Once again Dr. Alexander you bring us the current scientific data that proves once again what this nefarious “virus” is causing, death and grave illness. The scariest thing is that this genocidal faux shot is still being promoted. To educate people is the only way to help bring them out of this “spell”that they are under. Armed with your information, people can concretely see the devastating effects & stop the obedient fear mode and step into truth & take sovereignty over their bodies. Blessings & thanks for your dedication and hard work !


Fairfield, CT

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Unfortunately those still "buying in" will continue to do so until their physician tells them otherwise.

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I’m sure you meant the clot shots that are causing the “death and grave illness.”

The Wuhan virus has no greater lethality than any other common coronavirus that causes common colds. Don’t buy into the mainstream medical lies! They are all designed to sell the lethal ’solution’ - the mRNA death shots.

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Are Vaccines Safe and Effective? Watch This Film to Find Out



‘Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion’ – here is a professionally produced, balanced, up-to-date film assessing the impact of genetically engineered Covid-19 vaccines. A film that everyone should watch. A film that you can send to your friends and relatives. It contains interviews with leading scientists and doctors. It also offers ample opportunity for UK corporate media and government advisory and health officials to respond to questions and criticisms.

The film includes in-depth interviews with a few of those injured by Covid vaccination. It primarily focuses on the situation in the UK, but by inference covers the pandemic response around the world.

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

It is of particular note that the pandemic response here in New Zealand was far more heavy-handed than the very concerning features of the pandemic response in the UK reported in the film.

Our lockdowns were longer and more restrictive.

The control and funding of our media content were more coercive.

Our government Covid advertising budget was higher per capita.

Our advertising messages were even more outrageous, containing false claims of absolute safety and effectiveness.

Our vaccine mandates and passes were more restrictive.

Our government accident compensation programme routinely denied claims for vaccine injury.

Vaccine exemptions were almost never granted even in the case of prior vaccine injury.

Unlike the UK, our government is still supporting universal child vaccination against the conclusions of scientific journal publishing.

Our leaders played a more significant role in the global promotion of Covid vaccination and restriction of public information.

Our government concluded an agreement with social media platforms to restrict any messaging that is contrary to government pandemic policy.

Unlike the UK, our government paid cash grants to media which were used to fund the persecution of Covid vaccine hesitant groups and individuals.

Our courts and regulatory agencies sided with the government without sufficient investigation, apparently bypassing key provisions of the New Zealand Bill of Rights.

Our government curtailed our right to protest and ask questions.

Vaccine mandates were applied in multiple professions and thereby our hard-won employment rights were restricted and permanently cancelled.

Our government withheld vital public health data. As a result, hiding: the true extent of vaccine injury, the reasons for our record rates of excess all-cause mortality, low rates of Covid mortality, and ultimately exaggerating vaccine effectiveness and safety.

Our government labelled unrestricted online access a threat to democracy, a source of violent extremism, and a cause of war.

Against the conclusions of internationally published analysis in scientific journals, our government maintains that only one death in the entire country during the last 19 months can be attributed to the effect of Covid-19 vaccination.

Bear these points in mind as you watch this film. We are living through a period where truth and honesty concerning medical risk are hard to come by. This film lays it out for you simply and honestly. It asks important questions.

Oracle Films: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion, 28 September 2022 (55 mins)


If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it HERE. https://www.oraclefilms.com/safeandeffective

About the Author

New Zealand’s Guy Hatchard, PhD, is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. He has lectured and advised governments in countries around the world on health and education initiatives. You can find more articles by Hatchard on his website The Hatchard Report HERE.

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First, thank you very much for the link to the "Safe and Effective" film. Have started watching and will certainly go back and finish.

As to the rest of your comment, was your repeated mention of "our government" intentional? As in a means of (rightly) pointing at those responsible around the world for this crime? If any good is to come from this, I hope it is the realization of people around the world to the inherent criminality of government and the fact that it attracts -- with rare, rare exception -- the worst among us. So, by default, these people can only bring ruin to all that makes life worth living.

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Hello Thank your most welcome, I just copied & pasted & shared as the information articles are nothing added to help other people nothing else has/is added from me in any way

I copied & pasted the articles news links with two Awesome Editors who both posted the articles with their own unique method of highlighting the irrefutable factual information hidden from us all worldwide to make a more informed consent decision

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Sad that even conclusive autopsy data of the deceased showing absolute proof spike proteins presence - not viral load - caused the condition responsible for the patient’s death.

There is no critical mass of fact that will be sufficient to sway the mindsets of the mass-formed vaxx crowd. They are too deeply invested in the mainstream lies to allow reason to penetrate the psychosis.

The reality is, natural selection will ultimately be the only arbiter of who made the smart choice…and who didn’t.

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"You can beat 40 scholars with one fact, but you can’t beat one idiot…with 40 facts.” - Rumi

And the other thing that this "COV!D" crime has shown is that you can't even beat 40 scholars with a boatload of facts...

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Thanks as always Dr. Alexander. The purpose of the injection seems to be death. This is David Martin’s premise. The deaths we observe directly may be the outliers in a more efficient process that takes longer but covers everyone who gets, say, to the booster stage. The shots seems innocuous to large numbers, otherwise folks would quit taking them. There is an appearance of protection because the virus will not harm most people in the first place. Propaganda that the virus is so dangerous was created by killing large numbers in the hospitals. That was the task of remdesivir.

So, the postulate that the shots are not a mistake, but rather a population reduction tool can be argued.

Biden has poisoned his entire electorate. I keep saying that because I am stunned by my own words. The conclusion is too dark to say out loud.

Finally I’ll speculate that the transhuman agenda is just another fraud. It’s a cover for the next stage of annihilation.

Lots of young people were eager to take the first shots because they love and trust “high tech.” I subscribed to REDDIT until I could not stand it any longer. Gamers, the crowd in line at the Apple store, etc. Here’s a quote: “I’m sure these guys are on top of it” referring to vaccine work at Moderna.

They were enamored of “high tech cool” and helped with the 61000 group life payouts for “laptop millenials” in 2021 (@Edward Dowd on GETTR). I guess Klaus Schwab doesn’t care about your computer skills. He just wants you dead.

Such persons may fantasize about being one of the new super humans. It’s a little like the rich people who have their heads frozen in the hope of getting reattached to a new body some day. No. Someone will unplug the freezer and toss the contents.

There will be will new injections similarly untested but likely to be debilitating and finally lethal. Testing will not be required for a shot that is supposed to kill you. Another analogy: the silicon circuit in the nose cone if an ICBM may be expensive, but does not require a 25 year lifetime.

It comes down to whether the existing shots do the job ... that job is an 80% population reduction. As the boosters are not getting a lot of traction, it’s not clear what the next step is or if that does not matter.

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Are the false claims by the public health bureaucrats that spike protein stays in the deltoid muscle mere misinformation or are they disinformation?

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They're out and out lies. Other lies - spike dissipates in two hours; vaccine stops infections; vaccine stops severe outcomes and death; this is a vaccine.

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But those considering the jab require the truth otherwise their consent is not informed consent and to jab them without informed consent would be unethical.

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Malinformation. Done with malintent. Malfeasance. Malice.

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This autopsy report is indeed a REMARKABLE finding that needs to be brought out in a mainstream medical journal. Incredibly alarming

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Too little, too late for "informed consent" on information they wanted to keep hidden for 75 years and NOT tell the public AKA inform the public, after the injected are dead and dying...maimed, etc. I call it the "kill shot" or "kill jab".

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Dr Alexander, can someone die after a year of being jabbed? My daughter was jabbed last Nov & Dec, she's had high blood pressure but nothing else, could she still get sick or worse die after this long?

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I read the spike keeps spiking. I call it Pollywogs

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Oh I know it does but after a yr Im wondering if something can pop up thats life threatening.

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Watch the FLCCC videos on intermittent fasting as a way to clear the spike protein from the body. Dr. Marik cured his type 2 diabetes with fasting and takes very few meds. Also Dr. Mobeen Sayed, who has a substack and a youtube channel. I have been trying fasting off and on and had a dream (if you believe that dreams carry messages from somewhere--the unconscious, the body, the divine world, God, somewhere) that something cigar shaped, dessicated, dry, segmented and flakey, like a fallen dead oak branch, was clearing. For what that's worth....

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Unsafe and ineffective – Mark Sharman’s powerful new documentary on the vaccine

By Kathy Gyngell -October 2, 2022


BROADCAST investigative journalism once had a great tradition. Anyone of my generation, whatever their political perspective, will remember at least a couple of landmark documentaries that shook things up, such as Night and Fog; the Up series; Shoah; Death on the Rock; the belated Channel 5 exposé of the once ‘national treasure’ Jimmy Savile, National Disgrace, and Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror.

But where have the BBC or ITV or any of the main channels been when it has come to Truth and Lies in the War on Covid? Nowhere. Silence.

It needs professionalism, experience and skills to structure and present the evidence and arguments in a broadcast investigation. It is not for amateurs. While the digital revolution has multiplied platforms and opportunities for communication, this expansion has been matched by neither quality or impact. Effective documentary-making – interweaving professionally conducted interviews, actuality and complex information, visually illustrating and bringing all this together into a coherent narrative – is not easy. It’s the result of acquired and hard learnt skills by people with the aptitude and understanding. Because we can all speak does not mean we can all communicate.

It is a former ITV News executive, Mark Sharman, we have to thank for applying his skills to producing what all the paid broadcasters have shamefully failed to do – an extraordinarily powerful counter-blast documentary against the ‘safe and effective’ vaccine meme. It would be easy to rant, to dramatise and impose your prior view. Much harder to pursue the truth dispassionately and present it calmly.

This is what Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion does. It not only shines a light on the devastated lives of the vaccine-injured – all the more poignant for their trusting belief in the official insistence that it was their duty to have their jabs in the public good – but also on the British government’s systematic denial. From its investigation of the systemic failings that underlay this – the MHRA’s transformation from safety monitor to enabler (about which we reported in July) and the faulty Big Pharma trials so readily taken at face value by watchdogs despite being little more than a PR exercise – to showing the role of Sage and the mainstream media, including the Big Tech-controlled social media, in in corralling the public into compliance while suppressing and censoring ‘Covid disinformation’ debate, Sharman pulls together the personal and the political, with its circular and impenetrable bureaucracy and quangoland, into a compelling narrative. The film features several courageous doctors who will be familiar to TCW readers: heart specialist Dr Aseem Malhotra, about whom TCW‘s Sally Beck wrote on Friday, Dr Ros Jones of HART, who has tirelessly warned against child vaccination (many of her letters have been published by TCW) and Dr Clare Craig, who has featured in and written TCW articles.

Never was the communication of this second opinion more needed. The public’s safety did not and never came first. Far from being robust on safety, quality and effectiveness, these barely trialled and known to be risky (by the Pharma companies who produced them) vaccines were rolled out as a specious condition for ‘exiting’ Lockdown. Those who questioned the necessity, the logic, the science or the ethics were at best ignored or at worst and most often, cancelled, censored and demonised as irresponsible. That included eminent scientists, doctors, ordinary citizens and, most disgracefully, the vaccine injured.

You can watch it here (on YouTube)

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) | Oracle Films | News Uncut


And you can share the link here with as many relatives, friends, colleagues, MPs, as you can think of.

Shared widely enough, this film has the power to do what investigative documentaries used to do – shake things up. All concerned members of the public are in Mark Sharman’s debt for using his professional know-how and his moral courage and commitment in the pursuit of the truth.

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Not a good finding

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Thank you for this Explosive case report. It doesn't get listed on Bing when searching with terms Vaccines Michael Morz. This very careful post mortem analysis should prompt widespread autopsy examinations and the ultimate revocations of authorizations for all the covid gene therapy products. The criminally corrupt regulatory bodies and their enablers must be prosecuted and punished in order to prevent future assaults on our health and freedom.

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I would not trust any so-called "vaccine" from Big Pharma. Read the book, Turtles All The Way Down Vaccine Science and Myth. All vaccine research is rigged and has zero science. I was shocked to learn that childhood vaccines were never compared to an unvaccinated or placebo group. The so-called scientists just assumed the childhood vaccines worked. All vaccines are toxic concoctions. Big Pharma is the modern-day Snakeoil salesman joined with a corrupted medical establishment and corrupt politicians to convince the masses to get the poisonous jabs. FUCK Big Pharma! They are mass murderers, and their toxic vaccines cause injury, suffering, disease, and death.

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Don't know if this is related, but a friend of mine who got the shots had an extended neurological episode earlier this year. Over the course of about two months he gradually lost a lot of his verbal and writing skills and became unable to focus on simple tasks, among other things. His wife took him to the hospital where they did "every test available" and found nothing. All they would say is that it kind of looked like a case of viral meningitis that resolved its self. He has regained most of his faculties, but it seemed to shift his whole personality. He became very detached, began isolating, and showed some signs of dissociating from reality. Very bizarre and sad.

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The smoking gun.

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This footnote was a bit interesting from something published in 2019

However, only the heart and some skin areas are capable of absorbing "naked mRNA"


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