When planes start falling from the sky on a regular basis the phenomenon will be blamed on the unjabbed.

Just watch.

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UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED evil is out of control https://www.brighteon.com/0253c6fb-99ae-4e30-82b4-17f2c6df7aed

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BURN AND EXTERMINATE THESE MURDERERS Frankenkerry, schwaubstikka etc,,,,,WEF Orders US Gov’t To Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle https://www.brighteon.com/e8678348-ee4f-4ef6-8eaa-25331bfe18de THIS IS EVIL DUMBAS aoc doing this with her not so geen kill all things plan

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WE need to pivot from the Covid19 and attack the Pandemic treaty and the CBDC and the Vaccine passport or covid19 will happen all over again only worse..

Please share this link far and wide and we need links to get people organized against the CBDC and Vaccine Passport..

Share The Below Link



Take Action: USA, UK, Canada,

South Africa, New Zealand, Australia

Actions and Resources (More Countries Too)




Special Link for Canada:


Please Note: the Canada Link is to a Government web site. Yes, it's Official! Canada will take up the issue, but we need a strong outpouring of Canadian support.

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Not flying that airline for sure.

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South African Airlines is sounding good. Recommend Singapore Airlines to RINOs.

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Many airlines have too many crew jabbed.

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Very strange they are died around the same date. Like they were all triggered by something. Do we know the state of their 5 G installation?

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I suspect for us guys, mRNA clots, et al, respond to stress with heart attacks and fast moving cancer. Be interesting to see all data with death by occupation. The photos show men of character.

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Troponin. I know you know it - but there are 2 different misspellings in the text, and I don't want pilots and their families who don't know it, saying it wrong when they request it from their doctor.

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thanks, I updated....but I dont spell check and I type each thing here myself unlike some substackers ;-) and I love when errors are pointed out. content is accurate...love you

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The irony of this is that in the early days of Covid, Singapore was using Ivermectin and doing very well with very few cases. Then Temasek Holdings became a substantial shareholder in Moderna. That's just a coincidence of course.

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WE NEED AN ANTI demon ewevil no harikari REMOVAL

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Pretty wild

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Im Singaporean, we're a very compliant population, most drs fear speaking out and losing their licenses. So far i only know one person who managed to get certified vaccine injured. Most people won't fight the authorities, they know better to focus their energy somewhere else. our court is the govt (no jury), there's no union besides the one set up by govt, ministry of health is the govt, sg airlines belongs to the govt. it's a little dystopian but we already know sg is a benevolent dictatorship/socialist gilded cage. welcome to Disneyland with the death penalty

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Perhaps their Life Insurance pool costs explain why SQ fares are so much higher than other (better) airlines like Emirates and Qatar?

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I love the canned "heartfelt" messages from the management team. And I can see what their management template looks like:

[Insert name of dead pilot here.]

lol! That's where we are in 202X.

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Agreggious and just plain wrong to force injection

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Does someone have a good idea how to get Singapore Airlines, the Singapore Government or the pilot community / their families to demand that the Health Authorities perform fitness checks on all flying personnel immediately?

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... for that matter, all flying personnel (especially cockpit crew) from all aircraft operators --- including militaries!

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