Trump hasn't spoke out in support of those who are vaccine injured nor those who have died.

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will soon

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I hope he does soon because we are running out of time. I believe they are getting ready to unleash Hell on us by October. WarRoom (Bannon) have uncovered information on Biden Admin granting new contracts out for companies to jack up testing again, compliance etc. THE CONTRACTS ARE THROUGH 2028!!!!!!!! GATES already told us THE NEXT ONE WOULD GET OUR ATTENTION!! Wake up AMERICA AND FIGHT!!!!!!!!

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I agree with you Stephanie 1000%! This is all by design by the masterminds of criminal insanity. The Satanic Zionist Jewish Nazi globalists, elites, supremacists...they're all non Semitic, AshkeNAZI Jewish Khazarian mafia psychopaths...

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Yes he has....in his rallies the recent ones he has said he will be looking into every single disease and that would include vaccine injured diseases that the people of this country are suffering....but it you don’t follow him you would not know that....

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I stopped attending his rallies after the death of my friends daughter who was 13-years-old. I haven't seen any post from him in opposition to the jab but I've seen him urge supporters to take the filth. I'm now vaccine injured not from taking he jab (I always opposed) but taking my insulin which contains the filth.

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I am so so very sorry…..God bless you and all you know and all of us too…..God Bless….

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I comment on his posts every time I see one. I ask him why he's allowing babies and young kids to die, how can he put money above life. I know he knows the truth but he's protecting Big Pharma instead of the people, that makes me sick to my stomach.

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You are 100% correct !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both Trump and Biden share a major problem and that is neither of them have warned the people about the dangers of the jab. For god sakes our people are dying from this. Trump kicked started it under OWS and Biden pulled the trigger. Neither Trump or Biden have warned the military and our countrymen.

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Trump hasn't been POTUS for 2.5 years, Get made at Biden, snowflake.

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I suppose I'm a snow flake too. I agree with Hannahlegigg 100%. I voted for Trump twice! I've attended SIX funerals who did from the vaccine and now I'm Vaccine Injured not for taking the jab (I always refused) but from taking my own insulin. Let's get something straight neither Biden nor Trump have provided essential warnings about the jab. I true leader sides with the people not big PHRAMA. IF your not willing to stand up and oppose death of our kids from the vaccine and others than what good are you to our country?

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Biden is braindead and Im not a snowflake, ffs.

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You speak the Truth.

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I posted this short article yesterday. Please have a look. https://www.darelllong.com/p/covid-how-many-politicians-are-an

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Maybe? It can not be discounted. BUT what if he’s just “playing the game” because he knows he’ll never get re-elected if he doesn’t? Then once he’s in the White House the truth can come out. That’s a possibility too.

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Yeah but its a big risk when lives are on the line right now.

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I’m conflicted too

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Honestly?..use your own discernment. Do you need to be told? Not to inject poison into your body? No, you should have enough good sense to know this is not a game. People have free will. He could not have stopped a determined person from injecting their child. President said, "hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin is coupled with good ol'fashioned sunshine, are the injection."

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So what? What do you expect him to do while he's defending himself against the evil, lawless tyrants trying to put him in a filthy, dangerous jail for the rest of his life for something he did not do?

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I expect him to get off his ass NOW and announce to the world the vaccines must stop. He needs to point out the vast death and injuries which began because he chose to promote the filth. I expect to point out that diabetes such as myself are now vaccine injured because the filth is also in the insulin supply. I expect him to take bold action before he wins and not wait until millions more take the filth. Our republic is at risk due to two major points the Communist takeover and the jab.

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AGREE 1000%%%%%!!!!! He MUST tell us the truth about the vaccine immediately

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I can confirm four pilots from a large airline carrier are injured from the vaccine and scared of losing life and there job.

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Trump will fix this...I know.

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I believe if Trump speaks out against Pfizer and Moderna they will bury him.

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How?....He has speaking out against Big Pharma for decades....though when he tried to tell us that things like hydroxychloroquine would work they did bury that....the msm....in moving ahead and foreword we must open up to new and better options that will be there.....we are moving into a new world order....that is a spiritual fact.

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If he were to come out and tell the world to stop taking the injections because they're dangerous, Big Pharma would lose their shit. He got one million from Pfizer and Moderna for his re-election so would he give it back and tell them to F off, I don't think so but I wish he would.

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Trump is also friends with the Johnson & Johnson family.

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Part of the planned extermination of the majority of the human race.

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Actions speak louder than words. Instead of fixing this, they are covering it up. It was ludicrous to mandate an experimental new type of "drug" on the entire human race. What could go wrong? These are smart people - so they knew what they were injecting. The side effects of death were intended.

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Of course they knew what they are doing.....but they have been poisoning the vaccines since the very first one....this is not new....we the people are stupid for trusting doctors and medicine....come on....whoever has taken any vaccine by their own decision since childhood is a dope.....didn’t do the research and so we are where we are.....the people are to blame too.....did any parent or doctor even look into vaccines and see the ingredients or even be able to pronounce the ingredients.....stop blaming and move forward......

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PS....in the 1960s the drug thalidomide was used without good trials and babies were born without limbs and most died....but why didn’t anyone question that.....i did and i was 10.....come on....we are to blame....

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Can these evil people get anymore evil? The FAA silently changed the PR interval for Pilots last October and with that said, how long will it take, God forbid before a plane falls out of the sky? They better have 3 or 4 pilots on each flight. The lack of concern for life is unmistakable, nothing matters to these evil doers! Nothing! From my limited knowledge of a PR interval most if not all vaccinated pilots are flying with a damaged heart! Even one accident is too much but with all the research on myocarditis and Pericarditis linked to the JAB, there’s no getting around the hot damage show may be lucky most won’t be. Can it get any worse all these people involved need to be tried before a jury and a judge and is found guilty. They need to be locked up. Nothing else can be said about what is happening!

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What you reference about PR intervals reminds me of the standards that were changed after Fukushima. Key word in both cases: "AFTER."

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The same thing, only this is now or last year though I never looked or felt threatened by Japan, I am as most are in the US threatened by our own government! But Japan did change levels if I remember correctly of toxins within marine life, I may be mistaken but nonetheless this unacceptable US Government does whatever it wants whenever it wants and we’re all supposed to let it happen, I do believe more and more Americans are waking up to the complete lack of concern for Human Life this administration, not all, but those in power have for anyone today! Just look at what they’re doing to Trump, like him or not!

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True....like T or not what is being done is something every person who believes in our freedoms and rights should be concerned.....and what is being done to contaminate and destroy this earth....Maui, CA , British Columbia, Ohio...APEEL..etc etc etc

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The "updating" of standards, definitions, etc. is a standard CYA move of pathological powermongers everywhere.

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True! But, ain't gonna. 😑

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While I don't agree that any pilot should lie about their medical conditions due to safety concerns, I did have to laugh at this: "Federal authorities have been investigating nearly 5,000 pilots suspected of falsifying their medical records". Federal authorities have lied to us and given out bad medical information constantly for at least the last 3 years!!! As they told the court, they feel they have "immunity" to liability and prosecution. Doesn't that make you feel wonderful about them?

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Sadly and deliberately you’re correct, at least not in my lifetime. If so many people are involved in this coverup, then there isn’t anything anyone can do but let it ride it course, do not comply with demands and fight tooth and nail to try and let others know what is happening!

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If 5000 pilots are staying silent, I want to know why, why would they put their livelihood above human life. I know we all have to live but holy crap, they're flying around with a plane full of innocent people who could die if the pilot drops over in the cockpit, this has got to stop. I will never fly again, I want to live.

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Pulling a parallel, I guess it’s not so different to what the medical staff did to their clients

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FAA more than doubled the acceptable range on EKG results but only pilots over 40 are required to get those. Also every pilot out there concerned about losing their medical cert for whatever reason knows or can easily find a Santa Claus AME to go to for their exam.

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My guess is that the FAA will use those 5,000 as a smoke screen for Vaxx issues. Those pilots were are Vets? Did the VA force then to get jabbed to keep their benefits ? 🤔

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Boost pilots a few more times and they will all have serious if not fatal medical issues !

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All comments here blame blame blame.....but this has been going on since the early 1900s....i mentioned in an earlier comment the thalidomide babies....why did people not question the pharmaceuticals not having tested this drug thoroughly in the 1960s.....you want to be mad......look to yourselves....i was 10 then and i knew that no drug should be out on the market given to pregnant women without testing......come on folks......move forward....getting stuck in blaming is a waste of energy.....yes know the facts and use them in a more helpful way....

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False flags have already been set in place. Judicial Watch had posted 1/3/2023.

Al Qaeda Plans Plane Attacks Using “New Techniques and Tactics” as Air Marshals Keep Getting Sent to Mexican Border.

While the nation’s Federal Air Marshals (FAM) are busy on the Mexican border providing illegal immigrants with welfare checks, transportation, and other basic services, Al Qaeda is planning attacks in the U.S. involving planes, according to high-level Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sources. Judicial Watch obtained from government sources a copy of the new intelligence alert, which was delivered on December 31, 2022, at 12:23:52 Greenwich Mean Time. The caption of the widely circulated warning reads: “Al-Qaeda says upcoming attacks on US, possibly involving planes, will use new techniques and tactics.” What away to start the fear for this year.

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Come on, be reasonable - if the Killionaires are to reduce the global population to 500M they must use every means available.

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Fraud is fraud.

Time to Sue.

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Paul, PLEASE speak to Trump and ask him to publicly acknowledge that the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective. He will win over more people if he does. He must acknowledge that mistakes were made. Please - it is imperative! I don’t blame him - he’s not a scientist, but those he relied on sold him a “line”. Except for Dr Scott Atlas - he had it right.

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