"Truth is the agreement of knowledge with its object."---Immanuel Kant

No amount of “woke” temper tantrums, appeals to emotion, Ipse dixit, politicization of science, or any other form of mental masturbation will ever change the objective fact that men cannot “transition” into women and women cannot “transition” into men.

Maintaining a firm grasp of this obvious fact means knowing that the winner of the Men’s Decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics is still a man and will remain a man until he draws his final breath; even if he “identifies” as a “teapot short and stout.” It means knowing that T ≠ LBG. It means knowing that a mental illness is not a civil right. It means knowing that subjecting children to transgender ideology—i.e., trapping them in a world that they never made—constitutes institutionalized child abuse and crimes against humanity on a scale far surpassing the medical crimes engendering the Declaration of Geneva.

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Canada's top govt Doktor is Tamm the man. We get medical advice/mandates from a mental patient who believes he's female. Welcome all to the insane rainbow asylum that was formerly known as Canada.

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It used to be treated as a mental health condition. You didn’t reinforce the delusional thinking, you deal with reality and therapy to accept and cope. No more. Depression, suicidal thoughts are treated with hormone therapy antidepressants and disfiguring surgery. The drug therapies and wounds from surgery never heal. Internally or externally. So now we are supposed to let them dance for our children supposedly for tolerance and acceptance? Parents are going along with it and virtue signaling to the LGBTQ community that they approve when they expose their kids to this.

This is extremely dangerous on all fronts. Reinforcing delusion of potentially suicidal, irrational adults that engage in sexual deviancy. And Parents are endangering their children in multiple ways by exposing them to this. And I can tell you as a mom that kids do not want to be anywhere near this.

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Trannies in the military.

Russia and China are laughing.

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Yes! Agree 100%! We - parents, society, teachers, counselors, doctors - failed these transgender wannabes. As a result, we have failed ourselves and our society. Stop this insanity and get some semblance of normalcy back. It took decades to get to this point, it will take years of concentrated effort to get back. Let’s see if there is enough testosterone left in men to do it.

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These deviants and their supporters are MENTALLY ILL and evil.

They need help, not encouragement and any help they get must be done in confined environments.

Good people do not want their children around these deviants. There's a reason people like that were burned at the stake, thrown from buildings, etc.

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& the worst conversion therapy, ever.

Imagine creating various mass social contagions which propel the viable otherwise ‘healthy’ masses to self castrate and willingly sterilize their own children or themselves??!!?? Or mutilations like top surgery & all medically intrusive and irreversible interventions , curse those young people to be unable to pursue fulfillment, or possibly conceive, or carry or nurse?? This is scary for the continuing of our society.

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a man without a penis used to be called a eunuch

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

While we lived our lives and many struggled to just maintain, the psychopaths were busy in our schools. We, strongly rooted in western fundamental ethics and religious commandments, humoured the guided moral bankruptcy of our youth and destruction of our families for far too long, never believing this engineered perversion truly could smear the divide between good and evil. I fear we may have emphasized for too long, the moral derailment is everywhere as many youth have giddily joined this sudden empowerment, steeped in the misguided validation of their immature minds and advanced by their grooming idols. The screeching satanic carnival is now forcefully and precisely propelled forward by the aggressive intermixing of eastern and western standards. So many have willfully chopped off their supporting roots and have become a free-floating mess of tangled identity - it will take much effort and proper nourishment to re-sprout what is lost. Instead we descend into further chaos. Can we still stop what now has shockingly gained internal momentum ? Or must it run its destructive path, the rootless thrashing circus wilting away in self-mutilation, chemical dosing, unable to weather the rude awakening ahead. It seems a massive tilling is unavoidable, good luck to us all.

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If the drugs and surgeries involved in transgenderism aren’t enough, then the COVID vax will finish the job of sterilization.

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Absolutely agree!!!

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Conversation about sexual orientation, color of skin, language/cultural differences, and class divides us. Removing our differences stealing our individual identities. Slaves are slaves regardless of sex, color, language. You may not be superior or lower in class than the other, you each will learn to do as you are told and only granted food and shelter if you comply. This is all done by design, we will end up a being a dumbed down controlled species.

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Thank you !!!!

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Thank you as a women for this great article. I am angry that women are allowing any man in sports as well as allowing these freaks attention. There is a war on women and these sick drag queens is beyond believe to allow theses perverts anywhere near a child. We are living in an insane world and why and how did did a minority group of mentally ill people obtain credibility? I know the answer to destroy society!

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