The most obvious admission of guilt by those culpable in this genocide is their ABSOLUTE LACK of any mia culpa or expression of distress over the harms they've caused. Any truly genuine scientists who saw their work causing such worldwide distress would fall on their sword and beg that their obviously failed experiment gets cancelled, but not these callous, heartless demons.....such as Gates, Tedros, Bourla, Walensky, etc, etc.... They're too busy counting the money.

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Yes and we also know it was Trump/Pence who promoted Operation Warp Speed, and Trump never renounced the vaccine, even for our military.

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Absolutely. Watch this video by David Martin.

No one in Congress will touch this.

Much easier to blame everything on China.


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I agree 100 percent. I think Trump’s mistake was too much trust in bad people

If he had bad intentions he would have been for the mandates like Biden and the rest of the evil medical and political establishment. We have the benefit of hindsight. He didn’t. Now he needs to tell the world he was wrong about the shots, Fauci and the rest of the lying bunch. I think he will in time.

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Dr. Alexander,

Of course it's deliberate. That was apparent even before the lockdown measures and shaming muzzle mandates began being implemented. Some of us (including myself) , from the outset were telling people, "They" ("They" being "Mr. Global" and his paid apparatchiks) are going to use this to begin their plan to cull the human race on an unprecedented (unprecedented because nothing so evil has yet been attempted in human history) level.

The overwhelming majority of people all over the world were swept up in the minute-by-minute fear porn pouring out of the lame-stream, bought-off, CIA Operation Mockingbird whore media, so much so that hardly anybody considered looking outside the box and ask deep probing questions.

Here are examples :

In roughly mid-February 2020 I found out about EVENT 201 by way of a piece published on the ContagionLive.com website. In that piece the journalist discussed a conversation with a representative from the World Health Organization. As many of us know, EVENT 201 was held on October 18, 2019 in New York City. I'm not going to get in to ALL the NGOs, media apparatchiks, "govern - ment officials", medical "experts", so called "philanthropists" and other actors that were instrumental in planning, organizing, sponsoring and facilitating EVENT 201. If anybody hasn't yet learned any-thing during these last three years, they are never going to learn any-thing. Back to the conversation with the WHO representative. That person told the author of the piece published on ContagionLive stated, unequivocally, an event of the magnitude that EVENT 201 was takes well more than a year to put together before the event is actually held. Then there's the topics of discussion on the day of EVENT 201. Anybody that saw the videos (while they were still available) knows that a herculean effort was going to be implemented in order to silence anybody that questioned even one single iota of what was about to be thrust on to the World stage.

There is the not so trivial part that Neil Ferguson played with his erroneous "computer modeling". And virtually nobody questioned Ferguson's rather long track record of being off in some other galaxy with his "computer modelled" projections. In fact, virtually everybody paid homage to that idiot as if he was/is some form of deity.

Ferguson's "computer modelled" projections ties in to the alleged R 0 (R - naught for those unfamiliar) values. If the R 0 value was allegedly so high and the alleged virus was/is everywhere at all times please explain to me how I and many others have never experienced one purported symptom since this global psy-op began?

Which leads to the utterly useless Polymerase Chain Reaction Test, you know, the same one now being used worldwide to "detect" Bird Flu in poultry flocks thus we now have mass culling of those poultry flocks. Kerry Mullis was on record declaring the PCR Test cannot detect illness/infection. Oh, except Dr. Mullis, interestingly enough, passed away in 2019, July if I recall correctly.

One of the numerous other things I dug deep in to is total annual all-cause fatality rates (before the global psy-op COVID-19) here in the United States. This is when I really began yelling FOUL. In the United States of America the total annual all-cause fatality rate has been, historically, roughly 2.7 million to 2.9 million. Here's where things get interesting. By Johns Hopkins University's own published pre-scam-demic statistics, it is estimated that roughly 200,000 to 400,000 of ALL IN HOSPITAL DEATHS are attributable to medical malpractice and/or medical misdiagnosis. That's a rather jaw dropping number in a country pontificating the "BEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD". Yet that's not all. In late February 2020/early March 2020 as I was digging ever deeper down several rabbit holes I came across another independent study conducted by a consortium of physicians. In that study the physicians estimated that of the average annual all-cause fatality rate of 2.7 million to 2.9 million in the United States of America as much as 60% of all in-hospital and out-of-hospital deaths are attributable to medical malpractice and/or medical misdiagnosis. Pardo my expression but, THAT'S A FUCKING HUGE NUMBER! I don't care what anybody thinks of my opinion, sounds to me like we need to shut down the entire FUCKING medical industrial complex/pharmaceutical industrial complex and get to the bottom of what the fuvk is going on!! Even so, some of us already know, don't we? You know, how "philanthropic" organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation have meddling in "healthcare" for decades. But shutting down an obviously broken/corrupt medical industrial complex/pharmaceutical industrial complex will never happen. Gotta keep those counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes rolling in, right? For some reason I think back to Madeleine Albright's answer when asked if the annihilation of 500,000 innocent Iraqi children was justified, stating, tough decisions had to be made and it was worth it in order to achieve our objectives.

There are also several documents published by the CDC and FDA that, well, for me, raise numerous questions about every aspect of this ongoing global psy-op. Let's just say that I'm, to this day, firmly in the camp of what Jon Rappoport has been reporting about the medical industrial complex/pharmaceutical industrial complex for decades. Anybody familiar with his work will understand. Given facts that I've listed here, it's quite easy to stand in that camp.

I could add loads more, such as all the double-speak, foked-tongued, declarations by Fauci, Walensky, Ghebreyesus, van Kerkhove, Ryan, and a whole slew of so-called "experts", "doctors", and "govern - ment" "officials"

All that said, will any of the real key perpetrators of this global psy-op/culling of the human race be held fully accountable? I'm not holding my breath.

Be well!

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President Trump was convinced the injections would help. He was taken in by Fauci and Berx as were we all. In a shockingly global heist costing the world's populations injury and death all for greed, and also depopulation according to the World Economic Forum who wants less of us so they can claim the earth for themselves. Alter all, Fauci owns Maderna, and Gates owns Pfizer what do you expect from these two evil men and their evil colleagues. Also our own Government has a patent on this bioweapon so the US and the world have been taken over by their own governments following a plan created by Klaus Schwab and however many Davos men and women who expect to live the high life while the rest of us are their subjects, as long as we can live.

I believe the drug companies can choose the lot number that can cause the most death and injury and that is what they did to our military, and IMO also targeted Canada's physicians and many children. The next phase that goes with the bioweapon will cause birth defects, low birth rates, reduced testosterone, reduced sperm counts, infertility in women, and preborn spontaneous abortions. If a nursing mother gets a shot and nurses her baby, the baby will probably die and this has happened. For reasons I can't comprehend, the administration hates the country they are in, and so do the Davos evil leaders. The whole thing is Satanic. Only Satan can get credit for killing and injuring God's creation. How did they do this? Everyone was paid off handsomely, esp the media. It was all intended. Pfizer actually had a conference with powerpoint presentations listing about 1400 injuries that can happen and of course, did. Remember this: they spilt propaganda on us all, fear on us all. The shot is lethal. We still have no idea of everything in it. The scientists that examined it microscopically said it is lethal with spike proteins that make our own bodies create Covid and not only that, but leak it to those around the vaccinated person. Now they want annual Covid shots for all of us, and on the children's vaccine schedule so they can be injured or killed.

Some people are still hypnotized and in denial of this truth, even in our families, and can't be convinced. If you love your children and family, do not get any more boosters or other shots.

In the beginning, the fact that the shot caused deaths while in studies was all withheld from Doctors and Scientists until they got Fisa requests for information.

By the way, I just sent Tucker Carlson the information from Dr. David Martin. Let's see how brave Tucker is. I was able to get 4 letters to the editor in our local paper without being jailed. I am 80. Come on people, rise up and be brave. Get the truth out there. It's been three terrible years of hell. The drug cartell wants all their data to be hidden for 75 years. Because it's the truth. For the sake of the next generation, if there will be one, do something. The early Doctors and Scientists in the US, and all the other countries tried to tell us the truth, and did so, only to lose their licenses to practice or their lives. These companies are guilty of felonies, crimes against humanity, injury and murder of the world's people. Please pray. That is the only thing that can defeat this horrible evil. They thought of every single detail to fool us, and they did. I write as one vaccinated, wondering my own fate.Thank you Dr. Alexander for your substack and all the hours you spend educating us.

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What do you think? Is this deliberate? YES

Are dark people using this for their evil agendas?


They used it to topple Trump, YES


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Yes. Big Pharma and Fauci worked on the toxic mRNA vaccines at the Wuhan lab. It was always the " vaccine," but they needed a pretext, so the seasonal flu was propagandized and renamed the Coronavirus "killer virus" that was taking over the globe. They also need a county that could lock down its people and promote the bullshit "killer virus" movie worldwide. Commie China said they would do it, and the propaganda media went through a feeding frenzy showing "dead" people on Wuhan city streets, and the masses believed it.

Trump and Pence got played big time by the snake Fauci. Now, the new cover story is the Wuhan lab leak of the "killer virus" which is just more bullshit so they can blame all the experimental toxic mRNA jab deaths and injures on a lab-created "killer virus." The COVID-19 jab is the real killer virus, and they knew it all along and wanted to kill and injure billions of people. Millions around the globe have died from toxic jabs, and many more will die in the future, mainly the boosted ones.

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Definitely some sort of a bioweapon. But I don't think the covid injections were designed to do the harm they are doing. As Dr. Mike Yeadon explained, the plan was to implement a global digital ID vaxxiine passport system so they can inject you with anything they want whenever they want, and if you don't comply, your digital ID becomes invalid. In order to establish that infrastructure, they needed 99% of the people to comply and in order to achieve that, they needed a safe and effective product. Not Safe and Effective™ with a ™ symbol, but really safe and and effective. They screwed that up with their fake vaxxiine synthetic mRNA gene transfer bullcrap injections and the people started pushing back. So the plan failed for now, but they will certainly try again. They are already preparing for it. See WHO plandemic treaty.

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Without question. Now that they’ve (Department of Energy) admitted it was highly likely the so called virus originated in some lab in Wuhan and by accident it escaped, doesn’t this start to pull the house of cards down?

People have the memory of a goldfish. Surely they must remember the bat soup meme and the absolute shellacking anyone received who questioned it was cooked up in a lab? Now that this entire “natural” origin of Covid-19 story is admitted to be fake, questions about the rest of the fakery must follow.. it ain’t that hard to join the dots, is it?

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Yes, an act of war against the American people, authorized by POTUS and Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump. The responsibility is his, whether it was with intent or not. Time will tell, as Trump will likely be brought before a court a law. In any events, history and God will be the final judge.

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Tell your readers about how mRNA injections are being used to maximize return on investment in the food system that supplies meat protein to the masses! Pfizer, Merck and Lilly are prime. We are just the latest to be targeted!

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"100% they used it to topple Trump"

I don't know if it was planned that way but that is exactly what happened. Without the benefit of massive mail-in ballot fraud, the already enormous spike in Biden "votes" at three in the morning on November 4, 2020, would have been so much larger that even some liberals might have conceded that it was fraud.

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It might be a military soft kill but I think it is mostly a "Experiment on the general population" and a "Cover your ass" operation by the assholes in government. Its pretty clear that the government funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan. It's pretty clear that's where the virus escaped. It's absolutely clear that the "vaccine" was developed before the outbreak and was completely untested and it's pretty clear that Fauci and the rest of the criminals in government are lying assholes. The rot in our government is happening at the very top of our three letter organizations.

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That was said around November 2021. We did not know back then exactly what we know now, although we had a reasonable idea due to Byram Bridal obtaining under FOI from the Japanese Government, the bio distribution of the spike protein throughout the body & it was not good. Bone marrow was a big concern. We knew it was non sterilising, hard evidence (Israel), & that the “vaccine” didn’t work & drove viral immune escape variants risking antibody dependant enhancement of infection & disease. Also the spike protein enters the nucleus of the cells, down regulating DNA damage repair & the immune system. Not a vaccine due to such negative efficacy. This is defined as a bioweapon.

Deploy this prototype countermeasure regularly at the height of the pandemic and speed up the whole depraved process. Vary the content & concentration in the varying batches so it’s confusing to trace. Don’t forget the fear and stress, humiliating gaslighting if adversely affected, criminalise ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine etc. 5GW psychological operations. Mass formation psychosis. Went off like clockwork at first but isn’t lasting. The DOMINOS ARE FALLING Vladimir Putin is destroying all these vaccines, 17 USA senators actively awake & growing numbers else were.

Its happening! Have to now overcome denial which corporate directors are struggling with now due to having mandated their staff, had it themselves & given it to their children. Wouldn’t be easy.

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