It was an assassination attempt against President Trump.

They knew...Remdesivir had a 53% kill rate in the Ebola trials.

Fauci knew.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

That's why Trump was taking all his 'covid' advice from Zelenko; Who told him to do IVER (ivermectin) & HCQ ( hydroxy-chloro-quinine), and stay away from PCR tests, remdesvir, and western hospitals; Zelenko also said to take Vit-D, and Zinc;

Now here's the problem with Zelenkos prescript in Feb 2020, the Chinese were advising this same protocol in Dec 2019, think about this; I saw it, I got a copy of their advice to all hospitals early on they knew the correct protocol, but in USA it was censored, and just a few like Zelenko were advising the Whitehouse & Congress on the correct protocol;

Note that within a few years of Dr Zelenkos good advice, he was CIA cancer dead; Just like Bob Marley, and countless other 'trouble makers'

They took out steve jobs with cancer as well for refusing to hand for the cypto keys for the iPhone to the Mossad, the first action that new HOMO-PEDO CEO of Apple made on first day in office was to turn over the crypto-keys to the Mossad;

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Dr. Zelenko already had cancer in remission long long before covid and he was taking some cancer medication prophylactically to prevent the cancer from reemerging. Probably the emotional stress may have precipitated its reemergence. If it was a cancer weapon. then it most likely would have been a different cancer. Trump did get an HCQ script when he became ill from Zelenko. This enabled the WH doctor to state that he didn't prescribe it.

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( eho phar phar aintz corini )

This post has your name written all over it;


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Rumors are the whitehouse & congress were passing out IVER & HCQ like candy all during the COVID years while being denied to USA public and the congress was taking the packs home to their familys

They fucking knew

But like all things on jew-stack its mis-direction and lies 24/7

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They said the same fucking thing about Bob Marley when they infected him.

Any MSM fuck-head can re-do history

The said the same thing about Steve Jobs after they gave him cancer that "He had it all the time"

The guy who created the math that was behind the iPHONE encryption that the Mossad wanted was "Richard Crandall" chief scientist for Apple, an he died of the exact same cancer on the same fucking timeline;

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Bob Marley died prematurely from melanoma. Ronald Reagan died prematurely from dementia. Both premature deaths were entirely preventable. Bob Marley was getting treatment, but not enough and not the most optimal derivative. Ronnie and his wife said "just say no" to effective treatment. And because of his ignorant ideology and pharmacopoeia dumb Ronnie went to the grave quicker, and took with him a countless number who took his dumb medically and scientifically uninformed advice.

Cannabis Extract PHEC-66 Triggers Cell Death in Melanoma, Study Demonstrates Feb 20, 2024


In Vitro Antiproliferative Effect of Cannabis Extract PHEC-66 on Melanoma Cell Lines


Cannabinoids remove plaque-forming Alzheimer’s proteins from brain cells


Cannabidiol and (−)Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants


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Dr. Z himself stated that he had cancer a couple of years before 2020, it was a rare cancer that was detected by accident, and he used offlabel treatment to put it out. Now, if there is a weapon that just lowers the anti-cancer defenses, then your theory is plausible. If cancer viruses are specifically associated with certain cancer types, then the theory is not plausible since it was the same cancer that came outmof remission. I know such weapons exist, but not familiar with all the details of how they work.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

Zelenko was ZOG, they kill their own all the time for 'knowing too much"

Casey, Adelson, Zelenko, Maxwell all come to mind

Explain what is USA like I was 5 years old an who is Trump ( given this site only exists to support Trump )


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The entire argument all along is that mRNA and the COVID accelerated existing problems like cancers;

IMHO zelenko was given something to accelerate, or a similar cancer the CIA are experts at killing people using doctors like you,

Like we used to say, "Never miss with a doctor", they know a million different ways to kill you and nobody will ever know the cause of death;

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American isn't a real nation, and you are not human


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Because - It was planned, and they were all in on the scam.

Because - Hospitals were promised big $ for every case, every (proscribed) drug given, every intubated patient, every death.

Because - every clinic/doctor/practice was paid big $ for every jab given.

Oh - Hail the big $.

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And docs still are paid big for any and all jabs given. Hospitals are still paid for doing the Covid protocols. Hospitals get big money to push certain meds, over other more effective ones. They also prescribe the most expensive meds over cheaper, more effective ones. It's really sick what they do to us. U.S. citizens are so in the dark about everything. Makes me sad.

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Not spoken about by POLITICIANS/MSM/CARE HOMES/NHS/COUNCILS etc it is widely known in UK that thousands of elderly were murdered by DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM etc. If this happened world wide how many people were murdered by this!? Any estimates etc!?

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ALL people on substack in the COVID debates , calling themselves MD, or PHD are the problem and why no COVID enablers have gone to prison


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FAKE PANDEMIC: The body has a natural detox cycle that is triggered by: 1) Seasonal EMF changes in earth's EM field 2) New EMF tech IE 3G-Sars/5G COVID... and 3) Ingested/injected toxins IE vaccines/boosters... OR I guess we can stick with 4) virus-filled monkey farts escaping Asian jungles like clockword twice a year, teleporting to one hemisphere or other for the winter. https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

FAKE DISEASE-X: Wuhan was the first completely blanketed 5G city in the world, activated late 2019 when their pandemic started (Radiation poisoning). Now that 5G is set up everywhere, globalists can pick a day to amp up it up to kick off the Disease-X pandemic in whatever geographical spread/pattern they prefer. https://talknet.substack.com/p/disease-x-and-the-afeared-drones

THE REAL EXCESS MORTALITY RATE: When enough people figure out gov/MSM/big-tech/pharma/medicine killed their loved ones and soon them, what do you think that looks like on a global scale? I bet global martial law is coming if only to off-set the inevitable explosion of revenge-rage. The real sudden death numbers can be seen through supply and demand stats: IE global shipment of smart phones is down 4% annually (hundreds of millions), or the huge drop in telecom subscribers across all providers, or the huge decline in movie streaming subscribers. When you look at the "suddenly unsubscribed" numbers and then look at OpenVaers ratio of dead to injured ratio and factor in the same ratio to "suddenly unsubscribed", we get closer to 600 million dead and injured, globally. it's hard to see with mass migration, but the numbers don't lie and they should be numbers with annual growth. Factoring in the declining birth rate, it's about a 2.8% annual loss of global population that will probably add up to billions of deaths over the next 10 years. Can't research real numbers on Google, but you can on Yandex.com

Deagel population forecasts nearly 70% percent fewer Americans by 2025 From Deagel . com before they scrubbed it

Deagel's 2025 Forecast by Country PDF


The COVID Blog estimates that the global population dropped from 7.8 billion in January 2020 to approximately 6.8 billion today – about a 13% drop in 28 months. https://thecovidblog.com/

The insurance companies took a massive hit too, many billions… Google censors too much data to see the big picture. https://yandex.com/search?text=insurance+compaies40%25+excess+mortality&lr=21512

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Early, and VERY SUCCESSFUL Covid protocols in Uttar Pradesh, India….. primarily Ivermectin and doxycycline. Could’ve been one, the other, or both. Sure wasn’t covered by the Western governments, to their continuing shame.

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DR - ELE here is PROOF why the COVID never gets resolved because they will mis-direct until the paycheck quits arriving from Big-PHARM


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Paging the 1,000's of MD's & PHD's on substack, please answer this question WRT to COVID mis-direction racket??


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