therapy injections are terrible, go to the pfizer web site and look at what they have planned for humanity. A whole stable of genetic DNA altering and DNA reorganization drugs. I think they are developing over 100 products for future injection into anyone dumb enough to believe and trust that this company is interested in preventing diseases. Beyond terrifying.

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Thank you for sharing! 🙏

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yep this brought a tiny bit of joy to my day :)

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Don't hold your breath waiting for a response.....

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Why doctors and not plumbers, politicians, scientists.....?

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God, in Jesus' name curse and damn Trudeau Castro. Take him OUT!

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33 with Dr Carl-Eric Gagné

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Don't hold your breath waiting for a response.....

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Excellent letter! And Dr. Makis has been through an awful lot… Here’s a great interview he did with Liberti


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