Not sure why you are promoting TWC and why you aren't doing more to financially invest your GSG monies into telling the world about government autrocities:

1. You continue to promote TWC after you noted the betrayal of McCullough and Kirsch's paper showing a ridiculous willingness to hold the jab UNTIL safety studies are done - you admit they will never be done!

And you publicly begged them to iretract the paper. Did they already do it? Maybe I missed that? Because this article otherwise makes no sense but for perhaps your financial profit by getting a commission on goods sold, or otherwise promoting the company.

2. Your GSG title is for "research" yet you failed to provide a research project, only mentioning your not budgeting for one of its components, a "salary". Then you go on to say the money will be used for promoting informed consent and spreading the word on the lies. Sounds like marketing. How much of your $70,000+ has been spent? Maybe you can put up some billboards like Scott Schara did after his daughter was murdered by Ascension Health Wisconsin. Or did you already do something else financially constructive with the GSG funds, that I missed? I've never seen a Substack on this subject, so please feel free to correct me.

Can you do more than just write another Substack against the jabs and Hospital Killing Protocols? Put some money that you make from GSG, TWC's affiliate commissions or salary, and Substack earnings into billboards, flyers, newspaper ads, anything?

Because people are still being murdered by the jab, Remdesivir, and ventilators.. and you can do something besides just writing a Substack about it. Maybe you can take pictures of the billboards like Scott and others have done? And then write a Substack on it, and post it as an update to your GSG.

3. Your GSG states you specifically state you are against the jab in babies. What about adults? Shouldn't you update that on your GiveSendGo? Or do you approve of the shots in our nursing home elders? It's very confusing.

4. Your article above states for people to take Spike Support (with nattokinase) OR bromelain OR curcumin, when Dr. McCullough's Too 3 Supplements include ALL and they are sold in a TRIO. I realize you are not an MD but I find this seriously and substantially confusing as well, on the same level that can cause patient harm by undertreatment or incorrect dosing frequency.

Firstly, many patients don't know that "Spike Support" doesn't include either the right frequency of nattokinase that Dr. McCullough cites should be 2,000 FU TWICE a day as recommended, not the double-dose 4,000 FU a day Spike Support formula, the bottle label's recommended serving. Is this just an oversight? Why doesn't someone change the label or retract the Top 3 Recommendations?

And can you add to the label that it is NOT a stand-alone therapy but is recommended to be taken together with curcumin AND bromelain? And can you please change your ORs to ANDs if Dr. McCullough still recommends all 3 together? Or modify the Top 3 and delete the Trio? TWC cannot have it both ways, where one reference says one thing yet you do something else.

5. Patients report getting an appointment at TWC and then no one calls and tgey remain untreated. Your previous article had a patient comment on this posted in 2023 and not one person responded to her. So I did, and she is okay.

This is not an isolated or remote problem. Just last week, I had a report that not only was her appointment canceled by staff but he wasn't even the one who canceled it!

These two incidents represent a big problem that you can help solve. Maybe TWC should stop taking Members if it cannot keep appointments?

Does this help you see that it's not just the paper that is wrong, but the company that appears to be undertreating those to whom it seeks to help? If the formulation and your above advice is incorrect, can you see that it is causing harm by deceiving people into thinking they have an effective treatment?

Once and for all, and I mean for the benefit of everyone, please figure this out ASAP. And correct it, because you are in a position to do so.

And if you can't correct it, then please consider leaving TWC. It's embarrassing that all these smart people can't seem to see what they are doing. Or perhaps they do see it yet they brush it aside. It's wrong.

Please cure my confusion, because there is no middle ground.


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Dr Alexander this it totally off topic but did you know there is a guy called Paul Alexander who spent his life in an iron lung?


Also I read that Elvis had his polio vaccine live on TV to encourage others - same playbook as today. In fact if you read the books 'The Moth in an Iron Lung' and 'Dissolving Illusions' you will see how history repeats

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Any Aussies here tried ordering into Australia yet?? Are they letting things through??

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Their BBB ratings indicate they can't even ship to Americans.

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