Human beings have always reached toward God in one way or another, from before Stonehenge to present day. This is a very encouraging project because it gives a tangible object of holiness and peace to focus upon. The 10 commandments are key to godliness in the human heart. If this can remind people of the 10 commandments it’s a very powerful step toward peace everywhere.

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LOOKS like another 'golden calf' to me. The Israelis who spent time and money on this project are lost souls, what a waste of resources (probably from the US taxpayer). The real ARC was supposedly heavily charged with radiation and very dangerous to be around without protection. The container shown was meant to be a shield and protective device for what was inside according to legend. It was built of gold to contain the radiation. I have zero kind words for Israel

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Yes quite a feat.

I so wish these religious objects so revered and imbued with so much meaning (reinforcing narratives that are helpful to some) could be extended to all flesh and blood humans.

What a time so many crazy contradictions.

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This ark project is for naught, and the story told here has many ideas and statements that are not particularly consistent with the Bible. The Jews (a term misused these days) are confused. The temple was rebuilt in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah...New Jerusalem is coming down out of heaven from God very soon, apparently...and the "Jews" are going to see God's Son Jesus face to face...and be ashamed that they did not believe the Bible. When Jesus comes back (soon), the entire Earth is judged by fire...everything in the Earth will be dissolved...including Jerusalem...it is pointless to try to refabricate the original purpose of the Ark...a new covenant was made in the blood of Jesus...and the Jews have not respected that covenant...and will have to answer for it to Jehovah...God...whom I wonder about how He feels about being called 'Hashem'...His name, YahWeh, Jehovah, (Joshua is the Hebrew name Jesus) and Jesus are the same name... pronounced Yah-Hu- Wah...I am that I am...Alpha and Omega, and are normal and expected usages by those who worship Him in truth and in spirit. The commandment "THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD IN VAIN" means that one is not to worship, magnify, exalt, or raise up the name of the Lord in vain. ( The word TAKE means...lift up, magnify, exalt) ...in other words, take worship of God seriously... no fakes allowed, no dissemblers allowed, no phonies, pretending to be pious, reverent lovers of God and the truth of everything...do it for real...no DEI, ESG. No pretending.

The ark was built by the children of Israel while wandering in the desert...not in Egypt...to specifications given to Moses. Those specifications are in the Bible.

The children of Israel lost the Ark to the Philistines after they disobeyed God...it had nothing to do with misusing the Ark...the twelve tribes were misusing their king...Jehovah, and the Philistines, who stole the Ark, were punished with hemorrhoids for their trouble, which were remediated by God, after an offering of 5 mice and 5 hemorrhoids...cast from gold, were given by the five lords of the Philistines. One of those five lords was the lord of Gaza. The Ark was returned to the Israelites on a cart drawn by two milk cows. God healed the Philistines hemorrhoids after they returned the Ark to the children of Israel.

Jesus is still waiting for the Jews (those from the tribe of Judah) to confess that He is the Son of Jehovah, so that they will convert and He should heal them. Immanuel, Jesus, was God in the flesh, whose whole purpose was to save the twelve tribes of Israel from their sins...the rest of "Israel" became Christians, the Western world...of whom Wiki Pedia assigns a (phony) status of ..."extinct"...(so much for "fact checkers")...Jesus said He would sort them all out, at the end of the world however,...the goats to the left, and the sheep of His flock to the right. The goats get to be burned in the fire, and the sheep, likened as wheat, go into the 'garner'....New Jerusalem...the City of God...coming soon. Best get started on reading the Bible...facts matter...the wrath of God is upon they who love NOT the truth.

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The New Jerusalem will come down after Yeshua has reigned on earth for 1000 years , there are errors in this comment

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Sorry Sam...you are incorrect. New Jerusalem comes back with Jesus, after the tribulation, and that is where we will be with Jesus for the thousand years after He returns. His throne is in New Jerusalem, Sam, along with the river of the water of life, (which flows from the throne of God) and the trees of life. We will worship Him on His throne. Pre-tribbers agree with you, (I do not)...but they cannot substantiate their position. It is false. Non-Scriptural. Jesus comes back WITH His reward...Rev. 22: 12, 13, 14)...New Jerusalem is the place where we find refuge from the destruction of the Earth by fire, at the coming of Jesus, as He gathers us. Think about this for a second...will all the believers in Jesus be sitting on clouds for a thousand years? (the Earth is dissolved at the second coming)...No...we will be in the City of God, ....the seven letters to the Churches in Rev. 3: all describe what 'overcomers' can expect...and that includes admittance to the holy city of God, for maintaining a faithful testimony, in spite of tribulation, persecution and threat of death. New Jerusalem is described "as the bride"...Rev. 21: 9,10...by the angel speaking to John...because the Church is in New Jerusalem, in the air, the clouds, if you will, watching the Earth burn following the resurrection and rapture...(Matt. 24: 29)...Jesus comes AFTER the sun is darkened, and moon into blood... the sun is darkened AFTER the tribulation. Clearly, Jesus gathers us AFTER the tribulation. The idea being propagated by Satan's minions about pre-trib is common these days...but not historically correct or true...it is false doctrine, designed to promote complacency and take us out of the fight...we were warned to watch, so that THAT DAY did not overtake us as a thief...Jesus comes with great power and glory....it is THE DAY that sneaks up on us...not Jesus...He comes so brightly that every eye will see HIm. We will be with Him IN NEW JERUSALEM the day He returns. God rebuilds and repopulates the Earth for the next thousand years, then looses Satan again for his last hoorah...then sends Satan into the Lake of Fire...where the Beast and the False Prophet were placed when Jesus came back. Take a look at 2 Peter 3: ...(the Earth is incinerated in the Day of the Lord)... then check out Joel, and also Peter's statement in Acts 2: ...."the sun is darkened, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and terrible day of the Lord". You will surely see, comparing Matt. 24:29....that the sun is darkened IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION. Then Jesus returns, and resurrects all believers, following with the "rapture"...i.e. live people that survived the tribulation, overcomers, enduring to the end, and saved, even through the fiery trial, transported to the skies....NOT TO SIT ON CLOUDS FOR A THOUSAND YEARS, SAM. We will be in New Jerusalem, standing before the throne, watching the Earth burn, through the crystal sea, (golden streets, clear as glass) as though mingled with fire... Sam, false doctrine is abundant these days, with many willing to accept what they are told. Like Covid jabs)...Do not buy into it. Not many beginners question the pastors who are teaching this false doctrine...but I have confronted many, and politely asked them to prove all they assert...literally hundreds have been challenged on this issue, and NONE OF THEM have responded with a cogent bible based argument. They always mock, retreat, pivot, delay, or lean on "dispensation"...a false doctrine itself. All of the Bible applies all of the time..."dispensationalists" do not like the idea of having to maintain a truthful testimony till the end of the tribulation...they do not like the idea of losing their heads, being starved, beaten, or being cast into prison, or having to maintain good works...James, the brother of Jesus, said faith without works is dead. Our job is to maintain faith and testimony in spite of all these mortal threats to our lives. The wrath of God is upon those who love not the truth...and, unfortunately, there are many who claim to be Christians, yet do not love the truth...some of the worst are pastors. For full disclosure Sam, lest you be doubtful of what I am saying, I have literally studied the KJV 1611 more than 25 times, cover to cover, backwards, forwards and sideways...and am very confident that the false doctrine I am pointing out is indeed that...false doctrine. No one has proven your assertion to be true yet...in spite of requests from me to hundreds of people...including pastors...they CANNOT prove this false doctrine true using the Bible...but it is easy for me to show that their belief in pre-trib and New Jerusalem coming at the end of the Millennium is just plain false doctrine. New Jerusalem is here at the beginning of the millennium. Mass hypnosis Sam, has taken many unawares. New Jerusalem is where we safely ride out the judgement (burning) of the Earth. A final point...why would Jesus come back and reign for a thousand years in this filthy cesspool...in righteousness, truth and beauty...and then burn the Earth...??? The Bible says the Earth burns in the Day of the Lord...there cannot be any living thing left. We are indisputably safe in the city of God at the return of our Saviour. God builds a new heaven and a new earth...for a thousand years there is peace, joy, cleanliness, and then...final judgement at the end of the millennium of those who were NOT written in the Lamb's Book of Life. They join the beast, the false prophet, and all liars, along with their boss Satan, in the Lake of Fire. I hope this is helpful Sam...it is good for you to establish the facts, and question the folks that are teaching you, as if your life depended upon it. I take it you are indeed a believer...Sam, we are responsible for what we believe, and will be required to account for every word we utter. All the best Sam, may God bless you with knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

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'With eyes on winning war, building third Jewish Temple, Ark replica shown in Jerusalem'...

Will the third temple be built in America?

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Why would it be built in America, it has nothing to do with America, but with the Jews and Israel. America is not the center of the world, as Americans think, Israel and Jerusalem is, according to God.

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I don't expect that the original will ever be found. The people of Israel started to treat it as a talisman, something magical to 'ensure victory' in battle. They didn't accept that God is something that man cannot control, and it's purpose was to point to higher things. Israel had strayed from God and lost in battle anyway. Other than as an archeological curiosity if it were to be found, its purpose has been fulfilled. And God brought forth the New Ark of the Covenant, Mary herself, who carried in her womb the true Word of God (not just stone tablets), the Bread of Life (not just pieces of temporal manna), Jesus Christ. For further understanding of God's fulfillment, I recommend Scott Hahn's very readable "Hail, Holy Queen" book.

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Absolutely Amazing & Awesome! What a treasure! This is so cool! It would be so awesome to be able to see this replica, up close in person!

Also, they are right, such a time to reveal this, when Israel is being attacked from all sides! & We all need Trump back!

Israel wouldn't have been attacked like this if we hadn't had our election stolen! He won 2020, & the evil deep state was threatening any Lawyer that was going to help President Trump! Supreme Court wouldn't even look at any of the evidence of voter fraud!

I'm so grateful that this was taken to Mar-a-Lago, Florida, because I know President Trump would have loved to have seen this! Also, I think awesome Paula White, his friend & "Pastor" (?) would love to see this also!

When I saw her on TV yrs ago, on TBN, it was right before I saw Trump on his show, & had to pray for him, because I was angry about him firing people on TV! For real? Or just a show? I didn't know! I turned the TV Off right away & walked away mad! Then I realized I needed to pray for his salvation! So then I thought he really needs to see Paula White, & Prayed for them to get to meet each other!

Right before that, I had seen her for the first time, she was on TV, TBN, with a man showing Inside a replica of the Temple, & explaining everything about it! Awesome!

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Just amazing! Near me in Florida we have the Tabernacle in the Wilderness built to scale and have tours to experience it. It’s pretty amazing.


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Oh, I bet that's the place Paula White was at when sharing a replica of the Temple, on Christian TV, & some man was with her, teaching also! I'd love to see that again!

It was an awesome replica they created, of the Ark of the Covenant!

I think it was on TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network, (unless it was Daystar) a long time ago, while Obummer was in the White House, I remember that's when I first saw Paula, just before the first time I saw Trump! Trump was on his TV show & I was just visiting my family down in Calif & didn't know if it was for real or not, that he was actually firing people on TV?! Anyways I was so upset I felt I had to pray for him! :) & the one person I thought of who could reach him was Paula White, because just like I said, I had just seen her & she was so awesome, so anointed & smart, explaining how the Lord was represented in it! & I wished Trump had seen her that day! So I prayed for God to bring them together, so she could help him grow close to God! For his Salvation! I wanted him to see her on TV or someone introduce him to her.

Also, I always wondered where that place "was" that I saw Paula White, in the replica Temple, so thanks!

I think it was yesterday,or the day before now, I saw Trump with Paula, who is now his personal friend & Pastor, at at Faith meeting on stage, & she said that he just raised $7 mill to go for hurricaine victims AWESOME!

The 2nd time I saw Trump, he got out of a big black helicopter & said "show me the birth certificate!" (carlgallups.com/obamafraud) & I didn't realize then I had seen him before, & I pointed at him & said, "I want You To be our President!" I saw his name on it & I prayed! Then I saw that clip of him again on Fox when he announced he was going to run for President! Praise God! Thank God he did! He won again but, as you probably know, it was stolen! "The Steal" vol 1-3 by: Joe Hoft RIGGED2020.COM FRANKSPEECH.COM

We are In A spiritual battle for America! Light vs Darkness, Good vs Evil!


Daystar.com/censored truth about bioweapon Jab

"Died Suddenly" stewpeters.com & on Rumble! Thank God he's hooking up with RFK jr! he has the


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Tabernacle in the wilderness, not "Temple!"

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The best aspect of Christianity's legacy!

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