Salt restriction became the entrenched govt/pHARMa mantra in the 80s. Chronic dis-eases including heart dis-ease has grown considerably since.

Salt restriction creates dehydration.

Dehydration is our Achilles heel.

Our physiology is underpinned by hydration NOT oxygenation.

Hydration equals salt plus water. Water follows salt.

Our blood carries salt water NOT oxygen.

Oxygen is a man made PRODUCT of air not a constituent of air. No oxygen occurs naturally.

Oxygen is made by stripping air of moisture to the parts per million of water contamination. Oxygen is measured by its DRYNESS.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity or WETNESS.

Oxygen when released from containment, extracts moisture from its environment, to return to its natural state, air.

Oxygen when released into the respiratory tract, extracts moisture and its toxicity results from its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species is a term used to describe oxygen toxicity. It describes damage from dryness. Oxidation is a term that describes dryness in any physiological process. Oxidation describes dis-ease.

Dehydration is the first insult that begins dis-ease.

Oxygen becomes nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles. Nitrogen is man made non-combustible oxygen. Nitrogen is synthetic smoke.

I provide a link to a demonstration showing oxygen becoming nitrogen using a home oxygen concentrator.

The elemental table is really a table of man made PRODUCTS.

The lungs require air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli. That is dew point or drop point.

Can you spot the problem with oxygen?

Zero oxygen is required in our physiology.

In my article: We breathe air not oxygen I explain the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is a fraud. A hang over from when animals were equated with machines. We do not use gases of combustion and exhaust, we are not their machine men.

The lungs are rehydrating the red blood cells with salt water. The red light monitoring is checking hydration not oxygenation.

The heart maintains a vacuum, the blood is sucked through the circulatory system not pushed.

The blood volume is more important than blood pressure. Dehydration or low blood volume increases heart rate and heart work. The adrenals are triggered by trauma and dehydration.

Salt is your best friend.

Learn the symptoms of dehydration and remedy as soon as possible to maintain your ability to heal.

My article: How does salt restriction lead to heart disease-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Teaches you what to look for.

Any dryness, eyes, lips - dehydration.

A headache is the first sign of brain dehydration.

Nausea and anorexia and vomiting are signs of dehydration.

Put salt on your food to give your adrenals time to recuperate.

Get out of the fight/flight/freeze cycle.

We are easily manipulated when we are dehydrated because we can’t access our frontal cortex.

Getting salty is the road to calmness and strategic thinking.

Click on my blue icon to read my articles.

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Well here it is. The only truth about the entire modern stone age medical mafia...fade to black.

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Paul, I see you will be talking about CNN and Gupta, and how they smeared you and others about herd immunity. Of course, you were RIGHT all along, you and Atlas.

By the way, I donated to you using your Ko-Fi link. Not sure if it went through correctly.

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Thank you!

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I will agree that making the diagnosis in any disease is proper. A wrong diagnosis will lead to Unnecessary tests and medications. Yes, someone with advanced atherosclerosis it can be very difficult to impossible to obtain a true blood pressure with an arm or leg blood pressure cuff and measuring a true blood pressure by inserting an arterial line is the only accurate way. Putting in an arterial line to measure a blood pressure is rarely needed and is not the norm - that is why 99.9% of blood pressures are measured by a blood pressure cuff. A blood pressure cuff is a tool and like any tool it can be used improperly. Yes, medications have side effects.

That said, the guy who wrote this is very ignorant and misleading people. He starts off saying, "orthostatic hypotension or POTS describes a common condition" - POTS Syndrome is neither common nor is it the same thing as, "orthostatic hypotension". That is just one more of the errors he makes in this writing on High Blood Pressure.

People who have high blood pressure and don't treat it are common. I saw them for 30 years over and over. They develop kidney failure (at least 1/2 of the nephrology patients are due to or contributed to by uncontrolled high blood pressure), and of course diastolic heart failure which then leads to more kidney damage. Uncontrolled high blood pressure causes dementia and strokes. If your kidneys and heart don't work good, nothing works good.

The author of this is also mistaken on saying that controlling high blood pressure does not prevent the damages to organs like the heart and kidneys. That is Blatantly False. If fact we can show that the wall thickness of the left ventricle of the heart can actually return to normal with control of High Blood Pressure - Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH) is mostly caused by High Blood Pressure. If you have LVH it is a predictor of heart attack, stroke, and death. Every Nephrologist will tell you that controlling the blood pressure prevents further kidney damage and that is why they work so hard on controlling high blood pressure. If you have High Blood Pressure and don't treat it, we know exactly what damage it will do to your body and it will shorten your life span and decrease the quality of your life as you go back and forth from all the doctors you will be seeing to stay alive.

BTW, I've never seen acupuncture cure high blood pressure nor is acupuncture considered a treatment of high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure and it is being treated only with acupuncture because you were told that is all you needed, depending upon the severity of your high blood pressure, you may still develop LVH. If you develop LVH under this scenario, then it is a clear case of malpractice.

This article insinuates that most people that have high blood pressure really don't have it. It misleads people into thinking that having high blood pressure isn't a bad thing for them in the long term. It misleads people into thinking that treating high blood pressure does not prevent the complications of high blood pressure. It misleads people into thinking that they are wasting time, money, and causing themselves harm by taking dangerous medications they don't need. If you do have high blood pressure we are blessed with having many different medications to choose from that do have a good side effect profile and are generic (low cost) so you can find a treatment plan that you can tolerate.

If you don't believe what I am saying, then google "hypertensive nephrosclerosis". It is just one of the horrible diseases prevented by controlling people's blood pressure. On the Kidney biopsy you can actually see the damage to the blood vessels and the kidney itself all caused by hypertension.

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So what I learned from discussions about how to effect positive heart function is less stress and regular exercise. I do not trust statins less focus on cholesterol.

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As you know there is good stress and there is bad stress. Exercise is a good stress. Too much exercise, and it hurts us. Emotional stress is the same. We need it to a certain extent but too much can be overwhelming.

Most of the doc's I know think differently about statin drugs. However, I continually see in the press the stupid push to lower cholesterol. I think there is enough growing evidence that statins work by decreasing cellular inflammation and not by lowering cholesterol.

This is an interesting study on Statin use in the ICU. It indirectly proves that the people who were taking the Zocor in the ICU that saw a drop in mortality form sepsis, stroke, and "in all cause mortality" was due to the drug itself and not the level of the cholesterol. If it was true that the drop in mortality and length of hospitalization was strictly due to a low cholesterol level then everyone on the hospital would be getting medications that drop cholesterol to extremely low levels - that doesn't happen and it does not make sense. Therefore, the improvement in shortening the length of hospitalizations and the improvement with the decrease in "all cause mortality" must be due to something else besides the level of cholesterol.


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