Good thing we have a new war to distract people and take the heavy lifting of Covid propaganda off the shoulders of our presstitutes who would be left to explain how safe and effective jab strategy is going.

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but according to our Fearless Leaders and their press representatives, it's supposed to be cold weather/depression/eating meat/exercise/cannabis/etc driving the boom of cardiac and other types of excess deaths.

wow, all these things that have been around for centuries are suddenly causing problems.

how can people believe /anything/ the Authorities say anymore?

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I heard, from Edward Dowd, that he "excess death rate" was 84% among 18-49 year olds.

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One month ago my friend got her 1st BOOSTER. The person who gave it to her assured her she was 90+% assured she would NEVER GET THE VIRUS. The following Saturday she was in hospital - and diagnosed with ALS. I'm thinking she had the ALS, but the disease seems to be on fire. She already can no longer walk and her speech is slurred. Now waiting for placement in LTC. HEARTBREAKING.

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Those numbers sure do make me suspicious. There are an awful lot of states in the NE that are among the lowest in the rate spike. It makes it appear that there might be something to the reports of "hot lots" of the shots.

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Some of the excess mortality is due to drug overdoses. Our open southern borders are letting the drugs pour in unchecked.

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Txs BOB and GRACE!! "Grace [De Niro’s wife] and I have a child with autism," he said in a statement, "and we believe it is critical that all of the issues surrounding the causes of autism be openly discussed and examined."


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How can I connect personally with someone from your office. I have received a very important research report that I believe needs to be seen by you. rosaliedrysdale@gmail.com

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Wish I could read the article. Can't find it even though I have a digital subscription to Epoch Times :-(

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My god this comment system is annoying. Why do I have to "sign in" when I'm already signed in?

Anyway, since all the mRNA is doing is killing people, driving the virus, and delivering diseases, will you join me in calling to make the deadly poisons illegal? It seems like all doctors want to do is document the deaths, like oh well.

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Not only are more people dying in general, but in the younger age groups, considerably more deaths due to COVID are happening. Everything that you and your fellows predicted is coming to pass.

"...during Q3/Q4 2021, when 70-80% of the population over twelve years old had had one or two COVID shots, and another 30% had had three, deaths ostensibly due to COVID *doubled or even tripled* in the age groups that were at lowest risk to begin with." https://mariaromana.substack.com/p/the-cdc-reads-my-substack

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Doc I need a break. My Substack writers have nothing but bad news. How about taking a pause and find something to be grateful for. It would be nice to be hopeful

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