Isn't it also true that Africans regularly take Ivernectin for endemic parasites, etc.?

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Good point!

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Hello Paul,

Professor Toby Green needs an inquiry into his mental health.

Africa does not need any covid inquiry.

If South Africa is anything to go by, this is what happened:

1. Black people (80% of the SA population) did not take the injection.

2. Black people did not wear masks nor use santiser, except in urban areas where they were obliged to - i.e. in the formal commercial business districts of cities; in private offices; in state company offices; in the courts; govt buildings; banks; shopping centres; supermarkets; gyms; on public transport; etc.

3. The majorirty of white South Africans (7.5% of the population) took the covid injection. They are the ones now suffering with weird and inexplicable chronic illnesses and fucked up immune systems.

4. Black people carried on living their lives during covid as if nothing was any different. They saw all the laws and restrictions the govt laid down as being unnecessarily restrictive and counter-productive to living.

5. In black barrios and ghettos, enforcement was zero. There never is/ever was any law enforcement 24/7 in these areas at any rate, so what difference would covid have made?

6. If covid did indeed exist, as some sort of respiratory illness, and the horseshit lie of asymptomatic spread also existed, then it ripped through the poorer areas of SA like a motherfucker and before anyone knew it, it was done and dusted.

7. Our govt was forced to re-open the economy very quickly and reduced the lockdown levels at consistent speed.

8. In SA there is no endless money like in the west and 33% of the USD 500BN SA economy is informal.

9. No commission of inquiry ever worked in South Africa. It just made the lawyers and the commissioners rich and famous.

10. People in South Africa want to live their lives freely, for better or worse, without govt interference.

11. They want jobs, crime reduction, minimised corruption, reliable electricty and a stable economic outlook.

12. They do not care about covid and what happened years ago; they do not even care about what happened yesterday.

I can recommend a psychiatrist should Professor Toby Green need one.

Perhaps we can produce a fully comprehsive formal report once the inquiry into his mental health has been concluded.

You guys and your all research, investigations, inquiries, reports, and fake manipulated conclusions just made me laugh my cunt off.

Lovely weekend to you, Paul.

Keep the comedy material coming,



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Well said and wish more round world would think the same!

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Thank you, Roy.

Best to you.


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Send Americans to conduct the inquiry. Big White Bwana can find that mistakes were made and recommend amnesty and a truth and reconciliation process. For days and nights they'll battle the Bantu to their knees. They can all sit in a circle and hold hands and sing Kumbaya and Yankee Doodle Dandy. Just like back in the States. Does Africa really need an inquiry to know that Americans consumed lots of jabs and had lots of deaths from covid whereas Africans were smarter and didn't take many shots and much smaller numbers of Africans died.

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But all the African leaders got offed.

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My heart bleeds.

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My haemorrhoids bleed.

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Africa needs to come to understand there have been no mistakes. Everything is intentional.

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To me it was a flu that was grabbed hold off and used for an evil agenda!? MURDER of the ELDERLY WITH DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM created a SCAMpandemic for the introduction of POISON JABS!? How many people died of covid!? Did doctors falsify health reports and death certificates!? How many were given DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM and what countries did this!? Who ever suggests a UK style inquiry must be working for the WEF/UK politicians for any inquiry like the UK one shall be a cover up!? How many have been MAIMED/MURDERED by the POISON JAB!?

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The harms done in the poorer countries ,and in the poorer areas of wealthier ones , should have been so obvious to everyone. Tanzania did better as they didn't do the lockdowns, but they suffered from the drop in tourism. And then, naturally, their President, who opposed the lockdowns and the vaccines, disappears and dies 3 weeks later. Coinkydink? nah.

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Feb 2Edited

Mathew Crawford pointed out the dark skinned leaders who wound up like Kary Mullis after vigorously questioning the Covid/PCR narratives. Also, it appears that statistically brown people that took the shots seemed to faire worse per capita than other demographic groups.

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Africa has a history being the convenient lab rats for the world’s Big Pharma and world level criminals like Bill Gates. It’s the go to place for experimental everything. But the African people are rapidly waking up and wildly rejected the 💉💉💉poison Convid injections. In many cities there are very inexpensive clinics

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