What a crying shame!!!! I LITERALLY had people calling me on the phone saying I was "PUTTING LIVES IN DANGER" by posting on Facebook about how deadly the vax was!!!!!!! Now there are still M.D.'s sticking to the story that the clean and not vaxed are still putting people's lives in danger. It's like we are in a twilight zone on crack!!!!!

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The beatings will continue until morale is improved.

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Well, one of the principal things spike proteins do besides enabling Coronaviruses to get into cells by fiddling with the ACE2 cell surface receptors is, in the course of the synthesis of the viral proteins during replications, to initiate the formation of giant multinucleated cells from the infected cell and adjacent cells, which may be of the same cell type or others. It’s believed this enables the replication of a greater number of viruses than would be possible through a single infected cell.

Normally, in a cell in which viral replication is occurring, the percentage of spike proteins being replicated is proportional to the total number of different viral proteins needed for viral assembly.

However, in cells compromised by what amounts to COVID Inc’s one-gene indiscriminate, stealth artificial viruses, the ONLY protein being produced and produced in great excess is the spike protein. Accordingly, it’s only to be expected that two things will occur preferentially:

1. The formation of a higher than normal number of giant multinucleated cells of unpredictable behavior (because they can be created by cells of different cell lineages).

2. An excess of viral mRNA consisting solely of one gene. This increases the likelihood of cellular reverse transcriptase creating DNA-encoded versions of the viral spike mRNA and its incorporation into the genome of that cell. If that cell escapes destruction via innate immune inflammatory response and then proceeds through mitosis, then with each generation, the percentage of cells within the DNA-encoded spike protein will grow.

The consequence?

When whatever may happen to be the trigger to run off mRNA copies of that DNA interloper spike protein gene does its job, then those cells will start producing spike proteins from the viral mRNA.

The presence in those cells of viral mRNA and viral protein, the minimum necessary condition to trigger an alert of viral replication, will cause the compromised cells to signal the innate immune system to launch inflammatory attacks to kill those cells.

At least a couple of things follow from this:

1. The larger the number of cells putting out the alert, the greater the inflammatory response. The greater the inflammatory response, the greater the degree of collateral damage done to adjacent healthy cells. The greater the collateral damage, the greater the degree of impairment to tissue function as well as organ function.

Notice how similar this is to the genesis of a so-called autoimmune condition?

It happens in a specific tissue or organ. It starts small and grows more serious in time. Thus, the action of a DNA-encoded viral mRNA gene in a single cell type specific to a particular organ could give the appearance of viral mRNA recipients suffering an unusual increase in autoimmune disease.

2. Since the viral mRNA products, because the cell transfection reagents are indiscriminate, will compromise healthy cells in multiple organ systems, this increases the risk of cellular reverse transcriptase events occurring spontaneously in multiple tissue types.

The consequence of this?

Since different tissue types can be expected to have different hormonal or environmental cues to cause the transcription of fresh viral mRNA from the DNA-encoded forms, you could expect to see what appears to be an increase amongst recipients of viral mRNA products of a variety of different autoimmune conditions, happening at different times. This would create the impression that the viral mRNA products cause people with autoimmune conditions to have increased bouts of the disease as well as exacerbated levels of expression. In reality, it may be nothing more than the inevitable innate immune response to the signals from cells in specific tissues that they are under viral attack.

We already know that this occurs in human hepatocytes incubated with the Pfizer product. This leads me to postulate that many or perhaps all tissue-specific autoimmune diseases arise from a tissue-specific viral infection (because those cells happened to express the cell surface receptors used by that particular virus to gain entry.

In the course of the infection, some of the mRNA molecules for individual viral proteins may be subject to the action of cellular reverse transcriptase, be incorporated into the nuclear (or even mitochondrial) genome of those cells, being reproduced in ever greater numbers of daughter cells until, sometime long after that initial viral infection has long since been put down, some hormonal or environmental trigger results in the transcription of those single viral genes into viral mRNA, the transport of those viral mRNA molecules into the cytoplasm, their translation into viral protein, and the detection of both leading to a tissue or organ-specific innate immune inflammatory response.

The result?

Testing shows no pathogens present. There may be antibodies but they’re believed to exist from some long ago infection when, in reality, they are being created in response to that single viral protein and, because they and the killer T cells along with innate immune cells are seen to be attacking in a tissue-specific way, they are assumed to be the immune system attacking those tissues independently of any involvement of a pathogen, and are dubbed “autoimmune attacks.”

I call this the “lone gene theory of autoimmune disease.”

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Let's cut to the chase, in laymans terms, shall we? "It happens in a specific tissue or organ."

And that specific organ being the heart, has as a consequence induced mass mycondial dysfunction in a majority of the western world's population. In line with ye olde -problem/reaction/solution gambit, heart problems on a mass scale are going to be 'treated' - in the next phase of the gigantic scan initiated by POTUS 'wARpED sPEEd by 'xeno-transplantationists offering 'human-pig chimera' organ replacement for both newborn and older victims ...

leading to a new 'race' of neither fully 'human' nor 'animal' creatures who will provide a fitting and final legacy for the 'Second Coming' of the New Cyrus who closed out the 'western world on behalf of his talmudic masters.... while Paul 'Ostrichman' A continues to while away the remaining hours in abject adoration of the man in whom responsibility for this disaster most securely sits.

Just 'google' up UNITED THERAPEUTICS... and see what they are cooking up in their massive Minnesota 'pig farm' project. All part of the 'grand plan' to destroy ye's!

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