Thanks Mr. Paul Alexander, if you ain't mad and if you ain't calling for "RETRIBUTION" then you ain't human.

We're not fighting for the right to vote on Kardashian's butt-size here, we're fighting for the right to be human. The right for parents not to have their infants kidnapped by rapists, or parents see their daughters sold into prostitution to cover GOV pensions.

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Online talk is BS. Nothing will happen, ever. We are more likely to be taken in the trains to the “camp”. That’s what’s in the future closer than we can believe.

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OK, so how about the answer to the question here brought up,

"TRUMP is the Godfather of COVID deployment"

P-alexander supports, loves, and adores TRUMP; ( & so do majority of readers on this OP)

If you don't go after TRUMP with all your weapons and toss his ass in prison for 'fast-tracking' the COVID fuck, then your just playing psycho games, a fish rots from the head down, TRUMP orchestrated COVID-SCAM-FUCK, he signed it off, if you give him a 'get out of jail free card' then so do the other assholes get same-same.


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O & Big Mike

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I saw something yesterday regarding Macron's older wife allegedly being of the same ilk with remarkable before and after pics.

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The pushback not only continues, it gains momentum worldwide. Its been like watching a 4-ring circus!

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The funny thing is so FAR only Africans have shown their balls, they have gone FULL anti-LGBTQxyz in Africa, while the USA continues to take it up the ass.


I see the end-game here as they wanted all along a complete re-alignment, where African's are seen as kings and the White-West are seen as cowardly parasites who let their own children be rented out as common prostitutes.

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I hope so! A contingent of African nations stood up to the WHO and prevented the Pandemic Treaty being rammed thru. Nigeria, not so much. I read they have limited cash severely to push digital currency. Source, G Edward Griffin, Need to Know News.

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Spanning the globe to Africa, an especially instructive lesson in the public’s reaction to the issuance of CBDC comes from that continent’s most populous country: Nigeria.

Nigeria rolled out its own CBDC, eNaira and, in the fall of 2021 and invalidated all paper banknotes, making the economy one of the first entirely cashless systems in the world. Nigerians were less than thrilled, as mass protests, boycotts, and utter rejection of the CBDC have ensued.

Even though the Nigerian Central Bank released huge incentives for citizens to adopt eNaira, according to Kunwar Khuldune Shahid of the Daily Dot, only 1.5 percent of the downloaded wallets were used once a week in 2022. According to Nicholas Anthony from the CATO Institute, the Nigerian government “removed access restrictions so that bank accounts were no longer required to use the CBDC. Then… offered discounts if people used the CBDC to pay for [taxi]cabs.” No offer has swayed the population to this day.

Nigeria’s political climate may be somewhat different from that of the U.S. and Europe, but the reasons for rejection of a CBDC carry some important similarities. A CBDC in which the government holds the ledger of the purchases and sales made with the electronic currency – whether issued by the Nigerian Central Bank or the U.S. Federal Reserve -- would grant the government total surveillance power over individual transactions. If Nigerians buy and sell anything using eNaira, the digital ledger will show the government their purchases. A CBDC in the U.S. would likely work the same way

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I just read several other African countries were given a ton of money to make CBDC work. I can’t recall now where I read that. It was just today or yesterday though.

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I'm sure--most governments around the world are captured by the banking cartel. I'm sure many/most African nations are in debt to the World Bank/IMF, so they are controlled. But still, I see resistance in Africa. Look at Kenya standing up and protecting its people from the biosecurity state/digital slave grid:


Here in the US, I think there are only a handful of politicians speaking out against the CBDCs--most if not all don't even understand the debt based monetary system.

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Look for the article published from RAIR Foundation recently. They are biggest partner of WEF and published info too early about the digital money and how it would be controlled WEF was upset they let this out. It’s the. Chinese system!

IMHO the whole war with. China is a lie..the CFR/UN ect built China since helping Mao..they gave China money technology. Companies. It’s the wireframe of what they want in US/Canada ect See the Kissinger’s & Brezinsky(?) from 40’s on. It’s all a big Psyop like Ukraine war.

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All we have to do is stop paying taxes. They use our own $ to do it to us. It's taxation without represntation anyway.

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Yes..and that Kamela Harris and Blinken were in Africa recently saying they would give them money if they do the bidding of US! They are all in on it! I believe all the politicians and ppl working for WEF:UN got offered the deal of keeping money they have in banks..get exemptions from vax. and flying privileges and more monthly CBDCs than ordinary citizens. I saw a copy or two of the special passes. Can’t confirm but I can believe it. I’d that why ALL politicians gave in.plus threat of assassination.

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WEF is a black-mail OP, CEO's and elites go there and get their photo taken fucking children, and then get 'owned' for life,

The owners of the world are bilderberg-group UK, and they don't let anybody in the meeting unless invited, our own "Peter Thiel" human Vampire, is President of Bildgerberg-Group USA

WEF is a party, and anybody with $10k disposable cash go get laid and drunk and stoned.


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Sharon: I'm surprised in our Oligarch Centralized top-down command & control 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') system, how those at the top don't realize how much richer they would be with the traditional African & worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') bottom-up RELATIONAL-ECONOMY system. Ask traditionalist Africans about their ancient indigenous economic community systems.

At issue today in our decrepit Oligarch run system is mental 'innumeracy' where those linear-minded idiots commanding our economy are thinking, like their policies only in 2-dimensions. They have lost the ability to think in the actual 3-D world in which humans interact in our real world. Before our sad exploitive, exhaustive & murderous Colonial state of affairs, all indigenous humans enjoyed a worldwide system of Economic Democracy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

Before the now worldwide colonial invasion & genocidal capture of nations worldwide, all indigenous nations employed the Continental time-based equivalency accounting upon the String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island / N. America, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie-shell in indigenous Celtic/Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands. String-shell was issued issued from the Bottom-up in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) & specialized Production-Society-Guilds, gave people agency in running, owning & deciding their economies.

This kind of 3-D or whole systems Cultural thinking is outside the mental purvue of those who comply-collude with inane top-down systems for meaningless & insecure status reasons. When the bottom foundation is strong, so is the top & the house is durable. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

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Did you read the latest article from RAIR Foundation? It said WEF is mad because PayPal..the partner of WEF released some info early..it says PayPal would be using the Digital cash system like China..and if any one does something against their Ideals like DEI could be fined $1500 and maybe jail. PayPal is part of ADL and used it’s Marxist left wing ideology and also the Southern Poverty Law Assoc ideals. They have a list of people protected against any form of rascist! Guess who is not on the long list? anyway Schwabb was mad.,

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ADL don't own shit, they were created at the same time as FBI in 1920's to ID targets for the FBI, like JDL, and SPLC today they tell the FBI& DHS(today) who to ass-fuck

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WHO CREATED "PAYPAL", who still owns PAYPAL?

MUSK & Peter Thiel

How did Musk get the CASH to create & buy into PAYPAL, because he is an heir to the deBeers&Rhodes SA diamond fortune, he is the owner by birthright of the anglo-american-corporation, which today is the union of MI5,KGB,CSB, CIA,MOSSAD, ... all INTEL on earth are agents 'pinkertons' of the COMPANY

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It's technically irrelevant some +20 years ago, most of Africa went to payment by phone using their 'balance' on their $5 USD disposable mobile-tracking-device, so 'cash' is long gone, in All of China, most of ASIA, & Africa.

The issue is does the 'money' become Crypto mined by the GOV, or does it stay just an accounting record of local currency on your phone?

Either way 'paper-money & coin' is largely gone, from most of the world, already

A large part of COVID was to DISCOURAGE the use of paper money, once your all using the smart-phone for payments, then it doesn't really matter if its jew-bucks, uncle-schmuel fiat, or sea-shells for the accounting

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When I talk about getting out of USA pre 2025, I'm talking about the advice of Deagle-Report, they have told their SITREP readers, long ago, that's why they project out this shit 20-60 years in advance;

They said that if you have 'skills' and you are young to go to ASIA, places like Singapore where there will be no culling;

Problem is if you didn't already go to Singapore your fucked, funny SOROS #1 partner Jim Rogers went to Singapore with his family almost +15 years ago, and has no regrets; He knows the plan.


Like Deagle says, those with education&skills go abroad ( mostly asia ), while I think there is opportunity in AFRICA, I don't advocate living there as a lot of the blacks everywhere will kill a white on sight; I have a lot of white friends who left South-Africa +30 years ago;

If you are a mercenary, or have your own body guards and don't mind sleeping in barred locked cages at night, then its all good in Africa.

I'm sure in +15 years when there is more of a middle class, and you can live in a nice hood in Nigeria with neighbors that all have PHD's that it will be quite nice.


China is a great place, probably the safest cleanest place on earth today. So is Japan, Macau, Hong-Kong, ... SIngapore is best, but you got to have some pocket money to get in, or some high level skills that they want.

Lot's of Western 'POOR' people go to CHina to be 'english teachers' and do well, it allows you to live 'anywhere', including remote villages far from any GOV assholes, ( WHere GOV assholes are the same everywhere on earth )

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We need to take down the owners of msm and AP and magazines and fire all the commie lezbos from being able to teach. And don't vote for any RINOS who are backing this abominable evil and those who run the brainwashing machines aka TVs

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Never thought that I would ever see such a disgusting display of ungodly acts in Canadian govt..Never..since 2016..

Brothers and Sisters..pray together..join together..if your church teaches and affirms this find a new church of staff small community churches. Take all children out of school..work together to teach h them. They are not teaching anything in school anyway. Time for rebels to be rebellious. 🙏🏽

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Yes. Pushback all adds up. Like simply informing woke weak padres that if that evil flag flies here, I must move on from this parish into one that is awakened and truthseeking and courageous. We need to pick up that cross and drag it up that hill. Together. Only one was able to go it alone and destroy the evil prince of darkness.

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Yes. It is giving me hope 👏🙏

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There is a long-standing system of blackmail. This goes from bottom to top. I've seen it personally. A young Christian firefighter just accepted onto the force is called to spend a team-building weekend in the woods. Alcohol w/ GHB at the end of the day, strippers/kids are called in, compromising photos follow and the blackmail is in. No one is spared. No one is ever the same. All our judges, prosecutors, small government involved. That's why everyone is so lame and compromised. I think the best thing to do is come forward, come clean and seek forgiveness...and get back to the real work. Drag it all to the light, but make a way for the good ones to be absolved and get back on track. That aside, I remember living in NYC in the early AIDS time and saw the political strategy of gays being laid out. They wanted to insinuate themselves into every endeavor and assume control. 40 yrs later, it is coming to fruition.

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This is easy to rectify, every 'fire fighter' I have ever known has guns, they know who is MOLOCH in their hood;

Just like when the Irish set themselves free, they were prisoners of a cabal of pedophile British Lords, one night a bunch of Irish-rebels got together and slit the throats of 17 English homo-pedo 'lords' the next day the British were gone, and never returned to southern-ireland, the day the IRA was born I think about 1917

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Yes..I totally agree. I tried for a long time to understand why politicians ect would agree to so many bad laws! I also agree..let those men be brave..come forward..ask forgiveness and tell the truth! That would be the best thing!

No wonder the Bible calls Satan.,the man of lawlessness..and the spirit of lawlessness in the world today.

The laws have all been changed to protect the Elite perverts so they can’t be tried! And they are taking the children away! 🙏🏽

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I SO agree with you. DC is one sick town.

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The west is.

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Immorality usually requires a cover(up).

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Today "Immortality" requires 100's of liters of INFANT BLOOD, they also want clean pure-bred blood, free of any contamination, ergo not from USA where now full of fentanyl, meth, and crack; Ergo most high demand clean infant farm children today are abducted from Ukraine & Ireland.

Google, Parabiosys, Kissinger, Gates, Peter Thiel and "Human Vampirism"

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Infant vaccination causes far more damage to infant blood than fentanyl, meth, or crack.

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This is important mark this down

Peter Thiel owns parabiosys, collecting childs blood for longevity, his little bitch is Sam Altman, Peter Thiel gave Sam Altman $50Mil USD to begat open-ai , chat-gpt, now they're in africa scanning eyeballs looking for purebreds''

Peter Thiel (human vampire) says that by 2025, that 1 Litre of purebred infant blood will trade $1,000 USD on market making it the most valuable commodity on earth.

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I'm going to return to ignoring you since that is more productive when you engage in ad hominem. You can't blame Peter Thiel for what the companies he owns do because he is an investor, not an operator. We can't blame you for voting for morons when they are the only people on the ballot.

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Peter Thiel is a HUMAN VAMPIRE

U support him so be it, now fuck off


Google it "Peter Thiel Human Vampire", and homo, flaming grooming homo, he groomed sam-altman,

all is homo in SV you defend, then you be the fucking problem

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BINGO that's why SAUDI will not pay $100K USD for a white USA child that has been vax'd, most non-vax pure-bred's these days are kidnapped from Ireland & Ukraine;

Which is why the OPEN-AI ( sam-altman) homos are doing retinal scans in Nairobi, with 'worldcoin' chat-GPT owners, they now have tech that can ID pure-breds by eye-scan, thus enable the correct children to be abducted.

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Do you mean pure blood equals non jabbed? Or something else?

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Science fiction.

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Saudi's will only pay for pure-bloods, and drug-free children, which is why the new retinal quick check for mRNA vax, and drugs in blood was developed

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Sci-Fi, until its your child


E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/07/2019



Classified By: Charge d´Affaires Dennis Hankins for reasons 1.4 (b and


(C) Summary: Reports of trafficking of Mauritanian child brides to Saudi Arabia are on the rise. The girls, usually between 5 and 12 years of age, are married off to wealthy Saudi men in exchange for hefty bride prices. Once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, they become sex slaves to their husbands. In 2008, the Association of Women Heads of Household -— a local NGO focused on women´s rights -- provided support to 15 victims of trafficking. This year, between January and March, they have already tended to 11 cases. In response to this problem, Aminetou Mint El Moctar, president of the association, has single-handedly launched a campaign against trafficking. She wants to raise awareness among parents about the realities of child marriages to Saudi men as well as force the government to acknowledge and address the problem. UNICEF recognizes the problem and intends to address it in its next national study on child trafficking but it has not taken any concrete action. End summary.

------------------------ THE CHILD BRIDE BUSINESS

------------------------ 2. (C) In a meeting April 7 with PolOff, Mint El Moctar denounced the traditional practice of child marriages as the main driver of trafficking. Traffickers approach poor and ignorant Mauritanian families about marrying their daughters to wealthy Saudi men. Hefty bride prices amounting to 5-6 million ouguiya (approximately $20,000) and promises of better opportunities for the girls lure the families into accepting, says Mint El Moctar. The intermediaries are usually associated with local travel agencies, which Mint El Moctar says are in reality trafficking networks. The girls are taken to Saudi Arabia by a family member or by a travel agency designated "tutor." The agency intermediary gets a commission from the husband for striking the marriage deal -- amounts vary according to the girl´s beauty and youth.

(C) Mint El Moctar stressed that once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, these child brides become sex slaves to their husbands. She explained that pre-pubescent girls are highly prized by Saudi men but, once they reach puberty or become pregnant, they are of no further interest to their husbands. According to Mint El Moctar, the girls are then repudiated and thrown into the streets. Without a support network, they have no choice but to become prostitutes. Comment: PolOff had already heard reports of the sex slavery practice from Cy Lalla Aisha of human rights organization FONADH. Aisha told PolOff she had met a Mauritanian girl who had spent three years in Saudi Arabia locked up in a room without seeing anybody but her husband and a female servant who tended to her needs. The trafficking and abuses has also been denounced by Radio France International in a January 4 report that includes testimonies of Mulheri, a 7 year old girl trafficked to Saudi Arabia, and Aminetou who, upon her divorce, had to leave her children behind in Saudi Arabia. End comment.

-------------------- TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN

-------------------- 4. (C) Mint El Moctar also denounced trafficking of adult women to Saudi Arabia for prostitution purposes. She said the travel agencies offer poor women to pay for their plane tickets and visa to look for work opportunities in Saudi Arabia. The women agree to reimburse the agency once they get to their destination. They are then forced to prostitute themselves to pay their debt. Mint Moctar said around thirty Mauritanian women have been convicted in Saudi Arabia for prostitution and are serving prison terms there. She stated these trafficking victims are punished for crimes they

NOUAKCHOTT 00000255 002 OF 003

committed while being trafficked.

------------------------- SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL

------------------------- 5. (C) The Mauritanian government does not recognize trafficking as a problem, says Mint El Moctar. Articles 332 and 335 of the Penal Code have provisions against trafficking which are not enforced. Mint El Moctar recently sent a letter to High State Council President General Abdel Aziz to denounce government inaction but received no response. As a result, she started her own public awareness campaign and is fighting for the creation of a law project to criminalize and combat trafficking. Comment: In February 2009, PolOff met with a government representative in the Ministry of Justice who stated trafficking of Mauritanian women did not exist and trafficking to Saudi Arabia was not possible because there was a government law that required women to travel with a male family member. End comment.

(C) Mint El Moctar stressed that the court system puts all the blame on the girls that are victims of trafficking. She mentioned that a girl who dares denounce her trafficker is accused of being a depraved and sinful woman.

(C) Mint El Moctar stated she has received death threats for pushing the issue. She has been accused of being a liar, a madwoman, and a traitor who damages Mauritania´s reputation.

(C) Mint El Moctar asked for the United States´ help to raise awareness of this problem and to bring the issue to the United Nations. She thanked the United States for denouncing human rights violations through the Human Rights report and said this publication had been useful in confronting the Mauritanian authorities with traditionally taboo issues.

-------------- OTHER CONCERNS

-------------- 9. (C) Mint El Moctar also expressed concern about a recent surge in child marriages in Mauritania. She explained that families are so worried about their daughters getting raped or having sex before marriage, that they marry them as soon as they can to preserve their honor. (Note: Rape is a generalized problem in Mauritania that receives no government attention. Zeinebou Mint Taleb Moussa, president of the Mauritanian Association for the Health of Mother and Child (AMSME), said that in 2008 the center she supervises -- the only one providing services to victims of rape in Mauritania -- received 304 victims. She stated most victims do not seek help. The week of April 1, a center volunteer was raped and threatened for her affiliation to the center. End note.) According to Mint El Moctar, early marriages expose young girls to domestic violence, domestic servitude, and endangers their health. She introduced PolOff to a pregnant 12 year old girl who had already been married for three years and was regularly beaten by her husband. Comment: Again, these reports were confirmed by Cy Lalla Aisha from FONADH who told PolOff one of her clients was a 12 year old who almost died in childbirth. End comment.

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Explains Mrs. Trudeau's apparently sudden escape from her marriage to supremely creepy Justin.

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I think the foundation has to be cleaned up and she doesn’t have to make any disclosures about conflict of interest….

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I don't trust any of them in Canada, Pierre on the conservative side has said nothing about the bioweapon shots or the filth of trans-gendering our kids. We do not have a functioning government anymore, our country is being run by the WEF, our so called leaders are nothing but puppets sold out for money.

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Trudeau is a pedophile IMO and his son looks little off too.

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His father was too... 100%

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You’d be a “little off” too if your daddy was a pedophile. Poor kid is doomed.

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Pierre P scrapped all glowing tweets towards WEF from his feed before his campaign. Still product of it. Period. He is not a good news. M Bernier, on the other hand, I heard with my own ears denying the existence of Deep State.

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Yes..Klaus Schwabb said he inserted Justin & 1/3 Lib party into office(3) times. Freeland worked for Soros in US..she is Sec of WEF..Basically in 2016 the WEF/CFR/UN/DS walked into the Govt of Canada & took over! I just read about UBC Vancouver..they made the nano shots? Developed in Canada.That why JT spent all his days in BC? Labs in Manitoba? It’s all criminal. They need out all of them. Poor Canada and US.

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1000%... they are pedophiles who are hand selected by western intelligence agencies because they are completely under their control via blackmail. It is true in the UK (see the Jimmy Savile and MP sex scandals) as well as the US (Podesta, Epstein, Hastert, Graham, etc...) It's time for people to wake TF up and start pushing back hard!!

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Hear..hear. Cnds & Americans ppl should join up to take back N.A. From the evils of WEF/UN/CFR ect. Make a combined Republic of decent Christian men & woman with integrity and morals and strength!!

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Let's remember here the show, and who rules;

First principal back to deagel-report, the USA is to have a 90% culling, and Africa only a 1-2% culling, the schedule is all hare-lip UK monarchy penal-colonys to be culled.


I don't see a U-TURN, as this is all +80 years in the making, all your can do is expat to places like NIGER, where tomorrow CHINA will build tomorrow land & gigafactory's

This is largely because in the PAST 200+ years ZOG has stripped mined USA, and now there is nothing left to rape&rob;

But Africa is still the richest country on earth in mineral wealth.

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America’s culturally Christian society is a massive impediment to the NWO plans. “Depopulating” them off with “kill shots” and then flooding the remainder with illegals is a way to force America (and the west in general) into subjection. There is only one little glitch and glimmer of hope and that is the most devout saw through their schemes and didn’t take the bait.

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Who is actually the head of the snake running NWO..there seems to be so many heads..who is main ones?

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THat's the entire point, the snake is dead, NWO is dead, its now just china

They might rebrand their ownership NWO, maybe not, most likely will be called SCO, or global south


In case you didn't get the memo the UKRAINE ukro nazi war of WEF lost, the NWO is globo-homo and nobody wants pedophiles

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Yes..I saw that long ago..Proxy war. But I understood the DS/CFR helped Mao..built China..gave all its factories..production..then technology.labs ect. It was wireframe for what globalists wanted in West? US was never going to war with China..it’s BS..China owns Canada & US..there is 260,000 PLA troops in Cnd trained by JT’s order to army generals to teach them cold weather fighting.

There are police stations across Canada? To help ppl get their passports ect renewed? Not likely..

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"PIVOT to ASIA" - CLinton, 1990's

He wasn't saying that MIL was going to take its eye off of MENA and only focus on China, what he was saying is now is CHINA's century and Western-ZOG is to be culled, so that ASIA may enrich the ZOG

About every two hundred years they flush the toilet, on one or the other, its to buy-low and sell-high

One USA is destroyed, then (((THEY)) step in and rebuild and get rich, same as their doing today in Ukraine (blackrock)

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If it be true that you are christian, and have a lovely family, then get them out of the west now, for if you stay, you will only live to see your family raped, killed, and eaten.

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Flooding the ILLEGAL's in USA & EUROPE create a dumb cannon fodder basis to be deployed in the coming BIG war with CHINA&RUSSIA

One could almost say that Russia&China are partners in the genocide of both immigrant partys the wetbacks to USA, and horny muslim men who can't find wives in MENA fleeing to europe, but will end up dying in trenches of Ukraine,or trenches in Taiwan

To quote HRC, "What difference does it make"

Logic dictates that the coming purge of humanity is just to achieve the 500M population goal of georgia guidestones

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But who will be the 500 mil? China with some AshKnaizi?

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China just kicked out their ashkeNAZI lawyers yesterday, some 6,000 the largest lawfirm on earth ran by BIS swiss for vatican

It's not a good time to be an ashkeNAZI, just ask zelensky in Ukraine


firm shutdown dentons



500MIL in USA by 2050, I suspect it will be chinese in west, buffet/gates ppl in midwest and saudis east coast

The problem is that georgia-guidestones is really old an they didn't see china taking over

IMHO once the honkey, spics, niggers, and wetbacks in USA are dead & gone and CHinese start flooding into USA there will be a billion pretty quick

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Parents in America NO longer need to be notified...

Biden signed an Executive Order... that’s where the schools got their authority from

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Link please...

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I hope there is a huge angry mob against this. I hope Canadians burn up the phone lines to their reps and give them hell. 🙏🙏🙏

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Tel Aviv is the gayest city on Earth, BY FAR. San Francisco is comparatively normal (hetero). The Talmud believes there are 8 genders. LGBTQ+ vote 95% Democrat/Communist. Who created Communism? The ADL? SPLC? Who vilifies normal, red blooded American males? Who owns our money supply? Our media? Who comprises 80% of Biden's top administration, and also represented 85% of Trump's major donors? Who had Jesus murdered? Who dominates pederasty? Ask Woody Allen and Jeffrey Epstein (he sure ain't dead).

Your inability to acknowledge why a 2% group has 50% of our billionaires, and 100% of our trillionaires is why Amerika will be dead within 10 years.

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“8 genders”. Can you give more details?

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Of course Sharon. The Talmud has an enormous amount of offensive/degenerate verbiage, especially around pederasty. But, the origins of our gender madness today, likely began with the ancient Judaic teachings:


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Do you think widespread internet porn along with lack of moral values got them here?

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I heard yesterday that 28% of men under 30 are Virgins 🤯.

Easy access to disgusting 🤮 & violent & abnormal pornography (it’s not the old playboy pics) ...

what Woman wants a man addicted to that crap 💩

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They're only virgins heterosexually.

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Really .. is that true 🤯. I just heard that one statistic ...

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LGBTQ would be a substantial proportion of that 28%. The US is becoming increasingly LGBTQ and it will eventually be the norm. The US is already a very LGBTQ country, far more so than many other countries.

Gen Z is driving force among adults identifying as LGBTQ, poll shows. Here's a breakdown.


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That’s part of the plan to depopulate the west. Kill off the older people and prevent the young from reproducing. Most of that cohort is white...and too lacking in common sense and historical awareness to see what is being done to them.

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Yes..get rid of elderly who Knew things..had common sense..knew knowledge to survive hard times! None of under 50’s have a clue of hard times really. What an evil plan I don’t think any of the ‘Elites’ are even human. In Bible John said ‘syngog Satan’ Jesus said I know where Moloch lives! They knew even then..

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I was reading they left are going to push Michelle(Mike?) Obama into presidents office? Is this part of push??

Did ALL politicians in Canada agree to this Rainbow in schools? How about Conservatives..Pierre P??

Where are all the Righteous Canadian men? No..not one?

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That's messed up!

I can only imagine that the more these people expose who they really are, the less power they will hold in the end.

You can only go against natural law for so long, before *everyone* outside (and inside) of government starts to push back.

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