
we need the highest level of security placed on Trump to protect his life always but today the SS took good action, success

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This Ryan Routh guy is a radical leftist, if not a Fed operative. He was actively involved in recruiting "soldiers" to fight in Ukraine. He also had a felony on his record. His son says he "didn't own a gun, and hates Trump, like all reasonable people". Yikes

Here is a post from Jordan Sather:

Somehow Ryan Routh, a felon, was able to get his hands on an AK-47

Somehow Routh had the money to fly all around the world, Hawaii, D.C., Ukraine, etc., to try and recruit soldiers and do whatever else

And somehow he knew Trump was golfing today

Bro has fed flags all over him

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kaboom, agreed, wonderful sharing Dave, we learnt more here

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we need SS security proper protection not only for 45 but for all e.g. Harris, Walz, Vance etc.

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Don't worry they have the best protection possible. Don't you remember when Trump was in Butler, PA? Trump had the F Troop while Dr. Jill needed all the

SS that she could get. That Sons of Italy dinner in Pittsburgh was more important.

Don't forget Comrade K was in Philly that day, too. Trump had some fledgling

SS that were trained by watching videos. No actual hands on.

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They're not being too obvious with these guys. /sarc

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Stay tuned Elusive 😉

The party hasn't started yet

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I knowww, Darkstar. This is the pre-pre- to the party. :/

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YOU said it. Then they expect us to believe it, too!

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Notice how leftists want to take all our legal guns, but it is OK for them to get guns ILLEGALLY! People like this guy and Hunter.

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I THINK the FBI are responding better this time...

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and Secret Service....but we are still trying to ascertain if the gunman got off a shot or the shots were SS at him...or he shot after SS...but I think SS responded better than Butler

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but how come these morons like Mayorkas can't provide Trump the right a proper SS protection? after Butler?

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Why was it said in the beginning that the shots were fired between two people? Then we hear it was for Trump.

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I immediately wonder if the SS was involved because of the botched first attempt. Just a thought. ???

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You speak for 80% of the Americans. In Muslim countries to steal an apple, death. What’s the commensurate punishment for trying to steal everything from anyone including people, animals and all of nature by slight of tongue. Call me if you guys on the front lines need help. It’s time for all Americans to join forces to capture and punish the pathetically under accomplished rat/cockroaches.

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I love this post...stand by

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The effort should be made to advise everyone that we are all in this nightmare together. Force against humanity will be perfected with “government issued digital ID, CBDC (means you will never own and control your money) and finally gov’t issued digital surveillance/spy card making judgements about every aspect of your life with approvals, disapprovals and forced behaviours and fears.. They are literally trying to self appoint themselves to a gid-like status and render us farm animals, branded, categorized and disposed of as whims may turn. Causes rage. Folks if you stay divided you will lose. If you form a union, you are impossible to beat. 2400 super rich, or 5000 (according to Harvard study were) were conscripted to o

Promote the injectables, “genetically modified organism” with SV-40 and DNA contamination containing biochemistry of “self assembling chemicals in in vivid-like conditions.

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we have them, their names, we know them, we need 45 on tap and then we go at them in courts, we will not stop until these bitches are examined legally and those found guilty, by proper judges, hung!

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It’s not worth fighting for BlackRock investors interests in Ukraine to destroy, build, control and invest, but to fight for and die for all humanity is a rare opportunity for martyrdom.

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Tra, it may come down to us the people saving our nation...remember

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"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

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Eventually it will comedown to individual groups trying to take back their land and rights.

Remember we have no one to come to our aid.

We will stand together in tightly organized groups,or die allone

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Prediction that I wrote to Trump - twice! - in 2016:

"If you don't take THEM out, they will take YOU out!"

Trump failed to take them out -- not a single one.

Well, they took Trump out of the White House. Next time, maybe to the next level (?).

Still collecting data ... ... hard to tell.

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huge love and respect Jorge, we live in dark times...you are right...but stay with us, we need you in the breach

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It wasn't that easy for Trump to take on all the Leftists and even Rhinos when he was in office. The Witch Pelosi and her gang did 2 hoax trials on him. Just a waste of time.

That's why we need to win the House and Senate or forget it.

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Amen! The penalty for treason is death! Swinging from a rope or firing squad?

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hang them all high

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even if you my friend but you are treasonous.

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They won't stop. President Trump needs to put on the whole armor of God, and never take it off for an instant. The enemies of God clothe themselves in evil and evil is relentless. They won't stop unless God Himself stops them. Keep praying! I've memorized Psalm 91 and recite it often... a powerful prayer of protection. God bless all of you here.

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we matter to each other even if we disagree....we got to care about each other...we have to take a step together towards a batter place...Trump is no Hitler, no despot, no evil man...same way I will say it here in truth, Kamala is not a communist...I cannot say this, I think we need to dial it back and strip down and focus on the core issues and not on trying to destroy each other based on I dont agree with you or like you...no, the real issue is what is your vision for America...what is mine etc.? and we have thoughtful even contentious debate but we do not walk away wanting to harm each other...no....

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Proper justice won't be from "justices". WeThePeople of the republic want justice as the Constitution spells out... start with CITIZEN GRAND JURIES. You can't use a broken, captured, corrupt system to fix a broken, captured, corrupt system. It's time the people understood what their duties and obligations to God and country are, and stop sitting back in the shadows while their DS oppressors continue using the system and branches of g0vt that they captured to use against WeThePeople and real justice. The first CITIZEN GRAND JURIES must be assembled to clean up the judiciary, the black-robed demonic entities who think they're above the law of the REPUBLIC with their corrupt, "corporation" law that serves the DS globalist oligarchs.

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Amen! 🙏✝️☀️🙌🇺🇸🇮🇱🫡

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Question about the Rules of Golf:

When somebody shoots at you while you are golfing, do you get to call a Mulligan?

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