Let me say it back, tell

me if I have it right:

The engineered virus was more infectious than it would have been because the Furin cleavage site enhanced binding to ACE2 molecules on cell surfaces, allowing easier invasion of the cells ... especially in the respiratory tract. As a result almost everybody gets the infection. While symptoms are overlapped by the general collection of coronavirus respiratory symptoms, this infection was generally more severe. Loss of smell for example is more common than other corona infections and indicates a neurological pathology attributable to the spike protein or at least made worse by it (so I have read).

COVID.1. The vast majority of folks ... like me and Joe Rogan ... had flu symptoms and recovered in a few days with a week of afternoon naps post cold symptoms. Some had it worse and felt lousy for weeks ... so called “long COVID.”

COVID.2. HOWEVER, for some this viral infection has THIS effect a week or so after viral infection is over: thrombosis that results in difficulty breathing. specifically, low O2 concentration owing to blood clotting in the lungs. Overweight folks were selectively if not exclusively affected this way.

This blood clotting is due to a cytokine storm: lung inflammation following the infection results in blood platelet adhesion and circulatory dysfunction that impacts breathing. The antibodies to the spike protein may play a role in this inflammation. This requires more explanation. Medical history is also an important factor in vulnerability to COVID.2.

Now the impact on mortality comes into question.

Some people with breathing difficulty “toughed it out” at home and survived, even with no special care. Some. Some old and frail died where they lay. That can happen with any flu. Maybe more severe with this one.

HOWEVER, the vast majority of such cases reported to the ER as home treatments were withheld. Effective home treatments that would have eliminated 85% of hospitalizations were identified almost on day one in letters to the FDA and testimony to Congress. Ignored and disparaged by the FDA. Why?

Hospitalization was a death sentence for huge numbers because of hospital protocols: organ failure from remdesivir poisoning combined with neglect while sustaining lung damage from ventilation and failure to treat the primary cause of breathing difficulty.

Because of incompetent hospital care contributing to death, we cannot even speak of the “mortality” of the virus. Like the families, the virus was not in attendance. Patients already weakened by lung clotting were not treated for that at any realistic level, despite the published treatments available. They were burdened by protocols that could have killed NOT VERY SICK patients, and sometimes probably did when false PCR tests triggered the protocol.

The massive hospital fatalities delivered by a monolithic hospital system ... a militarized response ... can rightly be called an “American Holocaust.”

There is nothing far-fetched about comparing our hospitals to the death camps of WW2, or a scenario out of “The Time Machine.” Patients reported to the ER and exited the loading dock with industrial efficiency. With a premium of $500k per corpse collected by the hospital for its services. Payout for DEATH, not for healing.

The only thing missing from this HOLOCAUST story are the massive fatalities from the shots. They have to be counted, too. Moreover we see the purpose of the hospital euthanasia program: to blame the virus for hospital deaths as a propaganda tool to sell the vaccine mandates even to the courts and get the public to generally submit to the shots out of fear and fake promises of safety and effectiveness of the mRNA injections.

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And then there are the cases like my son, who is a cancer survivor ( stage 4 Lymphoma) who either got the virus or was a victim of shedding) & is still really ill 7 months later. He did take Ivermectin, but he took it to late, I had to practically beat him over the head. He’s a health nut & doesn’t believe in medication.

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Extremely and depressingly well summarized.

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I am not aware of the letters to FDA about alternative treatments. The first early treatment working protocol I was aware of was the one developed by Dr.Zelenko. It was not obviously immediate as it took time to develop/adjust/validate.. Dr.Kory testified in Congress about using dexamethasone in hospital settings to treat organizing pneumonia was sometime I believe in March 2020...

Could you elaborate as far as the letters to FDA. Were they suggestions to use repurposed drugs? Also Remdesivir entered the scene much later into the pandemic, after the IVM/HCQ were rejected by the establishment.

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HCQ was in use with success internationally. That’s how Zelenko knew to try it the first week of March 2020. The FDA knew all about it. By mid March he had corresponded with the Trump administration and made a video with Giuliani. He called the FDA “a dead end.” Doctors around the country were also looking at repurposed drugs and corresponding internationally. The billions of doses of HCQ, and later IVM, safely prescribed prior to the pandemic were under the law an acceptable real world demonstration of safety, as stated by Risch in CHD interview. When Trump championed roll out of HCQ to stave of hospitalization Fauci’s objection was preposterous. By the time Objections to HCQ and IVM had one purpose: keep a lid on them so they didn’t constitute an alternative to the shots. MSM was actively recruited to make sure public expectation and perception about an alternative was squashed. Remdesivir was in use May 2020 per RFK Jr.’s book. The remdesivir discussion starts on p63. There were zero grounds for FDA approval ... total fraud. But it became “standard” use meaning hospital could be sued for not using it. Doctors and hospitals could have looked into the safety trials but didn’t; Brian Ardis did asking why his father in law died. The hospitals got huge incentive to use it. Toxicity an inconvenient fact for the hospitals.

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Remdesivir was in the CMS/CDC hospital protocol from the beginning of that protocol.

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What are you referring to, by saying "that " protocol (I can't see to what you are replying ) ?

Remdesivir was EUA approved in October 2021..

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The CMS/CDC protocol is "that" protocol that all the hospital were using. The protocol also lists the amounts of money the hospitals will be paid for each step they take with a patient, up to and including death.

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In France Dr Didier Raoult early on was having great success treating patients (more or less same treatment as Zelenko).

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I don't know about great success, but Raoult was experimenting with HCQ, using a small cohort. Though Raoult did not use a combination of drugs Zelenko came up with - HCQ, Zinc, Zithromax. Zelenko used the protocol treating hundreds of real patients.

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I believe Raoult was using a combination of stuff, but nevertheless, the treatments were out there quite early in the pandemic. Thousands of lives could have been saved. The cost of the treatments was also very low and widely available. Faultci and friends made sure to leave us with no alternative but the shots. Pure evil.

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You maybe right about Raoult. But I only was aware of his clinical trials on a limited cohort. There was no wide use of HCQ. It was Zelenko who looked at various studies, including Raoult, South Korean, etc and came up with a combination of HCQ and Zinc, with addition of Zithromax.HCQ being an ionophore substance allowing Zinc entrance into the cell to dissolve viral chemical bonds.

Nobody used dexamethasone at that point as it was considered counter indicated. It was only after Dr.Kory testified in Congress where he argued that large doses of the corticosteroid needed as the pneumonia associated with the disease was of organizing nature, and severe inflammation. To battle the inflammation, dexamethasone was necessary. So that was a big step in the handling of the disease.

As far as Fauci as you mentioned, I would add that Trump takes full credit for the vaccine. He is proud of it. He claims that the vaccine is "one of the best achievements of humankind" (his words).

Looking back at the events, it is impossible to not make a conclusion that monopolization of pandemic response (or any response for that matter) leads to bad outcomes.

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I agree. The WHO is still working on its takeover of any future pandemic handling. I can't believe every country is going in that direction (lending all powers to this organization led by a ruthless totalitarian). Here in Canada we have no way of getting "proper" medication from doctors for a Cov infection: Refusal of giving HCQ, and no iverm.tin, no antibi0tics either. I'm still not over my Oh-mike-run because of this lack of ressources (But thank God for Canadian horse paste). Hospital? no way, not with the run-death-is-near protocol on the menu.

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So, how again did the sequence containing the furin cleavage site end up in US patent 9,587,003 filed by Moderna in 2016? Right, pure coincidence. One of the most baffling coincidences in history.

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Hi Thorsten:

I am reposting this from above to clarify the "coincidence" you mention. It was a deliberate Gain in Function Bioweapon and they knew it from day 1.

"SARSCOV2 was a Engineered Bioweapon & if ppl don't believe that then they will believe anything that is Impossible to be a common daily finding.

The odds that two ppl will have the Identical same fingerprint is one out of 64 Trillion (6.4 x 10 to the 13th power). The Court has ruled that this is impossible ever to be seen. Plp accept that this is impossible because we send ppl to prison for life with these statistical odds. The odds that they match 12 points is 1 out of 64 Billion for one fingerprint. This is important that the Court has ruled that even in the case of a matching partial print that one out of 64 Billion is impossible.

This is important because ppl don't understand math or Statistical Probability.

We are willing to accept that two ppl having the same fingerprint is impossible bc of the Statistical improbability but cannot accept that the odds that the SARSCOV2 virus was not Natural Selection. The Odds that SARSCOV2 occurred Naturally is over 1 x 10 to the 98th power Plus a lot more. SARSCOV2 was a manmade Gain of Function Bioweapon. I only say a lot more than 1 x 10 to the 98th power bc it would take me much longer to figure that out than what I want to spend, and it still far exceeds me proving my point. For example with these type of odds & of SARSCOV2 self assembling itself is kind of like a Boeing 737 Max Self assembling itself inside an automobile junk yard (software and all).

This Probability is based on the self assembly of this Specific DNA Chain self assembling to make this 9 amino acid chain. Now add that to the Probability of this chain being specifically implanted in the exact location of the Furin Cleavage Site. If it's not in that exact location, it doesn't work (I calculated only part of those odds and it's a lot lot lot more)!!!

There are so many other things that increases the Probability that this is a Engineered Bioweapon that I did not include in calculating the IMProbability of this Naturally occurring. For Example I did not include the odds with the additional sequence containing US patent 9,587,003 filed by Moderna in 2016.

Now understand that some of the best minds at the CDC and the NIH and the WHO have full time Statisticians that do nothing everyday but calculate these things. They all knew from day 1 that this was a MANMADE BIOWEAPON. Now you have to contemplate why they lied to us.

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Great question, Thorsten. Another question is -how come the legendary virus has never been isolated? But does it even matter? What matters IMHO is how the federal government monopolized the pandemic response.

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Regarding virus never been isolated, the following is the best explanation I have heard so far. Please watch approx 47:05 to 57:02


Mirror: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jl5Tlgh9bQLX/

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I followed your suggestion. You see the fact that we even discuss whether the virus was isolated or not tells me that it's not a black and white issue. When you get to those levels, lots of stuff become merky and therefore easily exploited. It is probably even merkier (does this word exist lol) than quantum mechanics. Different ppl define isolation differently. Mike Adams claims that the virus has been only presented in a bovine soup...not human tissue and therefore not isolated. Watching the video, I heard the guest said virus only exists inside human cells. Was it "exists" or "lives" ? Anyway the virus exists outside a cell. It cannot replicate outside of it. But it does exist outside of the cell...right? So why not harvest it from outside of the cell?

IMHO all those efforts to investigate the origins of the virus are politically motivated. First of all it is impossible to determine. Second of all it does not matter. What matters is that when the government monopolizes pandemics, the outcomes are tragic.

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I first heard of the furin cleavage site mid 2020. This wasn’t meant to be discovered. I soon later found out that from an evolutionary point of view this was not realistic. Also HIV homology in the cytotoxic spike protein.

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Absolutely. Montagnier noticed this right away, it was obvious.

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In May 2020 iFrench scientist Luc and Montagier looked at the molecule and said it was man-made and he was immediately character assassinated! Almost 2 years later the truth is still not being confirmed!

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I did listen to his interview when he said it, you are right. For him it was pure evidence.

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SARSCOV2 was a Engineered Bioweapon & if ppl don't believe that then they will believe anything that is Impossible to be a common daily finding.

The odds that two ppl will have the Identical same fingerprint is one out of 64 Trillion (6.4 x 10 to the 13th power). The Court has ruled that this is impossible ever to be seen. Plp accept that this is impossible because we send ppl to prison for life with these statistical odds. The odds that they match 12 points is 1 out of 64 Billion for one fingerprint. This is important that the Court has ruled that even in the case of a matching partial print that one out of 64 Billion is impossible.

This is important because ppl don't understand math or Statistical Probability.

We are willing to accept that two ppl having the same fingerprint is impossible bc of the Statistical improbability but cannot accept that the odds that the SARSCOV2 virus was not Natural Selection. The Odds that SARSCOV2 occurred Naturally is over 1 x 10 to the 98th power Plus a lot more. SARSCOV2 was a manmade Gain of Function Bioweapon. I only say a lot more than 1 x 10 to the 98th power bc it would take me much longer to figure that out than what I want to spend, and it still far exceeds me proving my point. For example with these type of odds & of SARSCOV2 self assembling itself is kind of like a Boeing 737 Max Self assembling itself inside an automobile junk yard (software and all).

This Probability is based on the self assembly of this Specific DNA Chain self assembling to make this 9 amino acid chain. Now add that to the Probability of this chain being specifically implanted in the exact location of the Furin Cleavage Site. If it's not in that exact location, it doesn't work (I calculated only part of those odds and it's a lot lot lot more)!!!

There are so many other things that increases the Probability that this is a Engineered Bioweapon that I did not include in calculating the IMProbability of this Naturally occurring. For Example I did not include the odds with the additional sequence containing US patent 9,587,003 filed by Moderna in 2016.

Now understand that some of the best minds at the CDC and the NIH and the WHO have full-time Statisticians that do nothing everyday but calculate these things. They all knew from day 1 that this was a MANMADE BIOWEAPON. Now you have to contemplate why they lied to us.

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Because they created it on purpose to do a specific job. Why do you think they would tell you the truth?

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It was engineered for a specific purpose.

The one gene insertion that was Patented by Moderna in 2017 no one talks about what it’s supposed to be doing?

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Remember when Nixon said we don't need any bioweapons because if anybody uses one on us we will nuke them. Of course we can't nuke our own government but we the people can hang them.

Hence the continuous cover up.

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I thought the fatality rate was extremely low and affected only the most vulnerable...that it was like a bad flu...it turns out the original Wuhan strain was "highly infectious and lethal." ? Then Fauci did the right thing suggesting to lockdown for a very short time? Confusing...

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Lockdown was absolutely the worst thing.

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But if the virus was highly contagious and deadly as suggested, then maybe the "flattening the curve" mantra was at least partially justifiable? For if you have a "highly contagious and lethal strain" and you face an unknown uncertain future with a real possibility of overwhelming the health system due to a "highly contagious and deadly" strain,"

then a 15 day "flattening the curve" sounds like a rational idea... doesn't it?

Then what am I to do with the notion that it was just a "bad flu" ? Still very confusing...Even the founders of the Great Barrington Declaration (Dr.Culldorff I believe) state that short-term "flattening" could be a valid policy. ..?

The fact it was extended almost indefinitely is an entirely different animal. That was unjustifiable IMHO. But as a matter of a sound policy, based on the info in this column authored by Dr Alexander, is the short-term "flattening" justifiable? And again the very low fatality rate clashes with the suggestion "highly contagious and lethal"...

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I'm sorry that I missed this comment in my emails.....my answer to you is that now we know that it wasn't a highly contagious and deadly disease at all. The people that were susceptible were the people with other conditions & the fragile elderly. ibleChildren are not susceptible at all. Schools did not have to be closed. Now the children are 2-3 years behind in learning and socialization. Fauci made up the lie of asymptomatic spread to keep people apart and scared. The hospitals were not overflowing with dying patients & the hospitalized patients that did die, died because they were put on ventilators, which was the worst thing you could do. They were not given the proper medical care because the monsters in charge of this project denied them the very medicines that they knew worked. HCQ & Ivermectin. They used Remdesivir & isolated them and sedated them to death. The lockdown was part of the fear porn.They put sick people back in nursing homes where there were other frail elderly people. They wanted to get the mRNA shots out to shoot up the whole world for their nefarious reasons. To this day the United States remains one of the worst in admitting that the shots are very dangerous for young people because of myocarditis and strokes and neurological damages, deaths of young people (under 50) are skyrocketing. Other countries are stopping the shots for young people but the United States is trying to shoot up babies from 6 months and up. They are forcing our Military to take the shots even though there is ample evidence that it is causing terrible harm to our soldiers. WHY? Because the DOD and the Pentagon are behind this whole horrible thing. We have Bioweapon labs in many countries . Ukraine being one of them. Wuhan China as well. I am an American and it sickens me to know that my country is at the bottom of this . The Barrington Declaration doctors happen to be wrong on this one. Dr. Mike Yeadon, who used to work for Pfizer, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Alexander, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Kory, the FLCC doctors, and some who I can't think of right now were out in front of this from the beginning or shortly after. Someday the whole truth will be known, but it is an ugly story. BTW the whole 2020 election was a Coup to get President Trump out of the picture because he was in their way. Biden is one of them. Look up Steve Kirsch's substack, he happens to be double jabbed but he found out about some of his friends dying under suspicious circumstances and decided to do research and now has over 800 at least publications and a foundation to get the the truth out.

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Hi Leslie, thanks for your response. I appreciate it. I only take issue with : "BTW the whole 2020 election was a Coup to get President Trump out of the picture because he was in their way. "

I believe in taking responsibility for one's actions. As I am sure you do too.

From that perspective - let's take a look at TRUMP's responsibility. 1) Trump put Fauci&Birx on the pedestal, front and center. 2) Trump never invited Drs. Gold, Zelenko, McCullough, Kory, Marik, others who advocated for and successfully used repurposed drugs for early treatment. 3) We know from Trump himself that he 'always believed in the importance of the vaccine.' (Maria Bartiromo interview.) 4) We know from Trump himself that the vaccine 'saved the USA and, frankly, the world' ( Maria Bartiromo interview) 4) We know from Trump himself that he is proud of the vaccine, takes full credit for it and r

ecommends it; and that he views the "vaccine" as 'one of the greatest achievements of mankind' (same Maria Bartiromo interview). 5) Trump approved of the lockdowns. 6) Trump produced en masse the deadly ventilators while what was needed was Early treatment with repurposed drugs. 7) Everyone knows that it takes 10 years or longer to roll out a vaccine. (It must take much longer when a never before used technology is being implemented). Despite that Trump pushes the Warp Speed disaster (and takes pride in it).

Trump's losses are of his own making. He made grave mistakes. His adversaries took advantage of that.

As I am thriving to be a responsible person, I first take a look at myself to determine what I have done wrong. Not what others did to me. What I could have done differently, since I am the Only person who is in control of myself. I have adopted the same approach to everything I encounter, including the politicians. Trump was voted into the high office. He must be held accountable. Like any president.

To the pursuit of Truth (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)

All of the best! 🤗

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Not in any particular order: 1. ventilators: Trump was told by every expert that they were critical to care for the very ill & that there was a dire shortage. So he got as many as humanly possible believing that the pandemic was real. 2. There was no way he was able to fire or push Fauci out, he had been there too long & has too much power. I don’t believe that he wanted the lockdowns. His crowning glory was the economy. I don’t know where Birx came from. Trump tried to bring in Dr. Scott Atlas who ended up being destroyed by the people around Trump. As well as Dr. Paul Alexander. Do you really believe that he could have brought Dr. Gold, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik & others?

3. Trump tried to bring early treatments to the fore HCQ was the first & he was excoriated for it. 4. It’s my belief that originally warp speed, in Trump’s mind was the only way to save the country economically. I think he thought that the vaccines would be helpful, certainly not harmful. 5. I agree with you that long ago he should have known & I can’t believe that he doesn’t know now how harmful the vaccines are. I am very troubled by his refusal to denounce them. The only explanation that I have seen that makes some sense, if you suspend certain beliefs of the way we think things work is, that he is trying very hard to get back into the White House & not be canceled & destroyed so that he can finish getting rid of the deep state. If you are not familiar with Patel Patriot, he has a SUBSTACK, his theory is called Devolution. So Trump is playing along with vaccine program pretending to be in favor of it, long enough to finish what he intended. I know that’s a long shot & sounds apologetic but there are several people who are not kooks who believe this. I am praying that this is the case.

I wish to believe that if he came out against the vaccines sincerely & explained the truth the people would forgive him. But if the DOD & Pentagon & deep state are who he’s fighting, who are we kidding? One person who I listen to along with following Patel Patriot is X22report who is on TruthSocial or X22report.com. Yes he’s a Q person, but I believe Q is just a military op to wake up the people. Not some weird conspiracy theory. If you do some oppo research you might see the other possibility.

Again, I’m not 100% believer but I sure want to be.

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