Beautifully stated, my feelings exactly but God Wins

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Thank you Michele, I appreciate your kind words. I agree wholeheartedly with your reply. Without a second thought, “God Wins” most certainly, each and every time!

Thank you again Michele.


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Thank you for articulating how many of us feel at time point in time and history. I look forward to the law and order folks getting into positions of power. And you are welcome.

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Democrats are NAZIS, same as the liberals in Canada.

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Canada is circling the drain

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The world is circling the drain.

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I absolutely agree with you Attila. There’s an incredible amount of varied ethnic groups of illegals, crossing our borders, predominantly our southern border. There’s Nazis / Jihadist / Communist / Socialist, etc.,

you name them, they’re entering illegally and with stolen taxpayers monies, compliments of this corrupt government!

They’re being directed, housed, armed and monetarily compensated by this illegitimate administration / President. This is unlike anything America has ever witnessed. Also, they’re being deployed all over America! Unabated, unvetted as well! Nothing to see here right?

All good and decent people need to ban together and help others understand what’s really happening. The MSM is, IMO, the most dangerous part of this entire operation.

Thank you Attila, we may be from different countries but we all have similar problems.


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RemovedJun 3
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So, conservative America signed Canada up for Paris accord? I am failing to make the connections here. Please explain or give a logical link

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Good and well thought out, AJR. The pendulum has swung too far for us to have just a change.

We let it get too far when Clinton signed the assault gun bill into law and all five president's including Ronald Reagan held hands on the White House Lawn and agreed to it.

Letting Epstine's client list remain hidden is also against us as a free people.

But now the ball is in our hands and we must decide what to do.

Do we keep playing with people that are openly trying to eliminate us?

Or do we start playing like our lives depend on it?

For once the choice is ours.

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Thank You Darkstar. Yes the ball is in our hands. But “our hands” means, IMO, you and me and the rest of Americans willing to take back, what’s been stolen from us!

I am not suggesting violence whatsoever! I empathize this. Violent people are the enemy. They’ll destroy themselves in time. The question is how much time will it take? My biggest concern is, this has been building and growing, with a military type coordination.

While conservatives were busy focusing on the next election win, the “evildoers”, Nazis / communists type, power and control hungry destroyer’s, were executing their own planning for takeover!

I honestly believe we’re at least 5 years behind the lead car, sort of speak. Think about how many agencies, local and federal and state departments have been infiltrated?

I’m not optimistic about what’s to come, I’m optimistic about what we need to do in defending ourselves! Thanks to one of your posts Darkstar.

I appreciate you thinking and your thoughts, as they point directly to, without sugarcoating, what all Americans must be thinking about.

Behind the eight ball is an understatement! Even a day late and a dollar short doesn’t equal how far behind, good and decent, hard working Americans are!

Thanks again Darkstar.


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Thanks for that,AJR. The plot thickens even darker. 46 opened the day by saying, "that anyone who claims that Trump was framed,or that the court was rigged, is trying to start trouble

and could be trying to start another J6 insurrection. "

Further more, he said "that continuing to do so,could be considered trying to rig the election for Trump, and would be swiftly delt with"

It was on Fox news this morning.

Whilst we must not even hint to encourage violence, we also must encourage our fellows to prepare for it.

Not some nebulous warning,

But consise ideas.

We should have supplies ready at home. So we can wait out the first days of power outage.

And a pre stocked squirrel hole

Where we could meet with others for mutual protection from the storm. Avoid confronting hostile forces at all costs.

That is nothing a civilian is trained to do.

Plan on relocating frequently.

I know folks that are stockpiling Whiskey, tobacco, and cigarette lighters for trading purposes.

This sounds like a good idea to me.

So basically the Sam's plans you would make for a decades long power outage aplies to our problems that are coming.

Think of a USA with all the light out. .

Or even better watch

"Resident Evil" that will take your thought pattern where it may need to go.

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I’ve been sensing what you’re saying and is why, Darstar, I’ve been envisioning this exact scenario you’ve described.

Good God nearly to the TEE! Yes I agree and I think there’s an interesting point here to make, “Not to wait for, but to be ready for ”! Yes, in all my travels I’m hearing the same story.

I appreciate your perspective and your precise reasoning. What you’ve said has nothing to do with “Inciting Violence” but to be more specific, we must be prepared for what’s inevitable! Certainly the deranged happenings haven’t been for fun, but what’s to come. I do believe there will be violence against anyone and everyone, as in “We The People” who disagrees with the forces to “Divide and Conquer”!

Thank you Darkstar.

May God keep you and your family and friends safe from this evil disease spreading around us!


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Brilliantly written….from start to finish you hit the nail on the head…Thank you so much for posting!

My one wish for the Congressional hearing tomorrow for “Tiny Tony”is that the Good Drs… such as Dr.Alexander, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Harvey R who was up here @ Yale for yrs, plus all of the drs that were threatened by Faux Fauci would have to sit across from the Liar and face him with all of the facts we knew them & now…I want to see him squirm.. same for Ralph Baric, Peter Dazack & Collins. All of his I don’t remember bs is exactly that bs. I am sure everybody red is closed or testimony that they dropped lastFriday evening 5/31… a bag of bs.

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Fuc-sey was at it from day one in 1984, if I remember correctly, the AIDS epidemic. He and Robert Gallo were 'researching'. Judy Mikovits was further ahead in her research and sent fuc-sey her report for approval as department head. She got discredited and fired. Gallo waited for some months then he apparently used parts of her research, under his name. Anthrax - the two top scientists were hounded, one to death by suicide and the other won $6 mil. Next - covid, nice track record. He is one of hitlery's boys.

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RemovedJun 3
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Thanks again, Jim. Do I laugh or cry or just hang it up. I'm exhausted by the whole mess. I tried to explain to a lot of people and it was like talking to the hand. I'd thought she was one of the 'good guys'. Are there any???

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That is the mindset of socialist, fascist , communist, want unlimited power, no opposition , no free speech, censorship.

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My heart aches.

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Power retention. By any means necessary. Thank you for your work.

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Your words are marked and right on target 🎯

Thank you for sharing!!!

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I understand the dilemma of America, but you have dragged us other Countries outside America's scope into your politics and the vaccines run out and we don't have any say in that outcome either.

What about us?

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Hopefully that trend will change. However not anytime soon. In the USA folks are fighting for a free election. That's as bad as it can get.

I realize that Big countries mess with small countries a long time ago,and they still do today.

Death Squads and Coups are the new norm.

In this country, until we get our elections repaired, we can't focus on anything else.

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Better hurry up then: xxxNatural mRNA DNA is the key to Heaven and all life forms on this planet were born with that key. ModRNA DNA is synthetic patented and created in a laboratory and once injected with it, as a vaccine, according to The US Supreme Court Law with World Wide Applications 2013, the Human body is changed to Trans Human after 6 hours from injection according to a Swedish Study and according to that Law, Trans Humans are a new species from 2020 and zero Rights have been written into Law for them, so they have the same Rights as black slaves, prior to the end of your US Civil War 1864, now.

The problem I see is that ModRNA DNA is not natural to nature and does not provide the key to Heaven when the vaccinated die - how can it - so their Souls don't return to Heaven and Heaven is emptying of Souls to be born in kids, who are dying in the womb or soon after birth, because they no longer have a Spirit or Soul to make them work after being born - it is how it is.

If interested, read the story on my substack about the boy who could remember his last life as a snake.

Not only are these vaccines deliberately exterminating our species, but also wherever our Spirit or Soul goes to, after we die and since that is not "our" Heaven, but somewhere else, there is no "coming back" ever again - and - there is no escape, once vaccinated from your eventual death, then you will find out wherever your Spirit goes and from a few who have foreseen where that is, they appear to have been terrified - thank your politicians, the people you put into politics for that, starting with Trump, the "Father Of Vaccines" as he proudly calls himself, although he has never been seen to have one, he who signed the supply contracts to last to 2027, Biden who picked up with them after Trump and the Banks and the Elite behind this extermination of us "Human Garbage", deliberately and for a reason. Best thing you can do is inject them with their vaccines and hang onto them for 6 hours afterwards, to give their vaccines time to go past their Blood Brain Barrier into the inner workings of their bodies, where it can't be removed and they get the same fate as you, rather than deriding you as they exterminate you, without any come back on therm at all. Better a new species inhabits our world after our species is extinguished, than these evil bastards.

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This is far bigger than Trump, Obama and the USA. All world governments are infiltrated and controlled by the Rothschild Zionists aka UN/WEF globalists, Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, etc. (many names to create confusion).

Zionists control everything in this world; politics, government, judiciary, commerce, finance, science, technology, medicine, agriculture, education, and media (news and entertainment). The Zionists want their NWO, one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation (GMOs/famine, 5G, HAARP/geoengineering, pharma/vaxx, biowarfare/pandemics, war, etc.); and absolute control over humanity (ID2020/nanotech/graphene oxide/5G).

The UN is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The UN’s library/publishing house is Lucis Trust (originally Lucifer). The UN is the nascent one world government of the NWO beast system. The Zionists are the Luciferian cabal that rules this temporal world.

We’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. Watch the site of the Dome of the Rock, the Temple Mount, which was the location of the first two Temples of Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock, at the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on the Temple Mount, is the Islamic shrine which was built in the 7th century. The Zionists want this site on the Temple Mount for the building of the third temple where their messiah, the man of perdition aka as Antichrist, will declare himself God.

The Zionist UN/WEF globalist agenda is one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation, and absolute control over humanity. The Zionists want a NWO. The Zionists will build the third temple in Jerusalem and their deity/messiah, the man of perdition aka the Antichrist, will sit upon the throne and declare himself God. He will be charismatic and powerful. Many will be deceived. All people, great and small, will be forced to worship the beast and accept the mark of the beast (right hand or forehead; the technology is ready) to buy or sell. Those of us that refuse will face death. The fate of those that accept the mark of the beast is sealed.

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AJR has consistently hit it out of the park with his posts. Thanks for highlighting!

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I agree with all you wrote. In one generation they destroyed our country. Subversion worked because they did it by stealth. They never acknowledged their Communist sympathies and their goal to destroy America. They claimed to be 'for democracy!" And that anyone who disagreed was a "threat to democracy." And to "save democracy," they have to destroy an opposing candidate whose policies they don't like. More and more Americans are waking up. Every time they try to destroy Trump, Trump and our movement gets stronger. There is now nothing they can do short of assassinating him to stop him. And if they do that, they are finished. America will rise up like it's never risen up before and will bring down this government full of psychopaths and liars, and put them all on trial for treason.

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And what are we going to do about it?

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"He’s has planned this before he became senator,"

Yes it was planned quite some time ago but not by Barry Soetoro

If you listen to him when he was a senator he was a "normal" "reasonable" Democ-rat. No my friend's He was groomed from an earlier age to be "a" front man for the owners of the world. There's a point where his behavior changes and that's the point he was turned by the owners but he's still a front man.

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God will allow DJT to become POTUS this year but He is going to give US time to repent of its many sins or HIS retribution will be something we have never witnessed

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