Garland did authorize deadly force. It all ties in. They convict Trump, strip him of his Secret Service detail and send him to prison. Anyone who can't see it is blind. The Supreme Court must overturn this bullshit conviction before July 11.

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correct, thank you with all our heart for being here...they want him dead...

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Yes they most certainly do. I’ll go a step further Dr Alexander.

They want anyone who disagrees with them “Dead Too” and here’s an example why:

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu for example has declared her support for abolishing known gang member registries, and even the decriminalization of theft.

In a recently uncovered survey form filled out in 2021, Wu proudly declared her support for eliminating the Boston police gang database, establishing and maintaining a do-not-prosecute list, and even the “de-militarization” of the police.

Demilitarization of Police? Really? What the hell are “WU” smoking? AYBleppingKM?

This is where I draw the line Dr. This is what’s happening all around America. The “Iceberg Effect”!

Couple this WACKADO mayor of Boston with what Philadelphia is striving to achieve “the longest Drag Queen Story Hour” in Guinness History! Again, AYFKM?

The city of brotherly love will soon become the ? What, who knows why and for what reasons?

I’ll stand by my belief, President Trump is only a distraction to a much larger and more more sinister deception, which is the destruction of anyone and everyone who stands in these “Insanely Insane Leaders?”!

I know grammatically incorrect, question mark followed by a colon and ending with an exclamation point. Yes we can’t have it all, I know, plus, I faired poorly in English Class.

My point is, they want all “laws eliminated” registries deleted and prisoners released! That way there’s room for “Good and Decent” people without building encampments sites!

There’s so much more below the water level Dr, which is everything that matters in total. Yes Trump has a giant bullseye on his head as well as his family. But the much bigger problem are those we hear nothing about.

There’s a “dark cloud” hovering over head, underneath and all around. We mustn’t forget about the “Iceberg”! Climate Tree Huggers will hate me, I haven’t anytime for them either!

Thank you Dr for your endless energy to keep us well informed about all things “EVIL”

May God Bless America and The Entire World!

Please dear Lord, pay extra close attention to our beloved, Dr Alexander and his family!


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Could we conclude that Ms WU Is a Chinese Secret Agent? They have infiltrated North America.

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Most likely yes Ari, absolutely so! Excellent point out. There’s been so much crap thrown at the wall it’s extremely difficult to see everything for what it truly is.

I would bet she is.

Thank you Ari.


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We have a fake president from the CCP, killing the country while in the oval office, CCP, Congress, and filtration throughout the justice system, FBI, Gestapo, infiltrated military from the CCP, and we cannot get them out!

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thank you for this

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We have to Shut down the Government. The UNIPARTY in DC is funding all the NGO with our tax payer Money. Scary

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Paid off by George soros scumbags

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Super glad his likes will not grace the Justices position at the Supreme Court of America.

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Very unsettling.

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