4 questions on the MADNESS of the fake PCR-'false-positive' manufactured 0.05% IFR pandemic: 1)why was POTUS Trump given Regeneron, Remdesivir, & Dexamethasone & NOT Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine?
we knew that the Remdesivir had no proper research showing it was safe or effective & a failed EBOLA drug so were they trying to destroy his kidneys & liver? 2)if the Malone Bourla mRNA gene injection
was ‘safe and effective’, then why did it (mRNA technology gene vaccine) need ‘LIABILITY PROTECTION’ under the PREP ACT? (Azar Jan/Feb/March 2020). Why? para The declaration grants immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration of care or services in response to a public emergency and from the manufacture, testing, distribution, and administration of countermeasures to the emergency. So why? If it was safe and effective? If what the Task Force was doing was the optimal strategies? If the mRNA vaccine was safe and effective? Why grant it/them immunity?
3)How could Fauci and NIH deliberately manipulate the protocol for their Remdesivir study as seen here, making a secondary unimportant outcome (‘Time to recovery’) the new primary outcome, because death etc. was showing no benefit? Why did FDA allow this? This was in your face academic fraud.
This is frowned upon but in this case it was used to deceive and manipulate so this was fraud. By Fauci and NIH and FDA and the medical system allowed it. Knowing full well a study the very same morning in LANCET showed Remdesivir failed and was very harmful (Wang et al.):
4)why were antibiotics denied to treat those with COVID and symptoms, in especially high-risk elderly? why did doctors go along with the Colleges and State Boards when they knew better, they knew that their patients likely needed antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia (likely moving to blood poisoning sepsis) secondary to any respiratory viral etc. infection? Were antibiotics the KEY core entity in ‘early treatment’? Was it the effective component?
It was an assassination attempt against President Trump.
They knew...Remdesivir had a 53% kill rate in the Ebola trials.
Fauci knew.
Because - It was planned, and they were all in on the scam.
Because - Hospitals were promised big $ for every case, every (proscribed) drug given, every intubated patient, every death.
Because - every clinic/doctor/practice was paid big $ for every jab given.
Oh - Hail the big $.