Yes. Aaron Rogers deserves a great deal of credit and recognition for standing up to the NFL's covid shot mandate.

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And the media that tried to shame him

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Yes, good on him. I like the way young Scottish sports fans respond to mandates and boosters. Please excuse the language.


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I belatedly watched the linked video and was impressed with the clean cut, well-behaved, neatly dressed Scottish boys protesting covid boosters.

Thank you for the advance notice on language but some issues demand a special sort of emphasis. I don't find it at all offensive here.

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Huge Kudos to NoVax and Aaron. I have great respect. Anyone who watched the men’s finals, did you watch the awards ceremony when the sponsor showed a clip of the “Moderna shot of the day”? That had to take the cake!

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How cool was that.

There are still people who stick it to the man.

Get your goose stepping boots off my neck.

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I admire both these athletes for their integrity and courage in the face of extreme criticism and ridicule. In Djokovic's case, he missed out on 3 Opens.

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More famous people need to take a stand along with Aaron, Cole and NoVax

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Cole Beasely as well

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Very good stand Van Morrison and Eric Clapton took too, openly speaking out against mandates and the divisive propaganda... Eric Clapton especially early talking about his Astrazeneca injury...

Great film clips to the songs ... I didn't see these on TV, but they are obvious in their stand against tyranny...



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Aaron's Father is a Chiropractor. They grew up questioning the AMA's ill intensions. He understands that the power that made the body can heal the body.

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AR too cool for school.

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