What are 'WE THE PEOPLE' to believe in? What is real anymore? Do you mean we can trust NO government? No officials? No higher authorities? No one has a moral compass? Integrity? Children? Future? Any?
The scariest thing about the Covid nightmare for me was seeing slowly but certainly that so much of what people were being told was outright lies. In seeing then more and more beyond Covid became questionable and I began to realize that so much was not as I believed. It’s hard to face that your solid foundational beliefs might very well be wrong.
Yes.. One becomes very disillusioned.. and in some cases despondent... Fear Not.. this Experience is serving to.. Wake Us Up to..Take Our Power Back.. and..Hold Those Involved..in This Injustice ..Accountable. We are All.. Here.. At This Time In Evolution.. For A Reason. I believe The Reason.. is presenting itself
SHIN-BET Israel FBI has already arrested 100's of Israeli-Citizens (who are ISIS members) in the North Israel that attacked innocent Kibbutz people who were all member of ISIS (CIA/MOSSAD/Al-quida)
The jews all asked, How did HAMAS get over the border??? The answer is they didn't it was an INSIDE JOB
The arrested all said they created a terroist incident to disrupt the 'abraham accords' to which they have succeeded, china has now removed ISRAEL from all maps in CHINA, and India has declared that it is out, and SAUDI is now dissolving relations with Israel .
Who wins or won?? The USA, they have just destroyed the BRICS and +20 years of the "SILK-Road" infrastructure $25 Trillion USD CHINA-SAUDI investments Shanghai to Israel, now a dead albatross;
Where did I get this news? From reading the Israel news sites they post stuff that will never be printed in the USA; Israel has free-speech, USA&UK do not;
What does Israel free speech news feel about Israel being the most jabbed country? You know the ultimate experiment for the world to see just how poisinous those jabs really were?
First of all they lied first they told us 97% jab'd
Then the latest is now about 20% were jab'd
Now we find out of 1/2 of this 20% got placebos
So like all things Israel was projecting, and why not they profited the most from the jab, all vax mRNA was made in INDIA and most of the trading to UK owned firms Israel was middle man from India to UK
The orthodox refused the jabs the ashkeNAZI (euro faux jews ) per RFK-jr were immune to COVID by design, like Han chinese so they didn't need a 'jab'
Now your asking a different question? Well mRNA was only jab'd in the west, as the east got their own native vaccines in Russia&China, and even Mexico gave its citizens the sinovac (china vax)
Most of the contamination or harm from the vax was 'shit' in the vax nobody cared TRump had signed off liability so nobody cared a fuck
The answer to your question, how many actually got the 'jab' mRNA in Israel somewhere between zero & 5% of the population, everybody knew it was bullshit all along
Israel are smart people and they have an open and diverse free press
When I say 'jab' I'm talking the USA-UK Israel India "mRNA" jab only given to ZOG countrys'
The entire reason for the various ill effects is that the poisons in the jab are all over the map, going back to the cheap contaminated equipment are used to make & deploy the jab
It was much more than mere lies. There was the burdensome, illegal, mendacious propaganda blast that was followed by coercive "laws" that were conceived to dispense with informed consent. Jobs were threatened, our state employees were told to get the shots or else say good-bye to your job. Citizens basically ceded all their legal protections to follow government and state mandates. Whether or not we can take the initiative and sue, sue, sue the guilty parties is a question that should have been answered already. Now we know why Merrick Garfinkel was put into the position of attorney-general. All the talk about our vaunted "democracy" was more accurately described as "dumbocracy". We've been had bigtime. It's time for citizen anger to rise up and confront the manifold treachery that has been spawned on our nation. Illegal immigrations are just one horrible example of nation destroying. Biden deserves to stretch a rope as we speak.
Not original at all. People should have studied history in school. They had 12 years before they graduated from high school. Plenty of time to read books, look around, listen. History teaches a lot. Remember the " Energy Crisis " in the early 70's ? Nonstop gov propaganda for some reason, that we have run out of energy and we should be no longer driving a car. Sound familiar? History repeats itself you will find.
All this pontificating on *education*, and yet you refuse to indulge in that yourself. And who is the *human garbage*? Inner city prisons like Gaza? Who do you think you are fooling with this BS? Gaza has many high-rise buildings and high-end shopping centers. Unlike prison, dear. And they were left more pristine buildings and industries but lack the sense that even animals have, to not sh*t where you eat. The *prison* is one of their own making, as they persistently attacked Israel, until Israel rescinded their previous ability to cross the border without a permit.
I always knew there was evil in the world, the Covid scare, the dangerous vaccines, the Ukraine/Russia war now the Israel war, the evil goes much deeper than I could ever have imagined, it’s not there are just a few evil people ……… THERE ARE SO MANY !!!! PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS, POLITICIANS, MEDICAL OFFICIALS, HEADS OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, TO NAME BUT A FEW
People questioned false flags as far back as Pearl Harbor. Questioned the Spanish Flu origins. Questioned whether we actually landed on the moon. Then came the shitshows of Vietnam, Watergate, drugs magically pouring into the country, Woodstock, Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, Operation Seaspray, MK Ultra. Then the blatant assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK. AIDS shows up out of the blue, Gulf Wars, 9/11, 1/6, Ukraine, Gaza, and the covid freak show that goes on forever. How can any thinking person not feel betrayed by forces beyond their control?
This is an ancient evil rising up in global leaders. Politicians, celebrities. Rather than run, they embrace it as a way to live the good life. As they say, this earth will be the only heaven they'll ever know, & they know it. Hence, transhumanism. Man's attempt to have an "eternity" such as one would have after death in the next life. These fools actually wish to stay on this troubled planet.
Paul, You have finally reached the conclusion many of us reached long ago. Not a single word that comes out of the government is believable and none of it is trustable. Rarely one finds someone who tries to be honest like, for instance DeSantis, but they are attacked at every turn when they are. The entire system is rigged to be 100% lies, 100% of the time. Truth occurs sometimes, but it seems to be incidental and accidental.
DeSantis was asked over and over again for help from people with love ones held prisoner in a Florida hospital who was given remdesivir against their wishes. DeSantis did not help. Florida got to make money somehow I guess. Afterall it is a "free kill" state where doctors and hospitals can do just about anything with no liability.
Far far less then any other state and who is he to know then, what that drug was and what it's actions were. It takes many dead to know for sure.
The Federal gov was telling him, it's great, we have used it before.
Hind sight is 20/20 vision.
His Health Surgeon General was on the ball before any others and he had the backbone and character to speak about it and act on it. DeSantis's directive.
No other states did out of the 50.
You have to objectively think about these facts before you comment. We are not here to push others narratives but to discover and talk about the truth.
Cecil Rhodes, creator of 1st concentration camps. Pillager for British Empire and Zionists. NOTHING BUT PURE EVIL FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS ...... PASSED ALONG THROUGH THEIR NOT SO " SECRET SOCIETIES.
DeSantis is a total Israel suckup. Like all of our Congress. To hear them talk about our only ally in the ME is pure, unadulterated puke. Yeah, sure, an ally that attacked USS Liberty and did the job on 911 along with our own home raised traitors Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. Talk to John Kaminski, get yourself a good dose of reality spoken by a realist.
I think it makes it easier to understand by framing it that the government doesn't necessarily actually do and organize all of these terrors, but rather they allow them to happen if they suit their narrative, and they gain their credibility by by stopping a few attacks, primarily the ones that work against their interests.... There are real terrorists, extremists, neo-nazis, jihadists and other crazy people out there but sometimes governments will look the other way.
The government supported the 2020 riots by supporting the terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter. The Dem controlled cities encouraged it and did not try to stop the lawlessness.
The government and the media lied to the people about Ukraine, not telling them the truth about the nazis regime there murdering Russians, or the DoD bioweapons labs there. The government was in on it all.
Well I guess it depends on how you define in on it. I somewhat consider simply allowing things to happen as being in on it but I think you're referring more to a direct involvement. As I told the other guy I never said that governments are never directly involved but I'm just saying it's more common that they go the cheap route allow the crazy people to throw themselves under the bus without the government having to sacrifice agents
Yes, but the government fund those. I hardly believe a man running from one cave to another is the mastermind. Someone must have made it so easy. And the buildings fell like work of demolition. It is hard to believe that man was capable of doing all that.
Yes.. 9/11.. WAS..an “Inside Job”.The buildings were detonated a short time before that day. It was a coordinated Act of Terror.. carried out by Our Own Government.. in conjunction with.. at the very least.. The UK and Israel
Oh well if you're specifically talking about 9/11 obviously that was a very complex Network to allow that to happen.... But again, they allowed it to happen.... I'm not saying that governments are never directly involved, but I'm saying that most of the time it's easier and cheaper for them to just let the crazies go off and they usually groom them on the Internet or something to encourage the extremism...
I retired 2 years before the 9/11 inside job and saw it for what it was on the evening of the first day when investigative journalist, Dan Rather, reported the Towers and building 7 were rigged with well-placed dynamite to "knock em' down". This famous video clip survives most famously in the Architects and Engineers report - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/ae911truth-proves-911-was-an-inside
“...the socio-psychological foundations of socialism is identical to that of the foundations of a state, if there were no institution enforcing socialistic ideas of property, there would be no room for a state, as a state is nothing else than an institution built on taxation and unsolicited, noncontractual interference with the use that private people can make of their natural property. There can be no socialism without a state, and as long as there is a state there is socialism. The state, then, is the very institution that puts socialism into action; and as socialism rests on aggressive violence directed against innocent victims, aggressive violence is the nature of any state.”
— Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “The Theory of Capitalism and Socialism"
Right. You got it. Every damn government in the world (including Bhutan, whose King was so hot on having his people be happy) signed away autonomy, parental, property and human rights in 1992 when they signed onto Agenda 21 and every damn one of them re0upped in 2016 when they renamed it Agenda 2030 and sold every human, and every human's DNA down the river.
Why would you trust any of them? They belong to a club with sub-clubs called WHO, UN, IHR.
The ONLY thing you can trust is that we have to get the hell out of them if we want to have even a slender thread of a chance to survive these monsters and put our world back together.
Mayve we can do it better this time. We certainly cannot do it worse.
If you do not do that, we are, quite literally, doomed as individuals and as a species.
I am not using hyperbole. The plan is to destroy us individually and as a species. They say it in their own documents: transhumanism and the Internet of Bodies and self-assembling Nano Technology IS about our destruction.
If you are not acting yet, you are agreeing with our own demise. Probably a good idea to rethink that and start helping to get us out of the death machine.
Bidens democrat logo for the democrat convention in 2020 said death to america with its symbolism. Anybody remembers? Makes sense now? The open border, the money to iran, the monies to Bidens? The weakening of police?
I'd give it around a 95% likelihood that the Oct 7th attack on Israel was a false flag attack by Israel. I suspect that Israeli intelligence has undercover agents inside Hamas, and that Netanyahu and other high level intelligence officials knew that the attack was going to happen, and that they deliberately had the soldiers who normally are in the area sent to a different location so that the attack would be able to take place.
I woke up in 2021 and then could see the lies for con vid. The attack on Israel also looked suspicious because of the difference in capabilities between Hamas and Israel. Look how aggressive they are bombing Gaza. Crisis, Reaction, Solution. Perfect. Now look at all the political heroes that stood for freedom during con vid now "stand with Israel". Why? Is it their major funders are Israeli sympathizers?
YES, all Inside Jobs by the NWO Mother WEFers inthe USSA and Israel and Elsewhere as well.
Too Much for Normies to comprehend beyond a Left-Right Two Sided Paradigm.
Banksters have fueled Wars for Centuries through their funding for Leaders of Countries to fight Each Other. Bushies, Clintoons-Obamaite-Bidens are just the most recent USSA Traitorous Pawns to their Master NWO Banksters.
Sorry, It's The Game They/Them Play on Planet Earth, over & over & over ......
"They/Them" have No power other than their "Positions"/$$$ once Deprived of their lofty lustful for power positions They/Them are shown to be Craven Weaklings like the "Wizard of Oz" demonstrated.
Without these NWO Banksters False $$$ their political pawns & corporist, marxist puppets Collapse under Scrutiny of We The People using Our INHERENT Liberties as listed in the Bill of Rights.
The scariest thing about the Covid nightmare for me was seeing slowly but certainly that so much of what people were being told was outright lies. In seeing then more and more beyond Covid became questionable and I began to realize that so much was not as I believed. It’s hard to face that your solid foundational beliefs might very well be wrong.
Yes.. One becomes very disillusioned.. and in some cases despondent... Fear Not.. this Experience is serving to.. Wake Us Up to..Take Our Power Back.. and..Hold Those Involved..in This Injustice ..Accountable. We are All.. Here.. At This Time In Evolution.. For A Reason. I believe The Reason.. is presenting itself
Get over it p-alex
SHIN-BET Israel FBI has already arrested 100's of Israeli-Citizens (who are ISIS members) in the North Israel that attacked innocent Kibbutz people who were all member of ISIS (CIA/MOSSAD/Al-quida)
The jews all asked, How did HAMAS get over the border??? The answer is they didn't it was an INSIDE JOB
The arrested all said they created a terroist incident to disrupt the 'abraham accords' to which they have succeeded, china has now removed ISRAEL from all maps in CHINA, and India has declared that it is out, and SAUDI is now dissolving relations with Israel .
Who wins or won?? The USA, they have just destroyed the BRICS and +20 years of the "SILK-Road" infrastructure $25 Trillion USD CHINA-SAUDI investments Shanghai to Israel, now a dead albatross;
Where did I get this news? From reading the Israel news sites they post stuff that will never be printed in the USA; Israel has free-speech, USA&UK do not;
What does Israel free speech news feel about Israel being the most jabbed country? You know the ultimate experiment for the world to see just how poisinous those jabs really were?
Most of it is JEW-SHIT ( my word for bullshit )
First of all they lied first they told us 97% jab'd
Then the latest is now about 20% were jab'd
Now we find out of 1/2 of this 20% got placebos
So like all things Israel was projecting, and why not they profited the most from the jab, all vax mRNA was made in INDIA and most of the trading to UK owned firms Israel was middle man from India to UK
The orthodox refused the jabs the ashkeNAZI (euro faux jews ) per RFK-jr were immune to COVID by design, like Han chinese so they didn't need a 'jab'
Now your asking a different question? Well mRNA was only jab'd in the west, as the east got their own native vaccines in Russia&China, and even Mexico gave its citizens the sinovac (china vax)
Most of the contamination or harm from the vax was 'shit' in the vax nobody cared TRump had signed off liability so nobody cared a fuck
I wrote a lot about harm in the past
why the vax harmed people so much
why trump&pompeo CIA unleashed COVID on the world
The answer to your question, how many actually got the 'jab' mRNA in Israel somewhere between zero & 5% of the population, everybody knew it was bullshit all along
Israel are smart people and they have an open and diverse free press
Another post I wrote about WHY the 'jab' fucks the people who get the jab
When I say 'jab' I'm talking the USA-UK Israel India "mRNA" jab only given to ZOG countrys'
The entire reason for the various ill effects is that the poisons in the jab are all over the map, going back to the cheap contaminated equipment are used to make & deploy the jab
The USSA ( USA) is the Captured Coup Feral government Destroying Countries overseas actively for the last 25 yrars at Least.
You might want to LOOK at the former USA southern Border before celebrating too much, Comrade.
THe USA IS/WAS a satanic hell-hole since 15AD ( that be to the 1492 pilgrim jew-shit )
You might want to study your real history pardner
You are only missing jackboots and shouting 'Heil Hitler'. You seek confirmation bias for your Jew-hatred and cite nebulous, anonymous sources.
It was much more than mere lies. There was the burdensome, illegal, mendacious propaganda blast that was followed by coercive "laws" that were conceived to dispense with informed consent. Jobs were threatened, our state employees were told to get the shots or else say good-bye to your job. Citizens basically ceded all their legal protections to follow government and state mandates. Whether or not we can take the initiative and sue, sue, sue the guilty parties is a question that should have been answered already. Now we know why Merrick Garfinkel was put into the position of attorney-general. All the talk about our vaunted "democracy" was more accurately described as "dumbocracy". We've been had bigtime. It's time for citizen anger to rise up and confront the manifold treachery that has been spawned on our nation. Illegal immigrations are just one horrible example of nation destroying. Biden deserves to stretch a rope as we speak.
It was bullying and postering by the gov.
Not original at all. People should have studied history in school. They had 12 years before they graduated from high school. Plenty of time to read books, look around, listen. History teaches a lot. Remember the " Energy Crisis " in the early 70's ? Nonstop gov propaganda for some reason, that we have run out of energy and we should be no longer driving a car. Sound familiar? History repeats itself you will find.
The elites do have a traffic problem
The solution is to lock the human garbage up into 15 minute citys, aka inner-city prisons like gaza-strip
Yes, plenty of time to read books and self-educate but 97% chose to watch TV, and now porn idocracy won, self-awareness lost
All this pontificating on *education*, and yet you refuse to indulge in that yourself. And who is the *human garbage*? Inner city prisons like Gaza? Who do you think you are fooling with this BS? Gaza has many high-rise buildings and high-end shopping centers. Unlike prison, dear. And they were left more pristine buildings and industries but lack the sense that even animals have, to not sh*t where you eat. The *prison* is one of their own making, as they persistently attacked Israel, until Israel rescinded their previous ability to cross the border without a permit.
It’s so disconcerting. I’ve become cynical and never was before. And we cannot unsee it all. The only truth is Jesus. That sustains me.
I always knew there was evil in the world, the Covid scare, the dangerous vaccines, the Ukraine/Russia war now the Israel war, the evil goes much deeper than I could ever have imagined, it’s not there are just a few evil people ……… THERE ARE SO MANY !!!! PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS, POLITICIANS, MEDICAL OFFICIALS, HEADS OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES, TO NAME BUT A FEW
Satan is the prince & power of the air. This is his domain.
People questioned false flags as far back as Pearl Harbor. Questioned the Spanish Flu origins. Questioned whether we actually landed on the moon. Then came the shitshows of Vietnam, Watergate, drugs magically pouring into the country, Woodstock, Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, Operation Seaspray, MK Ultra. Then the blatant assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK. AIDS shows up out of the blue, Gulf Wars, 9/11, 1/6, Ukraine, Gaza, and the covid freak show that goes on forever. How can any thinking person not feel betrayed by forces beyond their control?
The 20th century, ALONE was a kluster Fugg converting every war and disaster into a socialist state in America.
Sad the world we have to live in, isn't it ? IT NEEDS TO BE BLOWN TO PIECES : GOOD ALONG WITH THE EVIL. THE ONLY WAY.
And all of it courtesy of the Reformation
I kind of liked Timothy Leary.
It does seem
like most everyone in our govt. today somehow captured by deep state , globalists, elites,
This is an ancient evil rising up in global leaders. Politicians, celebrities. Rather than run, they embrace it as a way to live the good life. As they say, this earth will be the only heaven they'll ever know, & they know it. Hence, transhumanism. Man's attempt to have an "eternity" such as one would have after death in the next life. These fools actually wish to stay on this troubled planet.
You are right. This world IS EVIL. IT NEEDS TO BE BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS. Even the good have got to go ..... unfortunately.
Paul, You have finally reached the conclusion many of us reached long ago. Not a single word that comes out of the government is believable and none of it is trustable. Rarely one finds someone who tries to be honest like, for instance DeSantis, but they are attacked at every turn when they are. The entire system is rigged to be 100% lies, 100% of the time. Truth occurs sometimes, but it seems to be incidental and accidental.
DeSantis was asked over and over again for help from people with love ones held prisoner in a Florida hospital who was given remdesivir against their wishes. DeSantis did not help. Florida got to make money somehow I guess. Afterall it is a "free kill" state where doctors and hospitals can do just about anything with no liability.
Far far less then any other state and who is he to know then, what that drug was and what it's actions were. It takes many dead to know for sure.
The Federal gov was telling him, it's great, we have used it before.
Hind sight is 20/20 vision.
His Health Surgeon General was on the ball before any others and he had the backbone and character to speak about it and act on it. DeSantis's directive.
No other states did out of the 50.
You have to objectively think about these facts before you comment. We are not here to push others narratives but to discover and talk about the truth.
Truth will set you free.
Do not Comply.
"When all the that the USA believes is a lie, our mission at the CIA will be completed" Casey CIA director 1991
It's not like they didn't tell you +30 years ago
Even MUSK the lineage heir of the "East India Company" (debeers diamond, Rhodes/Cecile) tells you that your living in a 'simulaton'
Well, the sages said it always. “This world is a lie” St.Bernard
"all the world is a stage" - shakespeare
It's a Truman Show now. https://jimreagen.substack.com/p/the-truman-show
yep, but the TRUMAN show is/was broadcasted,
The coming human genocide of 90% on earth by 2025 will NOT BE TELEVISED
Cecil Rhodes, creator of 1st concentration camps. Pillager for British Empire and Zionists. NOTHING BUT PURE EVIL FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS ...... PASSED ALONG THROUGH THEIR NOT SO " SECRET SOCIETIES.
And you and your ilk are happily helping the CIA mission, by insisting that *nothing is real*, to demoralize the weak-minded.
DeSantis is a total Israel suckup. Like all of our Congress. To hear them talk about our only ally in the ME is pure, unadulterated puke. Yeah, sure, an ally that attacked USS Liberty and did the job on 911 along with our own home raised traitors Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. Talk to John Kaminski, get yourself a good dose of reality spoken by a realist.
Citizen investigators are so truthful, they get shadowbanned or just banned altogether.dong just dismiss them. Weigh their words & evidence
Must be eating mushrooms
The people “in power” are selected for a reason. They can be controlled and used for the desired outcome of the real power brokers.
No, based on results, we cannot trust any government.
I think it makes it easier to understand by framing it that the government doesn't necessarily actually do and organize all of these terrors, but rather they allow them to happen if they suit their narrative, and they gain their credibility by by stopping a few attacks, primarily the ones that work against their interests.... There are real terrorists, extremists, neo-nazis, jihadists and other crazy people out there but sometimes governments will look the other way.
The government supported the 2020 riots by supporting the terrorist groups antifa and black lives matter. The Dem controlled cities encouraged it and did not try to stop the lawlessness.
The government and the media lied to the people about Ukraine, not telling them the truth about the nazis regime there murdering Russians, or the DoD bioweapons labs there. The government was in on it all.
Well I guess it depends on how you define in on it. I somewhat consider simply allowing things to happen as being in on it but I think you're referring more to a direct involvement. As I told the other guy I never said that governments are never directly involved but I'm just saying it's more common that they go the cheap route allow the crazy people to throw themselves under the bus without the government having to sacrifice agents
Yes, but the government fund those. I hardly believe a man running from one cave to another is the mastermind. Someone must have made it so easy. And the buildings fell like work of demolition. It is hard to believe that man was capable of doing all that.
Yes.. 9/11.. WAS..an “Inside Job”.The buildings were detonated a short time before that day. It was a coordinated Act of Terror.. carried out by Our Own Government.. in conjunction with.. at the very least.. The UK and Israel
Can you add your signature? ✍️
Oh well if you're specifically talking about 9/11 obviously that was a very complex Network to allow that to happen.... But again, they allowed it to happen.... I'm not saying that governments are never directly involved, but I'm saying that most of the time it's easier and cheaper for them to just let the crazies go off and they usually groom them on the Internet or something to encourage the extremism...
Wow that guy has a really strong Arabic accent to his Hebrew. The way he rolled the r in "kfar" sounded almost Syrian...
: ) no, this is legit. It is actually a documentary. You can buy.
I retired 2 years before the 9/11 inside job and saw it for what it was on the evening of the first day when investigative journalist, Dan Rather, reported the Towers and building 7 were rigged with well-placed dynamite to "knock em' down". This famous video clip survives most famously in the Architects and Engineers report - https://newsparadigm.substack.com/p/ae911truth-proves-911-was-an-inside
Trust NO gov doc, ever.
“...the socio-psychological foundations of socialism is identical to that of the foundations of a state, if there were no institution enforcing socialistic ideas of property, there would be no room for a state, as a state is nothing else than an institution built on taxation and unsolicited, noncontractual interference with the use that private people can make of their natural property. There can be no socialism without a state, and as long as there is a state there is socialism. The state, then, is the very institution that puts socialism into action; and as socialism rests on aggressive violence directed against innocent victims, aggressive violence is the nature of any state.”
— Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “The Theory of Capitalism and Socialism"
look for this scrivener's error "perviously"
Great post
Right. You got it. Every damn government in the world (including Bhutan, whose King was so hot on having his people be happy) signed away autonomy, parental, property and human rights in 1992 when they signed onto Agenda 21 and every damn one of them re0upped in 2016 when they renamed it Agenda 2030 and sold every human, and every human's DNA down the river.
Why would you trust any of them? They belong to a club with sub-clubs called WHO, UN, IHR.
The ONLY thing you can trust is that we have to get the hell out of them if we want to have even a slender thread of a chance to survive these monsters and put our world back together.
Mayve we can do it better this time. We certainly cannot do it worse.
Https://PreventGenocide2030.org is a place to develop the pressure necessary to make that happen.
If you do not do that, we are, quite literally, doomed as individuals and as a species.
I am not using hyperbole. The plan is to destroy us individually and as a species. They say it in their own documents: transhumanism and the Internet of Bodies and self-assembling Nano Technology IS about our destruction.
If you are not acting yet, you are agreeing with our own demise. Probably a good idea to rethink that and start helping to get us out of the death machine.
Bidens democrat logo for the democrat convention in 2020 said death to america with its symbolism. Anybody remembers? Makes sense now? The open border, the money to iran, the monies to Bidens? The weakening of police?
I'd give it around a 95% likelihood that the Oct 7th attack on Israel was a false flag attack by Israel. I suspect that Israeli intelligence has undercover agents inside Hamas, and that Netanyahu and other high level intelligence officials knew that the attack was going to happen, and that they deliberately had the soldiers who normally are in the area sent to a different location so that the attack would be able to take place.
I woke up in 2021 and then could see the lies for con vid. The attack on Israel also looked suspicious because of the difference in capabilities between Hamas and Israel. Look how aggressive they are bombing Gaza. Crisis, Reaction, Solution. Perfect. Now look at all the political heroes that stood for freedom during con vid now "stand with Israel". Why? Is it their major funders are Israeli sympathizers?
Trust the Mennonites. They have been smart enough to stay away from our destructive civilization and never pay taxes to it.
YES, all Inside Jobs by the NWO Mother WEFers inthe USSA and Israel and Elsewhere as well.
Too Much for Normies to comprehend beyond a Left-Right Two Sided Paradigm.
Banksters have fueled Wars for Centuries through their funding for Leaders of Countries to fight Each Other. Bushies, Clintoons-Obamaite-Bidens are just the most recent USSA Traitorous Pawns to their Master NWO Banksters.
Sorry, It's The Game They/Them Play on Planet Earth, over & over & over ......
"They/Them" have No power other than their "Positions"/$$$ once Deprived of their lofty lustful for power positions They/Them are shown to be Craven Weaklings like the "Wizard of Oz" demonstrated.
Without these NWO Banksters False $$$ their political pawns & corporist, marxist puppets Collapse under Scrutiny of We The People using Our INHERENT Liberties as listed in the Bill of Rights.