Zionist propaganda from start to finish.

Israel started and supported Hamas. Israel probably w r o t e the charter so that it would legitimize Israeli massacres and ethnic-cleansing. This is why they use false-flag terrorism: to make the other guys look like they deserve to be slaughtered.

Israel was involved in making the Kibbutz scene what it was. Much of what is shown and many of the dead, are the product of IDF actions. Since it is the blood & gore that creates foaming-at-the-mouth insane reactions, it is an Israeli opportunity to dress up the scene and to tell as many lies about what happened as they think they can get away with.

The gullible become part of the IDF like musicians adding heroic sound tracks and lyrics.

“Never forget” that Israelis have been committing massacres in order to steal land from the beginning of this conflict.

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delusional... learn some real history

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“For example, when they speak about the war of 1948 being a purely defensive war, they fail to mention that even before the war the Zionist militias had already ethnically cleansed over 300,000 Palestinians from their communities, and taken over the majority of territories assigned to the Jewish state per the 1947 partition plan.”


If you are an American, especially if you are a Christian, you are i m m e r s e d in Zionist bullshit. And as time goes by, no matter how many times you see the bullshit, the same lies keep springing up.

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Says the antisemitic who eats the Palestinian BS and cannot discern between the combatants.

In all of history, there never was a Palestinian state or people. It was all made up by the Jew-haters to help advance the cause of Islam. Sorry, you fell for the taqiya.

"War is deceit."


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“In all of history”... Can’t you tell propaganda when you hear it?

And can’t you tell when western media keep their audiences as dumb as a bag of hammers?


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Actually you are sounding as dumb as a bag of hammers with every ignorant post.

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Do you have a drivers license?

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I've rarely witnessed such deranged and obstinate revisionist history as his.

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Grow up. When was Islam *invented*? Now, when was the land of Israel documented as such? Israel has existed historically and in fact for 3500 years. Islam? 610 AD. The Romans, btw, designated the region---not country, not people, not ethnicity, but a general region such as we use to describe New England---of Samaria and Judea as *palestine*....literally, THE LAND OF THE JEWS, the indigenous people of the land.

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The Jewish religion has indeed existed from before both Islam and Christianity. However, there were many different peoples and countries way back before Islam and Christianity existed, and the Israelites were only one of the groups. The Old Testament speaks of the Israelites defeating the Philistines (=Palestinians) when "David slew Goliath" -- that is proof that the original inhabiters of that region were the Philistines, and the Israelites drove them out. The Book of Joshua speaks about the battle of Jericho, where the Israelites were reported to have defeated the Canaanites essentially through magic (lack of archeological evidence leaves that story in the realm of unfounded legend), but once again indicates that the original inhabitants of the area were not Israelites, and they usurped the land from their defeated enemy. Add that to the fact that the Old Testament is the literature of the victor in these battles, and as we know from Prof. Zinn (and common sense), the history written by the victors is frequently favorable to the victors and hardly impartial. By attributing ownership of the land to a directive from their own deity, they are claiming that their aggressive acts are not their own responsibility, but rather divine will, again, a very convenient excuse for land-grabbing warfare. If the Bible excuses the Israelites from responsibility for seizing the land of others, then why would not those who took the land back from the Israelites equally be excused for the same action in reverse? Such religious reliance on one's own deity to excuse bad actions against others but not the similar actions of others seems very convenient for avoiding responsibility. That is why the Buddhists believe in karma --- you are responsible for your own actions and will receive any retribution for such actions---you cannot lay blame on others or attribute your motive to a directive from some divinity---that is self-delusion.

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Palestine does NOT mean “land of the Jews.”

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Zionism is a political movement, not Judaism. It’s not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist. Research Zionism (notice I didn’t say Google which is not to be trusted) and you’ll understand what’s really happening.

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Just man up and say 'I have a feral hatred for Jews, as dogmatic as the fervid hatred for them in the Quran'. Just own it, instead of wasting time contriving the most obscenely fallacious takes on history.

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You are confused. The world champion haters are out there, right now, slaughtering civilians by the bus load, due to their ancient, institutionalized hatred for everyone who does not accept Zionist delusions of divinity, grandeur, moral perfection and racial supremacism. They are the haters.

You need to be honest with yourself and admit Zionists are the new Nazis, same

as the old ones but with greater ambition and better PR.


“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.” 

—Ovadia Yosef, former chief sephardic rabbi (800,000 Israeli’s attended his funeral procession.)

We are all Palestinians…


It starts out with Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, who bemoans that slavery has been abolished: “Abolishing legal slavery has created deficiencies. No one is responsible for that property. With God’s help it will return. The goyim (non-Jews) will want to be our slaves. Being a slave of the Jews is the best. They must be slaves, they want to be slaves. Instead of just wandering the streets, being foolish and harming each other, now he’s a slave, now his life is beginning to come into order.”


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Prove it. Prove everything you are claiming. Where are the slaughters by the bus loads? Are you there? Are you seeing this happen?

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Can you provide any REAL history? Anyone?

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You must be exhausted from the mental contortionist gymnastics needed to lie so extravagantly. Psychopathic delusional tall tales.

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I’ve been aware of Zionism for a long time and am familiar with the mental gymnastics it must take to either be or believe a Zionist.

This Zionist crap isn’t even well thought out. It clearly isn’t the best and brightest advising the BibiElzebub.

Now the Lord of Darkness is threatening to release evidence Israel collected on morally compromised congressmen. Did the Dark Lord even think about what he said in public? That it reveals Israel is using traps like Epstein to extort obedience from congress? And that he thinks Americans will forgive Israel for the extortion racket?

This implies Israel is about to lose control of the USA. And what is the half life of the supremacist colony without the IS serving as a blackmailed Golem.

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No freebies, Tori. State which of my assertions are lies.

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Goodness knows how they will react when they find out that there were Jewish members of the SS. If people bothered to look, they would find that all you say is documented. Uncomfortable truths. Jewish leaders of the day were negotiating with hitler for a Jewish homeland.

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Cite your sources.

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Please seek help. You might start with a history book.

And BTW, do you know who DEMANDED that the Palestinians flee from their homes in 1948? The Grand Mufti, in exile in Cairo.

And what did he do for "his people", when they refused to return, because they refused to live in peace? Did he provide aid for them? Build homes? ANYTHING?? NO. They were just so much shit to throw away.

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You got it half right. ISLAM is the elephant in the room. Muslims will not co-exist with any non-Muslims. It is forbidden. Islam has a moon-bat god, crazy prophet, and asinine holy book that commands ALL Muslims to conquer the world by the sword for Allah. They have special enmity for the Jews and Israel, per the Quran, but that is just a starting point. What happened in Israel is going on all over the world in Muslim dominated areas.

Sudan: Mass rapes and at least 20 women and girls ‘abducted and held in inhuman, degrading slave-like conditions’


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Groups of radicalized muslims are manufactured by the US and other states for a variety of purposes. This state support for terrorism goes all the way back to pirate days when the US sponsored “privateers”. And it goes all the way forward in time to Al Qaeda in Afghanistan which Zbigniew Brzezinsky was so proud of to his dying days.

Africa is in play. The west tries to sow terrorist chaos in order to make a defacto occupation by resource corporations, US military and private contracts look like salvation and heaven on earth.

While the CIA was printing the textbooks used in Madrassas, they were lathering up the public about radical islam. I have met professional propagandists prepping US churches for 9/11 in the late 2000’s. Getting everyone ready for the big lie.

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How do all those groups of Muslims get radicalized? Simply by reading the Quran and then doing exactly what it says.

Sudan: Mass rapes and at least 20 women and girls ‘abducted and held in inhuman, degrading slave-like conditions’


Sudan: Islamic Jihadis Slaughter 773 Civilians, Including Teenagers, Women and Elderly


However, these are mostly Blacks and Christians being kidnapped, raped, and slaughtered so nobody in the West gives a damn.

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How do they get radicalized? Ask Zbigiew Brzezinski, who bragged about the “Muslim terrorist apparatus” he created until his dying day.

You need to read some books about Israeli use of terrorism and their control of other people’s terrorist groups.

Books on Israeli terrorism: these books establish the pattern.

Rise & Kill First

Ronen Bergman

Israels Sacred Terrorism

Livia Rokach

Hidden History of Zionism

Ralph Schoenman

Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews

Naeim Giladi

You don’t stand a chance of understanding what Israel is up to without know the background in these books.

State of Terror

Thom Suarez

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You really aught to learn something about Islam and Mohammad the "perfect man."

The Borg sex cult will consume you - unless of course, you are already on your knees with your butt up in the air five times a day worshiping Allah.

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Does it really help matters to talk about which religion is more radical and intolerant of others? Both the Muslims and the Jews have been rabidly opposed to each other for generations upon generations. Both of these religions originated in a region where there is not much geographically to clearly separate regions, and generation after generation of invasions and wars have occurred among the groups. Each believes their deity is directing them to take the others' land and cities etc. The Old Testament in particular is full of really gruesome tales of defeat, mass murder, enslavement etc etc. When Islam was created, the followers were often oppressed, which contributed to the militant writing in the Koran. That is a pity, but that is what happens when "worldly" matters are jumbled together with "divine" matters, and people believe they are excused by their deity for heinous acts. Just as in the Old Testament there are many positive teachings, Islam also includes many positive teachings. The same can be said of the negative teachings included in each. We really have to know that we are personally responsible for our own willful actions and must accept the results of such actions when retribution occurs. Confusing personal decision with divine directive is not a wise way to live. Just because you are faithful gives you no get-out-of-retribution-free card through life by which you can do whatever you like without assuming any responsibility, in fact, that is pretty much the way psychopaths operate.

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"When Islam was created, the followers were often oppressed, which contributed to the militant writing in the Koran."

Obvious you know little to nothing about Islam or history. The Quran is not in chronological order. When Muhammad was in Mecca, allegedly writing the Quran, Allah was in a good mood and this is the kumbaya phase of Islam. Over this time Islam gained few followers.

However, when Muhammad was driven out and went to Medina, Allah changed his mind on many things and Islam became the kill the Jews and all the kafirs (infidels), plunder, loot, rape, kidnap, and have sex slaves all while conquering the world for Allah. Not surprisingly, this attracted many followers and Islam then exploded. That is the Islam of today.

BTW, when Allah changes his mind and was so contradictory, he conveniently resolved this problem through a process called Nasekh (abrogation), that he created, meaning that when there are contradictory statements, the latest pronunciation negates or “abrogates” an earlier one. To know what has been abrogated and is currently applicable, you have to know the chronological order of the Quran..

In chronological order, the last three surahs (chapters) in the Quran and the current position in the Quran are Maidah #5, Taubah #9, and the final and very short Nasr #110. There are many more but after nasekh, that is where you find the core of the real Islam because the old Islam was abrogated.

Regarding the really gruesome tales in the Tenakh (Old Testament), you'd have to know the "why" which is way too complicated to explain here. I'll leave it with all those people getting wiped out had beliefs and practices that make Hamas look like Boy Scouts. Regardless, that was under the Law which was established by covenants, however the Law was replaced by the New Covenant and Yeshua (Jesus) - think Sermon on the Mount.

You are absolutely correct when you say "We really have to know that we are personally responsible for our own willful actions and must accept the results of such actions when retribution occurs." That is SIN and unless it has been forgiven you will pay the consequences for it. As detailed in the Tenakh (Old Testament) all have sinned and sin requires a blood sacrifice for forgiveness and redemption. Fortunately, through Yeshua, GOD himself paid the price for all sin and gave all of mankind a gift of salvation - that get-out-of-retribution-free card. Without it, your destiny is hell..

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That whole war, which has been raging for more than 25 years to my recall, has always been Muslim on Christian persecution, as was Biafra, S. Africa (Chief Buthalezi of the Zulu was a Christian), every war except Rwanda. Book Haram, Fulani tribesmen, etc.

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Israel has rabies. Look at them. They do this serially. Genocide is their highest calling. What do you do to a rabid animal.

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you are sick... spike proteins in your brain?

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You are a propagandist: a giant sphincter shooting Ziorhea all over.

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You hate me because I don’t accept any Zionist bullshit, which is your stock in trade. You probably clench your fists every time you run into a person with proper critical faculties.

Some historians claim Judeans came from Crete. Which might explain something.

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I don't hate anybody... that's a leftist and Islamic trait.

However, with every post you just affirm your antisemitism even with your "proper critical faculties.

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Far beyond the mere bias of garden-variety anti-semitism. It is full-frontal derangement and racial hatred.

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You are as unserious as a child. Yours is an absurdity made profane through feral Jew-hatred. You can not hide it. Why bother circumventing that hatred through the continued use of tedious unhinged fabrications of history? Just own the Jew-hatred and be done with it.

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The entire Zionist narrative is unhinged revisionist fabrication.

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Nay. You are the child; incapable of rational engagement. You accuse me of lying, but won’t ante up an example. It is YOU who are the hater, and again, you hate everyone who rejects the claims of supremacy and the insistence that Jews should own and control everyone and everything.

Go ahead and hate me for rejecting all the Zionist bullshit one is taught as a Christian. The best way out of this is for Zionists to get psychiatric help before they destroy the northern hemisphere trying to impose their supremacist nonsense on everyone else on Earth.

Who are the haters?

There is no more ancient, institutionalized hatred than Talmudic racism and supremacism which is alive and THRIVING in Israel today.


“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.” 

—Ovadia Yosef, former chief sephardic rabbi (800,000 Israeli’s attended his funeral procession.)

We are all Palestinians…


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You ever read the bible? Yahweh would give Allah more than a good run for his money...

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Netanyahu would call them both mere amateurs.

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Yes and Yahwh Yeshua doesn't command his followers to conquer the world and chop off the heads of all the infidels who won't convert.

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You um.. read "Deutoronomy" I believe? Possibly Leviticus... Where Yahweh commands the Hebrews to slaughter not only every last man woman and child of the Canaanites, but to slaughter all their livestock as well?

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Do you have a clue why?

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I think B-b-b-bibi Nuttynahoo said this himself last week.

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...because in the tribalism of the time, the Israelites were perturbed, just a wee tad, dontcha know, that the Canaanites were depraved and marinated in bestiality, child sacrifice, cult prostitution and the worship of Ba'al on the lands set aside for by Abraham for the Israelites? See what happens when you try to circumvent the context in favor of *but what about*? Don't do it.

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Sorta like the Israelites? Remember God commanding Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? Or Lots daughers committing incest with him?

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Israeli’s were often involved in human sacrifices. As CH Gordon often said, Israel’s religion was not hermetically sealed off from all the surrounding religions & cultures.

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Search 1933 Chicago World's Fair & moloch sacrifice... by 100,000 + Jews 😔 u know.. when the holocaust was supposed to be happening? Ask the Bolsheviks about dressing up as German soldiers in Poland +. Or the Holodomor. Or Annes diary written in ball point pen that didn't exist then yet. How many were in the SS Waffen? 140,000. Like Soros.

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Use Yandex & research who Yahweh is.. & it ain't the Christian God, whom they hate.

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Clearly, you have not read the Bible, let alone grasped context and allusion. The Quran, on the other hand, is a series of directives, unarguably drenched in Jew-hatred. In fact, it exists ONLY as a war manual for eradicating Jewry throughout the earth.

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Islam will never accept Zion.


So, where do we put Zion?

Or no Zion and assimilate Jews everywhere they will be accepted. That seems to be what we've been reduced to.

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Islam will never accept or tolerate non-Muslims being anywhere on planet earth. The Jews first, everybody next. Islam does not mean "peace." that's the big lie. The literal translation is SUBMISSION (to Allah) and that applies to everybody.

To understand Islam you first have to understand Mohammad, the "perfect" man that all Muslims are to emulate. To that end I recommend:

Prophet of Doom

Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words

By Craig Winn

“Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.”

~$48 new or ~$11 used on Amazon. Or you can get a FREE pdf of the book at http://prophetofdoom.net/

One of the best books I've read on this psychotic, murderous cult, and I've read many. Getting the 992 page book free is even better, although I did finally order a hard copy..

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Hey doofus. How long have there been JEWS living happily in Iran?

Who sheltered JEWS during the Inquisition?

Why did Israel have to send terrorists into Jewish communities in the mideast in order to drive Jews to Israel?

Take as long as you need.

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And who supported hitler for the genocide of jews?

Human history of the region is war after war.

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Your vile antisemitism keeps emerging with every deranged post.

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No, you don’t get it. Palestinians are semites. Ashkenazim, if the word is supposed to mean something, are of JAPHETH.

The mitochondrial DNA of the Ashkenazim is from a small group of northern European women. Think about that. Take all the time you need.

WHO are the antisemites? Who is murdering truckloads of genuine SEMITES every day using weapons made in the USA?

What would George Washington think of this?

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George is rolling over in his grave at the state of our nation. Greed and the addiction of power has led us here.

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No, you don't get it. Palestinians are MUSLIMS and members of the Borg sex cult collective.

The mitochondrial DNA of the Ashkenazim is from a small group of northern European women because Muslim raiders kidnapped thousands of European women for their harems. They had an affinity for Caucasian women who also commanded the highest prices at the slave auctions.

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I asked you some questions, Doofus

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Indeed, there has been a system in Muslim countries allowing those of other religions to practice their religions freely, just subjecting them to a particular tax for the privilege.

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Fundamentalists claim that Israel doesn’t have a right to exist as a country: they are occupying Palestinian land, even in Tel Aviv.

Yet, the majority doesn’t take the Quran literally: otherwise, they fail to murder any non-muslim as commanded by the Quran (just as the Jews fail to stone homosexuals and adulterers as demanded by God).

Gazans would retract the support to violent Hamas if there was a 2 state solution with UN boundaries and a special international status for Jerusalem, being an emblem for Jews, Muslims and Christians.

All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?


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There is no peace with the Islamic Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated into the collective and worship Allah or have your head chopped off.

Wake up and smell the death.

Muslim Jokes About ‘Seasoning’ the Israeli Baby Baked in an Oven


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You can find plenty of similar sentiment in the Jewish Talmud directed at non-Jews.

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I agree Islam will never accept anyone of different faiths. Actually the Muslim Sunni and Muslim Shai fight one another as each believe the other not to follow Islam correctly so therefore they too are infidels.

In Islam when Muslims enter a new land they are go enter it peacefully till their population rises and they can over take the people of the new land through changing up laws and by force so Sharia Law becomes the law of the new land. Sharia Law is not compatible with the U. S. Constitution or for that matter what most people in America would view as civilization.

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While Zionists have got everyone in a tizzy about the Muslim takeover, pay no attention to who runs our media, banks, politics and foreign policy.


Cenk Uygar on Ehud Olmert, W Bush

The Duran on the cabal


Mark Bruzonsky


MJ Rosenberg


Stephanie Schriock


Glenn Greenwald


General Wesley Clark



French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas


Gonzalo Lira on Vicki Nuland


We are all Palestinians…


Lawrence Wilkerson on the dread lobby


On Jacob Schiff’s support for the Communist takeover of Russia


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Regardless, it is true that Sharia law does specify that once a certain percentage of the population converts to Islam, that country becomes Islamic and switches over to Sharia law---and once a land has become Islamic, it is not allowed to change to any other religion. Let's not slough over the fundamentalist tendencies that aree present in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

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Attu island, no telecon connection, no boats, 75 years.

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I live in the US where government approved anti-white measures and hatred run rampant. Sorry, I give not a rat's rump about "Jew hatred." I also can't help noticing that the "Judeo" portion of our so-called Judeo-Christian society has deep contempt for the Christian side.

Not my people, not my war. US stay out of it.

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The Muslims in the US will soon bring the war to you. Their god ordains it.

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The USA has lost Gods grace. The infanticide of abortion has soiled our once great nation in the eye of God. Beside the endless wars.

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Probably so. I'll guess that's what happens when a nation turns its back on GOD and turns to Baal. Follow Messianic Rabbi Jonathon Kahn? I'll bet you'd find his book the Return of the Gods rather enlightening.

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Trouble with the term "Judeo-Christian" is the two religions are entirely antithetical. White, western, Christian civilization is hands down, humanity's greatest achievement. And members of a certain priviliged group are doing all they can -- have largely succeeded -- in destroying it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/sepY0zSDxLIa/

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Indeed, they have been doing their very best to destroy what used to be called Christendom.

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Upon reflection, it actually seems strange that the Christians maintained the Old Testament along with the New Testament, as the messages are generally quite contradictory.

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Religeon at the best of times is a half-assed muddled mess of contradictions...🤔 But to be fair that seems to be true of most fields of enquiry... You should have a look at "Virology" or "Vaccinology"; the foundational sciences of orthodox medicine: About on a par with Phrenology.

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I concur! These wars are for the global parasites. We are all human Forget the “identifying” names. Too many are suffering needlessly complex issue NOT OUR WAR. Bottom line!!!

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Well-conditioned normie detected.

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This is kind of funny. If one bothers to look, you can find pictures of US presidents and other officials meeting with perverts, drug dealers, and virtually ever type and category of degenerates and war-criminals like lsraeli PMs, many of whom are known terrorists.

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There's a SIMPLE peaceful solution:

All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?


There's something even more urgent:

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, prepare for their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


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I see atrocities on BOTH sides for centuries. I do not believe it is solvable.

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Send all Zionists to Attu island. No telecoms. 75 years. There will be peace.

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Dr. Alexander is correct: there is convincing historical evidence that some Arab leaders were Nazi-collaborators.

But there is considerable evidence that some early Zionist leaders were too:

51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis by Lenni Brenner (Author) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1569804338/

Zionism in the Age of the Dictators – February 4, 2014

by Lenni Brenner

“In 1933 the German Zionist Federation sought Hitler s patronage: "Zionism hopes to be able to win the collaboration even of a government fundamentally hostile to Jews. . . . Boycott propaganda . . . currently being carried on against Germany . . . is in essence un-Zionist." Zionism became the only other legal political movement in the Nazi Reich. That same year, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) made the Ha'avara (Transfer) Agreement, undermining the boycott against Nazi Germany. German Jewish emigrants to Palestine had to buy Nazi goods that the WZO sold in the Middle East. In 1937 the Haganah (later the Israeli army) sent an agent to Berlin. They would provide spy intelligence if the Nazis further eased the monetary regulations for emigrants to Palestine. The Zionist-Revisionist movement (today the ruling Likud Party) set up a detachment at Mussolini's naval academy. He personally reviewed them in 1936. They wanted him to replace Britain as Zionism s patron. In 1941, the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (later Likudniks) told the Nazis that they wanted a "Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich," and offered "to actively take part in the war on Germany s side." This is the sordid history documented in Lenni Brenner's Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.”


And apparently some modern-day Zionist leaders are still collaborating:

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine

- Haaretz, Jul 9, 2018.

“ . . .this is not the first time in which the defense establishment is arming forces that embrace a national socialist ideology.

In the past, Israel has armed anti-Semitic regimes, such as the generals’ regime in Argentina, which murdered thousands of Jews in camps while its soldiers stood in watchtowers guarding the abducted prisoners with their Uzi submachine guns.

According to a freedom of information petition to Israel's defense ministry from last January, Israel also armed Bolivia's military regimes, knowing that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was part of the regime. Legal documents used to convict the head of the junta also showed that Barbie's death squads used Israeli Uzis.

In the case of Ukraine forces using Israeli weapons are openly stating their support for racist and anti-Semitic ideas, in various publications. . .”


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My heart breaks for civilians in Israel and Gaza, but also for the world as this conflict will affect us all; I don’t support the Zionists that created this conflict to usher in the NWO beast system. Many, including Christians, will be deceived.

There’s a huge deception. Christians have been indoctrinated to be pro-Israel as the ‘apple of God’s eye’, except the Israel of today is not the Israel of Biblical times.

Does it seem likely that Israel with its IDF which is one of the most advanced and high tech militaries, US military aid, state-of-the-art intelligence/surveillance and the Iron Dome were caught by surprise? And why was the music festival moved near the Gaza border within 48 hours of its start? Why did it take the IDF six hours to respond to Hamas paragliding effortlessly in, attacking, raping, killing and taking hostages? Also, Israel said there was no evidence of babies beheaded by Hamas, CNN apologized for its reporting and the WH retracted its statement that Biden saw photos (I’m not saying no one has been hurt or killed, but that it seems the stories were embellished to foment strong emotions). There’s video of Netanyahu saying that there will be a conflict, but Israel must not be seen as the aggressor.

Zionists have infiltrated and control politics, government, finance, commerce, judiciary, science, technology, medicine, education, and media (news/entertainment) on a global basis. The UN with its Lucis (Lucifer) Trust is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The Zionists are the so-called ‘elites’, globalists >>UN, WEF, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, etc. Israel and the US, both Zionist as most world governments now, created and fund Hamas.

Zionists originated as Ashkenazi (Noah’s grandson Ashkenaz, Genesis 10:3) Khazar ‘Jews’ first in what is now N. Turkey, then Khazaria (present day Ukraine) where they converted to Judaism while practicing dark arts, sacrificing to Baal; they gained power through the Bolsheviks, then the Rothschilds. Ashkenazi (Nazi) Khazar Jews are the Khazarian Mafia and the nascence of the Nazis.

YHWH documents the lineage of the Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’ in Genesis 10:3. Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, Japeth. Shem’s descendants are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, David, Yeshua; the Messianic lineage. Ham’s descendants are the Canaanites. Japheth’s descendants are son Gomer, grandson Ashkenaz and the Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’.

The Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar Jews are not of the Messianic lineage and converted to Judaism in Khazaria. The Zionists follow the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. They practice(d) dark arts, sacrificing to Baal. The star of David is instead the star of Remphan. There are many layers to the deception.

Acts 7:43

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

YHWH has protected His remnant of true Jews and the 144,000 Jews of the Messianic lineage that will accept Yeshua as Lord and Savior and proclaim the Gospel during the Tribulation. Believers in Yeshua are grafted into the covenant and YHWH’s promises. I believe these are the true apple of YHWH’s eye.

We’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. The Zionist agenda is one world government/currency/religion. The Zionists want their NWO. The Zionists will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and their messiah, the man of perdition, will sit upon the throne and declare himself God. He will be charismatic and powerful. Many will be deceived. All people will be forced to worship the beast and accept the mark of the beast to buy and sell or face death.

The Bible warns of these false Jews:

Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Zionism is not Judaism. It is not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist (false Jews/synagogue of Satan).

All glory to Yeshua, Lord and Savior.

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That Khazarian myth has been debunked multiple times by DNA and linguistic historians. And I insist that you cite your sources.

I read a lot of history, a lot of it from www.jstor.com, and NONE of it supports your contentions. Cite your sources.

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You haven’t provided citation for your allegation, yet you insist that I provide citation.

I’ve researched extensively and the Khazarian ‘myth’ has not been debunked. You’re incorrect. DNA has proven that the Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’ are predominantly European which supports my research that the Ashkenazi originated in what is now N. Turkey, then migrated to Khazaria (current day Ukraine) where they converted to Judaism while practicing the dark arts, sacrificing to Baal. As I was researching the Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’, YHWH led me to scripture that proves the Ashkenazi are not of the Messianic line (Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:5). This is significant as the Ashkenazi Khazar ‘Jews’, modern day Zionists, were/are not included in YHWH’s promise and covenant.

The Ashkenazi false Jews follow the Babylonian Talmud with its blasphemy against Yeshua and licentious sexual practices including pedophilia and sodomy, not the Torah. There is no star of David; it’s the star of Remphan. The flag of Israel is based on idolatry of a false god and is satanic in nature.

The Khazarian Mafia that originated with the Zionist AshkeNAZI Khazar ‘Jews’ still exists including the Nazis that originated with the Ashkenazi Khazars.

My comment stands as-is.

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All your good work on Convid is being undone by the propaganda you served up here. Decapitated babies and baby in oven is nonsense that even the IDF does not support.

You clearly do not know enough of the history here so you would be better not to comment at all.

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All the anti Isreal and pro Hamas history is fun, however, distilled, again, it’s simple. Islam is a barbaric death cult which gives permission and reward to kill for their God. Simple.

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Who is slaughtering civilians right this instant? Israel is the barbaric death cult.

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People keep missing the ultimate point. The real enemy is the fallen angels (demons). Their whole focus is doing whatever they can to kill as many humans as possible and get as many as they can condemned to hell by the choices they make. Demons "love" chaos, disorder, fighting. They will foment it in the minds of men however they can. Without a true repentance by man to God, there will never be any real peace. There will only be periods of more killing, and less killing. Pride needs to be conquered. That can only be done by first acknowledging God as Lord. And understand that God has given precepts to follow. This is the point upon which many in the Middle East disagree, and they turn their disagreement towards their fellow man. Without true humility, and recognition of the real battle (spiritual first), men will just be chasing their tails for the elusive 'peace', and the demons will be happy to assist. There isn't going to be a "slap one's head" moment of clarity where both parties will then get along. Acknowledgement and repentance, and humility must come first.

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The “two peoples” are Arabs and Jews. Notice in a document like the Faisal-Weizmann agreement of 1919 there is no mention of “palestinians” and the entire concept was invented by Egypt’s Nasser in ‘59 and codified as the official propaganda of the Arab League and PLO in ‘63-64. Would suggest at least skimming through Robert Spencer’s book here for a fairly accurate history of the area and the conflict https://www.amazon.com/Palestinian-Delusion-Catastrophic-History-Process-ebook/dp/B07YF5YS62/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18UP93CVY179K&keywords=palestinian+delusion+robert+spencer&qid=1699483296&sprefix=palestinian+del%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1 . Gaza was abandoned to prove one way or another whether these Arabs could handle autonomy - they obviously can’t. Ultimately, it’s a religious war despite the nationalist rhetoric

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I won't say much as those on Hamas and Satan's side cannot be fixed. This conflict may be the final determination of who is wheat or tares before Christ returns. They can't be pulled out of their delusions and ignorance and lies. Don't waste time or cast pearls to the swine . Strengthen the wheat and help the fence sitters neither wheat or tares yet. That's all .

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Jews hatred in Europe started hundred of years ago. Spain, France, Germany were just expelling them en masse from their countries. Polish kings were allowing them to settle down but Jews were never loyal to their new mothers. A lot to write about it. Did you know that Israel and New York zionist Jewish organizations want Poland pay them huge amount as high as yearly Polish GDP as reparations for properties left by Polish Jews during WWII without any heirs and completely demolished by German invaders? Their greed is disgusting. No wonder nobody likes them. This situation last for centuries , not because of some Mufti inspired and influenced Hitler.

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Well Muslims hate Jews and Hitler hated Jews so they had that in common.

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Hitler liked the islamic religion because he considered Christianity a slave religion. However, he made clear to his confidants that he considered followers of islam to be racially inferior. He said it would have been better if the muslims had won the crusades because the invaders would eventually have been driven out of Europe because of their racial inferiority but would have left behind their "superior" religion. Ironically, DNA tests suggest Hitler was himself of Jewish and African ancestry.

Check out the article at the second link. Also, check out the photo of Hitler hugging a young Jewish girl in the article at the first link

Remarkable tale of Hitler's young Jewish friend


Adolf Hitler had Jewish, African ancestors, show DNA tests


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