You are right - it is never right these deaths. The US policy has invited something like this to happen - not right.

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It isn’t right to think you have a right to invade another country like the rush of African males a few days ago either. Human suffering is beyond belief and it is way beyond time to get rid of the governing party that doesn’t follow its country’s laws, threatens the populous, riots, loots and burns when it doesn’t get its way.

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I think they’re fleeing for their lives, versus intentionally invading another country. The United States has a history of helping some humanely and others not so much.

My family was very fortunate in 1961 when we left an oppressive government in Cuba, that the United States of America took us in with open arms.

Several years later, I watched them continue to accept Cubans, but turn away Haitian immigrants who were experiencing the same type of political oppression and horrific living conditions.

Do you think anybody is illegal in God’s eyes? Who created these borders? I believe if we really cared for one another and wanted to live in harmony we could find a way to do so.

We might have to eliminate the 1-2% that wants to control everything! That would be ideal! 

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The present government is the worst government this country has ever had. Who is the real "president"? It's not brain ded byeden, he's not even capable of putting a sentence together, with cue cards.

My mother was an immigrant, many years before I was born, my father's family was here several generations. She had to 'report' once a year for years. I don't agree with that over arching control, but nor do I agree with open borders. Who is coming in? Good/bad??? We have enough of our own criminals, we don't need any more.

And, what about the 51 souls who were basically cooked to death in the back of a truck. The coyote who put them there, could care less. He got thousands of dollars from those people, and will soon have a new load.

I remember the Cuban Crisis well, and the way the Haitian population was treated. Many millions collected for Haiti never went there, but went for Haitian pet projects of the Bush and Clinton cabal, and their pockets. Not to the people,

Not all are from other horrible countries. I spoke with a young man who left Ecuador. He had a decent job, place to live, but just wanted more money. Why risk your life just for money? Then he was shocked because the cost of living in the US is so much higher.

At this point, we have probably millions living on the streets, and how many of these people will end up in perhaps worse conditions than what they left in another country.

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It is absolutely tragic. We are all human beings.

Who came up with the term illegal aliens?

I don’t have the answer, but I’m sure that a group of conscientious people could come up with creative solutions that would work for everybody.

God help the family members of those poor souls who died in the truck. 🙏🏼😢

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When I taught English in Europe, I had no problems. Basically, the process started on-line, then I had FBI fingerprints, and an interview in their Embassy. So when I got there, I already had a stamp on my passport.

Can't comment on the US process because I don't know it. I think it's sad for people to risk their lives due to the criminal elements that collect lots of money, but run away if there's a problem

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I agree up to a point! Fleeing the brutality of the cartels! But, we are a nation of laws and by allowing people to circumvent them, we have abandoned our own! By allowing preg women to cross over, we have massive hospital bills paid by tax payers! By allowing chain migration, we continue to pay! We are not the rich nation we once were and by continuing to spend, we are undermining our country! It will fall and then the borders will be gone, but unless law and order is restored, we will be the new third world country! Just saying! Sending billions to Ukraine and ignoring our homeless is criminal in my opinion! And that is all it is!

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Agree 100%

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Of course it is a monstrous tragedy. I pray for them and their families. I feel for the emergency Services who went to them and had to remove their bodies. I can see the problem for The USA with neighbours whose lives are so desperate they yearn for survival over the border. It is a very difficult problem. One the whole world should address by helping Refugees and Asylum Seekers with compassion and not leaving it to the few countries that mainly get the most people coming in. The world is in such a terrible state right now. Please God help the poor and suffering who are most at risk.

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Open borders and "homeland security" to search honest citizens. what a country!

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Congress should act! We need a new law outlawing all 40 ft trailers to solve this mass genocide.

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