Geert Vanden Bossche’s theory of immune pressure on non neutralizing Abs is interesting and terrifying. Please give him some stage.

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Here is a link to an interview with Geert Vanden Bosche by Del Bigtree on this very subject: https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-vanden-bossche-warning/ . I thought they did a good job on a complex subject. I sure hope Geert is proven wrong on his hypothesis about the virus now being pressured to evolve to infect the lower respiratory tract (LRT). This is where the bad outcomes were occurring for covid. A mutation on a virus that now bypasses the upper respiratory system and infects the LRT could be deadly. And since the cases are not dropping, helped along by the vaxx, lots of chances for the mutation to occur so odds are we will see it sooner rather than later. Now we are doing it to our children. I pray for a miracle.

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Yes, I think this is what he is talking about.

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ADE, big pharma's kiss of death to the sheeple.

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big Harma and every politician, journalist, scientist, physician, health worker, et al. who acted in bad faith or with negligence ... I read somewhere recently that "ignorance is innocence; willful ignorance is not."

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Great, thanks for this comprehensive list, this might be useful soon in the future to explain to people what is going on... Most of the people I know are still buying into the narrative unfortunately. Until now, I have refrained from speaking too much about this topic since I just want that everybody can make their own choices, but I think there is now sufficient evidence which shows that everything about this pandemic is a massive fraud. And I think it is necessary that someone tells them at least once and in clear terms why this can be considered a fraud and an unprecedented crime...

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My family , many friends, in deep denial. (Thankful my husband is unjabbed)

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So if you did get vaccinated because of pressure from job or healthcare procedures…what are you to do? Keep using the therapeutics (ivermectin etc) when you get Covid over and over again?

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yes, and prophylactically/preventatively, too. GVB gets into this and speaks directly to the vaccinated and your question near the end of the interview by Del Bigtree referenced above in browntsunami's comment.

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..but wait...our Chief Medical Office in Canada just said this.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhuzAbZX7og&list=TLPQMTEwNTIwMjLC3SLwfFZe7g&index=2

...she is so bright....remember when she wanted you to mask during sex? 🙄We are so duped in Canada...it's beyond scary.....

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Where did or what organization provided the spike protein for the so called covid vaccines?

It appears that Pfizer, Maderna, Astrazeneca, J&J, and Novavax all used the same protein in their formulation.

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Yeah, about that.. patented sequences and all.

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The antibodies developed by the people who received the cmRNA vaccines are binding isomeric antibodies, these abs have nothing to do with Sars-Cov-2 or Omicron (Mers-Cov-2). The spike protein from Sars/Omicron is coded with URACIL, a nucleobase. The cmRNA vaccines are coded with PSEUDOURIDINE (Pseudouracil), an isomer and a nucleotide. Let me explain, once again, the mechanism: severe cases of Covid-19 are caused by two lethal antibodies, REGN10987 and B38. The cmRNA vaccines sabotage the immune system to produce enormous quantities of BINDING ISOMERIC ABS, and thus fewer normal abs (including the two lethal abs described above). But now these binding isomeric abs are awaiting an activation (Omicron with its prion domain set in motion). Antidote for severe cases: N-acetylneuraminic acid methyl ester and clarithromycin, also bromelain (enzyme). An isomer has a different chirality/configuration of the amino acid chains.

Amyloidosis = beta sheet prions = T-bacilli = dextrorotatory prions = spike proteins

D-prions absorb aether and oxygen, leading to hypoxia and micro blood clots.

Alpha helices prions are laevorotatory prions.

Two kinds of spike proteins: coded with URACIL (Sars-Cov-2 genome) or coded with PSEUDOURIDINE (cmRNA vaccines).

The measles pandemic (same symptoms as smallpox) was a huge problem in 1917-1918, it appears before the main pathogenic agent emerges on the scene: M. influenzae/M. africanum (Omicron with its prion domain set in motion).

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