Is time to put these airlines that required vaccinations out of business

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The global climate change people are aiming for exactly this, with us all living in 15 minute cities and any travel we wish to undertake only possible if we have sufficient carbon credits.

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While they still travel on their private jets….

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The Climate change cult is insane and will be exposed for the liars they are.

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We can hope but let's face it, they own the scientists just same as for pHarma and of course, the media too!

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When will they check all pilots who were vaccinated Corporate airlines are mainly hiring non vaccinated pilots.

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When? Uh, never?

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It is getting more difficult to read the notifications of early deaths.

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Me thinks I shall fly no more. Except to move out of North America if/when the need arises.

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After my next trip coming up soon, which was rather a last minute thing to an important event, I’m doing the same. As if enduring the abusive TSA scam isn’t enough, now we have to worry about pilots routinely dying at 35,000 feet. Nope. Don’t travel much anyway, but for the forseeable future it will be by car or bus. Not great, but better than risking a plane crash IMO. Yes, cars can crash, too, but it’s probably less awful than falling from the sky before getting crunched or burned up in a jet fuel fireball.

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I have come to same conclusion about traveling.

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I hate to say this: free cremation, they now want $2,300 dollars now. Went up $700.00 in two years...with so many increased deaths you would think the price would have been a discount instead of a hefty hike. Everybody wants in on the gold......

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Drive slow. Things you can't do in a jet.

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Tell that to Taz.

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All the WEF Tyrants hire non vaccinated pilots,the ones that try to push the bio weapons.

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Yeah and lots of the leaders of the "medical autonomy" or"freedom" movement are all jabbed. Steve Kirsch is holding a $2,500 per plate fundraiser and I don't know if the unjabbed riffraff are allowed to attend. Kirsch has had at least two jabs, at least two. Same with Malone. These are smart people. They do their research. And they're jabbed. Heroin and fentanyl pushers tend not to consume their own product. Is it the same with "no jabs" pushers? Could it be that they actually believe jabs are great but also that anti-vaxxers are a big market of gullible, dumb suckers ripe to be fleeced of subscriptions etc. How many of the "freedom" or "medical autonomy" movement are actually secretly boosted to the eyeballs, have boosters coming out their ass?

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They may say they’ve been jabbed, but do we know the lot numbers, and can we trace the vial manufacturing back to the source to verify they weren’t “jabbed” with saline? I take the words of Malone for nothing any more and it seems that some of the movement “leaders” aren’t really do into freedom and choice as they make out.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Malone kept saying until very recently that the benefits of the mRNA jabs outweighed the risks for the 65+ demographic. He changed his advice only when forced to by the weight of the evidence

This is the behavior of a big time covidiot. It's consistent with someone who concluded that the benefits of the jabs outweighed the risks. The only question is how many jabs has he had. Two, or five?

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I think that all pilots should be tested as part of their medical examination to make sure that they are fit to fly

As a side note how much car traffic accidents can / should be attributed to the vaxx - I see cars as a far bigger threat to my existence than a plane dropping out of the sky - how many cars v planes are there - how many car driving licence holders v aircraft pilots are there ----- the bigger threat in my view is a vaxxed car driver

Am not saying pilots should in some way be forgotten but that more ordinary people that were mandated jabs drive cars

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FYI, the FAA does require health/ fitness testing of commercial pilots, including ECGs. But guess what the FAA did a few months ago. They changed the max limits on the ECG from 200ms to 300ms. Pilots can fly at this new increased ECG level , if they are asymptomatic.

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Tell that to Bumblebee.

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I already know! Why do you think I’m now very concerned about commercial flying? The jabbed pilots are now Russian Roulette. Six sudden pilot deaths in the last two months or so that I’ve seen reported. Gonna be more, and with the airlines toying with the idea of reducing their flight crews down to only one pilot - and the zFAA apparently not stepping in with “What the hell ever gave you the idea you could do THAT???”, I’m not going to stick around to discover which chambers in the airline revolvers are loaded and which ones are not.

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Killing our best and brightest!

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Not so brightest

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Darwin Awards.

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I would wish that the pilots would demand that they themselves be tested, and refuse to fly unless they were.

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I won’t be flying again and will walk rather than take any form of public transport.

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Greta salutes you.

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She won’t when she realises I drive a worked 5.7l V8, 6 speed manual Ute. Then there’s my other, a BMW Black Shadow with two stage turbo.


I also use a gas stove.😂

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You sound like an Aussie. Nice cars. Nope, she wouldn'g like those.

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the Disgusting fraud is being exposed....genocide was the expected result. These elites need to be arrested globally that were involved in this fraud against humanity.

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why don't the families demand answers?

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Yes, look it up, and do your own homework.

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Pilots will soon be history as A/I infected robots take over flying...then the fun really begins.

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