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Shhhhhhhh! Gotta keep this on the downlow, this is how we are getting all of our ivermectin into the country!!!!

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Drug smuggling may be a temptation for a small minority of flight attendants. For pilots divide that number by many thousands (I am speaking of major airline pilots here). The training time is a long personal investment and the eventual benefits too worthwhile to risk losing. Not an easy group to penetrate. Unfortunately many complied with medical mandates in order to keep their careers. Love your work and information Paul. Keep up the good work 👍🏼🌈🛫

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Recall the film ‘Enemy Of The State’ , “Who’s going to monitor the monitor monitor’s?”

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I was a flight attendant in Canada from 1988 to 2007...after ‘911’ there were way more checks...we went through a designated crew line for inspection. Before that it was more relaxed, depending on what airport you were flying out of...

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

We've known this for a very long time, though it is far deeper that flight attendants!

What better way to smuggle drugs, than to own an Airline??? Think about it, every Air Canada ticket we buy is supporting this industry...

People think: “oh, drugs. It’s just a natural plague of our society. Terrorism. It’s just a natural thing just that happens.” And it’s like, no, this is very artificial. This is not the way human society just comes up with these plagues of sociology. These were created diseases that are geopolitical in nature, not even religious in nature, that are cultivated from the top.

This is a 2012 Senate report conducted over a long period by, the recently deceased, Senator Carl Levin on US vulnerabilities to money laundering, drugs and terrorist financing the HSBC case, whereby in the course of this, it was discovered that HSBC was the primary number one offshore account money laundering bank in the world.

HSBC was set up in 1865 in order to enforce or manage the opium trade, to destroy China – that never stopped. They were found guilty. They were slapped on the wrist with a certain fine of $1.9 billion

HSBC = City of London, NOT China

Testimony from day 2 of the February Model Grand Jury of Public Opinion


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Sniffer dogs

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I worked for the marvelous Pan AM for 19 years. This was NEVER common practice with us. But it was 30 years ago.

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This is completely not true. I was a flight attendant for over 20 years. We ALWAYS go through security.

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Wrong film, mate. You’re thinking of Blow.

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A friend I hadn't seen in years showed up, messed up & rattled. He'd done business with Air Canada alphabet people Stewards & wanted out but was being threatened, harassed, & was in fear of his life. Tried my best to help but he was convinced he was f👀ked & left. A week later he hung himself. There's more than one way to take people out apparently. This is/was the 🌈community's prime mode of transport in Kanada & all connecting routes...

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We have thousands of laws crippling us.

Before we "tighten" the leashes around our necks, let's think if we really need new laws and restrictions.

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