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We all know the cure is worse than the disease. Our friend is a managing partner at a big accountancy firm in London. He met 5 other industry leaders for lunch the other day, they discussed the impact and they have a joint employee count of over 100,000. Not one had any staff die of Covid but they’d all had staff at each company that had committed suicide which is so telling what the real danger is. These would have been people who had decent jobs and good lives, A work colleagues mum committed suicide last year. My sons uni friend only 21 committed suicide last December. I belong to a gym and I speak to one of the members who is a firemen, he said they are attending so many suicides, they’d only usually attend rail suicides. One of his colleagues attended 36 in one month, unheard of in his 37 years of service. One young lady aged 21 lit disposable bbqs in the bathroom and locked the door, the fireman had to break down the door and found her. It’s not only the tragic loss of this young lady’s life who had everything to live for but her family and the fireman and paramedics that have to see this. It’s tragic sad and those in authority pursing these policies which we know do not discriminate work, only cause more death and misery need to be held to account for the human suffering they have caused. Great article thank you.

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