What really pisses me off is that the damn CDC is pushing the vaccine for every school child every year! I'm sorry but can't we get rid of the CDC, once and for all?? Tell me how please!!!

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Throw them out the window along with the WHO. The House has a bill to stop funding for the WHO...will be a tough pass through the Senate...they like imaginary pandemics and having us locked down.

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It would require a deNazification process similar to that carried out in Germany and Ukraine after WW2. First you have to understand that it's not the cream that rises to the top in the CDC. The CDC are extremists just like a lot of the commenters on this substack. Many actually believe it's immoral and unethical for kids to not get the vaccine. The reason is that many of the top bureaucrats have a personality disorder (PD) called OCPD. It's worse than being a psychopath. It's the disorder of dictators and tyrants. Hitler had it, and it was impossible to reason with Hitler. It's also impossible to reason with the CDC bureaucrats. To get rid of the CDC you must learn about this disorder, OCPD, and how to recognize it and fight it.

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Vaccines are a FRAUD ...FULL STOP.

They are in THIRD PLACE of the absolute biggest frauds in medical science after only the use of all psychotropic drugs in psychology which is FIRST PLACE and CANCER therapy in North America .

Nope you can't make this up and Science has proven this over and over.

Don't take my word for it. Go to visit two great AMERICAN patriots as Ty and Charlene Bolliger who have a huge website called The Truth About Cancer .

But a few years ago, long before CoVid they produced an excellent docu series (about ten parts over 20 hours with hundreds of global doctors and scientists and experts) called "The Truth About Vaccines."

They literally were giving it away practically free last Xmas for only $20 for a digital download.

I defy ANYONE, and I do mean anyone - to watch that docu series and take another JAB.

It is also common sense , especially if you.have ANY insight into the miracle of human immunology (leucocytes, lymphocytes, inate arm, acquired, compliment or related new science of the microbiome).

You cannot improve on what mother nature gave you at birth with millions of years of evolution built in . Humans are INCREDIBLY hard to kill because of our miraculous immune system that keeps us alive for decades despite stupidity and a toxic world.

Have a death wish and want to die sooner? Get jabbed and destroy your immune system .

Now not only do we see damage by proven science from these ultra toxic mRNA jabs, but WORSE we now ha e found it that same JAB is destroying our microbiome (see video link below).

Simply put humans have been lied to for decades by the Big Pharma Fraud Industry .

This is WAR and get that through your head as these psychopaths destroying ate rights and freedoms will KILL YOU , ENSLAVE YOU and all for their very sick minds.

Canadian and NATO veteran.

Strongly worth a WATCH and WHY YOU NEED TO EAT fermented foods like Kimchi and Saurkruat! Do not drink Kefir as it is a total waste of money .


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Thanks Warrior.

I bought two sets with the transcripts of 'The Truth About Vaccines' last year, and yes they were really cheap for the actual DVDs and books!

I'd seen this excellent short microbiome video, and thank you for giving it more exposure.

BUT! REAL homemade kefir is a life saver, I've been making my own for a decade. It's so easy to make, no cooking, just respecting the 1000 year old kefir grains and straining the kefir regularly, which for me is about every 2 weeks.

I'm pretty sure each little kefir grain has more "intelligence" than any human.........

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Yes not sure about homemade Kefir BUT if you watched the LINK I posted the VAST MAJORITY of store sold Kefir were outright fraud products and that info was pure science. As they stated even the most expensive $27 dollar product was worthless.

Best in health.

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One of my 2 shot residents in a group home has CHF. Two weeks ago he was hospitalized for increased heart rate 120 and above. They could not get his rate down in the 8 days he was in hospital and they sent him home with a new diagnosis of AFib. Today he had a follow up with his cardiologist and again his heart rate was way above 120 so Dr sent him to be admitted to hospitals. My BFF who got 2 shots also was recently diagnosed with AFib and she had no history of cardiac problems

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The people and machines behind this murder rampage couldn't care less about any studies.

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BINGO TRUMP&BIDEN are said to have released $12 Trillion USD for the war-on-covid, a weapon that they themselves deployed on the world in 2019

The people behind the CULLING are well payed, and they will stand behind their genocide until the last goyim in ZOG-land

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Someone please show me the scientific studies that investigate the consequences of kids popping 20 milligrams of Prozac for depression and another 60 milligrams of Adderall for their so-called ADHD, Klonopin or Xanax for anxiety and OCD behaviors and a bit of pharmaceutical grade lithium for mood stabilizing. How in the world is psychiatry still a condoned medical practice? Tom Cruise hit the nail on the head 18 years ago, you’ll never change my mind.As I said years ago, it’s the kids prescribed antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and ADHD drugs who are the threat to school safety. It has always been those kids and it always will be.


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I've been a fan of Dr Ann Blake Tracy for more than twenty years.


I think she pioneered awareness around this issue. Finally the extreme and frequent dangers of SSRIs, a heinous criminal enterprise is getting exposure.

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“Antidepressants have warnings for both suicidal and homicidal ideation and the FDA warnings indicate those reactions to be at almost double the rate for those under the age of 25. That is not just killing yourself or someone else but having persistent ruminating thoughts of both suicide and homicide, along with the same persistent thoughts of various methods of killing – thoughts Eric complained of within only weeks after first being placed on Zoloft. Putting a gun in his hand is NOT what produced those thoughts, but a drug did, and the drugs even carry a warning that they can produce that!!

With only me and a couple of others working to gather these cases over the past two decades out of 70 school shootings we have had 68 school shooters on antidepressants … you know this has to be only the tip of the iceberg. Seems pretty simple math at this point!"


Dr Ann Blake Tracy

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

Sashalatypova says that "whoever is promoting Natto for spike should publish their experimental data demonstrating that it eliminates spike. Her collegue is South Korea tests many substances and so far Natto does not work for

Spike .. she will publish this herself.. keep watch ,. Apparently the pub med

Study on degradation effect of natto on spike protein shows cells which are artificially transfected .. her collegue took cultured tissues from vax injured and it didn't work , the study is only good for hypothesis statement . it's not enough to recommend patients use an expensive product . Clinical trial is needed.."

Can you get yr team to seek that out!? Maybe set up meeting with Sasha and her collegue?

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Did Jordan Walker work at Mass General Hospital after all? In China? Did Shuang Sarah Wu run her AI simulations at MGH hospitals in China? Is our Michael J Bennett the same as Robert Malone’s Michael J Bennett? https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1641951983333408769?s=20

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You don't need to be an immunologist to understand that each mRNA injection subjugates immune system response and one person I meet got the shots and has had Covid 4 times. The risk of disease states increases as the frequency and number of injections. Medicine man that embraces the shots needs to wake up to the harm they are causing and will cause down the road by believing the medical con. Ed Dowd tells the story of the great harm done to Americans!. They want us to join the cattle and pigs that have been getting thes injections!

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You 're saying:

"I am not anti-vax, yet"

You should be one by now.

WHY would you inject any toxins into your body?

Address oxidative stress instead.

"One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage." - THIS IS SCIENCE

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Alexander the Great, the only one on stage who persistently brings scientific works, every day. I have followed you for a long time, the only thing I don't support is your support for Trump, because he is also a traitor, but your contribution and your bravery is commendable. A proud Serb is talking to you here, you are of Latin-South American origin, you people have brains and courage, kudos to you. You have the Order of the First Class from the Serbs. And do not think that it is little, when one of us gives you recognition. You deserve it Alexander. Malone was thrown in, I followed everything from the beginning, I support you, you're right, he was thrown on stage, to obstruct. That you recognized Jonathan Jay Couey speaks volumes to me.

He is a man who knows, his education is right above the mark, Wuhan lab was made for the purpose of taking the blame, they deliberately released the virus, in several places, it was not a leak, it was a splash.

Read what was written by B Wongar, (Сретен Божић), Serb, who wrote the tragedy of the home-grown people from Australia, read that, it's the same thing that psychopathic elites do with coronavirus.

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ADE - Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Faux-Chi even warned about this in March 2020 when discussing a possible "vaccine" but then never brought it up again.

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Paltrow non-guilty, glad that's over now back to trump


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Breaking News TOP boyz of CIA's "Facebook" & NSA's "GOOGLE" supoena for EPSTEIN Virgin Island fuck a child visit

Billionaires Sergey Brin, Thomas Pritzker, Mortimer Zuckerman and Michael Ovitz were issued subpoenas this week by the US Virgin Islands as part of its lawsuit against JPMorgan


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This is very old news Paul .

Anyone of sound mind who still wants to get jabbbbed needs therapy , not more studies.

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We all need to start talking about virus theory.

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NOONE should get these “countermeasure” shots!! Especially children with medical conditions. They accelerate disease and death! It is okay for you to say this

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