I see where Trump was duped but after that why didn't he investigate and find out the little evil troll was gaslighting him. I always loved Trump for how he helped America but when it came to fake covid, he really dropped the ball. I understand he had enemies in his administration so it must have been hard for him to know who was lying and who wasn't, I think they all were lying because they all wanted to line their greedy pockets with Pfizer dough.

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how could he go against these doctors, they had him by the nuts...literally...it was wild there...I was there...so Atlas and I was on inside banging away...no doubt they hated us and tried to literally end us, I even think kill us.

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I can't imagine what you guys were up against, especially with Fauci, that evil little satanic monster. It seems though Trump keeps telling people his jabs saved hundreds of millions of lives, why on earth does he keep saying that, even after he's been shown the data and the truth.

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it was hell, they destroyed Atlas in media etc. a good man

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It was hell for all of the world too. I was lucky, God told me not to buy any of it, not the lockdowns, masks and especially not the jabs. Thru this entire debacle my husband never missed one day of work and he was never forced or even asked to take the poison poke. I continued to shop where I always did and I told the store mangers to basically go fuck themselves, I wasn't playing along with the game.

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Exactly and anyone who didn't was a sheep following the LIARS.

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I think if Trump acknowledged and told his audience what actually happened, maybe more would be inclined to believe him and back him but he's still not expressing any empathy for those that have died or been severely injured. Nor has he admitted his mistake.

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Because it WASN'T a mistake. Many people have come forward to tell the truth.

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Exactly, he could blow the entire thing up now if he wanted to, he not on the side of the people

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I agree with Lucy...it wasn't his mistake. It was a collective attack on him and his followers to thwart his re-election and move forward with their plan. These people did this intentionally and are not even recognizing the deaths, let alone having empathy! Blame them. I commented below as to why he can't say what he knows now. Basically, we're done if he does.

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Exactly! He just will not admit he was wrong and say: it will never happen again. So much respect for him if he would just say that.

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I don't believe his ego will ever allow him to say he was wrong, sadly.

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It’s so sad. I’d think better of him as a man if he could admit when he’s wrong. So very wrong.

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See above comment. Malignant narcissists do not admit doing anything wrong. EVER.

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He is a malignant narcissist. He will NEVER admit any wrongdoing for anything he does.

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What was the wrongdoing? The fda didnt approve the jab until after the election and Biden continued the scam thru today..

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And what if he did? You don't think the media (who was in cahoots in this whole thing) wouldn't eat him alive about it? There's only two things that would happen if he did...and don't forget the doctors and scientists are still fighting to be heard when you read this...1) They would call him a fool as usual to be able to keep up the scam or 2) Make him out to be the LIAR President - saying he knew, but Biden didn't (without revealing too much still). I could go on about the latter, but if everyone would look at the bigger picture I think they would see it. Look everyone who took the jab didn't do it because they believed Trump, they did it because they believed these LIARS. Trump was only the messenger and he also messaged that HCQ, Ivermectin and other remedies worked (once he found out later in the year) and what happened then?...They snuffed them being available and made a mockery of him! The point is he intended on everyone having a choice regardless, would not have made it mandatory, but Biden did. If they had not taken the Presidency away from him, I believe he would have addressed it, but now he's fighting to get back there. So this was a setup and it was long before he was even President. It was part of the 16-year plan, which he interrupted. If he talks now before he gets back in, it's over. I say there's a time coming when he can, but it's not now.

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Now several years later.. why is he still promoting the shots? By now he should see that these are a death sentence to many and likely will be to all who rolled up their sleeves for this inoculation.

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It strikes me that their demeanors DID NOT FIT the seriousness of the situation!!! That was very telling in hindsight. Were they not acting more like it was a congratulatory event or celebration? Their moods were too happy and carefree!!

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correct, baked in 45 had no idea

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Very Disappointing 45 didn’t handle it all better but I realize they were on him 24-7 to bring him down! As far as Sage I find his writings intriguing, because at least he seems to be questioning in deeper ways. Though they can be confusing as to what exactly he is saying or means at times. I figure he has to be somewhat intentionally elusive. Little makes sense anymore anyhow. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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NO EXCUSE. I stood up and told people the truth. Lost my career and many friends and family. But I have my integrity. He does not.

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Do you REALLY BELIEVE, that after marinating in the swamp as 45, he remained clueless and stupid as to what they were all about?

He CAMPAIGNED on draining the swamp, for crying out loud! Then he turns right around and pushes the most diabolical and destructive of their weapons on the country as a whole.... But doesnt have a clue about what's going on? I could more easily understand him being blackmailed and threatened by this anti human, Godless cabal than I could for one minute believe he had no clue about what was going on.

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I could go against these doctors, and I did. I am a pharmacist. Sure I lost my career but I have my integrity. There is no excuse for Trump. NONE.

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Thank you Dr. Alexander for all of your help!

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Why doesn’t people start asking questions to Pence and Kushner? They were the ones in the White House that oversaw the big pharma contracts. 11 billion! It’s funny how kushner is not even in the country any more. Maybe this is why trump is silent about it all. Ivan Raiklin has pinpointed these two out and somehow they are not even mentioned in the MSM or independent news outlets. Just what Paul Ryan/Fox News wants! He is protecting them. They should be questioned! All involved should be questioned.

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Kushner and his lovely wife Ivanka Trump Kushner are MotherWEFers. Look it up.

Hard to believe that Trump was, and apparently still is, as innocent and deniably plausible in this as his apologists make him out to be

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Noooo...being *honored* and listed by WEF does not mean that they have anything to do with the WEF. Being honored does not require the consent of those listed. Vivek Ramaswamy objected to being listed, when he had no affiliation with them...he sued and he won. Not even going into Kushner, because much of the objection to him is rooted in anti-Semitism, i.e., wealthy Jew = bad guy.

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Yeah I saw some footage a while back but I don’t know all the details. There are some conflicting stories about that but hey...the night is still young and evil always has a way to seep out sooner or later. I do not give Trump any pass...he will need to be questioned just like everyone involved in this genocidal murder! But in the meantime I will not accuse him until he is brought into a Court of Law by the people with certified evidence for the world to see. We should all witness their trials...that’s our right! I do believe Trump is protecting his daughter given the information by Ivan Raiklin...but I could be wrong and so could he! We will see! He and all the others need their day in court! That’s their constitutional right!

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Never said I trusted any court. I said they have constitutional rights. And even if Trump is found guilty or not, it’s my right to believe or not believe by the evidence presented.

You’re talking to the choir. Everything you stated here and about the Trumps...everyone knows this.

With all due respect, I’m not here to educate, preach, debate, or argue with people! I just make a comment or two to the substacker to express my thoughts while following them.

Your correct...God always wins in the end!😊

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.....IF we had HONEST COURTS! BIG "IF"!!!! I certainly dont trust them, though you may if you like.

Nuremburg sacrificed some low hanging fruit to give the APPEARANCE of "JUSTICE" being served, but somehow many of the Big Players, including the Complicit Corporatocracy of the time, (which are still in operation today in disguise) got off and miraculously "relocated" elsewhere. Take a look at OPERATION PAPERCLIP!!

Unlikely Trump and his criminal colleagues wil be brought to justice in our time in our courts by our earthly ways and means. But they will inevitably stand before a Just God who is Creator, Sustainer and Judge. His Judgement is due to fall due any minute now. Perfect justice awaits, so......

.....Time to repent and turn back to Him before it's too late

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Possibly a Just God also does not tolerate ungrounded slanders or hypocrisy...

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Not ungrounded at all, Tori. People are also responsible before God for having given their allegiance over to a lie. So you might want to take that into consideration. Quit trying to shut down 1a protected speech!

You might want to reread the unredacted definition of "slander" before you go accusing me or anyone else of it. God is going to hold YOU TOO accountable for every idle word you utter.

Slander is not slander just because you happen not to like or agree with what is being pointed out. If its the truth, its not slander. It is slander for you to falsely accuse me of slander here. Lol

The Kushners were listed as YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS on the WEF website. Being "honored"?? lol.

Whatever......you just change definitions and twist occurrences here so that you dont have to look at something you would rather not face.

Objectively take a look at some of the nefarious projects Kushner has been involved with. Pointing that out has nothing whatsoever to do with Antisemitism, so stop trying to blow smoke here.

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You are pontificating on lies...as you lie. I will repeat, and you can not rebut with confidence or credibility, those slanders.

No one is trying to *shut down protected speech*. You are free to lie or slander, at will. Just as I am free to challenge.

You can pompously pontificate on *Godliness*, all you wish. I am free to challenge your wrongheaded beliefs that are not backed by fact.

I pointed out to you that Kushner and Trump are only listed by the WEF, without permission. A name appearing on their list is not a signal that those persons have signed on to the WEF. That is a fact, and one which the veracity is proved by Ramaswamy's successful lawsuit brought about by similar slanders made against him by people who do not take the time to do due diligence, and who find the gossipy ( BTW, the Bible has a few things to say about that...ahem) drama of unfounded accusations far more preferable than mundane truth.

I accused you of anti-Semitism because you have previously been highly anti-Semitic in your commentary.

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Devil's hyena packs doing evil. God is not mocked. Put on The Full Armor of God in Jesus Christ. It is a spiritual War. No one is exempt, no one. Choose whom you will serve. Time is up.

I watched that crap show live. Gen. Milley said"This is a live exercise,I repeat a live exercise."

Media and goons talk double speak. Speeches are code talk to one another, not directed to us, The People. We must learn what they speak, the symbology, the sign language they use.

Fortunately, God knows everything they do. Their rewards will be handed out soon. Keep watching them and know He is God in Heaven Almighty Wonderful Blessed Who loves us all.

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I remember that happening... and thinking WTF? He should have asked it to be repeated. Either he was distracted or was masterful at turning away at the perfect time to be deaf to it. I'd like to see from the other angle who distracted him. This was the turning point. When he could have squashed the whole global plandemic.

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If Trump was that stupid, he should never have been the president. He is NOT stupid. He is extremely intelligent, like all 33rd degree freemasons. He is in on the whole plan. Good old Daddy Warp Speed. Anyone who trusts this creature after what he did to our country is INSANE. March 13, 2020 he handed our country over to FEMA for a fake plandemic. I'll bet he knew it was fake all along. This is treason in the first degree.

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No. I am not insane, nor are the other people who support Trump, using rational thinking and observation. Your mindset is nothing but an impediment to restoring this nation.

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Operation Warp Speed preceded and went deeper than Trump. But the fact that Trump took credit for it and went along with the operation is proof positive that Trump is a fake patriot.

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This is Tucker's article (the other Tucker) on this moment: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-70-seconds-that-shook-the-world/

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Birx admitted that Pense, Fauci all lied to Trump. Just tell me, if you have EXPERTS IN THE FIELD AND SUPPORTERS TELLING YOU.. THIS MUST BE DONE! I would believe them, they know more than me in this area, Trump did not have anyone strong enough to stand firm with him. You must remember, deep state was moving in to take him out, how many attempts on his life were there! Everyone surrounding him were DS or obamites.

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Grow up, people, with the *I have my integrity* and *malignant narcissist* virtue-signaling, that ironically, is rooted in lack of integrity ( slandering) and malignant narcissism (believing you have the declarative answers and elevated insight). You haven't a clue how bureaucracy works, let alone a deep state bureaucracy.

Trump never ordered a lockdown. That was the purview of the states, and many of them leapt on the opportunity...*never let a crisis go to waste*.

Birx admitted, in bizarre smugness, that she and Fauci, et al., deliberately lied to him about the vax and the lockdowns and the social distancing, etc. It's all going to come in the wash. In the meantime, Trump is not in a position, pragmatically, to come out and claim he was misled, he must have incontrovertible proof to back that up, or he will be savaged for *promoting conspiracy theories*. Bulletproof evidence has to include far more than a boast from Birx, or will be roasted alive.

Do y'all seriously think that an *apology* is not going to be a huge gift to the left? They will pounce and bludgeon and twist a narrative that *Trump blundered!! people died!* that too many already are willing to believe. This isn't middle school student council we are dealing with, but a massively monolithic deep state. Let him win the damn election, first, and THEN make it an issue. Unless y'all want to see a Newsome or Whitmer or Big Mike 0bama in the WH, be really careful with what you demand as a condition for your support of him.

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Dang it, what was deleted😁I didn’t get a chance to read it...lol

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I dunno, but my comment is still here!

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I’m confused where can I find info about Molone creating this MRNA and why pls ? I always felt why did he if he knew it would hurt others. Was the vials tampered with ? I don’t believe any of the covid BS and many think I’m nuts but that is ok. My brother wanted to bring me to the mental ward because of all the stuff I was saying. All turned out true too. I also am grateful i didn’t take it. Many were duped including my family. Especially my kids because of college and university. I never cried so many tears in my life the first 2 years of all this evilness

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What these guys don’t want is an uprising, that can be seen from the farmers in Europe. The EU has already backed down. What better way to keep the people in check is make them believe we are going to be saved, whether it’s trump, we wait until November, the white hats, Jesus or even Santa Claus. While we are waiting these guys are still screwing with us. We could stop this today if we wanted but no, we are waiting to be saved by someone who isn’t coming.

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What does this have to do with ending this global extermination operation?

Why are you focused on yesterday instead of…


This vaccine debacle will continue until the decent American scientists and doctors decide to work together with the support of strategic planners and Janci Lindsay, phD at…


Why not Paul? Tell us why you are not working together with this wonderful scientist who has a HUGE heart for humanity???

Waiting for hell to freeze over with 17 million continuing global vaccine murders???

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Because he worships Trump. That's why. He will never admit that Trump is part of the whole WEF and WHO plan. If he would admit the truth, many people's eyes may be opened. But he won't go against Daddy Warp Speed. Never.

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Ok, and what the hell is your plan, other than kvetching wildly about Trump---persecuted more than anyone in modern history---and his perceived membership in a range of bogeyman organizations? 80,000,000-100,000,000+ Trump supporters can not be in the throes of insanity by supporting him.

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Have you heard of GLOBAL 2000?

I have just found this on fb from last year.


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Hello Lucy.

It has just worked ok for me that's why I have shared it. I have just posted it over on my Gab page for anyone that uses fb on there too. I'll see if I get any feedback.

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The link says it’s invalid. Can you check it ?

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Hello Lucy.

I have checked and it has worked. I have written a reply above for you.

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Got it. Thank you 🙏

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Is that why he stopped funding the WHO? Please elaborate.

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This has always been a point of contention for me anyway. In the surface it appears we have an ego war waging out of control. In war, you never see opposing parties standing up in a foxhole spewing things like “I’m right and you’re wrong” Nope, none of that happening in a real world confrontation; period. There’s a war room, military people planning (yes, some of them pushing little plastic green army men around on a large table with a stick). My point? We need to not lose focus on our path forward. Gunna be kinda hard to concentrate with a two foot plastic clot like something coming out of your ear. So, let us kill the SPIKE! Things like timelines for events to happen or not happen. Things like long covid. Things like vitamin d poisoning, etc. here’s an example:

I received a vax 2020

I received a booster 2021

I received a second booster 2022

I’ve had Covid? twice since then. Both times it cleared in less than five days.

Now that we have that info, what should I expect moving forward? Am I in the clear? I am a two time cancer patient. Just finished a five day photon torpedo stent last fall. Everything I engaged in was done so without the knowledge that each and everyone brings to share. Now that my eyes (maybe even my third eye) have been cleared of the constant deluge of shit being dropped on target, what should I be doing, looking for, expecting, etc. How do I help me wife? What should I tell my children? And grandchildren? We need a solid plan based on solid intel in an effort to save as many as possible from the horrid ravages that have been laid upon our table. There is more brain power here, in one place, than I have ever witnessed. I do not place myself in the category. I’m a newbie when it comes to this subject. I’m a quick learner, but way behind.

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Come help with SOLUTIONS…something you do NOT see in the substack world!

Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you and any one else if you really want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Why her specifically?

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Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you really want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Janci Lindsay, PhD has been trying to get her medical and science colleagues together to work with strategic planners whose expertise is winning wars.

Aren’t we in a serious war in every direction you look in America???

I know Janci AND the strategic planners and they all have big hearts for humanity.

I asked Mike Yeadon to help corral the decent scientists and doctors to do the right thing (STOP THE VACCINES) with Janci and the strategic planners. Why? Because Mike Yeadon loves Janci and those 2 are at the top of my list trying to help humanity!

Also, because the American doctors should be taking the critical lead on STOPPING THE VACCINES since it is the US government and military that commands the production of vaccines…causing immense global suffering!

Who is offering SOLUTIONS on any of these substacks after 4 long shameful years?

Come help us on the ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…critical for 2024!

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So basically, Fouchie told Trump X in their own meeting, and told the reporters Y. They lied to him. Someone should show this clip to Trump himself.

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The thing is, ok he might have been deceived for 5 seconds in 2020, he has had almost 4 years to put this straight, 4 years to uncover the scam, 4 years to do right by the people. He hasn’t, he pushed the bioweapon and has still said nothing about it. No one involved in the biggest scam in human history should ever have a place in the new world, and that is if they came clean, he hasn’t and he knows……

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He still loves the jab 🥺🥺

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How do you propose that private citizen Trump access the materials to *put this straight*? He's been a bit preoccupied by incessant multi-pronged attacks...

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Just a distraction, it’s all a distraction

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Hopefully, if and when Trump gets into office again, he will speak up. Maybe he can't yet. IDK. maybe just stupid, wishful thinking on my part. I have been asking the same thing for months that he speak up. I even wrote him on X

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I dont see anything in that video.

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Same -- I don't see anything remarkable that explains Trump seeing or hearing or not seeing or hearing anything. It reminds me of the experiment that showed it's human nature to follow the crowd. If everybody claims to see something that isn't there then others who know it's not there go along and pretend to see it, too.

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But I do see birx and fauci laughing...

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President Trump is not a scientific guy. He had respect for doctors, as did many of us. He TRUSTED them. They betrayed him and all of us. Doctors, scientists, researchers, silent. And those who spoke were struck down. Trump usually gets into trouble trusting the wrong persons or just being stabbed in the back by those on whom he relies. He's been doing that since his Apprentice show. He expects the best out of people. Trump follows the Golden Rule and naively thinks others do as well. We all know many don't. Evil won in those few seconds. A battle, not the War. Pray!!

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