Peres participated in creating 9/11, through classic

Heggelian Theory;


So of course he stood with US.

That's the Solution - Part.

I am amazed you

don't see the Game here.

As you seem to grasp the


These are all

Psycological Operations

meant to get to you.

Which "Hamas" now does.....

"Hamas" was "let in".

By whom, and why?

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Dr. Alexander, if you believe the zionists, you have become a victim of their lies and propaganda. The motto of the Mossad goes something like this "fighting/winning wars via deceit." That is the jest of it. Isn't it interesting that it took the military/police 5-6 hrs to discover the attack by Hamas in Israel.

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you and I can have different opinions and still love each other, care for each other and be the same people 5 minutes ago...at least I think so. I am entitled to mine. you can agree or not. I do not hate you, so do not hate me. we can also debate the issue.

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I do not hate you, and I do not hate anyone. Hating another only poisons the system of the hater. You need to read the book by Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Until you do you will be a victim of those you praise here. Do your self a favor and read the book. Once you do, you will understand essentially all of the politics and makings in the Middle East.

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And it's also important to learn about false flag terrorism, starting with 9/11. Once you wake up to the truth about 9/11, then you understand how the world works. Governments and intelligence agencies are the one controlling the terrorists and using them as proxies in foreign policy (making war), domestic policy (building up the police state) and propaganda (scaring the population about an outside enemy when the enemy is the government)

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My favorite kooky conspiracy theory is the one where Hamas spent two years coordinating and training for an attack of unprecedented scale and sophistication involving motorboats, drones and motorized paragliders in an enclosed area the size of Philadelphia which also happens to be one of the most spied-on places on earth, and this conspiracy by Hamas was carried out so successfully that even Hamas was surprised at how many Israelis they were able to kill and capture, because their conspiring went completely undetected by Israeli intelligence those entire two years despite being warned by Egyptian intelligence that an attack was coming, and despite the fact that US intelligence was aware of unusual activity by Hamas on October 6.

—Caitlin Johnstone 20 Oct. 2023

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And as soon as the operation began Israel all of a sudden knew where all the targets lived and worked.

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Here is what the motto was until very recently: The official motto of Israeli Mossad was "By way of deception thou shalt do war"? They recently changed it, knowing that people would interpret as they have for decades to essentially they are saying "we win by lies."

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The current motto is “without deception, a nation falls”.

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Right 5-6 hours? Why did they bother? Then they let their own people perish. WHY?

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RE: "Why" So that they would have a precedent to finally eliminate the Palestinians from Gaza, and also no doubt the West Bank. The amount of land stolen is probably now close to 90% in the West Bank, and the land of Gaza is essentially uninhabitable.

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Thanks for explaining.

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Really? I’m surprised to read this since you are so familiar with the corruption that plagues our world. Israel leadership and motives are no different. This is a well researched, well done short documentary https://rumble.com/v3p9613-the-mystery-of-israel-solved-incredibly-shocking.html

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This is pure jingoism. You have conflated all jews with Zionism, Likud, Jewish secularism, Jewish Orthodoxy, and the civil war going on in Israel between these groups as if there was some kind of Nazis persecution. You keep thinking if you are nor for the genocide of children and Palestinians you do not stand for Israel. The Zionist goal has always been the complete subjugation, removal of the Palestinians and reclaiming of all Palestine for the coming of the promised saviour. Included is all sacred sights for Muslims. Playing the Nazis card shows too much ignorance of what has transpired over the last 75 years. What the collective middle east and the rest of the world (BRICS) is saying they have had enough of this US/Israel warmongering. for the last 20 years. Itzhack Rabin was murdered in the 90's because he wanted a two state solution. Netanyahu is supported by Zionists,Likud, far right neocons. They want and always have wanted, like the Azovs Nazis in Ukraine, a one state solution. You are on the wrong side of the story. This was a rebelion by captive slaves.

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I'm not about to wade into this issue because it is a complex story of evil that literally goes back to Abraham and anyone who knows the story must also know that we should keep our noses out of it because they will just get bloodied and we will gain nothing. We are witness to the Globalistas trying to create WWIII . Russia would not take their bait so they decided they would try the heart of the middle east. We must not take the bait.

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LOL... Truth meets a detour LOL called hysteria and lack of critical thinking again.. First casualty in a war is always TRUTH.... I heard a joke once.. A guy was threatening to jump off a roof, and everybody was trying to talk him down to no avail.. Then this one guy was able to talk him down after a lot of time and talking and was declared a hero with all the accolades.. So later they interviewed him and they told him what a heroic and hard job he had in talking him down.. The hero said thanks but he actually had a harder time talking him into going up on the roof in the first place..

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To Dr. Alexander’s critics above, I say, whatever the province of Hamas, whatever the double dealing of Netenyahu, the facts remain that there have been Jews in the Promised Land of Israel for 4000 years, that the League of Nations gave them a mandate for exclusive rights to build a nation and settle that land; said mandate was to be implemented by the British (who undermined it by inviting & assisting hostile Arab settlements; that said mandate devolved to the UN’s authority formally when the League of Nations was dissolved after WWII who authorized the formation of the State of Israel in 1947-8, which was opposed by and invaded by the surrounding Arab states in contravention to the UN proclamation. The ensuing war was predicted to be the end of the state Israel. Instead the IDF whooped the Arab asses, & thus it has been for 70+ years.

The Palestinian Arabs that remained could have assimilated (some indeed have), emigreated, or accepted their status graciously, in other words they have had choices:

In the Current situation, Hamas has independent agency; if Bibi has instigated the attack; they didn’t have to take the bait & as such they bear complete blame for their atrocities , just as a murderer doesn’t get punished less just because a/he has an accomplice.

As far as Bibi goes, G_d/God will certainly have His way with him & his fellow citizens will likely pass their own judgement on his actions.

So, where am I substantially wrong in my presentation?

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I'm with Paul Alexander, Roger Kimber, and Geezerman on this.

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Thanks for your support.

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1) The Palestinian homes were confiscated but not paid for. They were colonized, blocaded, starved, and only 20,000 were given permission to leave and work. Equally for 4,000 years so have the Palestinians lived in Gaza. The assimilation would be like black africans to be assimilated. The desire was genocide first and formost.

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Sir, the Palestinians are Arabs, largely Muslin Arabs to be precise; 4000 years ago there were no Muslims (Mohammed was not even a lecherous twinkle in 1600 X grandfather’s eye), the other ethnic groups in the area were Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites, Moabites, Philistines (aka Phonecians IIRC), etc who God had commanded them to eradicate because of their pagan way--but they didn’t, much to their later regret. The Arabs came in much later from, wait for it: Arabia. In actual fact the latter day Arabs were imported by the British to cause trouble for the Jews settling the once and future Promised Land.

According to the original LoN & UN mandate , they had no right to land in Israel, tough nuts for them--it is kind like buying a house & land & not having a title search done, or closer to the truth, making up a fraudulent title search--which is what you are either doing or have bought into said fiction.

Genocide of the Jews has been the Muslim Arab goal, all along (if you know enough Arabic to understand what the leaders tell their people, not listening to what they tell the gullible and antisemitic MSM in English.

Sorry, sir, I am not buying what you are selling; go learn some accurate history that goes back more than how old you are.

Have a pleasant evening.

BTW , the nature of a nation state is to have the right to control its boarders & protect its current legal population from all enemies foreign & domestic, a concept you leftists seem to have trouble with following consistently (OK for Ukraine, not so much for the USA, particularly if their are potential future Democrat voters to be had--and the safety & welfare of legal US citizens & legal immigrants be damned, not to mention the women and children illegal immigrants being trafficked who are likely to a woman & child (m or f) sexually abused & raped by the cartel traffickers-- but it is OK because you guys are for the women & children -- or is it the other way around, they are for the use by the Big Guy & his friends).

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This is Zionist propaganda. It is what you are taught when you become a Christian in the USA. And when you turn on a TV, it is Zionist operated networks that spoon feed you Zionist hash. And when you turn on Christian TV, OMG, not a morsel of recognition for the humanity and true ethnicity of the Palestinians. Here, Doc, please read this:


These truths about Palestinians being descendants of biblical Jews are in other publications but are hard to find.

As for the UN, neither they nor his lowness Donald Trump have the right to give a square centimeter to invading atheist Jews or a single square centimeter of Syria to the religious and racial supremacists.

And whoever someone thinks they are, if they begin committing massacres they should inherit prison cells and NOT the lands of natives who’ve remained where they’ve always been. Zionist leaders are raving, murderous lunatics who, among other offenses are likely suspects in the assassinations of John & Bobby, the attempted murder of every sailor on the USS Liberty, thousands of Americans on 9/11 and the millions orphaned, widowed, maimed, displaced and murdered through the entire slate of post-9/11 wars planned in Israel by Oded Yinon, restated by Richard Pearl working for BibiElzebub, and then imported to Pentagon planning by PNAC and Wolfowitz in the Pentagon Office of Special Plans - read Evil Schemes.

The blood of millions of innocents have

flowed due to the machinations of colluding Zionists in US government, media and social media. If Americans were not fed streams of non-stop lies, they not worship and obey supremacists and racists pretending to defend themselves from the angry victims they’ve created by cosmic cruelty for 75 years; cruelty against the very people they wished they were and falsely claim to be.*

* Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA is from northern Europe, not the mideast. Think on that. Take all the time you need. The Israeli’s are genetic and religious imposters who disqualified themselves in any case by what they’ve done the past 75 years.

I am with God speaking through the prophet Micah:


“ Get up, go away!

For this is not your resting place,

because it is defiled,

it is ruined, beyond all remedy. “

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Thank you , Fred; a most interesting read. It would seem hopeful that there could be rapprochement if outsiders on both sides would get out of the way. My initial thought is that Iran’s (I.e., Persia’s) desire to re-establish an Islamic Persian empire is a major problem, & that until Obama & his Persian adviser Valerie Jarrett got involved progress was possible & actually started happening (Abrahamic Accords) under the Trump administration, but the deep state & the MIC couldn’t have that, so for a number of over determined reasons he had to be gotten rid of.

You don’t have to buy into that last part, but it sure seems as if Robert Gates assessment of Joe Biden ( he’s been on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue his whole career.)

I thank you for enlightening me; it would be a service if you could post that where Paul Alexander would be likely to read it, & even on Truth Social where the Trump folks could see it (if they are not already aware).

I don’t think that the Obama-Biden regime would have any interest or incentive for rapprochement, as from day 1 they were all about undoing or doing the exact opposite of what Trump had done. (FJB & the horse that carried him in).

Again, I stand enlightened, corrected, and appreciative.

I just hope that the well has not been poisoned (by whomever--&I am looking @ Bibi & whoever is pulling Slow Joe’s strings.)

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Sorry, that was an omnibus reply-- but that’s how you guy roll.

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What if Hamas, at the top, or at the level of funders, o r d e r e d them to do this and that those orders were planned in Israel?

Those engineering a false flag event to justify a war surely bear primary responsibility for it.

Remember 9/11, and other false-flag events like the King David Hotel where 90 Israelis died. And there are Youtube documentaries where a bunch of aging Israeli’s, who placed the bombs, proudly explained what they did and how they did it.

Maybe by 2050 or 2060, we’ll have similar documentaries about 9/11 and this recent false-flag.

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Yes, and Hamas perps had no ability to say no? Just like having an accomplice doesn’t relieve the trigger man of responsibility , so neither does being the hit man for Mr. Big relieve either of responsibility.

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I’ll bet $50 Israel was directing Hamas to conduct this attack. No other way to explain the Israeli stand-down.

See books:

Ben Gurion’s Scandals

Rise and Kill First

By Way of Deception

These books contain details of events where Israel was running/directing other people’s terrorist groups and using them for Israel’s purposes even when Jews were the victims.

The crucial point is that Israel will even murder their own when they need justification for another wave of slaughter, ethnic-cleansing and land theft. Israel is hell-bent on stealing enormous amounts of land and they plan to blame each and every wave on the victims.

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Just like Pear Harbor

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Remember the My Lai massacre, or Abu Graib, or Wounded Knee, or Ludlow? Soldiers hardly ever refuse orders. That is why Hugh Thompson was such a hero at My Lai.

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So Palestinians also lived 4000 yaers ago. and the Romans kicked the Jews out in 57 AD. Palestinians were never allowed to assimilate as much as prisoners are not allowed to assimilate with guards. Genocide is when they are gradually pushed or staved as the indigenous people all over the world have faced. You are living in the past with neo colonial ideology. Western hegemony and colonization as popular as it is with the UK, EU, and US for the last 100 years is coming to an end. Africa, most of the middle east , Asia and Africa is emerging economy siding with BRICS because they value their sovereinty. What was once said by the G7 as a law because they had guns, missiles, planes is over. US ships are sitting ducks. Israel is quite frankly weak in comparison to all resistance fighters and has had their ass kicked by Hezboliah in Lebanon. Israel bombs Syria for the US. If you want to drag the US into this, as they've lost Ukraine., you won't get infantry. You might get money but in a couple of months Europe, UK, US is broke and they know it, and the population is fed up. Follow the money and in leads to the East.

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Reading comprehension issues, I see. Jews remained in the area in and around Jerusalem & in fact had spread throughout the Roman Empire, including Alexandria & Rome, etc.

I see you have memorized your leftist university indoctrination well, can use all the right woke buzzwords (oh btw, what are your pronouns and how many ‘gender’ are there on your planet these days & how did you mutilate yourself to fit in --> m-->f or f-->m, it is all so confusing) BTW, since you woke hipsters can’t get kindergarten biology right I am disinclined to pay any attention to your hegemony BS.

We do have a real problem with our senile faux POTUS puppet of the CCP, Soros, & the Kenyan. If we don’t fix that in 2024 , I am afraid that you may be right about your prognostication.

However, POTUS DJT was/is cut from different cloth: a business man, not a politician.

Remember, though the world under POTUS DJT: no wars, low gas prices--Russians couldn’t afford to cause any trouble (did you happen to notice that Putin wasn’t nibbling on Ukraine during that time?) Black & Hispanic employment at historic highs & unemployment @ respective lows: The WEF, WHO, CCP, & DNC & Billy Gates couldn’t have that , the blacks were leaving the plantation, the Abrahamic accords were happening, hell, peace might break out in the Middle East. So Billy called up Tony and pulled the pandemic trigger, and the rest, as they say, is history; back to miserable high inflation, high unemployment, wars, rumors of wars all over the place.

I do know a little bit about the 3rd world: Belize , Guatemala, Haiti, Iraqi Kurdistan, Ghana, and Nepal over the last 20 years. No one is trying to emigrate to any of those BRICS countries but all would come to the USA in a heartbeat if they could--I get asked about whenever I am in a country.

So what you say about the leaders of those countries may be true as it would likely make their life easier, but I don’t think those countries economic & political culture is dynamic to the degree that the US is/was before Obama/Obuyden got their antiAmerican / corrupt hands ours, which is why people are not clamoring to go to the BRICS countries

So, talk to me in 2 years & we will see what God has in store for the world; maybe peace & prosperity for the world is worth putting up with mean tweets-- the whole world was better off w/ DJT @ the helm (& really they were freeer) than suffering under the dictates of whoever are pulling Slow China Joe’s strings.

Good Night.

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Russia, thanks to Putin, avoided being devoured by Wall Street Banks and so, it is string, thriving, conservative and, miraculously, still possessed of only TWO GENDERS. Seriously, I wish Russia nothing but the best because they might be the only country in which formerly western virtues survive.

I am especially grateful that Russia, Iran and Hezbollah helped Syria against the a r m i e s of head-chopping Wahabi monsters whom WE created, incubated, trained, armed and supported at Israel’s request.

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Well if logic and world events don't matter I guess you could try ad hominem. People are not clamouring to go to BRICS countries because Europe Ireland France UK sovereignty is being decimated because of NATO/US proxy wars. in Africa and the Middle East. Probably from guilt. The Ghost of King Leopold and the Congo, Algiers etc. now the Ukraine will haunt Europe. The US alone lets 18,000 migrants cross a day in their Southern borders. principally from all the countries the US has meddled with in South and Central America. All those countries you mentioned are fueled by CIA/cartel money and operatives were corporations are buying the peoples land. What BRICS will do is honour respect their members sovereinty without destroying their pipelines forcing them to buy their natural gas like the US I don't live in the US but I can sure see that their army is now so "Woke" that. will catch their heels in their skirts when they go into battle.

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It looks like ad hominem has destroyed what little logic you might have possessed. What a word salad, worthy of our dear affirmative action vice president. Russia is a declining country of alcoholics kept afloat by our Democrat green energy delusion which has driven oil prices to the point where Russia & Iran can use the profits to destabilize the world those 2 & China are 3 countries whose people are among the most oppressed in the world. European Union has done a job on national sovereignty for sure, still, the EU has its own problems with illegal immigration. Not sure what that has to do with migrants avoiding BRICS countries, which include none of them. The wars in Africa & Middle East seem to me to be driven by Muslim Holy War underwritten by the Iranian mullahs & the money that Obama and Biden gifted them, but you can ignore current events to concoct some hallucinations of the ghost of King Leopold.

The invasion of illegal inmigrantes to the US is actually from around the world including the Middle East Muslim world. I have no connection with the CIA, those are the countries that I have personal experience in; I don’t doubt that the CIA has done damage in many if not all of them and you won’t see me arguing about the sissification of our armed forces by Manchurian Candidates #44 & #46.

What country are you from, I may want to flee there if we can’t get rid of sleepy Slow China Joe in 2024.

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Ahhh, the eye roll post of the day.

They were excited as all get out because first of all, Mossad was behind 9/11! Of course, they are going to act like they were our ally. They have the audacity to now say that what Hamas supposedly did was their 9/11? They are behind ALL of it. Our 9/11 and the war now. Of course, there are puppet masters above all this, controlling BOTH sides and pushing for this war but that's a deeper discussion...

On OUR 9/11, Shimon and the Zionists were super happy as they knew 9/11 would be what they needed to garner support for sweeping tyrannical government reform (paving the way for the planned surveillance/police state in which we're living under today), and US Taxpers would also be willing to fight "a war on terror" and for "peace and safety" in the middle east. Out of it, they'd have unlimited American money, military capabilty and THE BLOOD OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN, FIGHTING THEIR WARS! Look into the Greater Israel Project and The Project for a New American Century with even a grade shool level of intelligence, and the agenda becomes clear.

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If it is as you say it is, then you have the roles flipped, doc.

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Yep. Absolutely flipped

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No, Ms Lucy, you do; why don’t you document what I have gotten wrong, I’ll wait, but I would like some actual facts w/ verifiable receipts, no CRT, BLM or other Marxist intersectional bovine excrement.

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I think not, sir.

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Dr. Paul, after reading some of the comments, I'd say you have much to learn from your readership. No one is seriously believing the 9/11 lie any more. it seems everyone in politics and the media is quick to call this the Israeli 9/11. Yes, but it cuts both ways. If the original was a hoax, then so must this one be. The only real thing for sure are the dead innocents who would be the ones to pay the price for the globalists or whoever to have their wars. Wake up, my friend! All of these events must be investigated by lawful bodies capable of exacting justice. It's time to look behind the curtain!

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Dr Alexander, you seem to be agreeing to the killing/eradication of a group of people by your alignment with the Zionists. How does that align with live and peace?

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I do respect everyone's opinion. However, the truth of patterns in warfare needs to be acknowledged and accomodated. This could be a false flag operation. It has been done many times by US and Israel. The problem is twofold. Israel created Hamas, and 2 million lives and a whole people is at risk of genocide.

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The issue of WMD in Iraq where pushed by President Clinton, Kerry and democrats trying to score points on President Bush. We all were taken in by Saddam's lies, fake reports etc.

So dont leave that out of your anger.

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lots going on here. Both Bushs' and both Clintons are CFR NWO rats, anti American, and all but Hillary were Vatican Knights of Malta; the latter might be Dame of Malta. All, including Hillary, used CIA MKULTRA prostitutes. Except Bill did NOT use Cindy O'Brien as a prostitute, interestingly, but ran him crack and info at least a few times. I'll link Cindy's book. IT IS BRUTAL and will piss you off, but Americans must understand why these DC asses so what they do as they're compromised by CIA bureaucrat deep state trash:



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Oh you can’t bring that up: Bush (R) bad;Clinton (D) good. You haven’t learned the rules: Republicans bad; Trump evil; Democrats good, no matter what each says or does or happens as a result. /Sarc

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If I could post a pic in the comments, I post that of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein. You are clearly trying to spread hatred and fear of muslims.

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For goodness sake, Paul! Don't know you know who's responsible for ALL the crimes of " '9/11' "--who made and let that mass murder happen as pretext for the " 'War on Terror' ", Don't you know who and what are behind the mass murders in Israel and the Gaza? 86% of Israelis KNOW that the Netanyahu Government failed to protect civilians on October 7. You can be a good researcher. Do some homework and regain your moral compass.

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