So many lies, so much deception. Many people still think the deaths were due to the severity of COVID when it is now apparent this was due to Hospital malfeasance with use of Remdesivir, and a collection of other IV drugs along with the final killing machine, the ventilator. Many doctors and nurses will have to live with the stain on their conscience knowing they were party to it all. God have mercy on their souls.

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Excellent summary of the infuriating lies.

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Dr. Alexander, the myth of asymptomatic spread is particularly galling, as it drove overtesting of symptomless people with the improperly-used PCR tests. If you have time I would be interested to read your analysis of that lie.

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yes, this was a bad one and it was fraudulent

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We used to wonder how the medical profession could have gone along with the Third Reich's euthanizing the infirm and mentally challenged, the experiments, and the death camps which had loads of doctors on staff.

Now we know. They were "all in this together" and anyone questioning was CXL'd, just like the last few years.

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? "who is the FDA in business with?" ANSWER:

The heads of all these agencies and every one of these major politicians-puppets has been paid by the Puppet-Masters. Trudeau likely got 100M, as each of Macron, Johnson (UK), Morrison (AU) and Ardern (NZ). But you won't find these funds in any bank account in their own country. The criminal 1% owns hundreds of trillions, so 50-100M here and there is chump change.

We won't talk about all the major pols in the USA, including state governors like Newsome, and all the major medical organizations and licensing boards. In Canada all provincial leaders and provincial Colleges (licensing boards) were likely all bought off.

Let's not even talk about the courts.

That is the level of corruption we are dealing with. Until we get a massive GLOBAL red-pill moment by the sheeple, with a Marie-Antoinette pitchfork moment, elections, lawsuits etc etc will be useless. At this point we need a global awakening AND insurrection.

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So refreshing to hear someone talk sense and able to discern the truth during this time of great deception. Thank you.

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Your "inside commentary" is so valuable!

Thanks - Etana

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Dr. Alexander I adore you. Wish we had an army of you.

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Sign our petition calling for an investigation into Pfizer clinical trial fraud allegations

Most Americans think the fraud allegations against Pfizer (as well as their own admission of fraud in court) should be investigated.


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I read your entire newsletter out loud over the phone with some extended family members who all lined up for the jab…nothing like your feisty rants to plant a seed of logical reality ! So proud of our Canadian Dr. Alexander braving whatever may come as a result of your unshakeable honesty. I then post them in my Bannon War Room chat for the American audience there. High praise for all you are doing every day ! Many thanks and sincere respect.

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What was their reaction? We they receptive?

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Replying to Island Girl…stunned silence and then a few thoughtful questions. It’s a good start. A fiery rant was the ticket !

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Good. I can't get through to the ones around me

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If the media had done the job they are suppose to do, this wouldn’t have happened to this extent: PSA’s, radio, television, billboards, newspapers, social media, and the list goes on and on and on! I STILL see huge PSA’s on the sides of buses! What PROPAGANDA! And people are DYING! This is literal insanity.

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I'd like to know who or what was the "authority" that gave huge kickbacks to doctors and hospitals for each case of the virus, or each death "caused" by the virus? It seems to me that this is yet another layer of the deception. By making it look like the hospitals were overrun with very sick patients, it increased the fear level exponentially in the public, leading people to make irrational decisions about taking an experimental drug.

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I think Peter Breggin and his wife did an excellent job on what Trump did right and where he faltered. He was advised that HCQ was a good early treatment. Dr. Z. met with him and others. He chose to hang his hat on Fauci and Birx, the rest is a sad history.


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hear from other doctors in the links i reposted...

how can we stop this madness?

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How come you never mention Scott Axis?

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“ If we wish to keep this pandemic going for 100 years more, and causing a slow kill of the population, and driving infectious variant after another, then continue”. Dr Paul, we dont have 100 years. These progressive sadists and scientific idolaters seem likely to kill off humanity far sooner. But our salvation is when Jesus returns before that time—hallelujah.

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Can you add a link that provides more details to this statement, “RRR (relative risk reduction) of 95% was actually 0.7% ARR for Pfizer, 1.1% for Moderna. Even if you went with the RRR, the 95% drops below the 50% agreed threshold for EUA, to 19% or so”

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its calculated numbers...we have done it many times and shown it. RRR= (control rate-event rate/control rate) x 100

ARR is control rate-event rate

it was ARR that was needed

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we model by distributing the 3000 into both groups and we get a RRR of 8%

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